Paper ID #29266Comparison of Labatorials and Traditional Physics LabsProf. calvin s kalman, Concordia University Calvin S. Kalman, has been at Concordia for over 51 years (35 as full Professor). He has served many roles at the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) including Chair, Division of Physics Education, councillor (in charge CAP tour - Ontario & Quebec), Chair, CAP teaching medal committee. He has also had many administrative positions at Concordia including Principal, Science, College, Chair, Physics and chair of many faculty committees. Internationally he was for many years, chair of the Hyperons Charm
Joanneum University of Applied Sciences. Prior to his studies, he attended a HTL, a technical secondary school that specializes on Mecha- tronics and Automatisation.Mr. Christian J. Steinmann, HM&S IT Consulting Christian Steinmann is manager of HM&S IT-Consulting and provides services for Automotive SPiCE. Currently, his main occupation is process improvement for embedded software development for an auto- mobile manufacturer. On Fridays, he is teaching computer science and programming courses at Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria.Mr. Alexander Tretton Alexander Tretton is currently a student at the Joanneum University of Applied Science and started his studies in automotive engeneering
. Figure 3. A Truck in MotionFigure 4 shows a bus hitting a coke can to slow down at the end of its motion. Using aluminumcans proved to be very useful to prevent vehicles from travelling back after hitting the terminalpost. Kinetic energy was absorbed into the can instead of being used to bounce back. Figure 4. A Bus at the Terminal PointTables 3 and 4 show how downloaded acceleration data in Figure 5 and Table 1 is converted intovelocity (Figure 6) and distance (Figure 7) traveled using numerical integration. Table 3. Vehicle 1 Data Analysis (Part 1) Time Yacc Net Accel. Trapezoid Width Left Right Area Speed (s) (G) (m/s2
each other out. The final speed of the rocket is found by dividing the total momentum forthe exhaust or the opposite rocket momentum by the mass of the rocket. This simple explanationignores gravity and air resistance. In this project, many model rockets were launched, and thestudents clearly observed that expelled gases push against something (the launch pad) only duringthe brief ignition and lift-off moment. In Figure 12, model rocket ZE-1’s flight trajectory showsthe rocket thrusting without having to push against anything for up to 53 meters.Energy Source for Propulsion for Model Rocket Engines The The Chemical Side Physical
is not high enough, therewould be an overlap between two neighbors, and this is the cause of the aliasing effect. Fig. 1. Alising phenomenon in frequency domain.In practical situations, the input signal is always band limited, so we can assume that the upperlimit of the frequency is fMAX. The Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem [2] indicates that thesampling frequency should be at least twice of fMAX, i.e. f S 2 f MAX , which can be understoodeasily from Fig. 1. On the other hand, if the sampling frequency is fixed, the bandwidth of theinput signal is required to be no greater than fs/2, which is called the Nyquist frequency and it isan attribute of the electronic device.Students can understand the Nyquist-Shannon
- Permittivity and Permeability are(a) Rational number (b) integer number (c) Complex number (d) irrational number9. When electromagnetic wave passes through a medium(a) All energy is reflected, (b) All energy is absorbed, (c) Some energy is absorbed, and some ispassed through, (c) Some energy is reflected, some is absorbed and some is passed through10. Reflected or transmitted wave is a complex number(a) True (b) False11. Speed of electromagnetic wave (3x108 m/s) is(a) 3x109 mm/s, (b) 3x1010 mm/s, (c) 3x1011 mm/s, (d) 3x1012 mm/s12. Rectangular form 4-j3 can be expressed in one of following polar forms(a) 5<36.870 (b) 5
” by Young and Freedman[24]. Students of the course also attended weekly laboratory sessions where “Tutorials inIntroductory Physics” by McDermott and Schaffer [25] was used extensively. All courseactivities, including the tests, were conducted in Spanish.The E&M course uses active learning for instruction [26]. During the semester, besides the useof Tutorials, a very successful teaching strategy created by McDermott, et al. [25], the instructoruses Mazur´s Peer Instruction, a conceptual-based educational strategy [11]. He also employsproblem-solving activities using collaborative learning, conceptual building activities such asTasks Inspired by Physics Education Research (TIPER) [27] and educational technologies suchas Interactive
, textbooks, letters and diaries in the cause of providing somehistorical context for two centuries of physics education. Table 1. Special Collections Resources. Special Collections Resources Letters of CDT George Cullum USMA 1833, 9 Sept 1831 and 16 June 1832 [31] Letter of CDT John Pope USMA 1842, 24 Nov 1839 [32] Letter of CDT Ulysses S. Grant USMA 1843, 18 July 1840 [33] Letters of CDT William Dutton USMA 1846, 19 Oct 1842 and 3 Sept. 1844 [34] Natural & Experimental Philosophy Notebook of CDT James Runcie USMA 1879 [35] Diary of CDT Charles H. Barth USMA 1879 [36] Letters of CDT George S. Patton USMA 1909 [37] Letters & Diary of CDT Richard Von Schriltz USMA 1941 [38,39] Letters of
