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, intellectual achievements in mechatronics and contributions to product design. He has five Patents for inventions that involve interdisciplinary areas of mechanical engineering, design and computer science. Dr. Shetty has led several successful multi insti- tutional engineering projects. In partnership with Albert Einstein College, he invented the mechatronics process for supporting patients with ambulatory systems for rehabilitation. Major honors received by Pro- fessor Shetty include the James Frances Bent Award for Creativity, the Edward S. Roth National Award for Manufacturing from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineer Faculty Award, and the Society of Manufacturing
granularity offluid behavior at the membrane interface. The heat map of the velocity across the in-line chevronfeed spacer in Figure 1 (left image) enables identification of locations of low velocity within thecell. Figure 1 portrays areas of velocity less than 4 in/s via the dark blue color (the inlet velocity),which is within the range of typical inlet velocities for spiral wound element configurations. Thespacer geometry also increases the velocity toward the top of the inlet as the pressure increases inthat region due to the chevron obstructing the fluid path. The model provides an additionalcapability to evaluate pressure change over time (Figure 2).Figure 1. Velocity heat maps enabling visualization of velocity across feed spacers to
student retention oncethey enroll in one of our Engineering Technology programs.KeywordsSTEM, Diversity, Robotics, 3D Printing, Women in Technology.IntroductionUnderutilized Science and Engineering [S&E] human resources can have a negative impact on asociety’s ability to innovate and find creative solution to challenges. The stories of KatherineGoble, Mary Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and JoAnn Morgan who all worked in the STEM fieldsat NASA in the 1960’s serve to illustrate this point. A society is more successful when it finds away to harness the contribution of a diverse workplace.Queensborough Community College [QCC] of the City University of New York [CUNY] has amultifarious student population. QCC is located in one of New York City’s most
, “Training graduate teaching assistants in thegeosciences: Our practices vs. perceived needs,” Journal of Geoscience Education, vol. 67, no. 1,pp. 64–82, Feb. 2019.[2] M. D. Sundberg, J. E. Armstrong, and E. W. Wischusen, “A REAPPRAISAL OF THESTATUS OF Introductory Biology Laboratory Education in U.S. Colleges & Universities,” TheAmerican Biology Teacher, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 525–529, 2005.[3] Z. Zhan and H. Mei, “Academic self-concept and social presence in face-to-face and onlinelearning: Perceptions and effects on students learning achievement and satisfaction acrossenvironments,” Computers & Education, vol. 69, pp. 131–138, 2013. [4] S. Saunders, and D.Kardia, Creating Inclusive College Classrooms. Center of Research on Learning and
of proficiency in orthographic knowledge of the lan-guage, spelling homophones is a difficult task even for students who have phonological background[2], [3]. Misuse of homophones is one of the common mistakes in student essays.- He is alot higher then his brother. (incorrect) He is a lot higher than his brother. (correct)- There book had great affect on the society. (incorrect) Their book had great effect on the society. (correct)There are many other grammatical issues observed in students’ writing, in addition to the misuse ofhomophones. Subject-verb disagreement is another issue seen in written and spoken language. Forinstance, “The children likes to play football.” While the subject is plural, the verb has a suffix “-s”,which is
20% performance indicators such as GPA and scores in related courses. 0% References Workshop No Workshop 1. Sorby, S., (2009) “Educational Research in Developing 3-D Spatial Skills for Engineering Students,” Initial Midterm International Journal of Science Education, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 459-480, 2009
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