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struvite precipitation reactor, and four lagoons. Testing locationsfor water quality are shown in red text for liquids (L) and solids (S). Opportunities for resourcerecovery are shown in green text.Student groups worked on three sub-projects focused on varying resource recovery strategiesrelated to the food-water-energy nexus: ● Water Reuse: system boundary includes infrastructure and O&M phases of the four lagoons and reutilization of the reclaimed water for fish production. ● Nutrient Recycling: system boundary includes infrastructure and O&M phases of the struvite reactor and subsequent utilization of the struvite fertilizer for crop production. ● Energy Recovery: system boundary includes infrastructure and O&M
uniqueness of gender in experiencing themakerspace, it will be necessary to also investigate the experiences that the gender majoritygroup has in the makerspace. Future work will focus on comparing the experiences andperceptions of female and male engineering students in the makerspace, which will support amore complex understanding of the role of gender in makerspaces.References[1] J. S. McIlwee and J. G. Robinson, Women in Engineering: Gender, Power and Workplace Culture. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1992.[2] G.E. Miller, “Frontier masculinity in the oil industry: The experience of women engineers,” Gender, Work & Organization, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 47–73, Jan. 2004.[3] D. N. Beede, T.A. Julian, D. Langdon