embracing risk. The use of Miroreceived mixed perception on average for factors pertaining to creativity and the role ofsketching, while factors pertaining to organization and teamwork tended to receive positiveresponses. These results are also reflected in students’ qualitative responses. Figures 3 and 4 present data of male-only and female-only students, respectively. Forthese groups, the participant who identified as “other” has been excluded. Figures 3 and 4 reveala gender disparity for factors pertaining to willingness to embrace risk, with female studentsdisplaying less willingness on average than male students. The female participant group also hasnoticeably larger margins of error than the male group, indicating a wider range of
school is right for them, and also promote professionaldevelopment of the faculty member. It is recommended that higher education institutes promoteindependent studies to improve their visibility while faculty, especially at teaching institutes, useit as a vehicle to continue to engage in fundamental research for professional development. Theparagraph below is the reflection written by the student at the culmination of this study.“Through this independent study, I gained invaluable experience with applying theory to a real-life scenario through modifying/improving the dimple(s) based on the flow structure studiedusing computational methods. Upon commencement of the study, I had limited experience usingCAD software and no experience in executing
studentlearning and success in engineering courses for all modes of learning including the traditionalFace-to-Face, hybrid and online modes of learning. It can further be concluded that the samecourse structure can be confidently used for all engineering courses as well as science courses,thereby, helpful for all STEM related courses.At St. Ambrose, both self-reflection of instructor and student feedback mid-course and end ofcourse evaluations were very positive. Additionally, the grades of students were high andmeasured effort and understanding.The instructor solicited formal anonymous feedback in the middle of the semester in addition tothe required end of course evaluations. The mid-course feedback from electronics students wasthe best out of the last
and ensure that the later value is smaller than the former value for any givensurface. The students were also asked to verify and report their obtained values against thosereported in the literature as much as possible. Additionally, the students were also asked toidentify the sources of error in their experimental model that would have resulted in deviations(if any) of their calculated friction coefficient values. Majority of the students (greater than 90%)were able to report values and reflect upon their results and the deviations they observed.Considering that this is not a controlled laboratory experiment where all the equipment andparameters are strictly controlled, the simple experimental models built by the students workedquite well to