Low level are deemed “Unacceptable.” The competencieslisted in each outcome level varied slightly for each course and varied as the semester progressed(as will be noted in the “Reflection” section of this paper). The competencies used at the end ofthe Fall 2013 semester for the 4000-level Hydrology course are listed in Table 1. A similar listof competencies was used in the 3000-level Fluid Mechanics course, with adjustments to fit theinstructors’ preferences. These adjustments were relatively minor; for example, in the 4000- Page 24.205.3level courses, two or more comma errors are considered a Low level error, while for the 3000-level courses
professional leadership plan tailored to students’current and future career goals. Particular focus was made upon ways that students can aligntheir technical interests with leadership. The class involved a combination of lecture (based onarticles or papers by Kotter11, and Northouse12), experiential exercises (e.g., attending leadership Page 24.863.2seminars and writing reflections), discussions, in-class presentation, videos, individualassignments, and team assignments. Seven students took the course in Fall 2013 and were eitherfreshmen or sophomores in the College of Engineering. As part of their requirement in the course,each student developed a
not at all new and has been in practice for a very long time.Regardless, a problem based curriculum is significantly different from the traditional disciplinecentered curriculum. It is important that the aims and objectives of problem based learning arereflected in every aspect of the learning environment created. Scholars have identified fourfeatures that clearly separate a problem-based curriculum from a traditional, topic-basedcurriculum. It is important that the aims and objectives of problem-based learning are reflected inevery aspect of the learning environment created. Problem-based curriculum should documentaccomplishments at the upper levels of Bloom's Taxonomy Triangle. Scholars in the area ofcognitive science and educational
currently use to achieve those goals, and the extent to which teachers’practices reflected the recommendations of the National Council of Teachers of MathematicsPrinciples and Standards for School Mathematics . Our results focus on specific questionsincluded in the questionnaire that are directly related to the goals of the RAMP-UP project. Atotal of 33 elementary teachers teaching grades 3-5, and 4 middle school teachers teachinggrades 6-8 provided responses to this survey. A second survey that was administered was theFelder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles assessment2, used in a variety of applications toidentify learning styles of individuals as active versus reflective, sensing versus intuitive, visualversus verbal and sequential versus global
is needed.This paper reports on the ongoing effort to build an Artificial Sky Dome for the School ofArchitecture at Oklahoma State University. The paper discusses the technical challenges facedby the team in charge of designing the Artificial Sky Dome. Challenges that relate to thestructure of the dome, uniform distribution of light sources, avoiding the star effect, effect ofinternal reflections, models of different sky conditions, control of sky luminance, and the needfor a post-construction calibration of the lighting control system. The construction of theArtificial Sky Dome is expected to be completed by the end of summer 2005. This laboratory isfunded by the National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education, (CCLI)Course
Ethnicity Group N Non-White Reflective 13 * Active 6 * White Reflective 14 3 Active 15 3 Non-White Sensing 10 * Intuitive 9 * White Sensing 14 4 Intuitive 15 2 Non-White Verbal
were physically enacted will be described below.Individual and group reflection time was provided to discuss the results of all exercises, todiscuss the parallels between the emotions raised by these scenes and ones at work, to assess theeffectiveness of the strategies developed, to explore novel and creative alternatives to the issues Page 9.140.2 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2004, American Society for Engineering Educationthat were raised, and to consider the application of these alternative strategies to their ownpersonal and
regularly study and reflect upon their teaching, not only toadvance their own teaching, but to enhance the quality of teaching across the university. As Page 9.1257.2inspiration they cite the importance of the reflective component of professional learning asProceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright©2004, American Society for Engineering Educationdiscussed by Schön2 and of the development of communities of learners amongst educators,as well as earlier efforts employing faculty study groups.3In 1996, Wildman et al. and the CEUT initiated the program by inviting