, the followingquestions were asked of all interviewees prior to conducting the interview: ● What is your name? (to ensure the correct person was interviewed) ● Are you over the age of 18? (this study was not IRB approved for minors as participants) ● Were you an LA in the Spring of 2020? ● What course(s) were you an LA for in Spring of 2020?These questions were for the purposes of pre-screening for eligibility and were not recorded as apart of the data collection process. As established in our approved Institutional Review Boardprotocol, we reviewed approved consent documents with each participant and gained verbalconsent for engaging in the interview or recording the audio.Course Contexts. The interviewees in this study supported
framework and become more confident in solvingproblems. Reference[1] Harris Cooper, Jorgianne C. Robinson, Erika A. Patall, “Does homework improve academicachievement? A synthesis of research, 1987–2003”, Review of Educational Research, 76(1), pp.1–62 (2006).[2] Autar Kaw, “Does Collecting Homework Improve Examination Performance?”, Proceedingsof 117th ASEE Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, June 20 - 23, 2010.[3] Kathy S. Jackson, Mark D. Maughmer, “Promoting Student Success: Goodbye to GradedHomework and Hello to Homework Quizzes”, Proceedings of 124th ASEE Annual Conference,Columbus, Ohio, June 25 - 28, 2017.[4] Gilbert C. Brunnhoeffer III, “Homework Is So 20th Century!”, Proceedings of 124th
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) where he was vice president candidate, a member of the Committee on Research in Physics Education (RIPE) a member and chair of the International Education Committee and elected member of Leadership Organizing Physics Education Research Council (PERLOC ) in the period 2015-2018. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019Students’ perception of teaching practice in an active learning environmentAbstractPhysics Education Research has been very active since the late 70’s trying to reduce the gapbetween what the instructor teaches and what the students learn. One of the most importantresults of that research is the design of educational strategies and
into two parts: the theoretical and functional. Ideas behindthe advanced manufacturing process under discussion were introduced in the first part of themodule(s) as well as defining the relationship between engineering topics covered in thecurriculum; whereas the active online experimentations were introduced in the second part ofeach module(s) focusing on preliminary engineering concepts and techniques such design anddesign rationale, durability, and other topics needed to build the UAVs. The students wereadvised to use SoildWorks or TinkerCad to make slight adjustments to the general design of theirprojects. The students could also use MATLAB to collect, store and analyze their data dependingon the level of programing experience each student
. Spec. Top. - Phys. Educ. Res., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1–58, 2014.[2] L. Deslauriers, E. Schelew, and C. Wieman, “Improved Learning in a Large-Enrollment Physics Class,” Science, vol. 332, no. 6031, pp. 862–864, 2011.[3] P. S. Shaffer and L. C. Mcdermott, “A research-based approach to improving student understanding of the vector nature of kinematical concepts: vectors and operational definitions,” Am. J. Phys., vol. 73, no. 10, pp. 921–931, 2005.[4] Zavala, G., & Martinez-Torteya, C. E., “Students’ Abilities to Solve RC Circuits with Research-based Educational Strategies,” in 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, Florida, June, 2019.[5] M. A. McDaniel, S. M. Stoen, R
significant fraction of the students fromexcessive dependence on solution manuals. Reference[1] Harris Cooper, Jorgianne C. Robinson, Erika A. Patall, “Does homework improve academicachievement? A synthesis of research, 1987–2003”, Review of Educational Research, 76(1), pp.1–62 (2006).[2] Autar Kaw, “Does Collecting Homework Improve Examination Performance?”, Proceedingsof 117th ASEE Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, June 20 - 23, 2010.[3] Kathy S. Jackson, Mark D. Maughmer, “Promoting Student Success: Goodbye to GradedHomework and Hello to Homework Quizzes”, Proceedings of 124th ASEE Annual Conference,Columbus, Ohio, June 25 - 28, 2017.[4] Gilbert C. Brunnhoeffer III, “Homework Is So 20th Century
] K. E. Rambo-Hernandez, M. Jeremy, and C. Schwartz, “Examining the Effects of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Activities in First-Year Engineering Classes,” in American Society for Engineering Education Annual, 2019.[2] A. R. Daane, S. R. Decker, and V. Sawtelle, “Teaching About Racial Equity in Introductory Physics Courses,” Phys. Teach., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 328–333, Sep. 2017.[3] ABET Engineering Accredidation Commission, “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2019 – 2020,” Baltimore, MD, 2018.[4] C. Corbett and C. Hill, Solving the equation : the variables for women’s success in engineering and computing. Washington, DC: AAUW, 2015.[5] E. Cech, B. Rubineau, S. Silbey, and C. Seron, “Professional
