-dirty prototypes to gain quick feedback. Functionalprototypes are built for benchmarking purposes while at the same time verifying whether theproposed solutions actually resolve the issue(s). Through the design-build-test process, it isexpected that students would develop the knowledge and experience of the “subject matterexperts”, and thus various activities at the project planning stage will become more meaningful.Using the test result(s) of functional prototypes, the team(s) will revise their solution(s) anddevelop a project plan to scale up their proposed solution(s), either with a product productionline or a service model. The paper will conclude by discussing the outcome of this approach,identify possible limitations, and provide
. Atman and K. M. Bursic, “Verbal Protocol Analysis as a Method to Document Engineering Student Design Processes,” Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 121- 132, 1998.[2] C. J. Atman, R. S. Adams, M. E. Cardella, J. Turns, S. Mosborg and J. Saleem, “Engineering Design Processes: A Comparison of Students and Expert Practitioners,” Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 359-379, 2007.[3] C. J. Atman, M. E. Cardella, J. Turns and R. Adams, “Comparing freshman and senior engineering design processes: an in-depth follow-up study,” Design Studies, pp. 325- 357, July 2005.[4] G. Mathews, M. Zeidner and R. D. Roberts, Emotional Intelligence, Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2002.[5] R. S. Adams and C. J. Atman, “Cognitive Processes
Paper ID #22808Gamification in Computer Science Education: a Systematic Literature Re-viewMrs. Mourya Reddy Narasareddy Gari, North Dakota State University I am Ph.D student at North Dakota State University. My research work is to see how different Learning strategies affect the student learning.Dr. Gursimran Singh Walia Gursimran S. Walia is an associate professor of Computer Science at North Dakota State University. His main research interests include empirical software engineering, software engineering education, human factors in software engineering, and software quality. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society
and for the motion of a system of 1 or 2 rigid accelerations (linear and rotational) of 2 or 3 bodies moving in the plane. (Includes use of interconnected rigid bodies. P1.) R3 – Apply ode45 to solve equations of motion Supplemental Skills (must pass all R skills before S skills improve grade) S1 – Analyze oblique impact between two S1.1 – Analyze oblique impact between two rigid bodies. rigid bodies. S2 – Solve for the kinetics of mass flow S1.2 – Utilize principles of energy and systems. momentum to solve for the motion of a S3 – Determine the angular momentum of a system of 1 or 2 bodies. rigid body moving in 3D
spectral irradiance. Figure 4: Solar and white LED spectral distribution7. Student Feedback and Assessment MethodThe following survey questions were given to students and the results are shown below eachquestion. A five-point Likert scale was used (1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4:Agree, 5: Strongly Agree). Students were asked to assess how well the outcomes were met. Thetotal number of students who completed the survey was 21. Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lab, students should be able to: 1) Understand that a solar panel can produce an output voltage and current (or energy) when facing a light source. 1: S. D. 2: D 3: N 4: A 5: S. A. Avg. Avg
focused on building robots that can workin hazardous environments, but they also learned about different majors that explore roboticsconcepts in manufacturing, as well as the application of hydraulics for flood gates.AcknowledgmentThe project team wants to acknowledge Virginia Space Grant Consortium for its partnership inand continuous funding for the ODU BLAST program. 7References:[1] R. S. Andersen, S. Bøgh, T. B. Moeslund, and O. Madsen, "Intuitive task programming of stud welding robots for ship construction," in Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 2015, pp. 3302-3307: IEEE.[2] S. Pfeiffer, "Robots, Industry 4.0 and humans, or why assembly work
/10573560308223[11] D. H. Schunk (1991). Self-efficacy and academic motivation, Educational Psychologist, vol.26(3-4), pp. 207-231, DOI: 10.1080/00461520.1991.9653133[12] D. H. Schunk & C. A. Mullen (2012). Self-efficacy as an engaged learner. In S. L.Christenson, A. L. Reschly, & C. Wylie (Eds.), Handbook of research on student engagement (pp.219-235). New York, NY, US: Springer Science + Business Media, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-2018-7_10[13] E. Skinner & M. J. Belmont (1993). Motivation in the classroom: Reciprocal effect of teacherbehavior and student engagement across the school year, Journal of Educational Psychology, vol.85(4), Dec, 1993, pp. 571-581, DOI: 10.1037/0022-0663.85.4.571[14] E. Kahu (2013). Framing student
