education in the U.S.International Journal of Higher Education, 5(1), 28-37. doi: 10.5430/ijhe.v5n1p28Esters, L. T., & Retallick, M. S. (2013). Effect of an experiential and work-based learning program onvocational identity, career decision self-efficacy, and career maturity. Career and TechnicalEducation Research, 38(1), 69-83. doi: 10.5328/cter38.1.69 Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018 American Society for Engineering Education Session CEED 432Hegarty, N. (2014). Where we are now – the presence and importance ofinternational students to
V No. of equations E V – E = degrees of freedom.A point has no freedom. The intersection of 3 equations in 3 variables might consist of isolatedpoints. A curve has one degree of freedom. From any particular point one can move onlyforward or backward. The coordinates of the points on a space curve can all be described asfunctions of one variable, say t for time or s for distance from an origin. The parametric form ofa space curve is then; x = f(t) y = g(t) z = h(t) .The number of variables less the number of equations above, 4 – 3 yields one degree
cells to determine theeffectiveness of that source and the practical application of a combination of wind and solarpower for future use. The project enables pre-engineering and computer engineering students anopportunity for installation, maintenance, data gathering, and analysis during their first two yearsof engineering studies.Introduction The Science and Math (S&M) Department at xxxxxxxxx College is a typical two-yearcommunity college having pre-engineering classes such as Calculus, Statics, Dynamics, Strengthof Materials, Chemistry, Physics, and other early engineering offerings. With current interests inrenewable energy sources, the S&M Department decided that some additional emphasis on suchalternate power generation
Session ETD 416 2018 CIEC Annual Conference Proceedings A Hands-on Robotics Concentration Curricula in Engineering Technology Programs Andy S. Zhang and Angran Xiao, Mechanical Engineering Technology Yu Wang and Farrukh Zia, Computer Engineering Technology Muhammad Ummy, Electrical Engineering Technology New York City College of Technology/CUNYAbstractThis paper discusses the creation of a robotic concentration with four courses to meet theindustry demands for qualified graduates in product design and services. Advances in
Housing EI EDU SOHE Administration Admissions OSFA ENGR LAW Summer Term Office DCS External Relations and IES L&S Foundation Partnerships SMPH NURS Course Design Marketing ONLINE INSTRUCTIONAL COURSE DESIGN DCS Online Course Development
2003. 33rd Annual , vol.2, no., pp. F3A_6- F3A_10, 5-8, 2003.18. B. Barker and J.Ansorge, "Robotics as Means to Increase Achievement Scores in an Informal Learning Environment, Journal of Research on Technology in Education 39(3), 229-243, 2007.19. Nourbakhsh, I., Crowley, K., Bhave, A., hamner, E., Hsium, T., Perez-Bergquist, A., Richards, S., & Wilkinson, K., "The robotic autonomy mobile robots course: Robot design, curriculum design, and educational assessment", Autonomous Robots, 18(1), 103-127, 2005.20. Beer, R. D., Chiel, h. J., & Drushel, R., "Using robotics to teach science and engineering", Communications of the ACM, 42(6), 85-92, 1999.21. Barnes, D. J., "Teaching introductory Java through Lego Mindstorms
: Capacitive, resistive, and inductive sensors B7) Actuators: DC motors, linear, belt, gears, force, torque, speed, motor selection B8) Drivers and Controllers: Driver selection, PWM, PID Controllers Module 4– Mechatronic B9) Data acquisition and interpretation s System B10)Signal Conditioning: Grounding, amplifiers, filters(hardware and software) B11)Simulation B12)Software: Graphical programing, high level language B13) Test and Validation Additional Comments Table 3. Term Project Requirement C1) Team Composition C2) Project
funded by a grant from the College of Engineering and Technology at WesternCarolina University under the auspices of Duke Energy Corporation.References1. K. Covinsky, R. Palmer, R. Fortinsky, S. Counsell, A. Stewart, D. Kresevic, C. Burant and C. Landefield, “Loss of Independence in Activities of Daily Living in Older Adults Hospitalized with Medical Illnesses: Increased Vulnerability with Age,” Journal of American Geriatrics Society, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 451-458, 2003.2. A.L. Threatt, K.E. Green, J.O. Brooks, J. Merino, I.D Walker, and P. Yanik, “Design and Evaluation of a Nonverbal Communication Platform between Assistive Robots and their Users,” in Proc. of the 2013 15th International Conference on Human-computer
Session ETD 516Bibliography1. Mowad, M. A. E. L., Fathy, A., & Hafez, A. (2014). Smart home automated control system using android application and microcontroller. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5(5), 935-939.2. Ameena Saad al-sumaiti , Mohammed Hassan Ahmed & Magdy M. A. Salama (2014) Smart Home Activities: A Literature Review, Electric Power Components and Systems, 42:3-4, 294-305, DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2013.8324393. The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, www.utrgv.edu4. A. K. Gupta , S. K. Arora , Indust rial Automation and Robotics, Dec 1 2007, 348 pages, Laxmi Publications, ISBN - 10: 81318018105. Mayer, S., Verborgh, R., Kovatsch, M., & Mattern, F. (2016). Smart configuration of
