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Displaying results 301 - 330 of 8757 in total
1997 Annual Conference
Mark A. Shields; Bryan Pfaffenberger
Session 2561 Teaching Engineering Career Literacy and Teamwork Communication Skills in the First-Year Writing Course Bryan Pfaffenberger, Mark Shields Technology, Culture, and Communication/University of VirginiaOne of the challenges that has long faced engineering education is to adaptcommunications instruction to the needs of engineering students. English compositioncourses, while appropriate for liberal arts students, do not focus on the communicationskills prized by the organizations that hire engineering students. Such skills include thecapacity for clear technical exposition (including process analysis and
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sabrina Starr Jedlicka, Lehigh University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Paper ID #29292Using Creative Writing as a Tool for Learning Professional Developmentin Materials Science and EngineeringDr. Sabrina Starr Jedlicka, Lehigh University American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020Using Creative Writing as a Tool for Learning Professional Development in Materials Science & EngineeringAbstractCourses in professional development can be a catch-all to address student skill building in areassuch as technical writing, communication, career path reflection, and ethics. While each of theseskills is important to student development, the
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 10
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan J Ely, University of Southern Indiana; Milad Rezvani Rad, University of Southern Indiana
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
advancement ofChatGPT:“It’s a good tool for explanation, not great for solving calculations.”“It should use better resources when providing information.”“Updating to current data rather than data two years old.”Conclusion:Although the process of writing an essay was remarkably simpler when ChatGPT was used forwriting, independent writing yielded more accurate and dependable results. By so doing, studentsnoted that when they do research on their own, they can use valid sources such as published booksand journal articles rather than blogs and non-peer-reviewed research works. Furthermore, studentsunderstood that the statistics provided by ChatGPT are not up to date for they should rely oncredible sources such as official government websites for the
2015 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Wenli Guo; Weier Ye
about the central idea, locating key points, and drafting a summary help themcomprehend the physics concepts, 7) peer review based on summary guidelines provided, 8)comment on students’ summaries, 9) summaries were returned and students could re-write them,and 10) provide a sample summary for each summary task after returning students’ work andclarify why we write the way we do.All summary writings were rated following a set of holistic rating scales developed by Kinsella26.In her book, Kinsella designed the Scoring Rubric: Summary. Each of a participant’s tests andwriting tasks is scored independently by two faculty raters, and both raters assign scores in eachof the three domains: 1) Organization, 2) Elements of Summaries, and 3) Grammar
Conference Session
Engineering Equity: Challenging Paradigms and Cultivating Inclusion in Technical Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jingfeng Wu, University of Michigan; Clay Walker, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
. Therefore,researchers suggest that guided and scaffolding peer reviews approach has a positive impact ondeveloping engineering students’ technical writing skills in lab courses [11], [12]. In addition,Geisler [15] claimed that the transition from novice to expert is mediated by academic literacy1 This project was funded by a University of Michigan Enhancing Engineering Education Grant.practices. Thus, many researchers developed new curricula using the Writing in Disciplines(WID) approach to integrate technical writing into engineering lab courses [13], [16], [17].Engineering education scholars connect engineering thinking with the teaching of lab-intensivecourses. Wolff [18] suggested engineering educators should explicitly teach students about
Conference Session
IED Technical Session: Preparing Students for the Future
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Kovalchuk, Montana State University; William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Paper ID #21934Writing as a Method to Build Better Engineers: Examining Faculty Percep-tions of Writing’s ImportanceElizabeth Kovalchuk, Montana State University Elizabeth Kovalchuk received her BS in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering from Montana State University in 2017 while serving as a writing tutor and peer coordinator at the campus writing center. She currently works for Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Keyport, WA as an Industrial Engineer. Her research interests include engineering education, engineering management, and narrative training.Dr. William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christianna Irene White, Iowa State University, Institute for Transportation; David J. White, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
