. Integrated class experience refers to an at-home effort that includes activities that range from education in the language, customs, history, and government of the country in question. (Downey et al.2)This paper describes the evolution of an international collaboration between the University ofCalgary (UCalgary) in Alberta, Canada and Shantou University (STU) in Guangdong Province,China. The collaboration is best described as a hybrid between International enrolment,International project, and International field trip. The paper begins with a history of theprogram. Next is a description of how Transformative Reflection was used to help the programevolve. This section is followed by how the program and workspaces have evolved from year
. Page 19.37.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 The Attributes of a Global Engineer: Results and Recommendations from a Multi-Year ProjectAbstractFor the past several years, the American Society for Engineering Education’s Corporate MemberCouncil, reflecting the voice of industry, developed a series of attributes representing the desiredcompetencies needed by engineers in order to effectively live and work in a global context. Aglobal online survey was launched to validate the performance and proficiency levels of eachattribute, and a series of global focus groups in every major region of the world have been heldfor the purpose of clarifying and refining the
tandem to promote learning. For example, a new ill-definedsituation or problem requires analysis wherein prior knowledge and/or skills are used todeconstruct concepts, to examine the interrelationships of the parts and determine theircontribution to the whole. While organization employs compare and contrast strategies to resolveconflicts between prior knowledge and the new challenge in a systematic effort to create aconsistent value system. Both skills are thus used iteratively to formulate new mental models thatwill facilitate inquiry, reflection and application of the newly acquired knowledge to futureencounters. In their groundbreaking work, Felder and Silverman10 concurred, “most of what welearn on our own (as opposed to in class) originates
with do-it-yourself (DIY) kits they could use at home alongside a neuroscience MOOC.2. Research questionsIn order to better understand the experiences of students who were sent at-home laboratory kitsto use alongside this MOOC, we ask four primary research questions:1. How can we characterize the ways in which students around the world use onlineresources with the at-home lab kits? What online behaviors can we identify for the students inthe treatment group when they are likely to be using the kits at home? For example, how muchtime do they spend online watching lab videos that demonstrate kit experiments?2. How is their use of the kits reflected in their online individual and collaborativebehaviors? What patterns of behaviors (e.g
internationalmentoring project that pairs U.S. women of color in engineering with a prominent international Page 19.28.2engineer in their field and the participation of a delegation of GEESN participants at twointernational conferences 1) The Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of EngineeringInstitutions (LACCEI) and 2) the World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF). This paperprovides an overview of the literature and promising practices that inspired the formation of theGEESN initiative, as well as the development of both project components. To conclude, thepaper discusses the next steps for the GEESN and reflects on the potential for expanding andreplicating
-participation-in-stem-project/.The blog included several questions that were developed based on the events that wereoccurring during the conference, using a phenomenology methodology. The questions wereanswered “on-site” by all the participants answered the questions daily while they were inEcuador, and then had time to reflect upon additional questions once they returned to the U.S.Each day, we posted a new question and by the next morning, we would have group discussionsabout their previous responses, and perceptions about upcoming activities. The questions wereposted as follows:1. For those participants who are preparing for the LACCEI conference in Guayaquil, pleaseshare your general thoughts over the next few days regarding your experiences