credits), and three electives (8 – 9 credits). The table also shows the studentlearning outcomes (see Appendix A for detailed definitions) created to fulfill the program’seducational objectives, and satisfy ABET accreditation requirements. The numbers in the tablerepresent the level of a course’s contribution to a given outcome (3 being the highest). Table 1: MCT Program StructureCredit MCT Curriculum Contribution to Student Learning Outcomes s (Total Credit Hours: 128) a b c d e f g h i j k M1 M2 M3 60 Lower Division Science/Technical Courses 27 General Education 25 Upper Division Technical Core 3 ET3030
). P-20 Interactions with Government The impact of government on P-20 cannot be ignored. The government defines themethods to assess the effectiveness of teachers and recommends the use of testing andassessment to determine student success. The government also provides the funding that allowsresearch and review of these educational activities (Education Research & Data Center, 2012). Many government programs are helpful in implementing reform to education in the USA.The Race to the Top is an example of one of these programs. This program advances new waysto educate students through a personalized approach (U. S. Department of Education, March 25,2016). Grants from these programs provide tools, information, and support to meet
91.9%, andthe percentage of correct classifications in each model is shown in Table 5. The high rate of errorin prediction noted in both models (approximately 22% incorrect classification of students whopredicted to be successful but are not) suggests that important variables could be missing fromthe analysis. Model Predicted S Predicted NS Predicted S Predicted NS Actually S Actually NS Actually NS Actually SCART-1 96.74% 77.42% 22.58% (Type II) 3.26 (Type I)CART-2 96.74% 77.42% 22.58 (Type II) 3.26 (Type I)S= success; NS
manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018, American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 406Bibliography[1] Robotics; an internet for robots. (2013). Telecommunications Weekly, 886.[2] International Federation of Robotics, Retrieved from[3] Esmaeilian B, Behdad S, Wang B. (2016). The evolution and future of manufacturing: a review. J Manuf Syst;39:79–100.[4] Paris, H., & Mandil, G. (2017). Process planning for combined additive and subtractive manufacturingtechnologies in a remanufacturing context. Journal of Manufacturing
• Northeastern Creates a new model of education where real world experience earns university credit, removing the divide between work and learning• GE Develops a workforce pipeline prepared and trained to accelerate the transformation to a Digital Industrial company• NU / GE Partnership selected as 1 of 8 university/colleges for DoE initiative Competency Based Bachelors Degree Reviving Apprenticeships• Builds on the foundational legacy of GE’s highly successful Apprenticeship programs• Expands from Northeastern’ s long proven co-op program and student experiences• Leverages GE training resources and expertise to develop a application based, relevant job-ready workforce• Augments the framework throughout with NU faculty expertise, learner supports
generation, one must first look at Baby Boomers andGeneration X. The Baby Boomers born at the end of World War II are independent, rule breakersand creative thinkers that shook up the world as adults in the 1960’s. This generation was verydriven and career oriented. Their children, Gen X’ers, grew up as “latch key kids” that felt thattheir parents didn’t have time for them.2 As a result, the Gen X’ers resolved to be the opposite oftheir parents. Their children, Millennials, were more protected and made to feel “special”. Thisover indulgences has led to many describing them as entitled, disrespectful and disengaged.3They have also grown up in the digital/internet era and feel very comfortable with technology.4Fullerton conducted a focus group of
Education Session CEED 212Academic accommodation process1. Student requests an accommodation2. Interactive process with DS staff3. Accommodation Letter4. Student—Instructor interaction Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018 American Society for Engineering Education Session CEED 212UD’s academic accommodation process1. Student requests an accommodation Online form: accommodation/s requested, background Schedule a meeting with DS staff Can be any time in the semester
the aircraft at a velocity of V1=280-m/s. Ideally, the air willleave the diffuser with a negligible velocity (V=0). Air is treated as an ideal gas with constant specific heatsCp=1.005-kJ/kg-K. Student can change any input to find the alternative design in jet engine of aircraft. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018 American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 425Case Study 10. Long-hand-calculation of Stiffness Matrix for two dimensional triangular three-node-element in CAE study.There are three topics are show in this spreadsheet. 1. With matrix
understandingof the subjects of network management after taking this course.Bibliography1. Burke, J. R. (2004). Network management concept and practice: A hands-on approach, Pearson.2. Clemm, A. (2007). Network management fundamentals, Cisco Press.3. Yemini, Y. (1993). The OSI network management model. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 31(5). 20-29.4. M.3400: TMN Management Functions. (2000), International Telecommunication Union, Retrieved July 15, 2017, from Retrieved February 165. Chou, T. S. (2017). Curriculum Design and Project Evaluation of a Network Management Course Implemented in Distance Education and On-Campus Classes. IGI Global International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course
