Dedicated Curriculum, Space and Faculty: M.Eng. in Technical Entrepreneurship Michael S. Lehman, Lehigh UniversityThe Master's of Engineering in Technical Entrepreneurship (TE), offered through theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics in the P.C. Rossin College ofEngineering and Applied Science at Lehigh University, offers a “dedicated approach” toentrepreneurial engineering education. The residential, full-time, twelve-month program offers adedicated curriculum, a dedicated space and a dedicated faculty. The dedicated curriculum isdelivered through 12 courses in which only TE graduate students are able to enroll; 11 of the 12courses were designed
! ! ! a uf! c t! re U! ! !! ! se & R! !t!! ! ! !e! !! e ir em n t T!r! ! !! e! !! eat m! nt A! ! ! !! i!!!! ! ! c q u is t ion P! ! ! ! ! s!! ! ! roc es! ing &!A! ! e! !b
and relative path length distances of 0, cos , 2cos ... Note that the speakers are fed inparallel from the same electrical source. Because the speed of sound is significantly slower than theelectrical signals, the electrical separation is insignificant. Figure 1. Speaker array that shows relative path length differences to the user of 0, 0, cos , 2cos ... for speaker #s 0, 1, 2… Let’s first consider the case where an individual is standing directly in front of the array (i.e. the angleof arrival of 900 , and the radiated signal is a single tone. Each speaker component would arrive to theindividual at the same time because the propagation paths are nearly all of equal distance and the sum ofthe speaker outputs is an
, findings, conclusions, and/or recommendationsexpressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the NSF’s views.Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova UniversityVI. References1. Driskell, J. E. & Salas, E. (1992) Collective behavior and team performance. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 34(3), 277-288.2. Alexander, P. A., Murphy, K. P., Woods, B. S., et al. (1997) College instruction and concomitant change in students’ knowledge, interest, and strategy use: A study of domain learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology 22, 125-146.3. Kulturel-Konak, S., Konak, A., Okudan Kremer, G., & Esparragoza, I. (2014
week for grading it). Thus, the students may strugglewith their misconceptions for a long time, largely hindering the study of further knowledge basedon prior materials, which is especially the case for Statics.4-6 Although the in-person help forhomework assignments can be achieved by required or optional problem sessions, these sessionswould consume extra time of the instructor(s). Many schools start to offer statics as an onlineclass, but it is still delivery as video lecture format,7 and the students still normally work onhomework assignments outside the assigned online lecture period without the instantaneoushelps from the instructor(s).In recent years, flipped classroom (or inverted classroom) approach has been introduced as analternative
Exercise: An evaluation of the effectiveness of information assurance education. The Journal of Information Security 1(2).6. Anisetti, M., Bellandi, V., Colombo, A., Cremonini, M., Damiani, E., Frati, F., Hounsou, J. T. and Rebeccani, D. (2007). Learning Computer Networking on Open Paravirtual Laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Education 50(4), 302-311.7. Bhosale, Y. S. and Livingston L M, J. (2014). V-Lab: A Mobile Virtual Lab for Network Security Studies. International Journal of Computer Applications 93(20), 35-38.8. Briner Jr, J. V., Roberts, J. E. and Worthy, F. (2005). Teaching Computer Science at a Small University. Association of Small Computer Users in Education (ASCUE).9. Bullers, W. I., Burd, S. and
/25519467.2. DeCoteau WE, Thorn C, Gibson DJ, Courtemanche R, Mitra P, Kubota Y, Graybiel AM (2007).Learning-related coordination of striatal and hippocampal theta rhythms during acquisition of a procedural mazetask.Proc Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Mar 27;104(13):5644-9. Epub 2007 Mar 19. Squire, L. R. (1992)Memory and the hippocampus: a synthesis from findings with rats, monkeys, and humans. Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova UniversityPsychol. Rev. 99, 195-231, 1992 Foerde K, Knowlton BJ, Poldrack RA.Modulation of competing memory systems by distraction.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Aug 1;103(31):11778-83. Epub 2006 Jul
. Depending on the activity, students may work individually or morefrequently, in groups of varying sizes.Table 3 – Flex Period Schedule for Semester Flex Meeting Exercise/Activity Topic(s) Period #a # 1 3 Small group work including simple Engineering Measurements and measurements and calculations Calculations 2 7 Problem solving including small group Particle Equilibrium / design problem and small-scale Introduction to Design “prototype” testing 3 10 Problem solving (several small Rigid Body Equilibrium / problems
