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2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Diana S Dabby
The Engineers’ Orchestra: a Conductorless Orchestra for Developing 21st Century Professional Skills Diana S. Dabby Assoc. Prof. of Elect. Eng. and Music Music Program Director Olin College of Engineering AbstractReaching one’s full potential embodies much of human aspiration, yet in general, the studentengineer is not born an experienced team player or communicator, both necessary for effectiveleadership. In fact, engineers may be predisposed to the opposite side of the psychologicalspectrum
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Christian E Lopez; Conrad S Tucker
Implementing gamification in engineering bridge programs: A case study exploring the use of the Kahoot! application Christian E. López 1 and Dr. Conrad S. Tucker1,2 1 Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, the Pennsylvania State University. 2 School of Engineering Design, Technology and Professional Programs, the Pennsylvania State University.AbstractThis work introduces a case study in which the gamified application Kahoot! was implementedin an engineering bridge program. Students’ Hexad player type is assessed to gain a betterunderstanding of how their player type relates to their perception of application and the gameelements employed. Gamification has shown great
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Andrew Grossfield
derivative is the slope of the tangent line; that is, at a fixed point in the domainthe derivative is a linear relationship between displacements in the domain and displacements inthe range: y = f(x) Δy=mΔxFor case 2, the derivative is the tangent vector; that is, at a fixed point, s, in the domain thederivative is a linear relationship between displacements in the domain and displacements in therange 𝐝𝐱(𝐬) 𝐝𝐬 x′(s) ⃗⃗ (𝐬) 𝐝𝐑 𝐝 𝐝 𝐝 𝐝𝐲(𝐬) = 𝐝𝐬 𝐱(𝐬) 𝐢 + 𝐝𝐬 𝐲(𝐬) 𝐣 + 𝐝𝐬 𝐳(𝐬
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Evan Lundburg; Erik Bardy
., and Goodenough S., “The efficiency of corona wind drying and its application to the food industry,” Journal of Food Engineering 2006; 80:1233-1238. 3 Bardy, E., Hamdi M., Havet M., and Rouaud O., “Transient Exergetic Efficiency and Moisture Loss Analysis of Forced Convection Drying with and without Electrohydrodynamic Enhancement,” Energy 2015: 89:519-527. 4 Ahmedou S., Havet M., “Effect of Process Parameters on the EHD Airflow,” Journal of Electrostatics 2009; 67:222-227. 5 Bardy E., Manai S., Havet M., and Rouaud O., “Drying Kinetics Comparison of Methylcellulose Gel Versus Mango Fruit in Forced Convective Drying with and without Electrohydrodynamic Enhancement,” Journal of Heat Transfer 2016; Vol
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Jiayue Shen; Weiru Chen
adapted versionof PRS, a web-based PRS namely Poll Everywhere ( is introduced in this paperand allows students to use their cell phone, tablet or computer as clickers. Poll Everywhere hasbeen invented initially for public presentation purpose but rarely discussed by some researchersfor educational purpose [9, 15-19]. Dr. Grasman’s team [17] initiated the study of using Polleverywhere in the classroom. And Dr. W. Kappers’ s team [15] extended Dr. Grasman’s study touse PollEverywhere in the large-lecture classroom settings. Both studies found the studentengagement is enhanced after using Poll Everywhere. But the impact of using Poll everywhere inthe classroom may varies by different disciplines. As such, a case-based study of using
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
A. Richard Vannozzi; Leonard Anderson
between the two, the process is essentially temporally based andlinear, though some redundancy is often built into the communication. Table 6 identifies the keytasks in order of completion as gleaned from the above Instructional Analysis. Table 6. Key tasks to be utilized in crafting written performance objectives for students. 1 Identify Prospective Speaker(s); 2 Contact Speaker(s) and Confirm; 3 Identify preliminary material needs and any speaker requirements; 4 Make necessary logistical arrangements; 5 Hosting the speaking event; 6 Post engagement follow-up.Based on the key tasks in Table 6, specific, measurable student performance objectives werearticulated
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Salah Badjou
electricalengineering programs offer concentration in mechatronics. There are several approaches toimplementing these programs and concentrations and because Mechatronics is relatively youngdiscipline, introduced in the 1980’s, there are no established model or best approaches. Thus,mechatronics programs depend on the context and the department where they are hosted. Theauthor’s approach was to evaluate the context and resources available and design a mechatronicsprogram by starting with an appropriate pilot course.!The author, has recently joined the electrical engineering program at Merrimack College, aprimarily undergraduate college in Massachusetts. One of his objectives was to design anappropriate mechatronics program or concentration, and also consider a
