fromthose that were based on leadership as a process [13]. The former is based on traditional notionsof a leader as an individual with power and authority based on their position within anorganization or society. It was exactly this notion of leadership that was associated with theresistance encountered in our earlier studies. The latter, leadership as a process, has beenarticulated by many scholars, but we chose to use Northouse’s simple definition of leadership as“a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal”(p.3) [13]. We also use Rottmann et al.’s orientations to engineering leadership: Technicalmastery - “shar[ing] their technical problem solving skills with others through informalmentorship” (p. 7
ordered to follow stacking guidelines established by the engineeringdepartment.However, despite their detailed efforts to shape how forklift operators use the warehouse andforklift technology to maximize efficiency and profit, Supply Chain Management Company hadbeen experiencing problems with how the operators build the pallets. At one meeting, theengineering leadership debuted a new voice activated software program that would give verbalcommands to the forklift operator as s/he completed tasks. This was particularly designed tosolve the problems of pallet composition. As one engineer explained, simply providing operatorswith a list of products to be placed on each pallet had left them with too much control, and theoperators had begun to assemble
, engineer). This approach is coupled with the website,which is a public database of biological information organized by a biomimicry taxonomy [37].The cognitive process of this approach is divided into the steps of scoping, discovering, creating,and evaluating (Fig. 2), and is structured around the search for particular biological insights tosolve a given problem. Scoping involves specifying the problem to be solved with operatingconditions, the functions that must be performed, and which life’s principles the design willincorporate. Discovering involves identifying biological systems that have evolved strategies tosolve the defined function(s) followed by abstracting those strategies into possible designprinciples. This step is often
same students. The discussions were extensive in the discourse of the non-mentored professor; however, these were not part of a classroom experience design based on the critical reflection of the instructor, as it was the case for the mentored professor. TG students had access to computers to use GeoGebra to work individually and collectively. In contrast, in the CG, students had no access to computers, and although some accessed through their smartphones, most of the times was the instructor the only one using GeoGebra to make explanations to the students, while they listened passively.It is evident the positive impact that the redesign of the learning activities had on the learningenvironment from the perspective of the student´s particular
following two questions: First, how did EC2000 affect the learning outcomes ofABET-accredited students? Second, what impact did EC2000 have on organizational policiesand practices, educational policies and practices that helped improve student learningoutcomes? A large amount of evidence collected in the research showed that theimplementation of the EC2000 had a positive impact on engineering programs, studentexperience, and student learning.In response to the enthusiastic attention of the China’s government and society to the qualityassurance in engineering education s, the Higher Education Teaching Evaluation Center ofthe Ministry of Education, together with the Beijing University of Aeronautics andAstronautics, and Tsinghua University, have
Science and Engineering, (2011): 359-364. 4. Mataric, M.J., Koenig, N.P., and Feil-Seifer, D. “Materials for enabling hands-on robotics and STEM education,” Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium on Robots and Robot Venues: Resources for AI Education, (2007): 4 pages. 5. Norton, S.J., McRobbie, C.J., and Ginns, I.S. “Problem solving in a middle school robotics design classroom,” Research in Science Education, 37.3 (2007): 261-277. 6. Jamrisko, M., and Lu, W. “The U.S. Drops Out of the Top 10 in Innovation Ranking” 2018. s-falls.7. Palmer, D., Dixon, J., and Archer, J. “Changes in Science Teaching Self-Efficacy among Primary Teacher
Raton: CNC Press, 2011. [Online]. Available: PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false [2] R. P. Feynman, “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” Science and Engineering, pp. 22–36, 1960. [Online]. Available: [3] M. Ruivenkamp and A. Rip, “Entanglement of Imaging and Imagining of Nanotechnology,” Nanoethics; Dordrecht, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 185–193, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://search-proquest- [4] A. D. Derjaguin, B. V. and Titijevskaia, A. S. and Abricossova, I. I. and Malkina, “Investigations of the forces of interaction of
appearedheterogeneous in style and argumentation. A few checks revealed plagiarism and going into detailrevealed even more. 22 After contacting the S¨uddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), one of the importantGerman daily newspapers, the SZ published the story asking zu Guttenberg to comment theaccusation. His statement, which was a full denial, was part of the article which started the affair.A few days later the online platform Guttenplag Wiki was published, inviting the community toparticipate via swarm intelligence to search for more instances of plagiarism. 10 The results of 45days of searching is given in the two following pictures (see timestamp of 03 April 2011). Figure1 shows the more than 450 total pages of text indicating different degrees of plagiarism perpage
increase in the engagementratings for each of the four different presentation formats associated with the percentage of livewebinars a had student participated in. That means an increase in webinar participation wasassociated with an increase in their engagement ratings. Framed in the negative perspective,there was a decrease in the engagement ratings associated with a decrease in the number ofwebinars a student participated in. This study cannot deduce a causative relationship betweenwhether a student was disengaged because they did not (or could not) participate in a livewebinar, or did whether they chose to not participate in a live webinar because they weregenerally a disengaged learner, or if it was due to some other causal factor(s) (Lumgair