and for the motion of a system of 1 or 2 rigid accelerations (linear and rotational) of 2 or 3 bodies moving in the plane. (Includes use of interconnected rigid bodies. P1.) R3 – Apply ode45 to solve equations of motion Supplemental Skills (must pass all R skills before S skills improve grade) S1 – Analyze oblique impact between two S1.1 – Analyze oblique impact between two rigid bodies. rigid bodies. S2 – Solve for the kinetics of mass flow S1.2 – Utilize principles of energy and systems. momentum to solve for the motion of a S3 – Determine the angular momentum of a system of 1 or 2 bodies. rigid body moving in 3D
school after decision to go to school hearing the graduate presentation school (Yes) SLCC 54 11 37 6 21% (F only) SLCC 87 28 42 17 32% (S only) SLCC 14 4 6 4 28% only Chemical Engineering (F,S) SLCC and 163 64 51 48 39% UoU (F,S,J,Sr)Table 1: Categories of and number of students surveyed and the results for each categoryKey: (F
ls dg s kil le
, Page 26.328.4Helping other people, Having others working under my supervision, Having job security,Working with people rather than objects, Inventing new things, Developing new knowledge andskills, Having lots of family time, Having lots of time for myself/friends, Making my owndecisions, Having an easy job, Having an exciting job, Making use of my talents/abilities,Working in an area with lots of job opportunities. Characteristics were rated on a scale of 1 to 6,where 1 = Not at all important and 6 = Very important. (For more information on the PRiSEproject and survey methodology, see 26, 27)Occupational DataThe most recent available occupational statistics were obtained from the U. S. Bureau of LaborStatistics (BLS). These include 2013
Educ., 12, 248-251.19. Kesidou, S. and Duit, R. (1993). Students’ conceptions of the second law of thermodynamics – aninterpretive study. J. Res. Sci. Teach., 30(1), 85-106.20. Kaper, W. H. and Goedhart, M. J., (2002a). Forms of energy, an intermediary language on the road tothermodynamics? Part I. Int. J. Sci. Educ., 24, 81-95.21. Kaper, W. H. and Goedhart, M. J., (2002b). Forms of energy, an intermediary language on the road tothermodynamics? Part II. Int. J. Sci. Educ., 24, 119-137.22. Roberts, I. F. and Watts, D. S., (1976). The teaching of thermodynamics at preuniversity level. Phys.Educ., 11, 277-284.23. Mettes, C.T., Pilot, A. Roosink, H.J. and Kramers-Pals, H., (1981b). Teaching and learning problemsolving in science, part II: learning
SCI is a ten-week domestic research program in which sophomore and juniorstudents complete quantum-related research internships with faculty at an urban university.This study is timely given that science and engineering (S&E) research is an increasinglyinternational effort. In its 2015 Science Indicators, the most recent year available, the NationalScience Board noted that 33% of science and engineering papers published in the U.S. in 2013were internationally coauthored; at the same time international citations among papers by U.S.authors increased from 43% to 53% between 1996 – 2012 [1]. This shows the increasingimportance of international research and collaborations for science & engineering researchers inthe U.S. Furthermore, in
toidentify the particular activity of talent management (attracting, development, retention, and,general management) that each article stressed. Whereas in phase 2, sub-themes under each ofthese activities/categories were identified inductively. 4Figure 1. Literature review selection processTable 1. Priority table for inclusion/exclusion of full text records Author(s) High Medium Low Beyer [10] ❖ Bhatnagar [11] ❖ Bhatnagar [12] ❖ Bredin and
Tyler, R. W., 1949. Basic principles of curriculum and instruction 2 Finch, C. R., Crunkilton, J. R., 1989. Curriculum Development in Vocational and Technical Education; Planning, Content, Implementation. Allyn and Bacon, INC. 3 Kwon, H. S., Yi, S. B., 2003. The development of hands-on activities based production technology curriculum by objective model at the secondary schoolThe first category of literature, systematic curriculum development theories, is summarized inTable 1. Curriculum development focuses primarily on content and areas associated with it.However, the curriculum should define the educational goals and mission for the time beingduring the development procedure
