Education and Career Development Interdisciplinary Research Innovation Ecosystem 6Advanced Manufacturing Historically NSF has supported frontier research that has led to transformational advances in manufacturing Additive manufacturing grew out, in part, from basic research investments in the 70’s and 80’s MEMS enabled by fundamental research in late 80s (NSF & DARPA) Present research extends traditional advances and builds upon convergence of trans-disciplinary advances National Robotics Initiative (NRI): towards autonomous systems Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS
Mean AP Score - 5 Mean AP Score - 4 Mean AP Score - 3 No AP ExamPatterson, B. F., Packman, S. & Kobrin, J. L. (2011). Advanced Placement exam-taking andperformance: Relationships with first-year subject area college grades (College BoardResearch Report 2011-4). New York, NY: The College Board. 10Top 3 Drivers of Student Participation in AP -Admissions, Career Preparation, Credit Let’s say that you were trying to decide whether to take a specific AP course. Which of the following would most encourage you to enroll