engineering services” as this was the intent of the terminology they used. Thischange will be reflected in future editions of the CEBOK.The preface goes on to state: All civil engineers, including students studying civil engineering, those who teach civil engineering, early career civil engineers, those who mentor early career engineers, those who employ civil engineers, those who design civil engineering projects, those who lead and manage groups of civil engineers and civil engineering projects, and those who conduct research in civil engineering should be interested in the CEBOK3, as we all, as members of an amazing and exciting profession, should be committed to and supportive of preparing the next
. Structured deliverables provideguidance as to what elements of a design process may be appropriate to move through theengineering design process. The scaffolding to emphasize prototyping and adoption of aprototyping mindset may help as a pedagogical tool [33]. Artifacts that are created in thesecourses reflect tangible evidence of activity. From the idea to realization, there are means todescribe the role, purpose, and creation of prototypes. Gerber & Carroll [19] describe theconnection and process of prototype creation. Houde & Hill [20] discuss different types ofprototypes as what do prototypes prototype (function, looks-like). Makerspaces also provideadditional context for the tools, mindsets, and community of practice [21-23, 11].Design
make use of Hofstede's dimensions, which in an original studyyielded four dimensions of culture that distinguish countries from each other [9]:Individualism, which is the capacity to belong to a group and to work collectively.Power distance reflects the relationship between dependence and the degree to whichgroups can accept an unequal distribution of power. Uncertainty avoidance considershow individuals cope with uncertainty. And masculinity assesses the emotional rolesamong members of society and estimates how much a society is driven by competitionand success [20]. However, through new research in 23 countries, Hofstede added afifth dimension called long-term orientation that reflects the encouragement of futurereward-oriented activities
and intuitively.Lib [1] described a series of steps used to develop high levels of skill in a sport. These stepsincluded drills and practice, a coach, and most importantly by playing the sport. Lib contrastedthese steps to a conventional engineering classroom approach wherein a person is being talked toabout the sport and rarely, if ever, plays. In the context of the engineering classroom, formationof engineers, and development of subject mastery we summarize these simple steps proposed byLib as: 1) a series of iterative tasks repeated many times until correct, 2) by working with expertswho observe and instruct and correct and provide a structure of iterative and progressiveconstructive failure, and 3) by reflecting on their progress and
lesser emphasis on social and ethical skill developmentmay reflect student preferences [4]. In their survey of 6,176 undergraduate students (39%majoring in STEM, 26.5% beginning in STEM and then changing their major to another field,and 30% never majoring in STEM), they found that those students that remained in STEMreported that their career goals were more important than social change, a response which wasnot reported by their non-STEM peers. This is a concerning result, when we consider theprofound responsibilities that accompany the role of an engineer. As Nair and Bullet propose [5],it is necessary to create an educational experience that allows for ethical considerations “to bebrought up naturally”. In this way, we allow for the students
lectures andbreakout discussions, reflecting on actionable steps to promote justice and equity in both the CoEcommunity at Penn State and across the global engineering workforce. The goal of this inauguralsummit was to empower and educate the entire CoE community, from students to faculty, to staffand alumni on equity and inclusion related issues in industry.DRT student leaders sought to provide a greater variety of topics as part of the 2022 EngineeringEquity Summit. The hybrid format of the summit consisted of two sets of concurrent sessionsoffered both virtually and in person with the goal of maintaining accessibility for attendees. Theevent was compressed to a one-day, 5-hour event, and centered around the theme of Mentorship,aligning with the
in Civil and Environmental Engineering. As a result, theCE/ENVE faculty collaborated with the student leaders to integrate social and environmentaljustice into the CE/ENVE program educational objectives (PEOs). PEOs reflect the goals thatprogram graduates will achieve within a few years of graduation, reflect the mission of theDepartment, and provide guidance for specific student learning outcomes in the classrooms. Assuch, they are the principle tool for guiding lasting and significant modifications to thecurriculum. As part of the student-initiated PEOs revitalization, additional educationalobjectives were incorporated, including: resilient, sustainable, and safe design; systems-thinking;and, inclusive communications. This paper discusses