AC 2007-2055: THE EFFECTS OF GENDER ON ELEMENTARY-AGEDSTUDENTS' INTEREST IN TECHNOLOGY: A PRELIMINARY REPORTCarol Stwalley, Purdue University Dr. Carol S. Stwalley earned her BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University and is a registered professional engineer in Indiana. She performed the described research while the Assistant Director for the Purdue Women in Engineering Program. Currently, she performs assessment for the Purdue Minority Engineering Program. Dr. Stwalley also is the President of Paradocs Enterprises, Inc. which is a consulting engineering firm specializing in renewable energy projects and property transfer issues
they progress from discovery, through clinical trials, to finalrelease to the public. An overview of the steps in drug production and use was presented: activepharmaceutical ingredient (API) synthesis, drug formulation, and drug delivery. Manufacturingissues related to batch processing, multiphase drug systems, green engineering, and processingscale were included (Figure 1). This lecture was posted on the ASEE ChE Division web site(www.asse-ched.org/) as well as PharmaHUB (www.PharmaHUB.org ).7 Typical Drug Synthesis – “Campaigns” • Multi-step synthesis, transformations – Intermediate compounds • Isolations (purification) S-1 S-2 R-5 S-15
Ph.D. student in the Page 23.59.1 Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University.LaTricia Townsend c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 A Large-scale Survey of K-12 Students about STEM: Implications for Engineering Curriculum Development and Outreach Efforts (Research to Practice)AbstractThis paper reports on the use of a new survey instrument, the S-STEM survey, as a model fordata-driven decision making both formal and informal K-12 STEM education initiatives. Currentnational policy and research findings regarding K-12 STEM
Tools for Assessing Student Outcomes: Use of Faculty and Student Assessments Ann M. Anderson and Richard D. Wilk Department of Mechanical Engineering Union College Schenectady, NYAbstractWith the adoption of an outcomes-based approach to engineering education, it has becomenecessary to develop methods for assessing students’ abilities to meet program outcomes. In themid 1990’s, a major reform was undertaken in the mechanical engineering curriculum at UnionCollege. This was preceded by the development of a mission statement, program objectives, andspecification
that gives a review of electro-magnetics, transmission line theory, s-parameters and two-port network analysis, and impedance matching. The second semester courseoffered in the spring is EEGR 444, Specialized Topics in Microwaves, builds upon EEGR 443and includes topics related to design methodologies on filters and amplifiers. These courses areprerequisites for advanced graduate coursework in RF Microwaves. Prior to 2008, the Department’s microwave courses offered had no laboratory componentto complement the theoretical understanding of concepts taught in the course lecture. As a result,students were not actively engaged in the learning process nor motivated to enroll in subsequentmicrowaves courses. Therefore, because they were not
(16)The linear natural frequencies and mode shapes can be found by assuming solution forms: λ1 ? A sin ∗ s Τ + , λ 2 ? B sin ∗ s Τ + (17)Substituting into equations (16) gives: A 1 − χ / s 2 − B ] /χ _ ? 0 A ] /χ _ − B 1 − χ / s 2 ? 0 (18)For non-zero solutions, the determinant of the coefficients must be zero. This gives a polynomialin s , from which the natural frequencies can be obtained. Equations (18) give the associatedmode shapes
4.34 / 0.60 4.41 / 0.67 3.88 / 0.91ComputersDr. Stress 4.52 / 0.57 4.28 / 0.96 4.31 / 0.89 4.03 / 0.87SoftwareAll 4.02 / 0.97 4.11 / 0.97 3.83 / 1.02 4.04 / 0.97ComponentsAverage response is listed first followed by standard deviation. Like Rating 5.00 4.00 3.00 0.975 Limit Rating 0.025 Limit 2.00 Average 1.00 0.00 s
Response % Trainee 0 0% Trainee's primary advisor(s) 0 0% Host institution 4 57% Graduate program 0 0% T32 grant 4 57% Other: 1 14% Figure 6. Question #21 results for stipend source during experience. Page 24.650.7 Most commonly, programs do not assign an off-campus training experience, but ratherallow trainees to self
