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2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Vazgen Shekoyan; sunil Dehipawala, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Dimitrios S. Kokkinos, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Rex Taibu; George Tremberger Jr; Tak Cheung
Paper ID #32232Assessment of experiential learning in online introductory physics labsduring COVID-19Prof. Vazgen Shekoyan Dr. Vazgen Shekoyan is a professor of physics and his experiences include pedagogy, CubeSat, etc.Dr. sunil Dehipawala, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College Sunil Dehipawala received his B.S. degree from University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka and Ph.D from City University of New York. Currently, he is working as a faculty member at Queensborough Community College of CUNY.Dr. Dimitrios S. Kokkinos, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College Dr. Dimitrios Kokkinos
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
sunil Dehipawala, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Vazgen Shekoyan; Dimitrios S. Kokkinos, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Rex Taibu; George Tremberger Jr; Tak Cheung
Paper ID #32233Assessment of online learning in STEM writing intensive physics classesin a community college during COVID-19Dr. sunil Dehipawala, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College Sunil Dehipawala received his B.S. degree from University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka and Ph.D from City University of New York. Currently, he is working as a faculty member at Queensborough Community College of CUNY.Prof. Vazgen Shekoyan Dr. Vazgen Shekoyan is a professor of physics and his experiences include pedagogy, CubeSat, etc.Dr. Dimitrios S. Kokkinos, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
sunil Dehipawala, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Dimitrios S. Kokkinos, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Vazgen Shekoyan; Rex Taibu; George Tremberger Jr; Tak Cheung
Paper ID #32231Community College student research project pedagogy delivered onlineduring COVID-19 and assessment of scientific principle learningDr. sunil Dehipawala, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College Sunil Dehipawala received his B.S. degree from University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka and Ph.D from City University of New York. Currently, he is working as a faculty member at Queensborough Community College of CUNY.Dr. Dimitrios S. Kokkinos, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College Dr. Dimitrios Kokkinos is an Associate Professor of Physics at Queensborough Community College of
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Mojeed Olamide Bello, MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY; Nkiruka Jane Nwachukwu, Morgan State University; Ida Mougang Yanou N, Morgan State University; Niangoran Koissi, Morgan State University; Celeste Chavis P.E., Morgan State University; Oludare Adegbola Owolabi P.E., Morgan State University; Jumoke 'Kemi' Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University
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membrane peroxidation, in turn, is a consequence of oxidative stress caused by increased level of ozone and peroxidated organic acids in urbanized regions. [1] Koissi N., L¨onnberg H.: (2007) Synthesis of modified nucleosides for incorporation of formyletheno and carboxyetheno adducts of adenine nucleosides into oligonucleotides. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 26, 1203 [2] Ruohola A-M., Koissi N., Andersson S, Lepist¨o I., Neuvonen K., Mikkola S., L¨onnberg H.: (2004) Reaction of 9-substituted guanines with bromomalonaldehyde in aqueous solution predominantly yield glyoxal derived adducts. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2, 1943 [3] Neuvonen K., Koissi N., L¨onnberg H.: (2002) Condensation of triformylmethane with
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Ping-Chuan Wang, State University of New York at New Paltz
aftertaking the course.• “In your opinion, which engineering discipline (EE or ME) is more relevant to the study of microelectronics?” Perception of the discipline more relevant to the field of microelectronics was surveyed before and after the semester, with the intention to assess the effectiveness in demonstrating interdisciplinarity. Students were asked to choose the relevant discipline(s) as they perceived. The number of votes were separated into the three groups, which were normalized by the group size, and the resulting “relevance perspectives” are shown in percentage. Figure 3 summarizes the results from the beginning of the semester. Overall, majority (~67%) of the class perceived the industry as more relevant to EE
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Patricia Muisener, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science); Gail P Baxter, Stevens Institute of Technology; Guillermo D. Ibarrola Recalde, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)
instructor (to improveteaching) and the students (to improve learning) [2], [8], [9], [10]. For the “Minute Paper” theinstructor takes a few minutes at the end of class for students to answer two questions, generallywhat they learned and what question(s) remains unanswered. After reviewing student comments,the instructor can address the most common comments in the next class as well as quickly assessa student's learning and understanding [8]. Eliciting information from students on the topic that ismost confusing, or the “muddiest point”, has been applied for years in many different classroomsincluding General Chemistry [8], [9], [10]. For example, King [10] used clicker questions in alarge enrollment General Chemistry course to have students
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Jan Cannizzo, Stevens Institute of Technology
(according toPengelley, at least 60% of the final grade [4]). In addition, there may or may not be quizzes orexams. One goal behind such a grade distribution is to make students take seriously theday-to-day work of reading, writing, practicing, discussing, and problem-solving.Creating assignmentsTo create a pre-class reading assignment, the instructor directs students to reading materialassociated with the topic(s) to be addressed in class. In addition, they require students to answer,in writing, a handful of reading questions that ask them to think more deeply about what theyhave read. Students must submit their answers to the reading questions at least one day beforethe start of class. The instructor may also wish to have students write down
