) understand specifications of commercially availableparts and use them to create a system – “obstacle avoiding robot” and v) create a robot or asubsystem. In addition, the course envisaged that students develop lesson plans in order toengage in mentoring of middle school students based on the understanding of their educationalbackground, write a weekly reflection report and make improvements on the delivery of lessonplan and help mentees build a finished product – an obstacle avoiding robot, from thecommercially available parts. Topics covered in the course included – Microcontrollers, Programing, Digital I/O,Encoders, Infrared sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, LIDAR, Gyroscope, Accelerometer,Magnetometer, Wireless interface to microcontroller, RC
the ECE major. 5. Facilitate student interest in robotics.Theoretical Motivation The theoretical motivation that drove course redesign was centered on evidence-basedpedagogy pointing towards the benefits of project-based learning. Fundamentally, Kolb’sExperiential Learning Model asserts that a cycle of concrete experience, reflective observation,abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation results in higher student learning [10].Implementation of Kolb’s method along with the integration of theory and hands-on practice inand introductory engineering course at Harvey Mudd College saw a statistically significant gainin student learning and an increased enthusiasm amongst female students [5]. To incorporatethese theories, our
through distance education in the time ofthe fourth industrial revolution: Reflections from three decades of peer reviewed studies",Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2020.[8] W. Ibrahim and R. Morsi, "Online engineering education: A comprehensive review,"American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Washington, DC,2005, pp. 1–10, 2005.[9] B. Mischewski and A. Christie, "Understanding the feasibility of micro‐credentials inengineering education," 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference(AAEE 2018), Engineers Australia, p. 758, 2018.[10] C. M. Stracke, and A. Bozkurt, "Evolution of MOOC designs, providers and learners andthe related MOOC research and publications from 2008 to
to become more effective by delegating work to competent individuals.Throughout the independent study, the faculty supervisor may hold weekly meetings with thestudent to discuss the project progress as well as answer questions and clear up anymisconceptions the student may have. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss otheravenues of inquiry to research further or experiment with. The student may also keep an online orphysical project journal documenting the progress made and reflecting on the work completed.The faculty supervisor may choose to review the journal to provide feedback.The rules and structure for an independent study vary widely with departments and institutions.They may be letter-graded or graded as pass/fail. Many
instructional settings and EE topics.The success of the HBCU ECP project led the group to consider whether or not the scope of thecollaboration could be expanded to include a broader range of topics and participants. As theECP project wound down, the group has been reflecting on what lessons there are to be learnedfrom this experience. First and foremost, the project succeeded because many schools workedtogether as one to collectively improve the learning experiences of their students.What enabled the group to succeed? 1) Experienced faculty trained faculty at schools new topersonal instrumentation at both in-person workshops and regular online meetings. Theexperienced faculty from within the project had worked together previously in the MobileStudio
assessments are conducted at each course with CPS/IoT infusion. The outcomesand impacts of the course modules are monitored via student surveys as indirect measure andcourse assignment evaluations by instructor as direct measure. The student surveys reflect theiropinions on the course and their learning. Rubrics are developed for each course module onexercises and/or lab exercises, class projects, and independent projects to provide directmeasurements that quantify students’ achievements on the educational objectives presented inthe module outline. Each rubric includes the outcome indicators that align with some of the newABET students learning outcomes “1 through 7” and the levels of achievements for theexperience of CPS/IoT. For each instructional