nature of the approached concepts presented both in physics and calculus books.For the physics examples, building since the beginning the idea of a vector component relative tovelocity is of an extreme importance, while for the calculus book it is not mentioned until later.Further observations on how each of the concepts around the idea of velocity are used during awhole class structure should be made. For example, with graphic representations made underboth mathematical and physical background. While both approaches may seem similar, seriousmatters are provoked.An example, often found in the classroom, happens when you ask students which object has ahigher velocity, one traveling at 5 m/s or one traveling at -5 m/s. From a pure mathematical
at (Accessed February 5, 2018)3 NIH Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Initiative, available online at (Accessed February 5, 2018)4 Olson, S., and Fagen, A. P., “Understanding Interventions that Encourage Minorities to PursueResearch Careers,” National Academies Press, Washington, D.C (2007).5 Eagan, M. K., Jr., Sharkness, J., Hurtado, S., Mosqueda, C. M., and Chang, M. J., “EngagingUndergraduates in Science Research: Not Just About Faculty Willingness,” Res High Educ 52, 151-177 (2007)6 Hurtado, S., Eagan, M. K., Cabrera, N. L., Lin, M. H., Park, J., and Lopez, M., “Training FutureScientists: Predicting First-year Minority
what you know? Figure 2. Short writing example involving exploration of topics in Physics 230.During the third week of class, students were given a short in-class writing activity in the form ofa classroom assessment technique (CAT) pioneered by Angelo and Cross [22]. Often referred toas a “minute paper” the students were asked two questions which are illustrated in Figure 3. 1. What was the most useful or meaningful thing you learned during our session together today? 2. What question(s) remain uppermost in your mind as we ended the session? Figure 3. Short writing example using a classroom assessment technique (CAT) in Physics 230.The CAT was given anonymously during class and students were given a small
Paper ID #32344An International Study of Foucault’s PendulumMr. Ezequiel Gerardo Celario Sedano, York College of Pennsylvania Ezequiel G Celario Sedano is an Electrical Engineering Senior at York College of PennsylvaniaDr. Inci Ruzybayev, York College of Pennsylvania Inci Ruzybayev is Assistant Professor in Engineering Physics at the York College of Pennsylvania. She received her Ph. D. in Physics from University of Delaware and her M. S. and B. S. in Physics Education from M.E.T.U. in Turkey. Her technical research interests are in structural and characterization of TiO2 thin films and magnetic nanoparticles along with
III and M. A. McDaniel, Make It Stick, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014.[7] B. S. Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain, New York: Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd, 1956.[8] M. Hill, M. Sharma and H. Johnston, "How online learning modules can improve the representational fluency and conceptual understanding of university physics students," European Journal of Physics, vol. 36, no. 4, p. 045019, 2015.[9] J. C. Moore, "Efficacy of Multimedia Learning Modules as Preparation for Lecture-Based Tutorials in Electromagnetism," Education Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 23, 2018.[10] D. S. Goodman, F. J. Rueckert and J. O'Brien, "Initial Steps Toward a study on the
. Moreover, wewould like to thank the Physics Department and the Mathematics Department ofTecnologico de Monterrey and, especially, the Physics Education Research and InnovationGroup for all the support received throughout this project. Finally, we would like to recognizethe Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of Medicine and Health Sciences for the resources andsupport given throughout this project.References[1] N. Chomsky, Language and Mind, 3rd edition. Cambridge, NY: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2006.[2] L. S. Vygotsky, Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes,Revised ed. edition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.[3] A. Dominguez, I. Hernandez-Armenta, y J. de la G. Becerra, “Towards a Full
vehicle. Theyfill out the chart shown in Table 2 as they complete the analysis. Table 2. Blank chart provided to students for torque analysis results. Driveshaft Maximum Wheel Maximum Vehicle Maximum Transmission Speed Torque Speed Torque Speed Force Setting rad/s N*m rad/s N*m m/s mph N 1st Gear 2nd Gear 3rd Gear Their analysis begins at the engine. Using the given engine speed and torque limits, thedriveshaft speed and torque limits are calculated based on given transmission gear ratios. Tokeep the analysis condensed, the transmission has only
