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Well-matched quotation marks can be used to demarcate phrases, and the + and - operators can be used to require or exclude words respectively
Displaying results 3631 - 3660 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rupa Iyer, University of Houston
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
AC 2010-2377: CENTER FOR LIFE SCIENCES TECHNOLOGY – A MODEL FORINTEGRATION OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH, OUTREACH AND WORKFORCEDEVELOPMENTRupa Iyer, University of Houston Page 15.268.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Center for Life Sciences Technology – A Model for Integration of Education, Research, Outreach and Workforce DevelopmentAbstractThe biotechnology industry that originated in the 1970’s has since mushroomed from $8 billionin revenues in 1992 to $50.7 billion and is one of the most research intensive industries in theworld. While biotechnology originated based largely on recombinant DNA techniques,tremendous research in biotechnology has
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session 2 - Curriculum and Laboratory Development
2012 ASEE International Forum
R. Natarajan, Indian Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Track 2 - Curriculum and Laboratory Development
1 Page 17.29.2 CONTENTS OF PRESENTATION1. The Evolution of International Academic Collaboration in India2. Some Existing Academic Dialogues Between India and China3. International Collaborations with Asian Countries4. Some Successful Indian Bilateral Cooperation Initiatives – IIT Madras5. IIT Bombay -- Role of the Office of the Dean for International Relations 2 Page 17.29.36. The Nature and Scope of Collaboration7. “Global Partnerships: Drivers and Relationships” (Points from Prof C D Mote Jr ‟s Presentation)8. Curriculum , Pedagogy and Laboratory
Conference Session
Electrical & Computer Engineering Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Mehran Massoumi
buses follow similar steps.Foreach register bit ‘r’ do identify the set of states S in which ‘r’ is driven; foreach state ‘s’ in S do use the driver expression ‘d’ of ‘r’ to form “d && s” to be or-ed with the data input of ‘r’; if ‘r’ has a clock enable condition ‘e’ then Form the expression “e && s” to be or-ed with clock enable input of ‘r’; else logical-or ‘s’ with clock enable input of ‘r’; As an example, the register duplicate is driven in both states 1 and 2. In state 1, the clock enablecondition is the signal ready and in state 2 the enable condition is the expression “(buffer ==mem)”. Both enable conditions are and
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Lee Robinson; Jody Finnegan; Gene Stuffle; D. Subbaram Naidu; Al Wilson; Jay Kunze
Engineering program started as a Department ofEngineering and Trade during 1910’s, became a part of Division of Agriculture, Engineering andForestry during 1950s when it started offering 2-year Associate Degrees in AgriculturalEngineering (AgE), Chemical Engineering (ChE), Civil Engineering (CE), ElectricalEngineering (EE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), and Mining and MetallurgyEngineering(MME). The Idaho State Legislature action in 1965 prohibited ISU from offering Page 7.16.11 Emeritus Professor.Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & ExpositionCopyright ã 2002, American Society for
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2002 Annual Conference
Shih-Liang (Sid) Wang
Cycloidal DisplacementThe displacement s of the cam follower is the projection of a point of cycloidal curve,which is generated by rolling a circle on a line, to the s-axis (y-axis), as shown in Fig 21.The equation of cycloidal displacement is: θ 1  θ  s = h − sin  2π   (8)  β 2π  β  where h is the total rise or lift; θ is the camshaft angle; β is the total angle of the riseinterval. Note that Equation (8) is in the same form as Equation (1). The velocity,acceleration and jerk equations are: h  θ  v = 1 − cos  2π   β  β  h  θ a = 2π 2 sin  2π
Conference Session
ET Design Projects
2002 Annual Conference
David Myszka
. Topics that should be discussed during thepresentation include, but are not limited to, the following. 1. A description of the machine, including photograph(s). 2. Identification of the mechanical elements of the mechanism, including a technical sketch(s) of the mechanism being evaluated. 3. Free body diagrams of the different components in your machine. 4. A kinematic sketch of the mechanism and the calculation of the degrees of freedom. 5. A description of the motion that the different links of the mechanism, while the machine is being operated. 6. A description of the force transmission of the different links. These free body diagrams may need to be altered if the forces dramatically change while the
2024 ASEE North East Section
Gonca Altuger-Genc, State University of New York, Farmingdale State College; Akin Tatoglu, University of Hartford
