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Conference Session
Enviromental Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Veera Gnaneswar Gude P.E., Mississippi State University; Dennis D. Truax PE, BCEE, F.ASCE, Mississippi State University
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Environmental Engineering
Taxonomy1 defines higher levels of learning as “synthesis - to create, design,develop, formulate...; and evaluation - to evaluate, rate, defend, predict”. To promote higherlevels of learning (or taxonomies), proper instructional strategies should be implemented. Theseinstructional strategies should include learning elements that provide authentic contexts, criticalthinking, authentic activities, multiple roles and perspectives, coaching and scaffolding, access toexpert performances and modeling, promote reflection to enable abstraction and articulation.These elements should support collaborative construction of knowledge and the use of authentic
Conference Session
Problem- Project- and Case-based Learning in Environmental Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paula Ann Monaco, Texas Tech University; Maeghan Marie Brundrett, Texas Tech University; Dylan Christenson, Texas Tech University; Kevin A. Nguyen, Texas Tech University; Audra N. Morse, Texas Tech University
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Environmental Engineering
5.00±0.00 4.00±0.00environmental policy and regulations* Rank (5-Strongly Agree; 1-Strongly Disagree) Page 26.678.12Student rankings from the Likert scale and comments from both the survey and post-questionnaire highlight key outcomes addressed following completion of the capstone designcourse and outcomes that could have been addressed with more detail, better preparing them fortheir pending careers. Faculty ranking of outcomes reflects what they perceived was discussedand addressed during the capstone design course not necessarily the time allocated orthoroughness of how the outcomes were addressed throughout the course. Practicing
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Pedagogy and Innovation
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Walter McDonald, Virginia Tech; Daniel S Brogan, Virginia Tech; Vinod K. Lohani, Virginia Tech; Randel L. Dymond, Virginia Tech
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Environmental Engineering
Page 26.238.7assessment model tests students’ level of motivation based upon five recommended componentsthat an instructor should consider when designing instruction: eMpowerment, Usefulness,Success, Interest, and Caring. The assessment instruments are modified by changing thequestions to reflect the student’s use of OWLS according to the recommendations by Jones14 inorder to test specifically how use of the OWLS by engineering students impacts their motivationlevels. The questions based on the MUSIC model are being used in the spring 2015 assessments. Quantitative data and analysis (discussed later in the Data Analysis section) results instatistics that provide insights and answers to the research questions in this study. However
Conference Session
Sustainability and Hands-on Engineering Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Environmental Engineering
which students intended to persist in their major. In thecivil and architectural engineering course, students also wrote a reflective essay where they Page 26.1449.6indicated their intent to stay or leave engineering; this information was used to compare with thesurvey data.Data analysis to compare the pre- and post- survey results used two methods. First, Wilcoxontests were used to compare pre- and post- responses from the same students. The Wilcoxon testwas used because it is suitable for ordinal data and does not require normally distributedresponses; this is in contrast with the more traditional paired t-test. In the case of the civil
Conference Session
Sustainability and Hands-on Engineering Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel A Brennan P.E., Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Environmental Engineering
reflect on their learning experiences in the course compared toother courses taken throughout their time at university. The survey consisted of 50 randomizedmultiple choice questions, provided in both positive and negative voice, with five possible answersto select from: strongly disagree (SD), disagree (D), neutral (N), agree (A), and strongly agree (SA) Page 26.75.6(Table 1).Table 1. Online survey questions and responses (n = 21 out of 23 students) at the conclusion of the course.The questions were automatically randomized for each student by the survey software.Question