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Ugur Zel
need has been defined, the next stage is to form an action plan of how it is tobe addressed. The action plan should state the learning objective, the action(s) to be taken ormethod by which the objective is to be met, and the means of monitoring and reviewing progress. 4Discussion & LimitationsOne of the gurus on the concept of competency, Richard Boyatsiz together with his colleagueSaatcioglu argues that the perfect set of competencies should be formed of three dimensionswhich are emotional, social and cognitive intelligence (Boyatsiz & Saatcioglu, 2008). Afteranalyzing the latest version of student outcomes from Boyatsiz’s perspective, we can say thatmost of the outcomes match with the
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Salah Badjou; Pierre-Richard Cornely; Richid Dahmani
more cost-effective to the students and there-! !6fore attractive. The authors will be happy to further discuss this paper and may be contacted atthe indicated email addresses above.!Bibliographical References1. American Polytechnic Institute website: www.ampolytech.com2. Eastern Nazarene College website: ASEE Engineering statistics: publications/publications/ 14_11-47.pdf4. Current Status of Online Science and Engineering Education, S. Badjou, Ph.D., R. Dahmani, Ph.D., peer-reviewed paper published in the Journal of Online Engineering Education, June 2013.5. A Hybrid Model for Integrating Online Learning in Interdisciplinary
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Peter Mark Jansson
Center for Sustainability & the Environment fortheir financial and institutional support for the ongoing research that is made possible throughtheir support of student research stipends and laboratory space.References1 – Online available: – P.M. Jansson, W. McGrath, E.L. Jansson and M.E. Jansson, “A Novel Sensor Network Capable ofObserving the Hypothetical Mach Field,” SAS 2017, Glassboro, New Jersey, 13-15 March 20173 – P.M. Jansson, W.S. Zanardi, P. Kaladius, E.L. Jansson, S. Sedig, W. McGrath, “Mach Field DetectorRefinements and Analysis of Results,” 3rd Advanced Propulsion Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, 10-14September 20184 – P.M. Jansson, W.S. Zanardi, P. Kaladius, E.L. Jansson, S. Sedig
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Luke Plante; Matthew Baideme P.E.; Kyle Murray P.E.; Jeffrey Starke; Michael Butkus; Ryan Tuemler
, ideally coupled with similar studies at otherinstitutions, would lead to increased statistical significance when quantifying preferences forteaching tools and learning styles and ultimately set our students up for success when developingsolutions for environmental problems in the future.References[1] Sukalyan S., T. Nawaz, and J. Beadry, “Nitrogen and Phosphorus Recovery fromWastewater,” Water Pollution, Springer, New York, NY, USA, 2015, 1,3:155-166.[2] National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency, available from,accessed 19 September 2018.[3] Molinos-Senante, M., N. Hanley, and R. Sala-Garrido. Measuring the CO2 Shadow Price
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Brittany Anderson; Rafic Bachnak
; Engineering Statistics, Science and Engineering Indicators 2016. NSB-2016-1, 2016. Digest (NSB-2016-2).3. Enriquez, A. Improving the participation and retention of minority students in science and engineering through summer enrichment programs. 2010 Annu. Conf. & Expo. 2010. Louisville, KY.4. Monk, D.H. and Pennsylvania State University. College of Education., Report on the status of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education in the United States. 2006. 26 pages.5. Bachnak, R.; Eskin, S.; Wirick, D. (2018, August), A Summer Enrichment Program to Prepare Students for STEM Majors in College. Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Matthew Rhudy
a mock meeting and pretending the audience is the design team that the presenter(s) is(are) a part of. • I liked all aspects of the course, and it helped to learn a lot about different writing styles and how to get my point across simply and quickly.One key theme noted in these comments is the positive reflection on the different writing styles.This is encouraging, since students appreciated the value of learning different outlets, rather thanpushing back on having to learn about new techniques for each project. It is also encouragingthat the students identified the value of the short writing assignments in refining their thinkingand improving their communication skills.ConclusionsOverall, this project was successful in
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Kyle Murray P.E.; Nathaniel Sheehan P.E.
