Paper ID #18534Global Humanitarian-based Projects: A Documentation Strategy for Strength-ening Project SustainabilityDr. Randy S. Lewis, Brigham Young University Dr. Randy S. Lewis is professor and chair of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University (BYU). He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from BYU and Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, respectively. He currently serves as vice-chair of the Education and Accreditation Committee of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and as an ABET commissioner for accrediting engineering programs. He previously served in several national
Paper ID #23209Engagement in Practice: Developing a Sustainable K-12 Outreach STEMProgramDr. Joan B. Schuman, Missouri University of Science & Technology Dr. Joan Schuman is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department at Missouri S&T. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Arkansas and completed her Ph.D. in Polymer Science and Engineering from the University of Southern Mississippi. Schuman is a Project Management Professional (PMP) certified through the Project Management Institute. She worked for several years
Paper ID #25909Engaged Interdisciplinary Engineering Design in a Minka House for the Ag-ingDr. Brandon S. Field, University of Southern Indiana Brandon Field teaches in the thermal fluids area of mechanical engineering at the University of Southern Indiana, Evansville.Dr. Adam Giles TennantMr. David J. Ellert PE, University of Southern Indiana Dave Ellert teaches freshman engineering problem solving, computer aided drafting and design (CAD) and computer programming. He has a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue University. Dave has been on the USI Department of Engineering faculty since 2003. Dave is a
course at UCSC wherein interdisciplinary teams of students work in an layered apprenticeship model with community mentors to design and implement sustainable solutions to water, energy, waste, transportation and social challenges using ”green technology”. Dr. Ball has worked as a research fellow with two NSF Centers for Learning and Teaching and most recently on several NSF projects that focus the integration of engineering and social science to support the advancement of experiential learning for sustainability in higher education.Dr. Michael S. Isaacson, University of California, Santa Cruz Michael Isaacson is the Narinder Singh Kapany Professor emeritus, professor of electrical engineering, Director of the Center
, Washington State University Dr. Olusola O. Adesope is a Professor of Educational Psychology and a Boeing Distinguished Profes- sor of STEM Education at Washington State University, Pullman. His research is at the intersection of educational psychology, learning sciences, and instructional design and technology. His recent research focuses on the cognitive and pedagogical underpinnings of learning with computer-based multimedia re- sources; knowledge representation through interactive concept maps; meta-analysis of empirical research, and investigation of instructional principles and assessments in STEM. He is currently a Senior Associate Editor of the Journal of Engineering Education.Dr. Candis S. Claiborn, Washington
and professional development of engineering undergraduate students.Dr. Sandra G Luca, Loyola Marymount University Sandra Luca is the Director of Student Engagement for the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering. She earned her Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Arizona in Tucson.Prof. Jeremy S Pal, Loyola Marymount UniversityDr. jose A saez Page 26.897.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Impacts of Service-Learning Projects on the Technical and Professional Engineering Confidence of First Year Engineering
Paper ID #30265Engagement in Practice: Practicing Empathy in Engineering for theCommunity CourseDr. Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Malinda Zarske is a faculty member with the Engineering Plus program at the University of Colorado Boulder. She teaches undergraduate product design and core courses through Engineering Plus as well as STEM education courses for pre-service teachers through the CU Teach Engineering program. Her primary research interests include the impacts of project-based service-learning on student identity - es- pecially women and nontraditional demographic groups in engineering - as well
Paper ID #18486Sustainable Water Filters in Southern PeruDr. Randy S. Lewis, Brigham Young University Dr. Randy S. Lewis is professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University (BYU). He re- ceived his B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from BYU and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively. He currently serves as chair of the Education and Accreditation Committee of the Ameri- can Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and as an ABET commissioner for accrediting engineering programs. He previously served in several national positions of AIChE. His research interests include biomaterials
