Session 2663 The Certified Enterprise Integrator (CEI) Examination Dr. Tracy S. Tillman, CMfgE, CEI Eastern Michigan University Introduction This paper will describe the Computer and Automated Systems Association's (CASA)new Certified Enterprise Integrator (CEI) examination and certification program, which isadministered by the Manufacturing Engineering Certification Institute (MECI) of the Society ofManufacturing Engineers (SME). Topics to be addressed include the:(a) nature and development of the CEI program and examination,(b) application
Session 3553 Development of a Knowledge Based System for Advising Freshmen Engineering Students S. Keith Hargrove Tuskegee University College of Engineering, Architecture & Physical SciencesINTRODUCTIONOne of the greatest challenges faced by engineering faculty is balancing effectiveteaching, research, and service with time. Faculty are also responsible for advisingstudents to register for courses in the curriculum and other developmental matters.Probably the most neglected area in engineering education is advising, and researchindicates that advising
Session 3513 Early Introduction of Design Fundamentals into the Chemical Engineering Curriculum Brian S. Mitchell Tulane UniversityIntroductionIn response to concerns raised by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology(ABET), many chemical engineering departments have been revising the design components oftheir curricula. These modifications range from incorporation of open-ended problems inexisting courses to the development of new, design-oriented courses. At Tulane University inNew Orleans, both of these approaches
Session 2520 Graphing Laboratory Data in Microsoft Windows Glenn S. Kohne Loyola College in MarylandAbstractAs the volume of Windows applications multiplies and their sophistication increases, eachapplication tends to do more functions thereby making its installation, configuration, and usemore complex. There is a population of laboratory instructors who would like to make availableto their students some very specific data handling programs that would be simple to install,configure, and use. This paper introduces and makes available two such data capture andgraphing
Session 2344 Design for Society – An Innovative Multidisciplinary Course for Engineering Technology Andrew S. Lau Penn State HarrisburgABSTRACTThis paper is an overview of an innovative multidisciplinary course that has been offered sincethe spring of 1996 at Penn State Harrisburg. In addition to reviewing the nature of the course asit is being taught in spring 1997, the paper follows the development of the course and theauthor’s interest in the broad area of engineering for a better future. The course is innovative fora combination of factors
Session 1559 Modeling and Simulation of A Power Circuit Breaker Tian S. Lim United States Naval Academy Abstract This paper describes modeling and simulation of a dc power circuit breaker. The circuitbreaker can withstand a maximum voltage of 800 Volts dc and a maximum current of 75,000Amperes. The circuit breaker arc voltage can rise to 1650 Volts during the time of contactseparation, or 32 msec., and then drops to 800 Volts during the arcing time, or 30 msec., acrossopen contacts. It necessitates the solving of a non-linear
Session 3230 Planning Activities and Evaluating Student Performance for Concurrent Engineering Class Projects Dr. Tracy S. Tillman, CMfgE, CEI Eastern Michigan University Introduction This paper will describe student-based planning and evaluation techniques for a 300-leveldesign for manufacturing course and a 400-level manufacturing program capstone course, inwhich students learn and apply concurrent engineering techniques in order to design andmanufacture a product
1 Session 1547 Sunrayce 97 - A New Learning Experience for the Engineering Technology Students at Middle Tennessee State University B. S. Sridhara Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) Abstract The US Department of Energy (DOE) organizes a solar car race called Sunrayce,once in every two years. This race is open for all colleges and universities on the NorthAmerican continent. As faculty advisor for the undergraduate team at Middle TennesseeState University, I
Session 1253 Teaching Computer Programming Effectively Using Active Learning Byron S. Gottfried University of Pittsburgh SummaryOver the past three years, we have learned how to provide effective instruction in computerprogramming within an active-learning environment. The use of active-learning does not initself assure success in this area. However, we have found that we can provide effectiveinstruction by utilizing a series of “mini-lectures” based upon carefully prepared examples
Session 2360 The WIN Program - A Mentoring Program for Women in Engineering at the University of Arkansas Melissa S. Tooley, P. E. University of ArkansasABSTRACTEngineering has traditionally been a male-dominated profession. While progress has been madein opening up technical fields to women and minorities, there is room for improvement.Nationwide, 18% of undergraduate engineering students are female, whereas the percentage is15% at the University of Arkansas. At the University of Arkansas, the College of Engineering islosing a disproportionate number of