, both with the same educational objectives and approaches. This rigorous approach isneeded to isolate the effect of using the sensors.By studying the use of sensors only in laboratories that can be conducted with or withoutsensors, we constrain the benefits of this new technology. This paper will address the benefits ofadapting the laboratory content and pedagogy to make the best use of the technology withoutlimiting the use of sensors to only laboratories that could be conducted without them. Thisapproach results in learning that cannot be compared experimentally to a control group becauseof the presence of confounding variables. Nonetheless, benefits to learning are discussed,including the reflections of students.IntroductionOur previous work
the American Society of Civil Engineers, andthe expectations of employers. Second, given the characteristics expected of an engineer, theauthors will attempt to provide a coherent set of fundamentals for structural analysis that agraduating engineer should know. This set of fundamentals will reflect the fact that moststructural analysis is conducted with the use of computers, but that the computer is only a tool inthe process rather than the process itself, as some students and practitioners have come tobelieve.This paper states the summary opinion of the authors and serves as the opening statement of theauthors in a panel discussion on this subject. It is not intended to be an all encompassing reviewof the content of structural analysis
effectively. The dimensions are listed below: Felder’s Learning Style Dimensions2 • Perception Sensory vs. Intuitive • Input Visual vs. Verbal • Organization Inductive vs. Deductive • Processing Active vs. Reflective • Understanding Sequential vs. Global Page 9.626.3Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering
posting systems allows all students to view multipleperspectives about the topic being discussed. This stage is highly interactive with each Forumhaving between 320 and 560 postings over a 7 day period.Debriefing and Reflection (Stage 3): During this stage participants identify what they havelearned as a consequence of participating in the activity. The debrief of each Forum occurs ina face to face mode over a 3 hour time period. It is a structured post hoc method involvingguided recall, reflection and analysis of the experience involving three phases10. Thisinvolves a systematic reflection and analysis of the experience followed by an intensificationand personalisation of the experiences by the participants. Finally participants generalise
inengineering and engineering management courses reflect few references to ocean applications.To account for this opportunity in ocean resource management, a new curriculum is evolvingwithin the ocean engineering major at the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA). With existing electivetracks in Civil and Coastal Engineering, Deep Ocean Technology, and Ocean EnvironmentalEngineering, the faculty has initiated a newer thrust in ocean engineering Project Management.At the core of this discipline are four related courses: EN412 – Ocean Resources Engineering; Page 9.521.1EN445 – Marine Fabrication Methods; EN450 – Engineering Economic Analysis; and
information is reflected in a normal ECG?" Challenge 3: "How can the ECG reflect abnormalities of rhythm and structure?"Students went through the legacy cycle (a learning cycle to support guided inquiry of achallenge) once for each of the challenges, eventually answering the grand challenge in theend[3,4]. The learning cycle begins with the presentation of a “Challenge” in either video,audio or text format. Then students are asked to reflect on the challenge and to"Generate Ideas". Once they have articulated their thoughts, they may listen to"Multiple Perspectives" from various experts. These experts provide hints about thingsto think about when solving the problem. These hints, however, do not provide a specificsolution
-output (or aliasing) frequency; f is the realsignal input frequency; f Nyq (=0.5f s) is the Nyquist frequency; f s is the sampling frequency; f n isthe instrument natural frequenc y; φ is the phase shift or lag; z is the damping ratio; and M is theoutput-to-input magnitude ratio.Art of Measurement of Rotation or Frequency with a Stroboscope:The Strobe EquationThe physics and concept of data sampling and aliasing are the most vivid in real- life physical ormechanical world as perceived by our eye (“The seeing is believing”). The concept of samplingis very well demonstrated by measuring angular speed of a rotating wheel in a dark room with astroboscope. A reflective mark on a rotating wheel, as in Figure 4 for example, will be sampled(seen) when
skills. His discussion and insights were quite consistent with thecurrent literature on self-directed learning that identifies these same factors. For example,Garrison includes these very same factors, albeit at a more detailed level, in her model for self-directed learning [7].Candy in his extensive review of self-directed learning summarizes the characteristics of theself-directed learner from many sources [8]. These characteristics fall into two sets, personalattributes and skills, that quite clearly correspond to Flammer’s “will do” and can do.” Candy’slists are: “Will do” Attributes: curious/motivated, methodical/disciplined, logical/analytical, reflective/self-aware, flexible, interdependent/interpersonally competent
