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Conference Session
Technical Session V
2018 FYEE Conference
Aubrey Wigner, Michigan State University; Megan K Halpern, Michigan State University; Isaac Record, Michigan State University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
students build community, fostercollaboration, and practice communication skills, while at the same time, developing criticalthinking by examining scientific and technological progress over the last hundred years anddeveloping their own ideas about how science and technology will change over the next 100years. Students are also invited to use design and improvisation to reflect on the ethical andsocietal issues surrounding science and technology.FDS was initially trialed as a faculty retreat to receive feedback about the educational value andformat. Additionally, two truncated versions, omitting the rather expensive professional improvactors, were performed. First for a group of almost 100 undergraduate teaching assistants andthen for
Conference Session
Technical Session VI
2018 FYEE Conference
Rebecca R Essig, Purdue University Fort Wayne; Kimberly Warren O'Connor, Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne; S. Scott Moor P.E., Indiana University Purdue University, Fort Wayne; Sara Marie Thomas
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
. The presentation highlighted two free campus tutoring centers, described professor office hours, and gave the students an opporunity to meet the Student Success Center advisors. The students were assigned to go to any office hours or tutoring before the first midterm. They were required to get the instructor’s or tutor’s signature as well as answer four short reflection questions.2. Time Management: The College of Engineering Dean gave a presentation to the students about the importance of time management. The follow-up assignment had students complete a time budget of their weekly schedule and write a short reflection about the results.3. Participation in Campus Activities: Involvement in campus activities are beneficial to
Conference Session
Technical Session IV
2018 FYEE Conference
Christopher McComb, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Jessica Dolores Menold, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
efforts specifically for residents Cape Town, South Africa.Students were instructed that their solution should extend the residents’ current water supply aslong as possible. Researchers in engineering design emphasize the need for empathic educationalexperiences [19] and incorporating global perspectives into engineering curricula [20]. As suchthe design challenge focused on designing a product with social impact for a real-life crisis.Students were also instructed to use the design processes, methods, and tools taught in class todevelop a solution. At the conclusion of the in-class activity students were told they had 48 hoursto submit an individual reflection about the design challenge. The reflection asked students toconsider the design
Conference Session
Technical Session II
2018 FYEE Conference
Tiago R Forin, Rowan University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
processby comparing engineering design to the design methods used by non-engineering fields. Thiswill allow students to see how design is used across the world and how it can enable cross-disciplinary work. The final assignment involves students exploring ethical, moral, and socialissues in engineering through the use of movies that highlight actual events in engineering. Theuse of visual media to reflect issues in engineering can help engage more visual and reflectivestudents and allows all students to observe the direct implications of ethics to engineering andhow it affects society. This paper can be used to stimulate the development and elaboration ofother assignments that have similar qualities and objectives.Introduction At Rowan
Conference Session
Technical Session III
2018 FYEE Conference
Jonathan Elliot Gaines, University of South Florida
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
scheduled design review days.Although this approach was not expected to provide students with as personal of an experienceinteracting with their partner as seen with other successful service-learning approaches in theliterature [4,5], it intended to minimize logistical challenges and provide reflection opportunitieswhere students could consider themselves in the role of the kid for which they were designing.The course was divided into three phases: (1) individual phase where students used CADsoftware to mock up potential solutions, (2) group design phase where students were grouped inteams based on shared ideas and worked to flesh out a design for fabrication, (3) groupmanufacturing phase where each group member adapted a specific role towards
Conference Session
Technical Session IV
2018 FYEE Conference
Cecelia M. Wigal, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