Conceptual Site ModelsAbstractIn environmental engineering site remediation projects, community perception of environmentaland health risks can influence a project’s scope and design. Therefore, community engagement iscritical to shaping an engineer’s definition of an environmental problem. However, lower-levelundergraduate engineering curricula rarely address the incorporation of community input intoenvironmental engineering problem definition, as environmental engineering coursework tendsto utilize pre-defined problems to develop and assess technical knowledge and skills. Upper-level courses that do include community participation in environmental engineering design tendto be reflective, having students evaluate the social impact of a pre-defined
Engineering Student Entrepreneurial Mindset Assessment(ESEMA) [32]-[33] and the interdisciplinary skills, reflective behavior, and recognizingdisciplinary perspectives scales from the Educating the Engineer of 2020 Student Survey [9],[34], which, for the remainder of the paper, will be referenced as a measure of interdisciplinarycompetence [9].Interdisciplinary NarrativeAn 8 week humanities narrative discussing topics of genocide and crimes against humanity,mainly focusing on the Holocaust and its link to engineering, was used as the case study for thisclass. This topic was selected because of the connections that can be made between Naziengineers and scientists, and their involvment with the crimes commited during the Holocaust.Due to the structure
similarities to and differences from others, gainingincreased cultural self-awareness, and developing relationships with culturally different others.Integral to the Story Circles methodology are built-in reflection, feedback, and debriefingsegments that harness participants’ comments in an egalitarian process, honing team members’skills to identify, analyze, and evaluate qualitative data provided by their peers. Notably, theStory Circles methodology has been tested in both in-person and online modalities and in fiveworld regions, but never with a group of engineering students. Furthermore, it was foundeffective with participants of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and levels of IC, a boonin engineering courses with a diversely prepared
communication with students, including students' access to iPads over the summer. Since themain goals of the program were to increase student opportunities to engage with biomedicalengineering and science research topics and experiences, it was not necessary to request thatstudents learn new software for email, video meetings, and online learning platforms. Instead, itwas decided to train the instructors of the program on the platforms already used by the students,rather than the students on the platforms used at the University of Minnesota. This allowed for amore effective use of time spent toward meeting program goals. A reflection regarding the easeand efficiency of using school-implemented technology and programs is provided at the end ofthe
tiered PD model features a scaffolded series of reflective and activity-oriented modules toincrementally enrich the instructional practices and mindset of HSI STEM educators andstrengthen their repertoire of strategies for engaging culturally diverse students. Scaffolding thattranslates culturally responsive theory to practice spans each of the four distinct topic modules ineach tier. Each topic module in a tier then scaffolds to a more advanced topic module in the nexttier. Tier 1, Bienvenidos, welcomes HSI STEM educators who recognize the need to better servetheir Latinx students, and want guidance for small practical activities to try with their students.Tier 2, Transformation through Action, immerses HSI STEM educators in additional
IEC Social Justice Workshop Series (Anti-Racism Practice in Engineering: Exploring,Learning & Solutions or ARPELS) was organized to occur before and after the 2021 Electricaland Computer Engineering Department Heads (ECEDHA) conference series in March 2021 todisseminate results and recommendations to representatives of over 230 ECE departments fromthe US and Canada, and recruit participants for additional sessions. The overarching goals of the3-part workshop series were 1) building capacity in understanding and embracing anti-racistmethods; 2) inspiring self-reflection and organizational review around equity and inclusion and3) launching transformational change at both the individual and systems levels.All sessions were organized
adjustments of the program to fit 1 credithour structure, as well as student impact in the three cohorts. The program has served majoritywomen students and continues to strive for representation of minoritized students in the fields ofComputer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering.We also share evaluation results from the first cohort, as well as results from the reflectionscollected starting with the second cohort. These reflections show the ways in which students areimpacted by the program as well as areas of improvement.Finally, we discuss what aspects of ERSP at UIC are working well so far and have translatedwell from the original program, and which aspects need further adjustment and improvement.ERSP BackgroundThe Early Research
sophomore chemical engineering courses impacts students’engineering identity formation and self-efficacy development. To analyze the impacts of theintervention, this project employs design-based research (DBR) approach to guide thedevelopment, implementation, and evaluation of materials and methods reflecting theproposed synergistic model for a course and program design. Implementing up-to-dateindustry-relevant problems into the course will foster student-industry-faculty engagement (PI,engineering Co-PI, and course instructor), develop student knowledge, skills, and abilitiesneeded in the chemical engineering world today and in the future, and support professionalidentity formation. Moreover, industry-student engagement through the methods