1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 Year First AccreditedFigure 1. Growth in Number of ABET EAC-accredited EnvE programs in the U.S.The Environmental Engineering Body of Knowledge (BOK) outlined aspirational content forbachelor’s degree programs in environmental engineering. It acknowledged the historical rootsof the environmental engineering discipline, stating “in the1980’s and 1990’s, environmentalengineering evolved into a stand-alone engineering discipline…engineers came to view thisdiscipline as separate from, albeit related to, allied engineering disciplines such as civil andchemical engineering.”9 (p. 7). The BOK also recognized that a balance of technical and
discounting.Some 75,000 of the nearly 79,000 total resulted from one program’s participation in a state fair, a * The precision of these figures is surely misleading. Some reported figures were round numbers, while others appearedto be more exactly counted totals. Totals are best understood as approximations, for all that the figures are carried out tothe 10’s and 1’s digits. Furthermore, the categories are likely not understood in the same way by all respondents.“Community members” in one figure might well include participants reported as “parents,” for example, in another. redoubtable example of engineering outreach
multidisciplinary approach shows that such projects can leverage on thecomplementary skills and disciplinary expertise of individuals and institutions so that effectivepartnership can form to provide inspirational learning experience for all participants.Florida Institute of Technology program has a similar senior design model, spanning a total ofthree semesters, a single credit junior design course held in the spring semester, followed by bothsenior year semesters. Being a smaller school with 14 different engineering disciplines,multidisciplinary senior design projects are commonplace, allowing students from variousdisciplines to work collaboratively to meet the end requirement(s). Oftentimes, senior designprojects are industry-sponsored, although
includes business staff, engineering staff,technician staff, administrative staff, etc. Each of these has its own customs, organized ways ofthinking, and group identifications and often times can be as varied as verbal languages, e.g.,English, French, etc. while displaying similar challenges in cross-cultural situations. Page 2 of 16The cultural intelligence community embraces this viewpoint and ultimately shares much incommon with the global learning community and the infrastructure education community. Eachseeks to engage as many different needs and viewpoints as feasible.2.3 The Existing CurriculumIn the early 2000’s, the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University ofUtah
on critical thinking, cognitive load c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Paper ID #16514 theory, and high-order learning within e-learning for science education. Dr. Simon received her B.A. in Biology from the University of Delaware, her M.S. in Science Education from Hofstra University, and her Ph.D. in Educational Technology Management from Northcentral University.Prof. Yeong Ryu, State University of New York, Farmingdale YEONG S. RYU graduated from Columbia University with a Ph.D. and Master of Philosophy in Mechan- ical Engineering in 1994. He has served as an associate professor
the faculty and the impression(s) arrived at by the author, leads oneto believe that it is highly unlikely that new more effective teaching-learning strategieswould be deployed any time soon, unless drastic measures are undertaken. The author ismore convinced now than ever, that classroom reformation, including deployment of activelearning strategies, would happen only if the institution mandates it!The Pros and Cons of the Lecture FormatWhen asked why he/she lectures, one faculty responded: “It is a tradition. It was part of mytraining, and seems to dwell in me and seems like what I should be doing. I feel guilty when Iam not lecturing” (13). This candid statement suggests one of the great dilemmas faced by allwho teach at the postsecondary
faculty interviewed) inthe process by which the course content is delivered during the lecture period, and more of aconcern whether the rate of delivery would allow the instructor to finish the course on time.The views expressed by the faculty and the impression(s) arrived at by the author, leads oneto believe that it is highly unlikely that new more effective teaching-learning strategieswould be deployed any time soon, unless drastic measures are undertaken. The author ismore convinced now than ever, that classroom reformation, including deployment of activelearning strategies, would happen only if the institution mandates it and providesopportunities for faculty to experience the advantages of active learning strategies.The Pros and Cons of the
learning.” Journal of Staff Development 17.4: 34-38, (1996).9. Guskey, T.R. and Yoon, K.S. “What works in professional development?” Phi Delta Kappan 90.07: 495-500, (2009).10. Joyce, B. and Showers, B. Student Achievement through Staff Development. New York, NY: Longman, (1983).11. Katehi, L., Pearson, G., and Feder, M. Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects. National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, (2009).12. Loucks-Horsley, S., et al. Designing Professional Development for Teachers of Science and Mathematics. Corwin Press, (2009).13. Sparks, D. and Loucks-Horsley, S. “Five models of staff development for teachers
ProgramThe Citadel’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering was awarded an NSF S-STEM award with the goal of graduating 23 students with diverse backgrounds with a degree inCivil Engineering. So far 30 EXCEL-SC scholarships have been awarded totaling $436,000. Inaddition, approximately $30,000 in stipends have been awarded to 20 EXCEL-SC students forenrollment in The Citadel’s College Success Institute (summer school program prior to freshmanyear to acclimate students to military college life while taking up to four academic credits).The program has many elements that contribute to student success and engagement. Forexample, The Citadel’s Academic Support Center, through funding from a Foundation Grant,provided a graduate student to serve
showing that it is indeed possible to create a positive culture that increases diversity…. The college president, Marie Klawe, is a woman computer scientist who knows how to make the environment more hospitable.”5One barrier that Harvey Mudd College works hard to demolish is the ‘impostor’ syndrome - “Not seeing one's own reflection in teachers or other students makes one feel as if s[he] doesn't belong. The need for role models to help overcome the ‘impostor’ syndrome cannot be emphasized enough.”5Ramirez concludes with, “One approach to address the leaks [in the STEM pipeline] is morementoring, and by tuning the culture so that students don't feel excluded”. This is essential to thebroader discussion of diversity