Paper ID #24053Engagement in Practice: Co-creation process in higher education contexts toinnovate in Pre-calculus curriculumDr. Martha Janneth Salinas S, Minuto de Dios University Corporation Martha Salinas is a Professor at Minuto de Dios University Corporation in the master’s program in Social Innovations in Education. Prior joining to research teams at the Education Faculty in UNIMINUTO, she was academic vice-rector of the Cundinamarca Headquarters of the institution. She is currently engaged in research on innovation and technology education and belongs to the STEM team of the Social Innovation Science Park. Her
Paper ID #7302How Land Use Change, Changed CultureMs. Aimee S Navickis-Brasch P.E., University of Idaho, Moscow Aimee Navickis-Brasch is a registered professional engineer with over nineteen years of experience in Hydraulic and Stormwater Engineering including positions with: Bovay Northwest Consulting Engineers (Dames and Moore), Boeing, and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The ma- jority of her career was spent working for WSDOT as a headquarters hydraulic and stormwater engineer where she was responsible for providing statewide support including; design, research, training, men- toring, and
AC 2012-3805: SERVICE-BASED FIRST-YEAR ENGINEERING PROJECTS:DO THEY MAKE A DIFFERENCE?Dr. Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Malinda S. Zarske is the Director of K-12 Engineering Education at the University of Colorado Boulder’s College of Engineering and Applied Science. A former high school and middle school science and math teacher, she has advanced degrees in teaching secondary science from the Johns Hopkins University and in civil engineering from CU, Boulder. She is also a First-year Engineering Projects Instructor and on the development team for the digital library. Her primary research interests are on the impacts of project-based service-learning on student identity
Paper ID #5808Social Constraints: A Critical Component of Global Humanitarian-basedProjectsAmy Wood, Brigham Young UniversityMr. Parry Fader Garff, Brigham Young UniversityProf. Carol J Ward, Brigham Young University Carol J. Ward is associate professor in the Sociology Department.Prof. Eric C. Dahlin, Brigham Young UniversityDr. Randy S. Lewis, Brigham Young University Dr. Randy S. Lewis is professor and chair of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University (BYU). He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from BYU and Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, respectively. He currently serves as vice-chair of
Paper ID #7666The Impacts of Real Clients in Project-Based Service-Learning CoursesDr. Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Malinda S. Zarske is the director of K-12 Engineering Education at the University of Colorado Boul- der’s College of Engineering and Applied Science. A former high school and middle school science and math teacher, she has advanced degrees in teaching secondary science from the Johns Hopkins University and in civil engineering from CU-Boulder. She is also a first-year Engineering Projects instructor, Faculty advisor for SWE, and on the development team for the TeachEngineering
Paper ID #8964Restoring Water, Culture, and Relationships: Using a Community Based Par-ticipatory Research Methodology for Engineering EducationMs. Aimee S Navickis-Brasch P.E., University of Idaho, Moscow Aimee Navickis-Brasch is a registered professional engineer with over twenty years of practitioner experi- ence in Hydraulic and Stormwater Engineering. The majority of her career was spent working for WSDOT Headquarters Hydraulics and Stormwater Office where she was responsible for providing statewide sup- port including; design, research, training,and policy development. Aimee is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Civil
Paper ID #34752Engineers Without Borders at a Community College: Lessons LearnedCallie CharletonMiral Desai, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis ObispoMs. Carissa Elaine NoriegaCeleste Yi ming Soon RamseyerMs. Elise GoodingMichael S. ReynaDr. Lizabeth L. Thompson, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Dr. Lizabeth Thompson is a professor in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. She has been at Cal Poly for nearly 30 years and has held various positions on campus including Co-Director of LAES, Director of Women’s Engineering Programs, and CENG Associate Dean. Her research is in Engineering
. Page 23.1098.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Student Experiences in Service-Learning: Engineering vs. SciencesAbstractThe cognitive and affective benefits of service-learning (S-L) for students have been welldocumented, and S-L has become more common in many disciplines, including engineering, thehealth sciences, and education. Opportunities in the core sciences, however, seem sparse. Thispaper compares the attitudes of science majors and engineering majors toward S-L throughquantitative analysis of survey responses. The goal is to examine student experience andlearning in the context of other factors that might influence participation in S