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Amitabha Bandyopadhyay, State University of New York, College of Technology at Farmingdale
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Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Educating Civil Engineering TechnologistsIntroduction Civil engineering work has evolved to encompass the distinctive roles and competencies of professional engineers, technologists and technicians. A civil engineering technologist is a specialist trained to work in one or more technical areas within the civil engineering field. Engineering technologists often work under professional engineers, yet they are expected to demonstrate competency for completion of independent activities within their particular area(s) of specialty. In many cases, civil engineering technologists acquire unique skills and knowledge that complement those of a professional engineer. In contrast, civil
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Dov B Kruger, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science); Gail P Baxter, Stevens Institute of Technology
, consider the following instruction in ARM assembler:subs r0, r2, #3The purpose of the above instruction is to subtract the number 3 from register r2, storing theresult in register r0. Since that is the main point of the instruction, students usually can learn thatmuch. However, there are actually three things happening during the one instruction:1. Subtraction of the value.2. The CPU must move on to read the next instruction3. The CPU compares the result against zero because the operation has an s appended (set flags)The fact that an instruction has one primary function, and two more ancillary actions isintrinsically difficult. Many students simply miss one or both of the ancillary actions, despitehaving heard the professor review this multiple
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Jeremy David Paquin, United States Military Academy; Matthew Louis Miller, United States Military Academy; Jes Barron, U.S. Military Academy
rather than use theentire course textbook. Erbe suggests that student created note sheets can “reduce examinationanxiety while increasing learning, particularly in courses that assess on the first three levels ofBloom’s taxonomy” [6, 7]. Raadt found statistical significance that “[s]tudents with cheat-sheetsperformed, on average, higher” and “students without cheat-sheets performed worse” to indicate“that the preparation and use of student created cheat-sheets does have an impact on studentperformance” [4]. Researchers make various arguments against student-generated note sheets,including Rehfuss who is concerned “that pre-supplied note sheets detract from conceptualthinking and discourage studying.” To address Rehfuss’ concern, Cone advocates
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Samuel C Lieber PE, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ashish D Borgaonkar, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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since the 1950’s and developed in response to engineering programs becoming more andmore theoretical in nature [3-4]. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has acontinuum model demonstrating the overlap in an engineering education as opposed to anengineering technology one [3]. An engineer’s education resides more on the analysis side of thecontinuum, and engineering technology on the production. The middle area shared by bothdisciplines are the activities associated with design and development. Therefore, the roles of anengineer and engineering technologist can overlap. Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET)has different forms across the United States. At New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT),MET is a focused program for
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Nadir Yilmaz P.E., Howard University; Hyung D. Bae , Howard University
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-optimization5. S. Krish, “A practical generative design method,” Computer-Aided Design, vol. 43(1), pp. 88–100, 2011.6. K. M. Dogan, H. Suzuki, E. Gunpinar and M.S. Kim, “A generative sampling system for profile designs with shape constraints and user evaluation,” Computer-Aided Design, vol. 111, pp. 93–112, 2019.7. N. Yilmaz and H. D. Bae, “Implementation of Computer Aided Engineering in an Undergraduate Curriculum,” ASEE North Central Section conference, Morgantown, West Virginia, March 27, 2020.
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Johannes Weickenmeier, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)
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results via a google form and prepared an diverse hands-on experiences, students prepare for their future career paths. overview of the groups outcomes. Problem Solver, Philomath, and Analyst were the most frequently reported strengths which is characteristic for a group of engineers. In a 15-minute breakout session into rooms with 3 participants each, we asked all participants to use the STAR method to describe a situation in which one of their key strengths was particularly relevant. The STAR method is a communication tools to establish relatability with your narrative [8]: “S” stands for situation, “T” for task, “A” for one’s action, and “R” for result. Following this
2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting
Alex K Antunes, Capitol Technology University
of the Sesame Street Curriculum". InFisch, S.M. and Truglio, R.T. (eds), "​G" is for Growing: Thirty Years of Research on Childrenand Sesame Street.​ Mahweh, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers,p. 28, 2000. ISBN0-8058-3395-1. (Excerpted from Wikipedia,,_p._116-53​)[7] Garlen, J.C. and Graham, A.M, ​Kermit Culture: Critical Perspectives on Jim Henson'sMuppets,​ McFarland Press, 2014.[8]Buzzetto-Hollywood, N., ​Principles of Effective Online Teaching,​ Informing Science Press.2007.[9] Bayne, S., "Manifesto for Teaching Online", Retrieved Sep 2020.[10] Pawan, F., ​Teaching Presence in Online Teaching,​ TESOL