learning included the ability to ―demonstrate reading,writing, listening, and speaking skills‖ (49). Employers in both industry and academic settingsconsistently rank technical ability and communication and teamwork skills as the most desireableproficiencies.16 Page 22.167.4Our Response to the ProblemPrior to organizing the Writing Support Program, some graduate students found technical writingassistance (outside of input from their faculty advisor) through the English department‘s Writingand Media Help Center35 or, in some isolated cases, by hiring an expert writing consultant orconsulting with peers. Although mostly helpful, experience with
Conference Session
Committee on Educational Policy Presents: Pillars of Our Classrooms
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nirmala Gnanapragasam, Seattle University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
communicate” as part of homework, laboratory section andcoursework with their peers as audience. In a sophomore level circuits course, as part of ahomework assignment students had to write a user’s manual for PSpice, a circuit simulation     software. Writing a User’s Manual is a common task for those entering industry involvingproduct design. In a junior level electronics course lab section, students were required to write amemo to their classmates explaining the behavior of their circuit. This assignment provided anopportunity for the students to explain their circuit to their peers while learning how their peers’circuits worked without having to
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Teresa L. Larkin, American University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics and Physics
understandingof a particular topic at a particular point in time. These scores can also help students to confrontany misconceptions they might have about a given idea or topic in physics. PCV scores can beprovided by an instructor, or students can use them to provide feedback to their peers. Examplesof how these free-writing activities can be used to boost student understanding and potentiallylead to enhanced ability to solve conceptual physics problems will be shared. Time-saving tipsfor assessing these assignments as well as ideas for adapting this type of writing-based approachin other physics and engineering courses will be shared.Introduction and Motivation for StudyGood communication skills, especially writing-based skil1s, are essential for
AEE Journal
Nicola Brown
5 ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION Updating Assessment Styles: Website Development Rather Than Report Writing for Project Based Learning Courses Table 1. Stages of the project and assessments for the course. Individual assessment Group assessment Stage Description criteria criteria Stage 1: The students produce a functioning website which Individual piece of Peer assessment of Current
Conference Session
Best Zone Paper Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan Budny P.E., University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Topics
Council of Sections
review for focus,cohesion, coherence, style, grammar and format chairs and co-chairs concentrate on thequality and precision of technical explanation and documentation. The peer review allows Page 22.340.10students to see, first-hand, how other students have addressed structural, content, andtechnical tasks, and requires that they address their fellow students work with maturity andclarity.With 5 reviewers for each paper, students come to appreciate and understand how differentreaders respond to their writing and how to negotiate and process multiple kinds of commentsperspectives towards and optimally effective paper. Students are also further
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division WIPS 2: Students and Peer Mentors
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Ekong, Western New England University; Arnab A. Purkayastha, Western New England University; Gladys Ekong
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
communicatetheir ideas. In this approach, students are encouraged to formulate their thoughts in writing andthen engage in oral interaction with a peer. VNPS on the other hand is a teaching technique thatinvolves students leaving their seats and participating in a group setting while standing at a verticalnon-permanent surface like a whiteboard to accomplish a task. An added advantage of the VNPSapproach is that it provides students the opportunity of seeing the work done by other groups,thereby gaining insights into ideas they may decide to adopt. It has been suggested that the use ofvertical non-permanent surfaces for group tasks promotes greater thinking, classroomparticipation, discussion, persistence, and knowledge mobility [12].The overarching
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators 2: Success In and Out of the Classroom
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Elizabeth Payne Tofte, South Dakota State University; Albena Yuliyanova Yordanova, South Dakota State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