in Engineering Service-LearningAbstractAttracting and retaining women in engineering is critical in the USA today. While women arecoming to college in overrepresented numbers, they are not represented equally to men inengineering majors. Though a university can only have limited impact on the attrition of womenin the engineering workforce, we can (and must!) work to improve recruitment and retention andto graduate women with adequate preparation for an engineering career. An increasing numberof engineering programs are integrating service-learning (S-L) into their curricula.For the past eight years of one S-L program, students in a college of engineering have beenwidely surveyed at the beginning of their studies and at the end of each
?AbstractService-learning (S-L) has been integrated into an average of 30 engineering courses every yearsince 2004 in five undergraduate departments. Forty-three faculty members have tried S-L, overhalf the engineering faculty. In 2010-2011, 1267 students (out of an enrollment of 1600) engagedin S-L projects in 33 courses contributing an estimated 49,500 hours to the community. Thisapproach to trying to develop better engineers and more engaged citizens was motivated by thegrowing body of research showing widespread benefits of S-L, the meeting of academicobjectives through addressing real community needs in credit-bearing courses. But what do thestudents who are part of this program think about S-L? In this study surveys of student viewswere collected
with engineeringoutreach activities to enhance the learning experience of the students enrolled in an engineeringcourse (EGR 299 S course). The objective was to improve the retention of underrepresentedengineering students (majority at CPP) by providing them with opportunities to use theirtechnical engineering skills and by providing them with opportunities to work in diverse andmultidisciplinary teams (building confidence in their knowledge) in order to build relationshipswith K-12 students and to motivate the K-12 students to pursue STEM fields.Introduction to CPP engineering programsCal Poly Pomona is a four-year institution well-known by the diversity of its student population(0.2, 23.6, 3.3, 38.9, 0.1, 19.7, 3.9, 4.4 and 5.7 % of American
and written publications. So, I’m a big supporter of S-L, as an active learning method. The service initiative, and the service component is very powerful as long as we have good projects; and they can be well integrated into the courses.”To Increase Student Motivation to Learn: 95% of the faculty members expressed their interestin service-learning primarily because they viewed it as a way to motivate students to learn. Intheir view, students become more motivated to learn and to develop technical skills when thelearning goes beyond the classroom. Therefore, service-learning was viewed as a value-addedteaching strategy to enhance student learning of engineering content. As such, they weremotivated to use service-learning
globally competent engineer as one who “work[s] effectively with people whodefine problems differently than they do” (p. 110).8 Moreover, we understand navigating acrosscultures to be a salient characteristic of working effectively with those “who define problemsdifferently.” We understand culture to be “dominant images” (p. 5),9 a framework also proposedby Downey and Lucena.10 Lucena nicely articulates this understanding of culture: “[I]ndividualsliving and working in a particular spatial and temporal location are challenged by dominantimages. Dominant images create expectations about how individuals in that location aresupposed to act or behave. In this … concept of culture, the image remains the same over aperiod of time, while individual or
with anintensive 4-day summer workshop (including a community college faculty member), whichresulted in action items including plans to alter specific courses. We also describe theDepartment of Education funded grant that is supporting this work to incorporate sustainability,service learning, and advances in educational technology in all STEM programs at ouruniversity.Unique features of these community and university efforts include the involvement of all facultymembers in our department in the project and as authors on this paper and the increasinginvolvement of engineering faculty and students in our community‟s sustainability efforts.IntroductionIn the Department of Engineering at Colorado State University-Pueblo, we are increasing
draw out guide values and assumptions in theanalysis portion of this project [11]. We asked guides to describe details of the experience,including what was solidified for them. Interviews were conducted via Skype video conference,and were audio recorded, transcribed, and coded.The first author of this study is a member of the raft guide community and thus benefited fromeasy access to a pool of participants for recruitment. Multiple coders to ensure analysis was notbiased. The first participant was a 30-year-old male who is a high school social studies teacher inthe off-season. He has been guiding for 9 years and has taught numerous guide schools in whichhe trained others to become guides. The second participant was a female in her early 20’s