of art making and therole of the body. Both presentations were welcomed by the students. The engineering studentsparticipated in the discussion of the art creation processes and appeared honestly interested in thevarious means artists use to express their product. They were especially interested in the sectionof the presentation that illustrated how artists may use their body to create art. The art studentsalso participated in the discussion of the engineering design process. They were responsive inhelping define an issue using objectives and functions, and in understanding the differencebetween objectives and functions. They were especially able to differentiate between form andfunction. One student, in a reflection, expressed how she saw
Conference Session
Technical Session IX
2018 FYEE Conference
Roger J Marino P.E., Drexel University; Gabriel R Burks, Drexel University; Matthew N VanKouwenberg, Drexel University; Brandon B. Terranova, Drexel University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
Decision Matrix with sensitivity analyses 6. Periodically evaluate essentials of lessons through giving ‘Elevator Pitches’ in PLCs (Prepare Reflection Papers, Additional emphasis of communication skills) 7. Final oral and written presentations including lab manual, teacher guide, expected outcomes for students, artifacts from testing of lessons/labs, built experimental prototype 8. Periodically evaluateresultsStudents grew in all domains that were assessed. The greatest growth appeared to be in theirability to formalize decision making procedures, effect clear communication, collaboration,empathy with the audience/client and project management skills. Student growth was assessedby administering a pre-test (using a
Conference Session
Technical Session IV
2018 FYEE Conference
Katie Loughmiller, Kansas State University; Julia A Keen P.E., Kansas State University; Katherine Marie Benton, Kansas State University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
: Specific announcements of students groups winning design competitions with a description of the building. 2. Modified educational and promotional pamphlets that include how the hobbies relate to each major.  Allows incoming students to recognize that the types of projects they would get to work on reflect their personal interests.  Example: Show a CNS student site surveying a sports arena or large performance arena/hall. 3. Incorporate gender recognizing there are consistent differences in preference.  Allows incoming students to see that a hobby they are passionate about or want to pursue is available with these majors.  Example: Female
Conference Session
Technical Session VI
2018 FYEE Conference
Sheila Erin Youngblood, Cameron University; Irene Camilla Corriette, Cameron University ; Tyler C Bishop, Cameron University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
STEM related academies.Enrichment OpportunitiesDuring the CU Engineering and Applied Mathematics Summer Academy, selected high schoolstudents work in teams and apply mathematics through the engineering design process toresearch, design, test, and redesign a project. Since its inception in 2016, projects includedesigning (i) a rocket that safely transports an egg, (ii) a windmill that can charge a cellphone,and (iii) a portable water purification system. In addition to the design competition, teams createPowerPoint presentations focused on reflection and participate in an Academy JeopardyCompetition. The academy collaborates with industry in the form of industry tours related to thecontent of the academy and professional talks with networking
Conference Session
Technical Session II
2018 FYEE Conference
Richard Tyler Cimino, ExEEd Department, Rowan University; Scott Duplicate Streiner, Rowan University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
instructors led the students through a debriefing session aimedat teasing out the ethical issues of the black cards and appropriateness of the white response cards,with the goal of getting the students to reflect upon their choices. The students were alsoencouraged to submit new card suggestions to the instructor, which were curated and forwardedto the game’s creators. Out of class activities In addition to the classroom activities described above, the students were given several outof class assignments to complete. The first assignment was to choose their own engineering ethicscase study to research and analyze. In this individualized assignment, the students were taskedwith providing a summary of the case and identifying the ethical
Conference Session
Technical Session III
2018 FYEE Conference
BALRAJ SUBRA MANI, New Jersey Institute of Technology; I. Joga Rao, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
these RE copies as a form of fair use.” [3].According to Professor Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University, “currently, about 30 universitieshave integrated the method (of RE) into their teaching.”[4] Sheppard had a job at Chrysler, wherethe company sent her to mechanics school for three months where she learned to take thingsapart and rebuild engines, transmissions and brake systems, something she had not done as anundergraduate. She reflects how much one learns though the kinesthetic of touching stuff. “Thereality is that very little design is actually new design,” argues Sheppard, “good designers have acatalog in their brain of stuff-of mechanisms, of devices, of machine elements.” Dr. KwabenaNarh et al, NJIT, has reported the positive course