is this Important? • Recent article to illustrate idea • Cultural diversity lesson • Student panel Required: • Global Engineer PowerPoint • GlobeSmart Profile • Cultural Intelligence video • Whiteboard or large paper for notes • Student Volunteer(s)Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018 American Society for Engineering Education Session CEED 442Working in
and industry to cooperate in providing the very bestprogram for the engineering students, bulding a strong foundation for their selected career.Advisory Board The constituency for a particular program consists of three parts, the student(s), thefaculty for the program, and the industry community served by the graduates. The board doesnot have to be particularly large or complex, it simply must be able to evaluate the effectivenessof a particular program in fulfilling the expectations of the students in preparing for their futurecareer and the needs of the industrial opportunities for the student. While the particularcurriculum generally cannot be tailored to a specific industry within the local area, it can providesome emphasis for
others do team projectswith two or three people on a team. All projects are managed by the student(s) and all projectshave team members from the company sponsoring the project. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright2018, American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 325Students doing individual projects qualify for entry in the annual Missouri SouthernUndergraduate Research Symposium. In the spring of 2016, we had students take 1st and 2ndplace and in the spring of 2017, we had one student take 1st place in their respective categories.4. Project DeliverablesThe
required within each course, what course(s) will each student attend, budgeting, and oral and written reporting; Determine dependencies in grading rubrics. For example, if the MET sub-team failed to complete a task, what were the consequences to the EET sub-team; and Instructors of both programs should routinely communicate.4.3 Next stepsWhile this study indicates that electromechanical content can be included within MET capstoneprograms and that MET-EET multidisciplinary capstone projects are possible and beneficial tostudents, there are multiple questions remaining. The suggested next steps include: Quantify and analyze the roles of self-efficacy and task value with electromechanical projects within an MET
done for this part of the project confirms the similarities of student concerns regardlessof the course format and team structure. Further studies and data review will be needed toconfirm the consistency of this finding. As the project continues and more data is collected andassessed, it is anticipated that insights into student development of this type will provide aplatform for practitioners to incorporate the skills valued by employers into their programs.Bibliographic Information1 Lucietto, A., Scott, A., Connor, K. & Barry, F. Initial Survey of Engineering Technology Capstone Courses and Teamwork building Using CATME in 125th Annual ASEE Conference. (ed ASEE).2 CATME Smarter Teamwork, (2017).3 Lynn, G. S. &
competencies like critical thinking,quantitative reasoning, and information literacy. Competencies like teamwork are often impliedand not explicitly stated, giving rise to the rigor of their assessment. Competencies, theirdescriptions and criterion for success are precisely stated to be understandable by the students,their parents, employers, and faculty. Assessment frameworks and methods require rigorousforethought and design so as act as a learning tool rather than solely a means of judgement. The required learning experiences described above are intended to assist in providingcompetency scaffolding (traditional courses are supposed to do much of this) and moreimportantly, connections between course(s) outcomes and competencies. They also
Collaboration Copyright ©2018 American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 506 Very strong benefit43. What has been the most successful example(s) of how your IAB has benefited your program?44. What have been the biggest challenge(s) in having an IAB? Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018 American Society for Engineering Education
Software 80 (2007) 1209–1216.2. Kornecki, A.J., Khajenoori, S., Gluch, D., Kameli, N., 2003. “On a partnership between software industry and academia.” Proc. of the 16th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, Madrid, Spain, pp. 60–69.3. Otieno, A. and Mirman, C., 2003, “Engineering Technology Capstone Experience: An Industry Based Partnership,” Proc. CIEC 2003 Conference, January 28 – 31, Tucson, Arizona, Session Number 9041.4. Shin, Y.S, Lee , K.W., Ahn, J.S. and Jung, J.W., 2013, “Development of Internship & Capstone Design Integrated Program for University-Industry Collaboration,” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 102, 386 – 391. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and
innovative process becauseeven existing designs can be improved if they are complex enough. The cost of this decision was$40 million but the rewards were obviously much more because Raytheon now has a standardmissile business unit as part of its operations. The framework in Figure 1 illustrates thedynamics of the decision making process and the need to know the unique dynamics of eachspecific industry. Hopefully, this coaching point illustrates the risk mitigation approach that thesenior management team can deploy to enhance their effectiveness.1 Botelho, E.L., Powell, K.R., Kincaid, S. and Wang, D. (2017). “What Sets Successful CEOs Apart.” HarvardBusiness Review, May-June, p. 70.2 Covey, Stephen R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective