THE TRANSITION FROM THE 8085 TO THE “MODERN” WORLD James S. Finne, PE Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology Middlesex County College John Carpinelli, PhD Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Director, Center for Pre College Programs New Jersey Institute of Technology William Barnes, PE Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology New Jersey Institute of TechnologyAbstractTeaching the Introduction to Microprocessors
skills,promote collaboration, and allow for the synthesis of multi disciplinary skills. Studentscomments regarding the use of project based instructional approach in MET 210Wrevealed that they found projects an effective and rewarding addition to the course.Appendix AConceptual Drawing of Two Speed Transmission Concept for SAE MiniBaja VehicleAppendix BAutoCAD Drawing of Single Speed Gear Reducer for SAE Mini BajaVehicleAppendix CPro Engineer Drawing of Single Speed Gear reducer for SAE Mini BajaVehicleBibliography [1] Hadim, H., and Esche, S. “Enhancing the Engineering Curriculum Through Project-Based Learning.” Proceedings of the 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Session F3F. Available CD-ROM
heavily towards topicstraditionally taught in fluid mechanics. Indeed, the course syllabus lists the F-22 as the casestudy for 23 of the course’s 40 lessons. However, this block also contains severalthermodynamic based topics, including gas turbine engines and aircraft propulsion systems.Additionally, dimensional analysis and modeling are addressed within this case study, which isthe logical place to put them based on their relevance to the wind tunnel testing of models. In contrast to the F-22’s command of 23 lessons in ME312, the Corvette case study isused for only 13 lessons. However, many of these topics are discussed in depth during thecourse of 2-3 lessons, and rely heavily upon the Conservation of Energy principles taught inME311
algebra-based physics of mechanics course is followed by a calculus-based staticsand dynamics course(s), then the topics of concern clearly are covered on a calculus basis. Asimilar argument can be made for electromagnetics. In fact, the conceptual basis ofelectromagnetics topics that is typically covered in the context of capacitor and inductoroperation in electric circuits courses has been the prerequisite for three calculus-basedelectromagnetics/transmission lines courses in the Electrical Engineering Technology program atMSOE for several years. The authors contend that the sciences must be eventually covered on acalculus basis, whether in calculus-based physics courses or subsequently in advanced courses,for the adequate preparation of
experience with an interdisciplinary focus or takecourse(s) relating to a grand challenge theme (sustainability, security, health, or joy of living)[17].c. EntrepreneurshipGrand challenges scholars are capable of translating inventions and innovations into marketventures and future global solutions to benefit the public interest and private citizens. Thescholars must take advantage of approved entrepreneurial experiences or internships withsignificant entrepreneurial focus to complete this competency. Undergraduate researchexperiences with an entrepreneurial focus or course(s) focusing on entrepreneurship also satisfythis requirement. Scholars may choose to focus their research on this competency and presenttheir entrepreneurship research findings
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J. A. Monsoriu, “A quantitativeanalysis of coupled oscillations using mobile accelerometer sensors.” European Journal ofPhysics, vol. 34, pp. 737 – 744, 2013.[2] P. Klein, S. Grober, J. Kuhn, and A. Muller, “Video analysis of projectile motion using tabletcomputers as experimental tools.” Physics Education, vol. 49, pp. 37 – 40, 2014.[3] P. Wattanayotin, C. Puttharugsa, and S. Khemmani, “Investigation of the rolling motion of ahollow cylinder using a smartphone’s digital compass.” Physics Education, vol. 52, 045009,2017.[4] J. W. Mitchell, “Dimensional Analysis and Similitude,” in Fox and McDonald’s Introductionto Fluid Mechanics, 10th ed. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 2020, ch. 7.[5] I. H. Shames, “Dimensional Analysis and Similitude,” in
(also known as Short-circuiting or Early-exit), where a portion of a time-consuming calculation can beobviated under some conditions. Briefly, the strategy is to use a metric(s) that is fast to compute to processsamples to determine if they are very similar or very dissimilar and only calculate the more expensivemetric(s) when more careful arbitration is required. Figure 8 plots the distribution of sim structural andsim ocr metrics for all samples with the real positive and negative labels. For the majority of samples witha real-negative label, the sim structural values are higher than 0.9. Therefore, for a unlabeled sample, if ithas a sim structural that is higher than a threshold, then the early dropping model prediction is that it isnot a
of 10) Score (Out of 10) (-0.3 each) Score Score 6 4 0 3 1 0.6 3 9 5 3 9 0 5 7 13 7 6 8 3 5.7 7 14 7 4 10 3 4.9 7Student 3 was the only student who had the exact same score from the experts as was generatedby the coded scoring method and was also the only student with only one interview available forevaluation due to an improper interview consent process with their other interview. The lack ofaveraging for student number 3’s final score may have