their careers in their chosen profession. As educators, we have theinherent responsibility to provide our students the best opportunities for them to grow and learn inour classrooms. 2019 ASEE Zone 1 Conference, April 11-13, 2019 – Niagara Falls, New YorkReferences[1] R. B. Barr, and J. Tagg, “From teaching to learning: A new paradigm for undergraduateeducation,” Change, vol. 27, pp. 12-25, November/December 1995.[2] S. D. Downs, “Testing in the College Classroom: Do Testing and Feedback Influence GradesThroughout an Entire Semester?” Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, vol. 1,no. 2, pp. 172-181, Apr. 2015.[3] J. Cranney, M. Anh, R. McKinnon, S. Morris, and K. Watts, “The testing effect, collaborativelearning, and
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Pong P Chu
software development environment can be created in advance and students just need toderive the C code to access the I/O registers and recompile the main program.3. Detailed Case Study: Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Overview of HC-SR04 The HC-SR04 module is an inexpensive (about US $3) ultrasonic distance sensor, as shownin Figure 2 [5]. It measures the elapsed time of a reflected ultrasonic pulse. The distance thencan be calculated by a simple formula: distance = elapsed_time * speed_of_sound / 2The measurement range of the module is between 2 cm to 400 cm and the resolution is 3 mm(which corresponds to the17-s elapsed time). Its main application is to help the roboticnavigation by detecting the obstacles in the path
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Lisa Greenwood; Mark Indelicato; Miguel Bazdresch; Mike Eastman
established by the United Nations in 2015.Students had to identify a firm on which to base their project, and then determine which of the17 goals would be most relevant and appropriate for their firm to support, based on its context.This was intentionally open-ended, and could include, for example, the firm’s environmental,social, and economic impacts, sphere of influence, stakeholder interests, and how the firmcould affect or be affected by the issue(s) related to each goal. Students worked in small teams to identify and contextualize the problem associatedwith the selected goal, and then to develop a set of proposed objectives, targets, and actionsfor the firm to contribute to the global goal over the next five years, and present the
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Elena Brewer; Anthony Dalessio; Sarah Giersch; Nancy Louwagie
semester ifthey plan to work in the vacuum industry or to enhance their skillset in this area. However, theonly way vacuum course(s) can currently be incorporated into the EET program is as technicalelective course(s) taken during the fourth semester. A result of this mis-alignment in sequencingbetween institutions was that some parts of the Introduction to Vacuum Technology course weretoo rudimentary for fourth semester students. As a result, the EET department has since maderevisions to the program that allow for one technical elective course during the third semester.This will allow students to take the introductory vacuum course during third semester and one ortwo advanced vacuum courses during the fourth semester. This will also allow for the
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Stephen Wilkerson; Joe Cerreta; Andrew D Gadsden
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Leonard Anderson; Aslah K Alshaiea
graduation date by more than one semester. The trial was a success. Though the pedagogyof capstone design course varies from university to university, program to program, many of theideas and practices from this trial can be incorporated into many different capstone designcourses.References 1. Davis, D., Beyerlein, S., Trevisan, M., McKenzie, L., and Gentili, K. (2002). “Innovations in Design Education Catalyzed by Outcomes-Based Accreditation”, ABET Conference on Assessment. 2.
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Hiren Gami; Reza Abrishambaf
their applications,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 824–829, Sep./Oct. 1991. [3] Pyroelectric infrared detectors. [Online]. Available: http://www.fuji- Accessed: May 14, 2018. [4] H. Gami, “Movement Direction and Distance Classification Using a Single PIR Sensor,” IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 529–551, Mar 2018. [5] J. Yun and S. Lee, “Human movement detection and identification using pyroelectric infrared sensors,” Sensors, vol. 14, pp. 8057–8081, 2014. [6] Shankar, M.; Burchett, J.B.; Hao, Q.; Guenther, B.D.; Brady, D.J., “Human-tracking systems using pyroelectric infrared detectors”. Optical Engineering, vol. 45, no. 10, Oct. 2006
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Tobias Ferl; Stephen Hills
Referencesdisciplines. Subsequent semesters of our 1. Ding, Song, Han Duanfeng, and Boshiproject work may choose to examine signal Zhang: Impact of Automation toprocessing and filtering of signals from the Maritime Technology. InternationalASV’s sensors, applying different modelling Conference on Computer andtechniques to optimize controllers, and Information Application (2012).implementing different algorithms for craft 2. The Micotransat Challenge. About thecontrol. Currently, the LSM303’s Microtransat. Retrieved from Theaccelerometer is only utilized for Micotransat Challenge:magnetometer corrections. Future controller
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Hindhuja Dhanasekaran; Siddharth Selvam; Jeongkyu Lee
NULL, The quantum function when brokenregion VARCHAR NOT NULL, down has the following three parameters –state VARCHAR NOT NULL, 1- The quantitytime TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, 2- The unit of time  I) D daysweather VARCHAR NOT NULL, II)H hours III)M minutestemperature DOUBLE, IV)S  seconds 3- The name of a field in the tablePRIMARY KEY