’ lack of foundational technical writing skills[2].In this paper, we share examples of how we incorporated writing throughout a first-yearengineering course. Four different writing activities are detailed: a description and analysis ofcalculation results from a weekly problem set, a technical memo that reports results of a groupexperiment, a student success activity about time management, and a self-reflection activityabout the student’s path into the engineering profession. All the writing activities addressinstructor observed course content knowledge gaps. These activities are selected to illustrate arange of examples showing how instructors can incorporate writing into engineering coursesfrom a short activity added to an existing weekly
. They are given around half an hour to come up with thedesign in pairs, and upload it on the course Learning Management System (LMS) webpage. Theinstructor later explains - after allowing some student frustration - that this task will not be gradedbut it will be revisited later in the semester. A sample student solution is given in Figure 1.Figure 1: Sample student work from initial design of comparator (done on the first day of lab).In the ninth week of the course and after all the material of arithmetic operation and combinationallogic is explained, students explore multiple alternative solutions of designing a digital absolutevalue comparator. Then, they are asked to revisit their initial design ideas and reflect on theknowledge gaps covered
workshop contents. 2) Predict. Written and verbal questions were made to elicit predictions and see the level of prior knowledge and ascertain if adequate. 3) Experiment. Materials are manipulated to carry out guided experiments and check whether any predictions were proved correct. 4) Confront. Through reflective and comparative questions, predictions are compared with observations and experimentation.Instructors (professional practice students) guided school students to clarify doubts withoutgiving concrete answers but inviting discussion and self-reflection so that children may betterunderstand certain phenomena and concepts.2. Workshop structureThe workshop structure was based mainly on Interactive Lecture Demonstrations
approach to learning2. Cognitive presence is defined as “the extent to which learnersare able to construct and confirm meaning through sustained reflection and discourse”3. CoIassumes that learning occurs at the intersection of the three presences – social presence, teachingpresence, and cognitive presence. Cognitive presence represents the means to support and maintaina purposeful learning community, which in our case is the environment of the research learningmodules. It is operationalized through the Practical Inquiry Model (PIM) based on phases ofDewey’s reflective thinking and a collaborative inquiry process2. The PIM provides practical waysto evaluate the nature and quality of critical reflection and discourse through the following four
. We begin with some notes on research methods and a description of the case study.The findings follow with a discussion of the conditions we believe to have contributed. We havechosen to use the third person voice below to minimize confusion. Additionally, will do not usecapital letters for elizabeth west by her request.Research MethodsThe research practice used in this case study was participatory action research (PAR);participants chose to be researchers who were in action and reflecting together on their processof self-discovery and learning. As described by Ledwith [3], this method is characterized by"working with people in reciprocal, mutual relationships." It includes the distinct characteristicsof "rejecting the alienating methods of
presentation to anaudience of the high school and university faculty and industry professionals in May 2022.3. Healthcare Innovation mentorship program: The mentorship program supports eleven highschool students who are interested in learning about challenges in healthcare and provides themwith opportunities to see what their future path could be. Students selected for this program (a)attend a seminar series hosted at SCU, (b) participate in quarterly group meetings with a facultymentor, and (c) write a reflection paper. Towards the end of the mentorship, students willparticipate in a design challenge, working in teams to rapidly prototype, iterate concepts, andpresent potential solutions to an important healthcare problem.Program success was measured
,empathic orientation, and empathic mental processes.”While Clark et al. [4] focused on quantitative measures of empathy used in organizations,researchers have also used qualitative procedures to measure or assess empathy, including in thecontext of engineering. For example, Walther et al. [24] used student reflection data to identifyengineering students’ empathic formation and guided by an empathy in engineering model [2]and Sochacka et al. [25] used reflection data to identify how empathic communication isinfluenced by mental models. Other scholars have focused on assessing empathy’s manifestationin engineering design. For example, Fila, et al. [26] identified empathic approaches to design byusing a think-aloud protocol and thematic coding