dilemmas are non-existent and that the means-end principle and utilitarian principle willdominate ethical considerations. Second, the Bounded Rationality model tends to be less idealistic, and to consider thelimitations of day-to-day decision-making. It reflects individual tendencies to conduct limitedsearches for alternatives, to make choices under situations of inadequate information or control,and to (satisfice) select the less than best solution. Satisficing is the practice of selecting anacceptable goal, which might be easier to identify, less controversial, and otherwise safer thanthe best possible solution, very often, the manager's view of being reasonable to achieve. Thebounded rationality process reflects the human tendencies to 1
to appreciatecomplexity; to be capable of working in a variety of interpersonal and organizational settings; tobe able to act reflectively.Engineering is a profession in which knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences acquiredby study, experience and practice is prudently applied to develop ways to utilize optimallymaterials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind and improving quality of life. "Service-Learning" is a combination of academic instruction with service that addresses real communityneeds. It uses reflection and critical thinking to provide an emphasis on personal growth andcivic responsibility. Humanities and Social Sciences curricula emphasize more on "soft skills"and "social service" and as such have naturally
Learning Across theDisciplines1 highlighted some of these approaches; it also serves as a useful summary ofsome of the issues involved at different institutions.The plan that emerged for the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineeringincorporated some of these strategies and the practical experiences of the technicalwriting specialist. It also reflected the need to produce some positive results with limitedresources and within three years.This effort is now in its fifth semester. This paper describes the history of the effortwithin the department, the plan that emerged, some reflections of a lead professor from acritical course, the problem of assessment, and some of the issues and opportunitiesencountered along the way.II. HistoryOver the
behavior. For example, Cicero urgedrhetors to examine their “merits of worth or virtue of some kind, particularly generosity, sense of 2duty, justices, and good faith.” Quintilian asserted the “the whole conduct of life is based on the 3desire of doing ourselves that which we approve in others.” Translator James J. Murphy pointsout that Quintilian’s focus was for rhetoric to be “merely a tool of the broadly educated citizen 4who is capable of analysis, reflection, and then powerful action in public affairs.” The clearimplication of these early rhetors is that citizens need
then linking concepts.Table 2. Comparison of the overall class averaged learning styles Active Reflective Sensing Intuitive Visual Verbal Sequential Global 68.4% 31.6% 84.2% 15.8% 89.5% 10.5% 72.2% 27.8% Figure 2 a – d compare the eight learning styles identified by in Richard Felder andBarbara Soloman3. The graphs show the preference level and the number of students with thatpreference. The engineering students in the course tended to prefer active, sensing, and visuallearning. Interestingly, the sequential and global learning preferences appeared to have a
also give a five minutes presentation and conduct class discussion/debate on acontemporary environmental issue as soon as it appears as a news item. Students maintain aportfolio/journal of all the articles on contemporary environmental issues they read over thesemester. At the end of the semester each student is required to submit his/her portfolio of sevenarticles along with his/her reflections and assessment of each articles. In addition, studentsconduct environmental caucuses similar to town hall meetings, and write two term papers oncontemporary environmental issues.Course OverviewThe Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering course is intended for sophomore /juniorengineering students at Trinity University1. This course is also open for
teacher scientific representational practices during STEM-basedelementary technology and science instruction. Many elementary schools make use of inquiry-based science kit curriculum2‐4 that supports standards-based STEM instruction. Theprofessional development was designed to enhance the use of these high-quality curriculummaterials. Through multiple modes of data collection—including classroom observations,photographing student science notebook pages, and teacher and student interviews— a research-based strategy to enhance student learning around core STEM concepts has emerged. Arecognition that professional development is cumulative and reflective, a number of cycles offormal workshops, classroom observations, interviews and analysis of