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Ramachandran Radharamanan
has a much lower shrinkage rate than ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)which is another common plastic used in FDM printing. To avoid warping, a brim is added to thepart which expends the boundary of the first layer to increase the layer adhesion near the edgeswhich are prone to lift and warp. The printing speed/scan speed was set to 90mm/s which isabout 50% faster than the norm. The extrusion temperature is set to 210°C. The nozzle diameteris 0.4mm. The total estimated time is 6 hours and 11 minutes. The infill is set to 25% to preservematerial. The estimated material usage is 215g which is about $4.72. Figure 5. Chamfer operation Figure 6. Printing simulation in Simplify3DCNC machiningFirst and foremost, the stock needs
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Jikai Du; Chad M Walber; Shawn E Thompson; David J Kukulka; Edward Purizhansky
civil engineering graduatevibrations course,” in Proceedings of American Society of Engineering Education AnnualConference, 2010.[5] S. Freeman, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, andmathematics,” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May, 2014.[6] J. Du, “Interdisciplinary engineering research experience for undergraduates”, in Proceedingsof ASEE St. Lawrence Section Conference, 2018.[7] M. C. Linn et al., “Undergraduate research experiences: Impacts and opportunities,” Science,vol. 347, no. 6222, pp. 1-6, Feb., 2015.[8] K. Islam et al., “Assessment formats and student learning performance: What is the relation?”in Proceedings of the 7th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 2017.[9] T
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Mana Seifaei; Salah Badjou
, Katsuhiko Ogata, 4h Ed., Pearson, 2004.3. Results of an Integrated Project-Based Approach within the Interdisciplinary Electromechanical Engineering Program at Wentworth, S. Badjou, peer-reviewed paper presented and published in the 2011 ASEE National Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.4. Implementation of a Novel Biomedical Systems Engineering Concentration Within An Established And EAC-of- ABET Accredited Interdisciplinary Electromechanical Engineering Program, S.Badjou, L.G. Chedid, peer- reviewed paper presented and published in the proceedings of the June 2009 Annual ASEE Conference. Austin Texas.5. Engineering Education Upheaval, Kevin Craig, Professor of Mechanical Engineering,DesignNews, 7/24/2012
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Mohammad Taslim; Kai-tak Wan
instructor had also good lessons to Vann and America in Vietnam”, Vintage, 1989.learn. For instance, the course materials and 6. Karnow, S, “Vietnam: A History”, 1983.assessment scheme should be progressively 7. Kiernan, B., “Viet Nam: A History frommodified to fit the goal of the two courses, the Earliest Times to the Present”, 2017students will satisfy the course requirements like 8. The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and thetheir peers in parallel classes held at the Boston American Tragedy in Vietnam, 2018campus, the two courses will be better integrated 9. Goscha, C., “Vietnam: A New History”, 2016such that they will complement
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Thomas Ask
, 2000.[6] V. John-Steiner, Creative Collaboration. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 85, 2000.[7] V. John-Steiner, Creative Collaboration. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 72, 2000.[8] A. Regalado, “Innovation Quest, Regions Seek Critical Mass: What’s the secret to becoming the next technology hot spot?,” MIT Technology Review, 1 July 2013 [Online]. Available: seek-critical-mass/. [Accessed March 25, 2019].[9] D. A. Kolb, I. M. Rubin and J. M. McIntyre. (1984). Organizational Psychology: Readings on Human Behavior in Organizations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984.[10] K. K. Smith and D. N. Berg
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Brandiff R Caron
and ethical components of the profession of engineering are shaped arelicensure and accreditation. “Licensure is the mark of a professional. It's a standard recognized by employersand their clients, by governments and by the public as an assurance of dedication, skill and quality.”3 Socialand ethical components reveal themselves in this arena through professional codes of ethics. Every professional1 National Academy of Engineering, U. S. The engineer of 2020: Visions of engineering in the new century. Washington, DC: NationalAcademies Press, 2004.2 Phase, I. I. Educating the engineer of 2020: Adapting engineering education to the new century. National Academies Press, 2005.3
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Wei Xie; Jared Auclair; Jinxiang Pei
gene therapy to the United States, FDA News Release, 2017.[6] Roger Greene, Jennifer Mercer, Meg Casais, Tony Lubiniecki, Joseph Mezzatesta, SamanthaSheridan, Mark Schenerman, Bruce Meiklejohn, Stefanie Pluschkell, Paul Smock, Stuart Feldman,Jutta Look, Bernerd McGarvey, John Towns, Lois Atkins, Jim Precup, Paul Tsang, Tim Schofield,Sally Anliker, Taruna Arora, Mark Rosolowsky, Anurag S. Rathore, “Quality by Design forBiotechnology Products,” BioPharm International, DOI (2009).[7] P. Kaminsky, Y. Wang, Analytical Models for Biopharmaceutical Operations and Supply ChainManagement: A Survey of Research Literature, Pharmaceutical Bioprocess, 2 (2015) 61-73.[8] Feliza Mirasol, “The Challenges of PAT in the Scale Up of Biologics Production