theprograms. Some online programming classes can typically have hundreds ofstudents; if 30 assignments are given throughout the semester, this amounts to3000, 6000 or more programs to grade. That’s a lot of programs to grade, nomatter how many TAs there are. Thus, for students of large online courses to getthe practice that they need, some sort of grading automation is necessary.A common problem in computer science courses is the “cascadingmisunderstanding” phenomenon. If a student misunderstands a concept in an earlycourse, s/he may still pass and continue into later courses, compounding themisunderstanding semester after semester. A solution to this problem is a switchto a mastery learning model. With mastery learning, a student cannot move
departments, or sometimesbusiness programs. The tendency toward an “interdisciplinarity triad” in engineering projects isobserved over at least a 20-year time scale (1990’s, 9 2000’s,10 2010’s11). A current ASEE Prismarticle highlights some science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM)collaboration examples, but it laments that the art community is driving collaborations andengineers should be doing more.12In the research context, an accepted technical definition of ‘interdisciplinary’ activity is given ina National Academies’ report and emphasized by the National Science Foundation13: Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova University“Interdisciplinary research is a mode of research by teams
Building and Motivating [B-TB] 3. Project Leadership [B-PL] 4. Identifying and Engaging Stakeholders [B-SE] 5. Project Organization and Context [B-OC] 6. Managing Global Projects [B-GP] 7. Virtual Project Management [B-VP] 8. Ethics and Professionalism [B-EP]Strategic KMs can be leveraged in advanced PM elective courses. The curriculum guidelineslists the following KMs for consideration: Strategic Project Management [S-SM], Supply Chainin Projects [S-SC], Legal Aspects in Project Management [S-LA], Business and CommercialAspects of Projects [S-BC] ,Governance in Projects [S-GV], Agile Project Management [S-AM]and Portfolio and Program Management Principles [S-PP]Mapping Knowledge Modules to CoursesIt is
seeking Electromechanical Engineering candidates from PSY. Student(s) from JHUwork as credit seeking or non-credit seeking research assistants (RAs); RAs provide participatorysupport throughout the semester on an as needed basis to address technical or procedural issues.The collaborative teaching method employed between the two universities was a one-hour, two-way (w/feedback) weekly phone conference call which was set aside for each Monday between 5and 6 pm. PSY students continued to meet as a team following the conference call, with theirprofessors, conducted and recorded the results of lab experiments. The outcomes of which, wereshared with all three instructors.A small grant was obtained from Penn State York’s Advisory Board Committee to
) Education. 5-Year Strategic Plan," 2013.[6] K. J. B. Anderson, . S. . S. Courter, T. McGlamery, T. M. Nathans-Kelly and C. G. Nicometo, "Understanding engineering work and identity: a cross-case analysis of engineers within six firms," Engineering Studies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 153-174, 2010.[7] Great schools parternship, "The glossary of education reform - 21st century skills," 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 10 01 2015].[8] P21, "Framework for 21st Century Learning," [Online]. Available: framework. [Accessed 20 January 2014].[9] P. Nilsson, "Taxonomy of creative design," 24 March 2012. [Online]. Available: http
score out of 80 pointswas determined for each team. 5: Excellent, 4: Above average, 3: Average, 2: Below average, 1: Poor Pitch Video/Q&A Content1. Product/concept was clearly conveyed2. Idea(s) were realistic/feasible3. Motivation/need for product was clearly addressed4. Market clearly identified5. Addressed all necessary components in detail6. Well organized with clear introduction of topic/idea, leading up to conflict and resolution with summary of key points/highlights7. Explains what their product/idea does and how it adds value8. Described why their product/idea is unique and different (and/or better)1. Knew material/answers to questions2. Spoke at