Sus- tainable Design & Construction (2016); University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri; Master of Arts in Architectural Studies (2005); Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Sofia, Bulgaria; Professional Diploma in Architecture (1991). Teaching Experience: Senior Lecturer, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota, College of Engineering, Construction Management Program (2010-present) Interests: Sustainable Building Design and Construction Materials; Engineering Education Pedagody American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Writing Good Reflection Questions
Conference Session
Useful Assessment in Materials Education
2005 Annual Conference
Kendree Sampson; Darin Ridgway; Valerie Young
that occur outside of class and before the material is covered in class. Classroomtime is devoted to some combination of lecture, student presentations, general discussionbetween the students and instructor, peer review, critiques of sample responses from previousyears, and practice quizzes. Writing assignments are checked immediately before or duringclass; but the evaluation of homework is limited to whether or not a good faith effort was made.The instructors do not provide a “correct” answer. Instead, they moderate and guide classdiscussions and provide their own critique of the answers as needed. Closed-book examquestions are chosen from the homework questions so students know ahead of time whatmaterial will be tested on the exams. All of
1998 Annual Conference
Jon A. Leydens
Session 2761 To Not Lose Them at the Beginning: Nature and Human Values as a Writing-Intensive Course Jon A. Leydens Colorado School of MinesOn the first day of classes in January of 1982, I was sitting in a first-year philosophy course in theWillard O. Eddy Building on the Colorado State University campus. A balding, elderly man in aworn gray sweater walked in and wrote the words “Willard O. Eddy, Introduction to Philosophy”on the board, and I wondered why he had told us the name of the building but not his own name.He started the class by
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2005 Annual Conference
Michael Holt; Keith Williamson; Paul Kauffmann; Tarek Abdel-Salam
Page 10.486.7students are better writers than their DE peers. These results contradict classroom scores using Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Educationfinal exam and laboratory report grades for a writing intensive Fluids Mechanics Laboratorycourse. Using this classroom data as a criterion, DE students out performed their on-campuspeers. Despite these mixed findings, at nearly 65 percent pass rates for at both Engineering (non-DE) and Engineering Technology (DE majority) students imply a need for more contextualwriting in both programs. Based upon this study, several questions deserve future
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computing and Information Technology Programs II
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reneta Davina Lansiquot, New York City College of Technology; Ashwin Satyanarayana, New York City College of Technology; Candido Cabo, New York City College of Technology/CUNY
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
areprovided with social and education networks to support learning. Activities include a WelcomeOrientation, registration workshops, study rooms, a mid-semester social event, and participationin a peer program. Faculty members are trained to implement cooperative learning, alternativeassessment in the classroom, cross-disciplinary writing assignments, and critical thinkingactivities. They also learn how to make use of the campus’s counseling, library, and othereducational resources as well as how to incorporate technology in the learning process.We have implemented LCs at our institution for more than 10 years, and the academicperformance of students participating in LCs reflects the national trends. When compared to thegeneral population at the
Conference Session
Current Issues in Computing
2002 Annual Conference
Lonnie Welch
Session 2558 Enhancing Engineering Education with Writing-to-learn and Cooperative Learning: Experiences from a Software Engineering Course Lonnie R. Welch, Sherrie Gradin, and Karin Sandell Ohio University Athens, OH 45701 welch/gradin/sandell@ohio.edu1. Introduction Current progressive teaching movements draw forth strong skepticism as they often seemantithetical to engineering classes. Why would anyone want to switch from the lecture method ofteaching
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division (CONST) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tianjiao Zhao, East Carolina University; George C. Wang P.E., East Carolina University; Ron Chance, East Carolina University; Chelsea Rebecca Buckhalter, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering Division (CONST)
,” ijli, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 1–47, Jul. 2023, doi: 10.54855/ijli.23231.[8] M. Salvagno, F. S. Taccone, and A. G. Gerli, “Can artificial intelligence help for scientific writing?,” Crit Care, vol. 27, no. 1, p. 75, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.1186/s13054-023-04380-2.[9] F. A. Shah, “IS CHATGPT A SILVER BULLET FOR SCIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPT WRITING?,” JPMI, Mar. 2023, doi: 10.54079/jpmi.37.1.3219.[10] T. Day, “A Preliminary Investigation of Fake Peer-Reviewed Citations and References Generated by ChatGPT,” The Professional Geographer, vol. 75, no. 6, pp. 1024–1027, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.1080/00330124.2023.2190373.[11] F. Farhat, S. S. Sohail, and D. Ø. Madsen, “How trustworthy is ChatGPT? The case of bibliometric analyses,” Cogent Engineering