Session 1221 Integrating Community Service in the Construction Technology Curriculum S. Gokhale and J. Aldrich Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI Abstract The pedagogy of service learning has been documented since the mid-1970’s (Perry, 1970), but only in recent years have colleges and universities begun to integrate curricular-based service into higher education. During the fall of 1996, the Department of Construction Technology, IUPUI; NBD Bank, Indianapolis; and the
Session 3532 ALGORITHMS AND COMPUTER METHODS IN DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Professor & Chairperson, and Dean R. Johnson, Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan (616) 387-4057 FAX (616) 387-4024 I. INTRODUCTIONDigital Signal Processing
Session 2659 Industrial Automation Using OLE Dr. Bruce E. Segee, Kevin S. LeBlanc University of Maine AbstractOften, industrial automation software is a single monolithic program that must handle all aspectsof control, data gathering, architecture, and reporting. Design of such software is timeconsuming and error prone. Furthermore, maintenance or modifications to the code is difficultand can “break” other functions. A more powerful approach is to use the multiprocessingcapabilities of Windows95 along with the
Session 1268 Integrating Design Projects into an Introductory Course in Mechanics of Materials David S. Cottrell, Stephen J. Ressler United States Military AcademyAbstractThis paper describes the use of design projects in an introductory mechanics of materialscourse at the United States Military Academy. These projects serve to reinforce topics taughtin the classroom and to introduce students to the engineering design process with their firsthands-on design experience. Three representative examples of actual projects are presented.Students’ end-of-course
Session 1608 Simulation of Biological Systems John S. Cundiff Foster A. Agblevor Virginia TechIn 1991, the Agricultural Engineering Department at Virginia Tech changed the name of theundergraduate degree program to “Biological Systems Engineering.” Over the years,Agricultural Engineering, like other engineering disciplines, has expanded into new areas ofactivity. Activity focused on production agriculture is still a key component of the discipline, butit now coexists with a range of other activities. Changing the
Session 1547 THE SMARTE ENRICHMENT PROJECTS: LABORATORY BASED LEARNING FOR 8TH GRADE STUDENTS Mulchand S. Rathod Joella H. Gipson Division of Engineering Technology College of Education Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202SUMMARY The Southeast Michigan Alliance for Reinvestment in Technological Education (SMARTE) is a consortiumof community colleges, school systems, Wayne State University (WSU), and businesses in southeast Michiganformed in September 1993. The alliance exists to promote communication
Session 2432 Systems and Computer Science: A Curriculum for the Twenty First Century Arthur S. Paul, Don M. Coleman Howard University ABSTRACTThis paper discusses the evolution of an innovative curriculum in Systems and Computer Sciencebeing offered by a department within the School of Engineering, Howard University. It presentskey concepts and principles of systems engineering. It discusses how the merger of systemsengineering and computer science addresses some of the deficiencies identified by critics
the linked document name in the reference list is clickedwith the mouse. This is because the files ending in “*.pdf” and “*.doc” are “associated” with theAcrobat and Word programs respectively.While public domain government documents can readily be provided online, copyright lawrequires course administrators to identify the copyright owners and obtain written releases toreproduce and use privately developed material in any course (electronic or otherwise). Toobtain a copyright release, a letter is usually sent to the publisher indicating the class and numberof students and requesting permission to use the material. Often a separate release must beobtained from the author(s) every quarter that the course is offered. Some publishers require
Session 1658 Development of Interactive Graphical Software Tools in the Context of Teaching Modeling of Internal Combustion Engines in a Multimedia Classroom Dennis N. Assanis, Zoran S. Filipi and GuoQing Zhang W.E. Lay Automotive Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, 48109 ABSTRACT The strong tendency in the automotive industry to reduce development time throughvirtual prototyping and
Session 2266 Restructuring the Undergraduate Curriculum of the Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Department at The University of Michigan D. M. Tilbury,1 S. L. Ceccio,2 and G. Tryggvason3 Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109AbstractRecent changes in the undergraduate program of the Mechanical Engineering andApplied Mechanics (MEAM) Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor arediscussed. The undergraduate curriculum has been modified to emphasize