-directedlearning capabilities.References:1) Wu, T., He, S., Liu, J., Sun, S., Liu, K., Han, Q.L. and Tang, Y., (2023, May), A brief overviewof ChatGPT: The history, status quo and potential future development presented at IEEE/CAAJournal of Automatica Sinica, 10(5), pp.1122-1136.2) Josh Achiam et al., (2023, March) GPT-4 Technical Report, presented at OpenAI,, OpenAI Technical Report3) Radford, A., Narasimhan, K., Salimans, T. and Sutskever, I., (2018, July), Improving languageunderstanding by generative pre-training, OpenAI Technical Report Onal, S. (2023, December), Exploring the Potential Benefits
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Promothes Saha, Purdue University Fort Wayne
% in Fall 2022 and 94% in Fall 2023 vs. 64% in Fall 2022).This success story demonstrates the power of data-driven, focused interventions in addressingspecific learning deficiencies and ultimately facilitating student mastery of challenging coursematerial. Page 5 of 6 Table 2: Comparison of Targeted Course Outcome Assessment Course Outcomes Tools Used Limit Fall 2022 Fall 2023 Apply mathematics … Midterm(s) 70% 100% 83% Measure and layout… Midterm(s) 70% 73% 72% Understand units… Midterm(s) 70% 82
Conference Session
MECH - Technical Session 12: Promoting Student Success and Motivation
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Lofton, University of Evansville
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
concept maps while solvingproblems in class and on exams. All students included some form of the concept map on thepersonal reference sheets permitted for exams; however, only two students appeared to havemodified the map shared by the instructor. Future work will include student-developed conceptmaps, as well as self-reported data from student surveys on the effectiveness of concept maps inthe heat transfer course.References [1] Greitzer, E., & Soderholm, D. H., & Darmofal, D., & Brodeur, D. (2002, June), Enhancing Conceptual Understanding With Concept Maps And Concept Questions Paper presented at 2002 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada. 10.18260/1-2—11019 [2] Moore, J. P., & Pierce, R. S., & Williams, C. B
Conference Session
Technical Proficiency and Cybersecurity Awareness in ECE Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiahui Song, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Douglas Eric Dow, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Xiaobin Le, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
Program”, Proceedings of the2020 American Society for Engineering Education conference and exposition, 2020.[3] Hawkins, N., Lewis, J., Robinson, B., and Foreman, J., “Computational Instruction through PLCs in a Multi-Disciplinary Introduction to Engineering Course”, Proceedings of the 2019 American Society for EngineeringEducation conference and exposition, 2019.[4] Otieno, A., and Mirman, C., “A Laboratory Based Programming Logic Controller (PLC) Course for aManufacturing Curriculum”, Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education conference andexposition, 2003.[5] Jack, H., and Rowe, S., “Teaching Industrial Control with Open-Source Software”, Proceedings of the 2023American Society for Engineering Education conference and
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Adetoun Yeaman, Northeastern University; Xiaojing Yuan, University of Houston, College of Technology (MERGED MEMBERSHIP WITH COE); Gisella Lamas-Samanamud, University of Kentucky - Paducah extended campus; Heather Beem, Ashesi University; Janie M Moore, Texas A&M University; Randi Sims, Clemson University
Tagged Topics
), "The KEEN framework." Engineering unleashed. (accessed July 10, 2024).[3] S. R. Brunhaver, J. M. Bekki, A. R. Carberry, J. S. London, and A. F. McKenna, "Development of the Engineering Student Entrepreneurial Mindset Assessment (ESEMA)," Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 7, no. 1, p. n1, 2018.[4] J. S. London, J. M. Bekki, S. R. Brunhaver, A. R. Carberry, and A. F. McKenna, "A Framework for Entrepreneurial Mindsets and Behaviors in Undergraduate Engineering Students: Operationalizing the Kern Family Foundation's "3Cs"," Advances in engineering education, vol. 7, no. 1, p. n1, 2018.[5] T. J. Yosso, "Whose culture has capital? A critical race
2023 CIEC
James Kribs
on the increase of student involvement in the CUREprojects.ReferencesAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. (2012). ASME Code of Ethics.Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing : a revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives.Ballen, C. J., Blum, J. E., Brownell, S., Hebert, S., Hewlett, J., Klein, J. R., McDonald, E. A., Monti, D. L., Nold, S. C., Slemmons, K. E., Soneral, P. A. G., & Cotner, S. (2017). A call to develop course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) for Nonmajors courses. CBE Life Sciences Education, 16(2), 1–7., D., & Dunning, D. (2005). What you don’t know: The role played by
Conference Session
Empowering Change: Cultivating Inclusive and Sustainable Futures in STEM Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mina Zavary, University of Washington; Sourojit Ghosh, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