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Her pri- mary teaching responsibilities are in the solid mechanics and materials areas. She was awarded the 2012 ASEE NCS Outstanding Teacher Award. Vernaza consults for GE Transportation and does research in the area of alternative fuels (biodiesel), engineering education (project based learning and service learning), and high strain deformation of materials. She is one of the PIs of two NSF S-STEM grants and one NSF ADVANCE-PAID grant.Dr. Barry J Brinkman, Gannon UniversityDr. Scott E Steinbrink, Gannon University Dr. Scott Steinbrink is an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering
understanding of empathy has also been pursued in the fields ofengineering and technology for purposes relating to the ability of robotic technologies to imitatehuman abilities [8]–[10]. In our study, we focus on the aspect of empathy research concernedwith the ability of people to consider how their decisions affect others.Service learning (S-L) is a well-studied approach to teaching and learning [11]–[16]. It is one ofseveral pedagogies for engaging students in learning. In this study, by service learning we meana learning environment where students are taking a course for credit, serving a community aspart of the course and reflecting on their experience also as a component of the course [12], [17].S-L has been identified as a helpful pedagogy for
render more loss of life anddestruction of property. As an example, large fires have destroyed highly affluent neighborhoods acrossCalifornia, Texas, and Florida. Floods and flash floods have killed hundreds of people around the worldeach year, more than any other weather event. Catastrophic flooding, as a result of Hurricane Harvey,left many people stranded. Tornadoes cause widespread property damage, clearing slabs and flippingmobile homes. Tornadoes are also most common in the central part and Great Plains regions of theUnited States; thus, including Mississippi (U. S. Tornadoes, 2016).As researcher Quarentelli has predicted (1996 and 2001) the increase of disasters and the emergence ofnew and more impactful disasters, there would be an
prediction model,with very few studies, such as a study by Sucharitha et al. [1], who estimated much less foodinsecurity determinants (income and distance) using more complex prediction techniques such asClustering algorithms. Future studies need to develop this idea of considering a wider range ofdeterminants (related to each case studies) using more advanced prediction algorithms such asmachine learning techniques or using a neural network, to accurately predict where the foodinsecure community is located and how to design solutions to better engage these communities.References:[1] L. S. Sucharitha R. S., "Application of Clustering Analysis for Investigation of FoodAccessibility," 25th International Conference on Production Research
acknowledged. The tireless efforts ofBernie Peyton in organizing the Origami Universe exhibit at the Chimei Museum and invitingour participation are also recognized. Thanks to Madison Fujimoto for her work helping toprepare the paper for publication. This work is dedicated to the memory of our friend PaulAnderson, whose curatorial efforts made the exhibit possible.References[1] “NSF GPRA Strategic Plan FY 2001-2006.” Internet:, 2006 [Nov. 7, 2017].[2] “Flip It, Fold It, Figure It Out.” Internet:,2011.[3] S. Van Dyk, curator. “Paper Engineering: Fold, Pull, Pop & Turn,” National Museum ofAmerican History. 2012. The Smithsonian Institution Libraries
careers to solvesocietal challenges that mitigate and prepare for climate change and its global implications forsustainability. Attached below is the survey instrument developed and currently undergoing validatingand reliability testing.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1635534. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesABET. (2013). Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, 2014 - 2015. Retrieved from, B., Murphy, C., Allen, D., & Davidson, C. (2009
development of a low-cost cold storage system to provide farmers with more control over the delivery of fresh produceto market, increasing income through more effective market timing. The second addressed foodloss in the red chili supply chain through implementation of a system to dry chilies at the primarylevel of farming. These projects became two of the six offered in ME 170’s inaugural year.Project continuityWhile continuity/longevity was not a specific criterion for initial project selection, each teamdeveloped specific parameters for future work as part of their final deliverables. In parallel, theteaching team worked closely with the Precourt Institute and the Haas Center to identifyopportunities for students to continue their work through