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example shown in this paper offers a small glimpse of the many possibilities that LabVIEWskills make students capable of. With a proper education in data acquisition, future engineeringstudents will be better prepared to enter the working world and meet the challenges that they willface in testing systems for their purposes and needs.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported in part by NSF (Grant No. OIA-1946391) through the Arkansas NSFEPSCoR DART SURE Program (Grant No. 23-EPS4-0041) and University of ArkansasChancellor’s GAP Fund and Chancellor’s Fund for Collaboration. S. Pierson acknowledgessupport from the Arkansas Department of Higher Education through a 2023 StudentUndergraduate Research Fellowship and the University of Arkansas Honors
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in the “train the trainers” program, and toLillian Gosser, TJ VanNguyen, and Cameron Hurley who served as undergraduate research assistants onthis project; we deeply appreciate all of these contributions to the success of the CyberAmbassadorsprogram. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNo. 1730137. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] A. Briliyanti, J. Rojewski, T. J. Van Nguyen, K. Luchini-Colbry, and D. Colbry, “The CyberAmbassador Training Program,” in Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research
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, although s/he believes in a terminally ill patient’s right to die withoutsuffering. These simple and sometimes obvious examples are starting points in ethicaldiscussions.ABET Requirements on EthicsThis university’s creative and unique approach teaching ethics to meet ABET requirementsinclude the following pillars: 1. Use a comprehensive spectrum of required courses, throughout the students’ eight semesters at the university. 2. Address each component of the broad and dynamic term “ethics.” These components include engineering ethics, and engineering professional responsibilities, consideration of an engineer’s work in global contexts, consideration of economic contexts, consideration of environmental contexts, and consideration of
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