dedicated students who participated in the co-design of theInclusive Teaching Toolkit, as their engagement and thoughtful contributions shaped this work.We especially thank Frannie Ello, the third member of our initial team in designing this toolkit,without whom this work would not have been possible.References[1] S. Ghosh and S. Coppola, ‘This Class Isn’t Designed For Me: Recognizing Ableist Trends In Design Education, And Redesigning For An Inclusive And Sustainable Future’. arXiv, Feb. 19, 2024 [Online].[2] J. T. McDonald et al., ‘Program Encryption Toolkit: A Tool for Digital Logic Education and Undergraduate Research’, in 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2021.[3] C. N. Onyeador et al
2024 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Sourav Sutradhar; Oghenetega A. Obewhere; Karen Acurio-Cerda; Moses Dike; Rajesh Keloth; Shudipto K. Dishari
help university-level educators understand the instructionalinfrastructure differences at schools, identify the barriers, and customize the outreach activities tocater to the needs of specific K-12 classes or groups. This will also aid schools in adhering to the“Nebraska College and Career-Ready Standards for Science” (NCCRS-S)[20],[21] which alignswell with the “Next Generation Science Standards” (NGSS).Given the vastness of Nebraska, it is also crucial to implement a system that can enhance STEMliteracy among demographics that are significantly underrepresented in STEM fields. However,the outreach activities and STEM camps organized at UNL primarily attracted students andteachers from nearby cities (Lincoln, Omaha), often missing those in
2015 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Gang Feng
week for grading it). Thus, the students may strugglewith their misconceptions for a long time, largely hindering the study of further knowledge basedon prior materials, which is especially the case for Statics.4-6 Although the in-person help forhomework assignments can be achieved by required or optional problem sessions, these sessionswould consume extra time of the instructor(s). Many schools start to offer statics as an onlineclass, but it is still delivery as video lecture format,7 and the students still normally work onhomework assignments outside the assigned online lecture period without the instantaneoushelps from the instructor(s).In recent years, flipped classroom (or inverted classroom) approach has been introduced as analternative
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanical Engineering II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sergio Celis, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Conference Session
Project-Based and Experiential Learning in Manufacturing
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tagged Divisions
Manufacturing Division (MFG)
1Exploring Systems Performance using Modeling and Simulation – Project-based Study and TeachingAbstractModeling and Simulation (M&S) provides a risk-free environment allowing the users toexperiment in a computer-generated virtual platform and analyze the what-if scenarios foreffective decision support systems. Due to its pervasive usefulness, the concept of M&S is widelyused across many sectors, including manufacturing, warehouse operations, supply chain, logistics,transportation, mining, and many more. The field of M&S requires computer-intensive andsoftware-based training, which is very different from teaching in a regular classroom setting.Hence, we develop a three-stage (mimic-guide-scaffold
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division (ETD) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hugh Jack P. Eng., Western Carolina University; Adam Harris, Western Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
Concepts and Selection (Individual Work) Week 12 - Risk and Critical Thinking (Individual Work) Weeks 13-15 Project Work (Group Work)Students were introduced to the Python language with an online tutorial guide supported by asimulator [16]. Given that the objective was not to teach a programming language, but to havethem deploy design functionality, they were allowed to access other resources and even usesource code from websites. They were given assignments for a number guess game to providethe concepts of loops and if statements. A following assignment had them write a program toflash the S-O-S pattern in Morse code on an LED. Surprisingly, many of the students providedunique and functional solutions, even though they were allowed to
Conference Session
ERM: Year of Impact on Racial Equity
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremi London, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Yareni Lara-Rodriguez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Cynthia Paschal, Vanderbilt University; Rebecca Atadero, Colorado State University; Sarah Vigmostad, The University of Iowa; Desen Ozkan, Tufts University; Amanpreet Kaur, University of Pennsylvania; Courtney Smith-Orr, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Homero Murzi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Elizabeth Litzler, University of Washington; Nicole Jefferson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Paper ID #37240WIP: ASEE Year of Impact on Racial Equity: 90 Day EquityChallengeJeremi S London (Assistant Professor) Associate Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech Chair of ASEE's CDEI during the Year of Impact on Racial EquityYareni P Lara-rodriguez (Ms.) Yareni holds a manufacturing engineer degree from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL), Mexico. She has worked in the Applied Optimization Group at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) as part of her research internship in the Department of Industrial Engineering. Afterwards, she earned a master’s degree from the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elsa Gonzalez, University of Houston; Emma Perez, University of Houston
Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics.“Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2021,” 2021.[Online]. Available:[2] J. M. Krogstad and L. Noe-Bustamante, “Key facts about U.S. Latinos for National HispanicHeritage Month,” Pew Research Center, Sep. 09, 2021.[3] Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, “2021 Hispanic higher education andHSIs Facts.” (accessed January 18,2022).[4] Excelencia in Education, “25 Years of Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A Glance on Progress,”2020
Conference Session
CPDD Technical Session 2 - Trends in Student and Faculty Support
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diane Peters, Kettering University; Elizabeth Gross, Sam Houston State University
before I ever started the program. There are only a few Fairly supportive Accessibility to the academic required courses advisor is critical. (S)He should make time to tend to advisee needs, academically, professionally, and personally. Very structured. Courses Somewhat supportive He's ok, by big research build on a set, specific university standards. He sequence for any
Conference Session
Issues Facing STEM Programs at Rural Two-Year Colleges
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Reeping, University of Cincinnati; Dustin Grote, Weber State University
]. There are two components of the framework, instructional complexityand structural complexity [2]. Instructional complexity refers to the latent characteristics of thecurriculum, such as the quality of instruction. Currently, the instructional complexity is proxiedby pass/fail rates; little work has been done to expand this metric, with some exceptions likeHilliger et al.’s [12] mixed methods grounded theory study on what makes engineering coursesdemanding. Still, pass/fail rates appear sufficient for simulation studies [2,8].Next, structural complexity involves representing a plan of study as a network, where eachvertex is a course and the edges connecting them are the pre- and corequisites. Each course isassigned a delay factor, the longest
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering: DEI, Flipped Classrooms
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Frederic-charles Krynen, Stanford University; Shima Salehi, Stanford University; Carl Wieman
on this course redesign. Anecdotally,the changes which have been piloted in flipping the order of introduction of content and activelearning activities during instructor-led class sessions have thus far been very well received. Thework is being embraced and enthusiastically incorporated into the AY22-23’s version of thecourse. As shown in figure 1 the control portion of the study will run during the Spring ’22 term.The impact of the redesign will be measured when comparing these results to those gatheredduring AY22-23 across the five above-mentioned methods. The findings will be analyzed andincluded into a larger body of work focusing on the importance of teaching decision making inproblem-solving in STEM courses.The hope for this study is
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration and Sociotechnical Thinking: The Big Picture
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cherie D. Edwards, Virginia Commonwealth University; Bryanne Peterson; Sreyoshi Bhaduri, ThatStatsGirl; Cassandra J. McCall, Utah State University; Desen Sevi Özkan, Tufts University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
methods in STEM education assessment topromote inclusivity, engage learners, and empower underrepresented and marginalizedcommunities. Such research can then inform future pedagogical practices, curriculum design,evaluation plans, and resource allocation to contribute to a more inclusive and diverse STEMlearning environment and resultantly, the future STEM workforce.ReferencesBattel, K., Foster, N., Barroso, L. V., Bhaduri, S., Mandala, K., & Erickson, L. (2021, October).“We Make the Village”-Inspiring STEM Among Young Girls and the Power of CreativeEngineering Education in Action. In 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.Bevan, B. B., Barton, A. C., & Garibay, C. (2018). Why broaden perspectives on
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ramyani Sengupta, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Anthony E. Sparkling, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering
learning with projectmanagement modules [4]. This research investigates the use of VR as an educational accessorywith the use of a VR headset (the Oculus Rift S), added with conventional classroom guidancefrom an educator. It also introduces undergraduate Construction Management (CM) students at alarge four-year university in Midwestern USA to the world of simulated VR and simultaneouslyassesses both their attitude to this hybrid learning and their academic performance and knowledgeperception regarding MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) systems in the course material.The tentative findings focus on whether the students are positively impacted by this new hybridmethod of knowledge transfer, which has realms of possibilities in this new era
Conference Session
Engineering Management: Six Sigma, Data Modeling, and Risk Management
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiju Antony, Heriot Watt University; Elizabeth A Cudney, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
the critical to quality (CTQ) characteristics inprocesses and aims at reducing cost by reducing variability and achieving consistencyin performance (2). Any organization applying Six Sigma to reduce variation from itsbusiness processes will, after a certain period of time, realize that the benefits begin tofall. Similarly, any organization applying Lean will notice a gradual decline in thereturns after a certain period of time. Reducing waste alone cannot improve theprocess entirely and similarly reducing variation still leaves behind waste in businessprocesses (3).Lean theory proposes that work processes should be designed as a single, continuousflow containing all of the steps which incrementally add value in the eyes of thecustomer(s) and
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mustafa Shraim, Ohio University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
]. Table 1: PDSA Details Phase Description Plan a change or test aimed at improvement Plan (P) by stating objective, questions, and predictions Carry out the change or run the experiment Do (D) and document problems and issues Analyze data graphically and statistically. Use earlier analysis to build a temporal Study (S) picture. Compare to prediction (expectations
Conference Session
Getting Started: Objectives, Rubrics, Evaluations, and Assessment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Zbigniew Prusak, Central Connecticut State University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
various learning styles by individual learners can be catered to by drifting awayfrom typical scholastic activities: lecture – reading – theory-reinforcing calculation exercises –examination. The 21 learning activities listed in Table 2 can address most of the eight MI.Course evaluations will be undoubtedly more favorable if every student finds his/her favoriteniche activities during the course.QFD for Defining Course ActivitiesQuality Function Deployment (QFD) technique parallels engineering procedures used forexamining specifications and performances of products and processes 10, 11. Developed in the1970’s in Japan and used in Kobe Shipyard of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, QFD methodologystemmed from quality improvement tables and was originally
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yunjun Xu, University of Central Florida; Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma; Charles Remeikas, University of Central Florida; Xiaojun Geng, California State University, Northridge; Sagar Chowdhury, University of Oklahoma; Chen Ling, University of Oklahoma
teacher assigned ID andpassword (Fig. 5). After that s/he can select any module s/he likes to work on (Fig. 6), in thisstep, the program will tell the student how many time s/he has already tried. If the maximumtrial time is met, the system will not allow her/him to continue on this particular module. Page 14.643.7 Figure 4: Programming logic for accessing the database. Figure 5: GIVE model log in system Figure 6: Module selectionFigure 7(a) gives the overall picture of the course module. In Fig. 7(b) a movie clipcorresponding to the question is playing. In the movie clip, important aspects are highlighted
Conference Session
Revitalizing Cooperative Education and Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Debbie Gulick, Georgia Institute of Technology; Debbie Pearson, Georgia Institute of Technology; Gayle Elliott, University of Cincinnati; Jennifer Oliver, IAESTE United States; Karl Zimmer, General Cable
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
criteria are deemed a necessary aspect in educating the “Engineer of 2020.”2Our interdependent global society requires engineering skills to address issues related to health,security, and the environment, as well as international commerce.3As a major RAND research study concluded in the 1990’s, both universities and corporationsnow believe that students must understand the global nature of economics, speak otherlanguages, and be able to assess decisions in more than one culture. The research resultssuggested that universities must do more than “tinker with the edges of the curriculum.” Acomprehensive approach is needed, and relevant work experiences should be a primecomponent.4Work abroad experiences allow students to prepare for the global