Session 3226 Student Control of Engineering Mall Richard S. Marleau, Jeffrey Schowalter, John Bollinger College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-MadisonDuring the 1993-94 academic year a fountain included in an associated park-like structure,covering an area 115 ft. by 300 ft. designed by sculptor William Conrad Severson, wasconstructed in front of the University of Wisconsin Engineering Hall, becoming part of the largercampus complex, Henry Mall. This extends from the engineering campus well into the entirecampus and builds a visual link to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.At
Session 2633 University Cogeneration Initiative as a Class Project Opportunity Mary Kathryn Mathis, Ahad S. Nasab, Duane Stucky Middle Tennessee State UniversityIntroductionEnergy management and budgeting has long been a major concern of academicinstitutions which usually operate on a shrinking operations budget and a generallyrising demand due to increase in student enrollment and addition of new buildings andfacilities and laboratories.In recent decades cogeneration has been looked upon as one way of managing the energycosts as well as replacing older technology with the more environmentally-friendlyhardware. Like many
Session 2577 ABET 2000 and the Re-Engineering of Nuclear Engineering Departments James S. Tulenko, Edward T. Dugan, David E. Hintenlang Department of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering University of FloridaABSTRACT ABET Engineering Criteria 2000 emphasizes continuous improvement and professionalpreparation while offering flexibility for major innovations in curriculum design. The changesbeing seen in the nuclear engineering profession represent just the type of environment thatABET 2000 is particularly designed to help. ABET 2000 forces a continual assessment andfeedback to
Session 2659 Facilitating Interdisciplinary Hands-on Learning using LabStations Lawrence E. Carlson, Lee D. Peterson, Walter S. Lund & Trudy L. Schwartz Integrated Teaching and Learning Program College of Engineering and Applied Science University of Colorado at BoulderAbstractCulminating five years of planning by faculty and students, the Integrated Teaching andLearning (ITL) Laboratory opened its doors in January 1997. One of the goals of the newfacility is to link theory and experimentation in a hands-on way. Custom designedLabStations facilitate this goal with the capability to
Session 1532 A Graduate Student’s Views of a Mentored Teaching Program Eskild T. Arntzen, Dr. Robert F. Kubichek, Dr. Donald S. Warder University of WyomingI. IntroductionThere are many reasons why colleges and universities use graduate students to instruct theirclasses. In the current economic situation, many schools are faced with budgetary shortfalls anddeclining research funding. In order to avoid cutting back programs or eliminating programs, itis tempting to use graduate assistants to teach classes when regular faculty are not available.Unless done properly, this could result in ineffective
Session 2625 Session 2625 Safety, Health, and the Environment in the Engineering Curricula: The Institute for Safety Through Design Donald S. Bloswick, Wayne C. Christensen, Robert B. Roemer University of Utah/National Safety Council/University of UtahThere appears to be a need for the consideration of safety, health, and environmental issues in thedesign process. In response to this need, the National Safety Council Institute for Safety ThroughDesign was established in 1995. The mission of this organization is to reduce the
Session 3530 Session 3530 Categories and Levels for Defining Engineering Design Program Outcomes Denny C. Davis, Richard W. Crain, Michael S. Trevisan/Dale E. Calkins/Kenneth L. Gentili Washington State University/University of Washington/Tacoma Community CollegeABSTRACTRecent trends in engineering education have shifted from course-based to outcomes-based degreeprograms. An outcomes-based engineering degree program requires clear definition of studentlearning targets, planning to ensure that they will be achieved, and
Session 1526 On Laboratory Development for a Curriculum in Particle Technology Rajesh N. Dave, Jonathan Luke, Robert Pfeffer, Doris Yacoub, Ian S. Fischer, Anthony D. Rosato New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102AbstractThis paper discusses the development of laboratory facilities for use with an on going NSF-CRCD project that will establish a three-course concentration in particle technology at NJIT,offered across the engineering curriculum. The main objective of the NSF funded project is toaddress the urgent need for undergraduate and graduate education in this vital field
Session 2259 Strain Gage Based Instrumentation for In-Situ Diesel Fuel Injection System Diagnostics Zoran S. Filipi, Samuel C. Homsy, Kevin M. Morrison, Steven J. Hoffman, David R. Dowling, Dennis N. Assanis W. E. Lay Automotive Lab Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121 ABSTRACT Dynamic start of injection (SOI) is identified as one of the key injection parameters