compounds from wastewater and use theacetate found in sludge as the substrate in the reaction. MFCs thus benefit the wastewatertreatment by eliminating the energy costs of aeration entirely and with some electricity left over,and at the same time cutting sludge treatment costs significantly.The ODE MFC modelThe ODE MFC model presented by Pinto et al., 20103 was used in this work to quantify thetime profiles of substrate concentration (i.e., S given by Equation (1)), microbial populations(i.e., xa for the anodophilic bacteria given by Equation (2) and xm for the methanogenic bacteriagiven by Equation (3)), the oxidized mediator fraction per anodophilic bacteria (i.e., Mox givenby Equation (4)), and the current (i.e., IMFC given by Equation (5
questions such as:How the students’ views of summaries were rooted in their own rhetorical traditions? How doesdirect instruction in summary affect both ESL and NES students’ summarizing development? Inwhat important ways are the discrepancies manifested between ESL and NES summary writingand how they are related to their learning of physics? will also be answered in the futurepublications. The broader collaborative interdisciplinary research project could be conducted tofurther investigate in a larger scale how effectively summary writing can enhance students’learning experience.References 1. Demaree, D., Allie, S., Low, M., & Taylor, J. (2008). Quantitative and qualitative analysis of student textbook summary writing. Physics Education
series, financial support, and the on-going programassessment. Table 5: Support of S-‐STEM Program Goals S-STEM Goal SwE-LA ProgramImproved Educational Opportunities for Program recruits 15 to 20 liberal arts undergradsStudents per year into Software EngineeringIncreased Retention of Students through Internships, Mentors, Seminars, CohortDegree Achievement Education, 2nd Year Option of Work and Part timeImproved Student Support Programs Mini-Course, Seminars, Cohort EducationIncreased Number of Well-Educated And 15 to 20 additional MS in SwE
transcranial direct current stimulation platform and the EEGplatform on smartphones in the client-professor and company-student simulation.VI. AcknowledgementsPartial supports from several CUNY grants are gratefully acknowledged. We thank theanonymous reviewers for their suggestions.VII. Bibliography1. KEEN Video Entrepreneurial vs. Traditional Engineering (2013) D. Kokkinos; S. Dehipawala; T. Holden; E. Cheung; M. Musa; G. Tremberger, Jr.; P. Schneider; D. Lieberman;T. Cheung (2012)Fiber optic based heart-rate and pulse pressure shape monitorSPIE Proceedings Vol. 8218 Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XII,Israel Gannot, Editors
awareness for their career. We also observed, thatstudents’ interest in global awareness increased with class standing as the MDL predicts.VI. AcknowledgmentThis work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Award NumbersDUE-1141001 and DUE-1044800. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and/or recommendationsexpressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.VII. References1. National Science Foundation (2006). Investing in America’s Future: Strategic Plan, FY 2006-2011. Arlington, VA.2. Reimers, F. (2009). Leading for Global Competency, ASCD 67(1). .3. Doscher, S., (2012) “The Development of Rubrics to Measure Undergraduate Students' Global Awareness and Global
columns in the table illustrate theparallel activities taking place in the course. The renewable energy topical material (Readings/Multimedia) moves at a pace of about one energy technology per week. Readings and onlinelectures are based on the textbook, with additional, more recent material from sources such as theU. S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and others as appropriate. Another track(Activities) gives weekly assignments to learn and exercise critical features of the HOMERenergy system modeling software4, and make connections between lecture topics and actualsystem hardware (wind turbines, solar modules, batteries, etc.). The final track is the groupproject itself.II. Learning goalsThe learning goals for the course are listed in
optimization, student motivation,market acceptance and target population. From these, this paper will focus on three keydifferences the authors feel have a significant impact on whether MOOCs will emerge as adisruptive technology: - Mass Population - Cognitive Optimization - Market Acceptance i. Mass PopulationAs indicated by MOOC’s name, Massive, represents the volume of materials available and themassive number of people the educational materials can reach. For example a course on artificialintelligence was held in 2011 by Stanford professor S. Thrun that started with approximately160,000 students.10 This ability for potentially unlimited enrollment allows the knowledge tospread similar to the way that
