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2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Orla Smyth LoPiccolo
were now 5 new groups that each contained 1 “expert” in each of the 5 learning segments. 8. Each group member taught their learned topic to the other group members and they are in turn taught by their peers. Therefore, each group member shared their course topic segment of the ‘jigsaw puzzle’ and learned from their peers. This completed a coherent group ‘jigsaw’ of the course topic. 9. Faculty visits each group and encouraged team members to ask questions, write notes, draw diagrams and interact. 10. After each student had completed their teaching assignment and there had been enough time for discussion within the groups, the students returned to their individual seats and the test was given on
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
reading of bothtext and peer-reviewed articles, research projects, and presentations. The classes addressmultiple general education requirements while offering enlightenment and understandingof engineering systems, engineering principles, and design.IntroductionEngineering curricula centers upon the training and development of engineers and followsa cloistered academic approach. Rarely can anyone outside the discipline take engineeringcourses. ABET further reinforces this approach in order to maintain rigor and consistencyin the delivery of course work. Coupled with traditional academic boundaries, a generallack of understanding exists by the general public about engineering systems, basicscientific/engineering principles, and engineering design
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Sheikh Ghafoor; Stephen Canfield; Michael Kelley; Tristan Hill
move to solving advanced models thatdescribe how the world works. A recent model has been implemented in the college ofengineering at Tennessee Tech (TTU) to base the initial programming experience onhardware in the loop approach where the programming target is a micro-controller. Thiscourse has been offered in both C/C++ and Matlab programming language. From multiple previous implementations, we see that the students that engaged in thehands-on, hardware-based programming activities reported a more positive earlyexperience with programming and its relation to the engineering curriculum relative totheir comparison-group peers. The students participating in the project also reportedimproved confidence in their ability to learn and use
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Cecelia Wright Brown; Kofi Nyarko; Kevin Peters
Instructional ActivitiesThe application of visual/spatial intelligence Language Arts - By reading (metaphors and analogies), writing, understanding charts and graphs, developing a good sense of direction, manipulating images, constructing models, designing practical objects and interpreting visual images.To increase the girls verbal/linguistic intelligence Speech - Cultivate public speaking skills (oral presentation of
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Edward M. Land; Michael Marcus; Aaron Abugaber; Rohit Dayal; Noah Greenbaum; Sally Hong; Jon Hunt; Joseph Saltzman
Edward Land)Traditionally, we look for students who enjoy working with others in synergistic relationships.Each semester (for the past 14 semesters) we (HOAD Research Group) have actively recruitedbiomedical engineering (BME) student research assistants under a joint venture agreement withthe Whiting School of Engineering (BME Dept) located at JHU’s Homewood Campus. Twosemesters after having established a successful BME track record, we began recruiting muchneeded mechanical engineering (MechE) RAs, and beginning summer semester 2011, electricalengineering (EE) candidates.All research assistants (RAs) learn to perform basic and applied research and the importance ofconducting peer reviews in order to benefit from lessons learned. HOAD Research
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Carol Siri Johnson
codified knowledge and complex technology grow and fade as two sides of one coin.Introduction The American Institute of Mining Engineers (AIME) was an integral part of thedevelopment of the American iron and steel industry. Their main raison d’être was thedevelopment of written knowledge. They peer reviewed and formally published thousandsof papers on multiple disciplines about the multiple industrial processes. In the 1971 AIMECentennial Volume’s historical summary describes the publication of papers and books as“the very reason for being” [1]. The body of work that AIME has left behind runs intothousands of volumes and provides a history of technological and scientific ideas on manyaspects of the evolution of industry
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
designed to help bridge the gap between students’ high schoolmath, science, and writing skills, and those needed to navigate the rigorous undergraduate STEMcurriculum at NYU-Poly. However, in past years some GS students continued to struggleacademically after participating in the summer program, and especially in math courses. Toaddress this, NYU-Poly developed a mandatory online summer math component in 2010 tointroduce GS students to math at the college-level. The e-Math Forum was designed to increasestudent mastery of mathematics by providing an opportunity to review and deepen themathematics they learned in high school. 467A secondary goal of the GS online summer program was to provide an
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Harvey Lyons
and introductory engineering technologycourses. The entering students were exposed to a multi-dimensional course whose basic purposewas to efficiently provide not only an understanding of what is involved in the ‘design process’performed in industry but also the opportunity to employ and develop those design functions andskills at the very outset of the students’ undergraduate experience. The several components ofthe course were integrated to include:  Use of technical resources  Technical report writing and oral delivery  Research into the functions of technical societies  Comprehensive discussions of fundamental manufacturing processes followed by design projects that would employ a given process towards the redesign
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Diana Schwerha; AARON JONES; SHIJING LIU; Sertac Ozercan; Jie Zhou