the class and progress toward learning goals at mid-semester. At the end of the course,students completed an RA activity designed to measure their self-reported progress in personallearning. RA activities reduce bias through the use of reflective response regarding increases inpersonal knowledge and are considered valid measures of programmatic change4 similar to thecurriculum innovation developed by our collaborative partnership. Sample RA tools are below.Purpose of the AssessmentToday’s engineer faces a complex assortment of challenges in the modern global businessenvironment. Awareness of these issues should be an essential component of any engineeringmanagement program. Through a NSF-funded, ongoing curriculum development effort
: The rubric that will be applied (see Table 1 for an example). Details about the activity or assignment that generated the student work. The illustrative activity (see Figure 1) is a reflection paper intended to afford evidence of students’ Page 25.317.3 effectiveness in a team setting. This activity was completed by students in a freshmen engineering course. Student work examples (artifacts) that illustrate high and low proficiency (each on a separate page; see Figure 2 and Figure 3 for examples), A score sheet for each artifact to be evaluated (see Table 2 for an example). Table 1: Rubric for the Effectively
identify any design issues with the system as well asanalyze the data reported and collected. In particular, we were interested in how well the self-reported metrics reflect the actual work practices of the students. Also, the student homepageprovides an immediate summary of the reported data, including comparisons to other teams,which may lead to “gaming” the system so that the summaries favor particular students or teams.Finally, we conducted a number of informal surveys during and after the course to get feedbackon the usage of the laptops and the system.IV. Results and DiscussionThe pilot evaluation successfully revealed a number of bugs and design issues with the system,which unfortunately affected its usage by the students. Upon first
of a student chapter. The exact formula used to calculate the CSI for activechapters was generated by empirical rather than mathematical methods, and is as follows: CSI=0.5*(STLOC+STCONF)+STASEE+2*MTGS+0.2*AVGATT+10*AWARDSThe thought process behind the assignment of weighting factors was based in the desire torecognize not only the number of members but also the time invested in activities. Consequently,the number of meetings and events was multiplied by two and the number of sponsored awards wasmultiplied by ten to reflect the relative time and effort required by several members to organize andmaintain such programs. Conversely, the number of national ASEE student members received evenweighting with a bonus of one half for those
reasons: (1)values are fundamental; (2) values are familiar; and (3) values are inclusive andpluralistic. Let me explain these briefly.By saying that values are fundamental, I mean that they are more basic than theories,codes, and laws. They are more universal, which is to say, less arbitrary and legalisticthan other approaches to ethics. With values, we don’t get as caught up in technicalities;instead we focus on what is of importance.When I say that values are familiar, I mean that values language is accessible andconcrete. It is language we use in ordinary conversation. Values are everywhere. Achoice to pursue a particular profession reflects values, a choice to speak to a colleague ina particular way reflects values, and so on. If, as I am
the uncanny similarity of their recommendations, the remarkableconstancy of what is perceived to be important in engineering education. Though each study reflects the challengesof its age, and therefore suggests stronger emphasis in one area or another, the desired threads in the engineeringfabric appear to be agreed on and immutable. The specific actions suggested in the reports can often be interpretedsimply as efforts to provide damping corrections to prior over or under emphases among this fixed set ofcharacteristics.What, then, characterizes our age and drives our approach to engineering education? The dominant forces are theglobalization of the economy, the end of the cold war, the explosion of information technologies reduced funding
questions formed into a report can clearly indicatewhat the work experience has meant to them. Instead of just being comfortable with a goodpaycheck, students have some very tangible reasons to make intelligent judgements on the value ofthe experience.An additional issue that is discussed with the students before they begin work is the level of theirtechnical experience. Many faculty express concern regarding the extent of the technicalexperience. Since the students coming from the College of Engineering at Michigan StateUniversity will ultimately graduate as engineers, it is important that the experiences that theyencounter reflect work in the engineering world. The questions that require reflection on the level ofengineering performed by the