activities integrated withentrepreneurially minded learning. Students practiced and exercised engineering design processduring the second (spring) semester with an engineering entrepreneurial mindset through variousclass activities and design projects with selected topics. This also exposed the students to anengineer’s role in a society and the related responsibilities along with creation of new innovativeideas.Erdil et al. [10,11] studied a curricular model to develop an entrepreneurial mindset inengineering students which emanated from the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network(KEEN)’s 3C’s, of curiosity, connections and creating value. The study spanned across all fouryears of all engineering and computer science programs. Flipped classroom
Guidelines 2023 (CS2023). ACM Inroads, 13(4):22–25, Nov 2022. ISSN 2153-2184. doi: 10.1145/3571092.[16] Amruth N. Kumar and Rajendra K. Raj. Computer Science Curricula 2023 (CS2023): Community Engage- ment by the ACM/IEEE-CS/AAAI Joint Task Force. In Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2, SIGCSE 2023, page 1212–1213, New York, NY, USA, 2023. Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 9781450394338.[17] Rajendra K. Raj, John Impagliazzo, Sherif G. Aly, David S. Bowers, Harold Connamacher, Stan Kurkovsky, Bonnie MacKellar, Tom Prickett, and Ma´ıra Marques Samary. Toward Competency-Based Professional Ac- creditation in Computing. In Proceedings of the 2022 Working Group Reports on
tuned parameters by sequence (first,gain, then integral time, and even derivative time) and re-tuning. They normally try “guess”values by on-line tuning, but they are also requested to derive parameters from the previouslydeveloped model (adapted from the previous group) once incorporated in the closed loop,including the Simulink modules for the final element (control valve, variable speed pump) andthe controller (Figure 5)Figure 5. The open-loop model residing in the s-function module is integrated in Simulink withthe final element module (including saturation blocks for physical limits) and the PID controller module for the closed-loop.Students are also invited to use the previously developed transfer function
assessments used in the class. In a relatedon-going project, standardized test questions have been developed, and data is being collected toinvestigate whether improved student learning can be measured via other assessments.AcknowledgementsThis work has been in part supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2215133. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References1. Mejias S, Thompson N, Sedas RM, Rosin M, Soep E, Peppler K, Roche R, Wong J, Hurley M, Bell P, Bevan B (2021) The trouble with STEAM and why we use it anyway. Science Education. 105: 209-231.2. Perignat E, Katz
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Report: Charles Riborg Mann as an Influential but Elusive Figure in Engineering Education (A Work in Progress)Engineering schools, like all institutions of learning, are slow to undertake educational experiments. It is sometimes easier to start a new school than to try an educational experiment in an old one. --Henry S. Pritchett, President of the Carnegie Foundation Preface to A Study of Engineering Education (1918)I. Introduction: How a Report Written Over 100 Years Ago Can Promote Change TodayScholars who have studied engineering education on a scale larger
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in the next section.Table 2: This table shows the activities throughout the module and the week they occur within a15 week semester. Lectures show the week they occur and assignments include the week they areassigned and due. It also describes the learning outcomes for each activity. Activities are listed inchronological order. Learning Outcome(s) (in parentheses are the associated Activity Week Occurred ABET Student Outcomes) Personal and - Describe and reflect on current state and desired future Professional Assign: Week 1 states as a person, student, and professional. (SO7) Interests & Due: Week 2
assignments at every step of the EDP.At the end of the semester, most teams have to-scale, functional prototypes.Table 1. Sample Design Projects Project Client Project Goal Duke Lemur Center Develop an enrichment device for the aye-aye lemurs that delivers a small amount of food Dr. S. Rent Develop a device that simultaneously measures the temperature of five newborns placed in one crib (for use in Ethiopia) X-Prize Team Design a drone that can attach to a tree branch to deliver a camera Museum of Life & Design a device that randomly delivers food to skunks in their enclosure Science Bridge2Sports Develop an easy method for wheelchair users to
Drivers 2 Slingshot Atmega328P SlingshotsDigital: 2 DriversPulse: Pop(s) PopsBus: Flipper DriversAnalog: SwitchesPower: (a) System Diagram
, exploring the world of craft cocktails, and making a fuss over her Boston Terrier, Gatsby. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Understanding Gen Z’s Declining Engagement with WE@RIT, a Woman in Engineering ProgramIntroductionAround 2016-2017 we began noticing sharp declines in current student engagement with ourwomen in engineering program, WE@RIT, within Rochester Institute of Technology’s KateGleason College of Engineering. The program itself was launched in the early 2000’s during theMillennial era, and the programming playbook was one of large, one-off events spearheaded byone full-time Director, and a handful of student employees. That