scarcity in the “Hungry, Hungry, One Thing,” produced U.S. by importing hippopotamuses to People”[11] by This American Life, Louisiana in the early 1900s 14 Feb. 2014 How do you solve From “The Bad Show,” Weighs chemist Fritz Haber’s chemical a problem like produced by RadioLab, 9 engineering feats and war crimes Fritz Haber?12 January 2012MethodsThe results presented in this paper are limited to a qualitative grounded theory (GT) approach toanalyze Question 4 (Q4) and reflections. Researchers limited analysis to Q4 because it mostdirectly required students to connect the narrative to the field of engineering. Researchers werealso interested in student perceptions of
theEngineering for People Design Challenge in a first-year, introduction to civil and environmentalengineering course. This is a required course which engages all the students with thisinternational design project. The success of this course implementation led to the development ofan education abroad program connected to the community in Peru that was the subject of the2020-2021 Engineering for People Design Challenge. Herein, the advantage of connecting theinternational challenge with the education abroad program is highlighted. After a briefbackground is provided, the international challenge and the education abroad program aredescribed in detail. Results from student-reflection surveys for the in-class design challenge andstudy abroad component are
where Black students begin toexplore Black history in an in-depth lens, their own positionality as it pertains to the plights ofthe community and are taught how to use their time to serve the Black community through atantamount of student-leadership activities and organizations. I am grateful for my time at myHBCU, I often look at the rich dynamic of HBCU education—what it offers Black students andthe surrounding communities that other institutions cannot. However, as a Black feminist and aBlack woman in technical engineering communities, I also can think about the areas in whichHBCUs can improve in their servingness outside of patriarchal normatives. Though I recognizethese normatives reflect the white supremacy that exists in society, at
students to reflect on their level of proficiency in their understanding and, when deficient,work to further their development. As part of the code of ethics of many of the professionalorganizations for engineers and technologists, such as the National Society of ProfessionalEngineers, there is a requirement for members to only undertake activities in their areas ofexpertise and to not misrepresent their knowledge and skills to any clients.[1] While grades areconsidered to be a way for students to reflect on their skill level and see where any deficienciescould exist, but it has been shown that engineering students routinely over estimate their grades,even after multiple assessment scores.[2] Due to exposure effects, such as the Dunning
empiricallearning. The long history of empirical learning in the field of construction engineering showsthe significant potential of cognitive development through direct experience and reflection onwhat works in particular situations [4]. Of course, the complex nature of the constructionindustry in the twenty-first century cannot afford an education through trial and error in the realenvironment. However, recent advances in computer science can help educators develop virtualenvironments and gamification platforms that allow students to explore various scenarios andlearn from their experiences. More specifically, digital gamified solutions can be used to createan interactive virtual environment where students can learn through guided active
and different perspectives,-how are each of us approaching the same general problem? And doing different assessments. We could also present it at a conference.A different RED team member reflected on the CoP as follows: “I just wanted to add that I saw this [RED Consortium monthly] call very helpful as well . What we’re trying to do here is really hard, and we had the same issues. It was really helpful to know it wasn’t just us and reinforce that it is difficult.”Support and collegiality Finally, we see important support and collegiality emerging in the context of the REDCoP. The CoP provides benefits that were not specifically expected when we began our workwith RED teams, and not all RED teams experience
Note1. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNo. 2000487 and the Robertson Foundation under Grant No. 9909875. Any opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the funders. 4 ReferencesAuthor (2022).Berry, III, R.Q., Rimm-Kaufman, S.E., Ottmar, E.M., Walkowiak, T.A., Merritt, E., & Pinter, H.H. (2013). The Mathematics Scan (M-Scan): A measure of mathematics instructional quality. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia.Dale, M. E., Godley, A. J., Capello, S. A., Donnelly, P. J
, interesting, motivated, and efficient. Secondly, the aimwas to better illustrate the power of linear algebra to explain fundamental principles andsimplify calculations in various fields, including engineering, computer science, mathematics,physics, biology, economics, and statistics. Thirdly, the focus was on better communicatingthe importance of linear algebra in the applied field, reflecting it as a scientific tool. Lastly,the objective was to empower students’ abilities to solve more complicated and applicableproblems in the real world. This paper’s primary focus is on the redesign effort, whichincorporates MATLAB and introduces active learning into the course, while still coveringall the core topics in any basic linear algebra class. This