Session #2480 The use of the visual-spatial intelligence in the solution of elementary physics problems. Sallie S. Townsend, Natalie D. Segal S.I. Ward College of Technology at the University of HartfordAbstractThe process of transforming a word problem, the only kind in physics, to a mathematicalrepresentation of that problem uses several of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.Traditionally, only the verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences have beenemphasized. However, the authors have found that solving physics problems requires the
rates for both female and male students. TheCalWomenTech Project‟s numbers on the recruitment and retention of technology students—both female and male—have been compiled by an external evaluator.The Project has worked with the CalWomenTech colleges to distribute two surveys to thetargeted female technology students that ask them what recruitment and retention strategies theyhave experienced, which ones they find helpful, and which strategies they would like toexperience more (2009 survey n=60, 2010 repeat survey n=43). The results from these surveyshave allowed the colleges to see what strategies take the fewest resources and yield the highestreturn for their students. Most of the strategies female students indicate have been most helpfulto
collected with this instrument capture the differencesbetween students with different educational experience?Instrument Development and Validation ProcessAssessment Framework In the development of the assessment instrument, we adopted Pellegrino et al.’s 14framework describing assessment as “reasoning from evidence” consisted of three linkingelements: cognition, observation, and interpretation. The framework was used extensivelywhen structuring assessment, both on program assessment and classroom assessment. Forexample, the framework was used as a framing concept in evaluating young children’s work15 and in making sense of complex assessment 16. Cognition refers to beliefs about how students learn 14. Previous design
Taguchi method is implemented generally in four steps as follows:1. Brainstorm the quality characteristics and design parameters important to the product or process.2. Design and conduct the experiments.3. Analyze the results to determine the optimum conditions.4. Run confirmation test(s) using the optimum conditions.C. ExampleTo illustrate the basic working mechanics of the Taguchi Method, consider the followingexample2.In a plastic injection molding process, three controllable factors have been identified; each factorcan be applied at two levels as shown: Factors Level 1 Level 2 A. Injection Pressure A1 = 250 psi A2 = 350 psi B. Mold Temperature B1
f Ci fT K i » (1) g J S gD i ¬ D i ¼ i i 1Three different categories of problems are associated with series piping systems: (1) Category I inwhich the required increase in head, Ws, of the pump is the unknown, (2) Category II in whichthe flow rate Q is the desired result, and (3) Category III in which the pipe diameter is to beobtained. Category I problems are direct, but Categories II and III are iterative. The usualtreatment in fluid mechanics textbooks, Munson et al. (4) for example, is centered about solvingEq. (1) for the three problem categories. However, the
, squatting, lifting, turning). The team at the firm is working together to come up withways to change an existing exoskeleton to make it even more helpful to people no matter theirage ability.The team includes a materials and science engineer, a human factors specialist, a clinicalexpert, a mechanical engineer, a computer engineer, and a biomedical engineer.Review each engineering team conversation to answer the following questions: 1. Which team's method seems like it would come up with the best result(s)? Why? 2. What are the pros and cons of each team’s method of solving the main problems and sub-problems? Use the teams' conversations to support your answers. 3. What skills do the engineers on each team have? 4. Which team would
underperforming students, and d) foster personal connections with students withinand outside of the classroom. Throughout, the commitment to a strengths-based approach mayenhance student motivation and engagement [43]-[45] as instructors provide multiple modes foractivities and assessments and provide flexibility that gives students the opportunity to makechoices and apply their strengths within the context of their learning activities and assessmentsThis study examines the potential impact(s) of the implementation of neuroinclusive teachingpractices in redesigned engineering courses, known within the project as Include Courses, or I-Courses. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to identify the predictors of students' senseof belonging in