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 4: Mentoring Programs in Graduate Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xixin Qiu, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
) working with writing centertutors, (2) creating (in-house) discipline-specific writing-intensive course, (3) building upsupport groups consisting of peers, advisors and writing specialists. For the purpose of thisstudy, I review below only first two areas of interest. For a fuller review of the currentlandscape of graduate-level writing support available in engineering, readers should refer toBatson [4].Working with writing center tutorsAs a university-wide service to students, employees and faculties who need professionalsupport for any kind of writing task, writing centers have long served as a default solution toproblems in writing. Engineering professors also commonly recommend the tutoring serviceat the writing center to those who struggle
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan K. Boettger, University of North Texas; Stefanie Wulff
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Paper ID #25375Board 17: Teaching STEM undergraduates discipline-specific writing skills:a data-driven learning approachDr. Ryan K Boettger, University of North Texas Ryan K. Boettger is an associate professor and assistant chair in the Department of Technical Communi- cation at the University of North Texas. His research areas include data-driven learning, content analysis, and technical editing. His research in STEM education is currently funded by the National Science Foun- dation. He can be contacted at Stefanie Wulff c American Society for Engineering Education
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amelia Spencer Lanier, University of Delaware; Ashutosh Khandha, University of Delaware; Sarah Ilkhanipour Rooney, University of Delaware; Michael H. Santare, University of Delaware; Jill Higginson, University of Delaware; Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
student groups webelieve further investigation into peer evaluations may lend insight into the contributions ofindividual students to indicate if senior or entry graduate students contributed more. Thisinformation may enhance our understanding of undergraduate writing skills versus graduatewriting skills. In conclusion, the preliminary results of this work-in-progress suggest that a fadedparadigm scaffolding may improve undergraduate students’ writing skills through the semester.References1. Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology. (2015). ABET. Retrieved from Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs 2015-2016: Patterson, EW. “Structuring the composition process in scientific writing.” International
Conference Session
Course and Curriculum Innovations in ECE
2005 Annual Conference
Martha Ostheimer
enoughto “win” a good grade. To address this finding, students over the last few years have beenrequired to submit outlines and drafts of their documents, which are then peer- and self-evaluated. We would argue that students’ ability to critically evaluate the quality of their peers’writing, as well as their own writing utilizing sound criteria, will also better prepare them toobjectively assess their own work product. Students are also being encouraged to “buy into” theassessment process throughout the senior capstone classes by being given responsibility fordeveloping appropriate criteria for assessing each assignment. The ability to develop thisknowledge requires that students clearly understand the goals of the assessment process.The outcome
Conference Session
Global and Cultural Issues in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca N. Macdonald, East Carolina University; David L. Batie, East Carolina University; Ryan T. Goodman, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
assignments inwhich they have greater interest, and that they will think more deeply about the materialinvolved.Assignments were returned with ample feedback, providing students the opportunity to revisefuture assignments based on that feedback. Emphasis was placed on clarity, conciseness, andself-reflection. Writing assignments themselves were evaluated for content, clarity, andgrammar, all necessary for professional communications, and many (particularly opinion papersand journal critiques) promote both seeing the global and societal context of construction andincreasing knowledge of contemporary issues (failures, social networking, etc.).The first style was the use journal critiques of academic peer-reviewed articles. Journal critiquesallowed
Conference Session
Student Division Development of Professional Skills Technical Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marissa Capobianco, The College of New Jersey; Courtney June Faber, University of Tennessee
Tagged Divisions