in Engineering, 12, pp. 041003–041003.15 Ge,Q. J., Zhao, P., and A., P., 2013, Decomposition of Planar Burmester Problems Using Kine- matic Mapping, volume 14 of Advances in Mechanisms, Robotics, and Design Education and Research, Mechanisms and Machine Science, Springer.16 Sandor, G. N. and Erdman, A. G., 1997, Advanced Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis Vol. 2, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.17 Hunt, K., 1978, Kinematic Geometry of Mechanisms, Oxford University Press, New York.18 Hartenberg, R. S. and Denavit, J., 1964, Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages, McGraw-Hill, New York.19 Suh, C. H. and Radcliffe, C. W., 1978, Kinematics and Mechanism Design, Wiley, New York.20 Autodesk, “123D Design,
Hartley, J., Note taking in non-academic settings: a review. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 16, 559-574, 200217 DeZure, D., Kaplan, M., Deerman, M.A., Research of Students Note-taking Implications for Faculty and GraduateStudent Instructors, University of Michigan, No. 16 2001 Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova University18 Hanford, E., Rethinking the Way College Students are Taught, American RadioWorks, retrievedMarch, 1, 201519 Cohn, E., Cohn, S., & Bradely, J.J. Notetakeing, working memory, and learning in principles of economics.Research in Economic Education, 26 (4), 291-397, 199520 Kiewra
Internet ire rt qu o d? re upp VOLTA Host S Server ta t sis ar e nc as Sm Client/Student Hardware for circuit
. We are currently further testing ourhypothesis that gamification and two-way teaching should not simply be the addition of gamerules to course content but to replicate the intrinsic motivation that comes from playing a game.In the near future we plan to further improve our lesson plans to better fit the student’s interestsand background. We also recognize that the scenarios should reflect the current culture and beupdated continually.7. Bibliography1. Temple University General Education Program (2015), http://Gen-Ed.temple.edu2. Wieman C. E. (2014) Large-scale comparison of science teaching methods sends clear message. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (111), 8319-8320.3. Freeman S, et al. (2014) Active learning increases
engineering science courses. Our futurestudies will aim to investigate if this approach also enhances student retention in engineeringprograms, and enhance performance in capstone design courses and experiences. Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova UniversityVII. Bibliography1. Howe, S. (2010) Where Are We Now? Statistics on Capstone Courses Nationwide. Advances in Engineering Education, Vol. 2, No. 1.2. Evans, D.L., McNeill, B.W., and Beakley, G.C. (1990) Design in Engineering Education: Past Views of Future Directions. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 517–522.3. Todd, R.H., and Magleby, S.P. (2004) Evaluation and Rewards for Faculty Involved in Engineering Design Education
. S. (2013), "Making the Transition from Traditional Classroom Instruction toDistributed Hybrid Instruction Utilizing Video Lecture Capture." Just Flip It: From the FrontLines of the Flipped Classroom, Clemson Public Health Sciences. Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova University
Enhances Professional Skills, International Journal.of Engineering Education, 29(1), 2013, pp. 85-98.3. S. Thompson and J. Lyons, Engineering Outreach in Middle School: The Influence of a Long-TermSchool-Based Collaboration, International Journal of Engineering Education, 25(3), 2009, pp. 452-460.Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova University
summarizedin Table 1. Specific details regarding course structure such as enrollment, number of sections,and class meeting times are given to provide context for the discussions on specific componentsof the inverted classroom format that follow.Table 1 – Evolution of Structural Design Course Format(s) at Villanova University Semester < Spr. 2011 Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Course Number CEE 3412 CEE 3412 CEE 3412 CEE 3402 CEE 4404 Course Title Structural Structural Structural Structural Reinforced Design Design Design Steel Design Concrete
. Whyte S, Walsh C, Chilcott J.(2011)Bayesian calibration of a natural history model with application to a population model for colorectal cancerMed Decis Making. 2011 Jul-Aug;31(4):625-41 Sophie Whyte (2014)Metropolis-Hastings Method Excel Spreadsheet Changwei Xiong 2011Metropolis-Hastings method is used to generate the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sample sequences(Matlab codes given) Juan Fernández-Gracia, Krzysztof Suchecki, José J. Ramasco, Maxi San Miguel, and Víctor M. Eguíluz (2014)Is the Voter Model a Model for Voters?Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 158701 – Published 18 April 2014 Spring 2015