the egg from breaking. Be sure to make clear the key physics concept(s) involved in your response.Question 1 was worth 3 points. The correct response is option C. For this multiple choicequestion, the students either got the question correct or they got it incorrect. There was no partialcredit or explanation required of the students on any of the multiple choice questions on theexam. Question 2 was worth 6 points. Tables 3 and 4 provided the aggregate data andassociated scores for Questions 1 and 2 respectively. Table 3. Data and Results for Question 1 Response Number of Students Percentage (%) Correct
, providing students a visual on how energy is conserved and can beconverted. Yet through further optimization such as sturdier materials and stronger magnets, aswell as placing it in a loud environment that the product was intended for, the product could bebrought to a point of commercial functionality. We theorized that with these improvements, wecould create a product that builds upon the success of our project and can be implanted in anindustrial setting.References1. Jensen, S. (2011, November 15). Can sound be converted to useful energy? Retrieved from energy/.2. Bhatnagar, S. R. (2012). Converting sound energy to electric energy.3. Romer, R. H. (1982). What
, A. Samarji, and A. Watt, Essential Considerations in Distance Education in KSA: Teacher Immediacy in a Virtual Teaching and Learning Environment, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 201613. K. C. Chu, N. Urbanik, S. Y. Yip and T. W. Cheung, The Benefit of Virtual Teaching to Engineering Education, Int. J. Engng Ed. Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 334-338, 1999, Printed in Great Britain.14. Editorial: Crossing boundaries: Learning and teaching in virtual worlds; British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol 41 No 1 201015. Barbour M. K., Real-time virtual teaching: Lessons learned from a case study in a rural school. Online Learning, 19(5), 54-68 (2015)16. Easton S., Clarifying the
/statistics/employment/bachinitemp-p-14.1.pdf[2] J. Pold and P. Mulvey, “Physics Doctorates: Skills Used & Satisfaction with Employment,”American Institute of Physics Statistical Research Center, August 2016. [Online]. Available:[3] S. Cass, “The 2018 Top Programming Languages”, IEEE Spectrum, July 31, 2018. [Online]/Available: provide a complete example, the Light Meter Lab is included in the following pagesAppendix Intro Programming Lab #2 The Light MeterThis week you will be building a meter
Paper ID #21050Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors Are Not as They AppearDr. Paul Benjamin Crilly, U.S. Coast Guard Academy Paul Crilly is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the United States Coast Guard Academy. He re- ceived his Ph.D. from New Mexico State University, his M. S. and B.S. degrees at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, all in Electrical Engineering. He was previously an Associate Professor of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering at the University of Tennessee and was a Development Engineer at the Hewlett Packard Company. His areas of interest include laboratory development, antennas, wireless
from the speaker tobe audible, a minimum dBA will be a requirement.References[1] ABET, "Accreditation Criteria & Supporting Documents," 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 28 January 2019].[2] . P. C. Blumenfeld, E. Soloway, R. W. Marx, J. S. Krajcik, G. Mark, and A. Palincsar, "Motivating project-based learning: Sustaining the doing, supporting the learning," Educational Psychologist, vol. 26, no. 3-4, pp. 369-398, 1991.[3] National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, "Mapping learning: A toolkit," University of Illinois and Indiana University, Urbana, IL, 2018.[4] B. S. Bloom, D. R. Krathwohl and B. B. Masia, Taxonomy of educational objectives: the
are different the lights will flash the same color at least one-third of thetime–it will be more than one-third if the instruction sets RRR or GGG ever occur. Note thatMermin subsequently “revisits” and “refines” this discussion with thought experiments that donot require perfect correlations between the particles.7,8 In our modern language we would saythat the “things” that traverse the path from transmitter to receiver have undergone “quantumentanglement.” Schroeder points out that the word entanglement was first introduced bySchrödinger in 1935 but has been virtually absent from publication until the 1980’s.9Dirac Notation – Vectors and Operators/MatricesPaul Dirac introduced a new mathematical notation to describe quantum mechanics that
generalpopulation.The revised instrument and methodologies were employed with a larger sample of approximately120 of American University’s undergraduate students in late fall 2017. The data collected fromthe larger study are presently being analyzed and will be presented in a future full paper. Wehope that the revised survey instrument will be adapted for use by other physics and STEMeducators so that additional comparisons across an even wider range of student populations canbe made.References[1] S. B. Cook, M. Druger, and L. L. Ploutz-Snyder, “Scientific literacy and attitudes towards American space exploration among college undergraduates,” Space Policy