the preservice teachers’ final project where they wrote andtaught a 20-minute lesson on a topic of their choice. The preservice teachers planned theirlessons using the recommended lesson plan format. Some documented their process bycompleting a written log of their steps and/or a screen capture video. After completing theirlesson planning, the preservice teachers completed a reflection about the process of writing theirlesson plan and presented their lesson to their peers. The purpose of the written log and screencapture video was to see the specific processes used by each preservice teacher to complete thelesson. The aim of the reflection was to gain an understanding of how the preservice teachersviewed their process of writing lesson plans
Conference Session
Division for Experimentation & Lab-oriented Studies Technical Session 4
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natasha Smith P.E., University of Virginia; Andrew Jason Hill, University of Southern Indiana; Tom McDonald, University of Southern Indiana
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
, we demonstrate how thevarious experiments are integrated with a variety of writing assignments. In addition to traditionallaboratory or design reports, these include more compact forms of writing such as business letters,executive reports, and short essays. A key aspect to the course design is the combined lecture + lab-oratory format with small class sizes. This allows significant class time to be devoted to instructionon writing, developing drafts, peer review, and refinement.The course was designed to meet multiple ABET outcomes in addition to technical writing re-quirements from the university-level. Both indirect and direct metrics have indicated success inmeeting these outcomes, at least in the short term. The impact of the course on
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 10: Best of First-Year Programs Division
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Connor Jenkins, The Ohio State University; Krista Kecskemety, The Ohio State University
Paper ID #37753Instructional Feedback Practices in First-Year EngineeringTechnical Writing Assignments: Qualitative CodingSynthesis, Analysis and ComparisonConnor Jenkins (Student Research Assistant) Connor is an Electrical Engineering PhD Student from Ohio State who graduated from the Ohio State University with a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2021. He currently works as a graduate research associate in the Wearable and Implantable Technology group at the ElectroScience Laboratory. His electrical engineering research interests include bioelectromagnetics, and electromagnetic device design, while his
Conference Session
Student Division Technical 2: Instruction & Learning Delivery
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sreyoshi Bhaduri, Amazon; Kritin Mandala; Zoë Dailey; Lilianny Virguez, University of Florida; Kayli Battel; LISSA ERICKSON
Paper ID #36977How Writing a Book on Engineering helped Rewrite OurInterests in the Field - An AutoEthnographyKritin MandalaZoë Karen Kay DaileyKayli Heather BattelSreyoshi Bhaduri Dr. Sreyoshi Bhaduri is an Engineering Educator and People Research Scientist. As part of Global Talent Management Science at Amazon, she employs innovative and ethical mixed-methods research approaches to uncover insights about the 21st century workforce. Sreyoshi has a doctorate in Engineering Education, and Masters degrees in Applied Statistics (M.A.) and Mechanical Engineering (M.S.). She earned her Bachelors degree in Mechatronics
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Approaches for Enhancing Non-technical Skills
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reneta Davina Lansiquot, New York City College of Technology; Candido Cabo, New York City College of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Media at Polytechnic University (now NYU Polytechnic School of En- gineering), and her Ph.D. in Educational Communication and Technology at New York University. Her mixed methodology research, focusing on interdisciplinary studies, has been presented at numerous na- tional and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed book chapters and journal articles on varied topics such as technical writing, the future of science education, game design, virtual reality, and problem solving. Her book is entitled Cases on Interdisciplinary Research Trends in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Studies on Urban Classrooms (Information Science Reference, 2013).Dr. Candido Cabo, New York City College of
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 1: Programs & Curricula
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shazib Z. Vijlee, University of Portland; Molly Hiro, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
the most useful resources were: • (Giroux & Moje, 2017) – defines “engineering literacy” and suggests ways for engineering faculty to design assignments to help students reach this goal • (Reynolds & Vogel, 2007) – describes a concrete exercise that teaches students the importance of linguistic precision in engineering writing • (Smelser, 2001) – introduces best practices for using peer review in engineering writing instruction • (Rosenberg, 2005) – is an accessible guide to technical writing that focuses on concision, tables and graphics, and other “professional secrets.”These resources provided a foundation for the project outcomes, especially the student and faculty-facing writing reference