computer skills training classes for older adults inthe community. By conducting the class, students would benefit from learning how to design a trainingprogram for a user group different from their peers while also serving older individuals in thecommunity. Within the course of a quarter (10 weeks), students recruited participants, designed thetraining, and conducted the training. The five one-hour classes were: introduction to computers,introduction to the internet, introduction to Microsoft Word, images and videos and Facebook.Participants completed weekly evaluations which were then used to improve future sessions. Feedbackfrom the sessions indicated that teaching environment and pace of learning were among the most notedparticipant concerns
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Daniel Schmalzel
course to teach writing and a public speaking course to complement the secondclinic. All teams in a specific Clinic will be given the same well defined problem statement that isthe subject of the entire semester. The individual student’s grade will be based on theirperformance in both team and individual presentations or writings. At the end of this yearstudents should understand that an engineer maybe called to act as project interpreter andadvocate. So their ability to accurately convey knowledge with many different audiences may bedirectly correlated to their later career success. It is also at this stage that students work in theirfirst inter-disciplinary team, a hallmark of the Rowan Clinic Experience.Junior and Senior Engineering Clinics
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Radian Belu
course focuses on planning, development, andimplementation of an engineering design project, which includes formal report writing, projectdocumentation, group presentations, and project demonstrations. The goal of these courses is todemonstrate the ability to manage a major project involving the design and implementation ofproducts with a mixture of electrical and mechanical elements as a member of a productdevelopment team. In these project-based courses, the students are expected to effectivelymanage their time and team efforts to produce a finished product in three ten-week quarters. Notextbook is required. Progress and formal reports, and oral presentations constitute integralcomponents of this course sequence. Before beginning the projects
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Pawan Tyagi; Christine Newman
,generally a PhD in Engineering, and a teaching fellow, generally a high school science teacher, closelywork with students to pedagogically inculcate basics of core engineering disciplines such as civil,mechanical, electrical, materials, and chemical engineering. EI values independent problem-solving skillsand simultaneously promotes team spirit among students. A number of crucial engineering aspects suchas professional ethics, communication, technical writing, and understanding of common engineeringprinciples are instilled in high school students via well-designed individual and group activities. Thispaper discusses the model of the EI program and its impact on students learning and their preparation forthe engineering career.Introduction: Shortage
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
’ Honors Program to teach students howto work better on multidisciplinary teams in a multicultural context. The vehicle isan honors course, titled “Bringing a New Product to Market from Concept to Launch”[Jackson and Reichert, 2010]. In this course students design, organize write, presentand defend a launch plan for a virtual product. The virtual product is selected by theprofessor. Students are required to give brief project updates, maintain a journal,present their contribution and write a final report. These and peer evaluations countabout 65 percent of their grade. Students learn the basic body of knowledge of thedisciplines used in new product design and development. Quizzes and homeworkassignments on this material count about 35 percent of
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Paul G. Ranky
-based learningmodules (using interactive 3D eBooks, supported by DVD and HD videos) that encourageanalytical and team-oriented learning and problem-solving with real-world challenges. (At thetime of writing, our library has over twenty 3D eBooks, and over 150 full screen DVD and HDvideos covering US and international virtual factory tours, research cases and in-depth product,process, service system demonstrations by field experts and other professionals; please see somereal world examples to illustrate this point at 559 Our efforts are supported by over 250 academic and industrial partners world-wide, assuring the diversity, the relevance and the quality of this
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Walter W. Buchanan; Robert J. Herrick
institutions, previously only manually controlled in the USA. This led tosignificant growth into the integration of automated systems.Richard K. Price – DTA 2006, BS EET 1975. In 2006, Dick was the Director of BusinessContinuance and Emergency Management and Middle East Operations for Verizon. Aftergraduation, he joined MCI (Microwave Communications Incorporated). Dick has been with MCI(now Verizon Business) for over 30 years. He was responsible for planning, writing, coordinating,implementing, and overseeing the business continuance plans for the worldwide operations,engineering, and implementation organization. He was also charged with managing the NationalEmergency Coordinating Center (NECC) as well as the tactical response to all incidents
2011 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Richard Devon; Richard Schuhmann
above. Here we will identify severalworldviews of the PLC from social and cultural perspectives.a) Technological innovation as the prime economic driver: This is the theory that innovation(creative destruction), and the creation of ever new PLCs, is central to economic growth(Schumpeter 16). Progress in technology does account for a large part of economic growth, but itis not a new idea, not even when Schumpeter was writing about it. Innovation to create newPLCs to satisfy venture capitalists was a driver for the first European settlers in North America inthe early 1600s.17 It is embedded in the Constitution of the United States.18 It is still a verywidely and very strongly held belief and a perennial rationale for the benefits, and the costs