new ways to support first-year students and enhance retention. According tothe Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), High-Impact Practices (HIPs)offer significant educational benefits, especially for historically underserved groups, bycultivating substantive relationships, promoting engagement across diverse perspectives,facilitating the application of acquired knowledge, and fostering reflective processes aimed atpersonal development [1]. Students involved in HIPs are more likely to experience positiveoutcomes like academic achievement, persistence, and attainment of goals that prepare a studentto live a rewarding life [2]. It is recommended to integrate HIPs into curriculum in alignmentwith course objectives and
]. Once the VIA assessment was complete, students shared their topthree-character strengths and were asked to investigate STEM profiles that are exemplar figuresof that character strength within their professional practice. These profiles included a summaryof the figures' life and impact, cases on how they have demonstrated their character strength andthe value they created and examples of their curiosity and connections. Students reflected on theactivity and were asked to consider the value they created by connecting their character strengthswith other STEM figures.RecommendationsThe activity presents a unique opportunity for educators to connect STEM leaders with studentsvalue through the lens of DEI by showcasing that personal virtues can be
. Professional identity is cultivated intentionally inschools of engineering [14]. It is further shaped by experiences in practice and involves not onlyexplicit knowledge, such as how to apply engineering principles, but also in implicit knowledgethat is learned from colleagues, mentors, and leaders in the organization [1]. Implicit knowledgeinforms PIF [1], [2], [4]. It is situated, that is, tied to the particular topic or problem that is beingsolved [15]. This knowledge is subsumed into the identity of professionals. Reflective practice asoutlined by Schön is also an aspect of PIF. Identity is shaped not only by the community ofpractice, but also by constant reflection on action [16-18] and is essential to the emergence ofexpertise.TeamsIn formal
of studentresponses and prompting the AI to summarize the the responses. After a few passes, similargroupings were combined, and we asked the AI to identify specific quotes that reflected thistheme.Only students 18 years and older participated. All procedures were approved by our IRB, and allparticipants completed a Statement of Informed Consent form before taking each of the surveys.Thirty-three to 40 students participated in each of the PHY120 surveys and 33 to 38 participatedin the EGR360 surveys.We also surveyed two additional populations at the mid-term and end of term. A parallel group offirst-year students not enrolled in PHY120, but taking a Calculus course instead (non-PHY120),and a group of four second-year students participating
provocative lens toprovoke thoughts from the students by having them reflect and juxtapose their current learningexperience in engineering classrooms with hypothetical environments envisioned by hook. Theoutcome of such reflection and juxtaposition can provide foundational knowledge to assist in theefforts to identify “features” in engineering classrooms and pedagogies that perpetuate cisgenderand heteronormative elements in engineering education. It must be noted that this is a pilotresearch study that strives to produce knowledge to help contribute to future efforts to reimagineengineering classrooms and pedagogies. Thus, no direct engagement with faculty andadministrators is expected in this pilot study.Literature review In engineering
For the assignment this week, take some time to reflect on your experiences in college so far. You may choose to read some of the resources provided (or not). Discuss elements among the following that are of interest to you – you do not need to discuss all of these elements. • What has been your mental health / wellness status this semester? Describe times you have felt happy, excited, confident, successful, stressed, anxious, disappointed, and/or tired. Discuss sources of these feelings: physical health / illness, homework, exams, family issues, financial issues, etc. • Describe a situation where you reached out for help and received support – from friends, family, on-campus resources. • Describe positive actions you are taking to
Midwest Section ConferenceThe Sharp 2y0a21 IR SensorOptical distance sensors, developed overdecades of optoelectronics research and Light emitter Light detectorinnovation, include the analog distance sensorSHARP GP2Y0A21. The SHARP GP2Y0A21is an analog distance sensor that operates oninfrared (IR) light principles. The sensorcontains an IR LED (Infrared Light EmittingDiode) that emits infrared light pulses as shownin Figure 3. It also has an IR receiver thatdetects the reflected infrared light. Based on theintensity of the reflected IR light, the sensor Figure 3, IR distance sensorgenerates an analog voltage output. This outputvoltage is directly
[8,12] and positive mindset [11].Academic coaching was placed centrally into program components. Goal setting and relationshipbuilding are key components of the academic coaching philosophy which aligns with many ofthe common elements seen across the literature that was used to create the Scholars Program.Academic coaching also has similarities with the practice of Reality Therapy [4] which was usedas the framework for the personnel responsibility pillar in the model developed by Kamphoff andcolleagues [2]. Reality Therapy is an ongoing process of creating a trusting environment andusing techniques to help an individual discover and reflect on their true goals. In addition to thegoal of building on social capital, there are positive academic
Social responsibility Poster rubric Environmental impact assessment, environmental literacy, materials selection, social responsibility, responsible economicsSustainability ChecklistTo help students think through lifecycle assessment associated with their projects a checklist wascreated, inspired by Leydens and Lucena [5] and ISE [6]; see Table 2. Upon the advice of theEOP-assigned mentors, this was broken into two phases: production plus end-of-life or productuse. The intent was for student groups to select which portion of the project was likely to havegreater sustainability concerns for their particular project (which was generally making aproduct). Categories were selected to reflect the environmental
materials. In some ways this is analogous to the principle of least action which gives rise to theforms of the trajectories of objects, such as the curve of fastest descent or the brachistochrone problem. Infact the calculus of variations and the principle of least action were seen as teleological, meaning theyseem to reflect design and purpose. What we have learned from recent research in complex systems,nonlinear dynamics, and cellular automata is that relatively simple, but nonlinear, governing equationsand relationships among parts can lead to complex phenomena and also what has been called “emergentbehavior” or “self-organization”.This hypothetical watchmaker is where the engineer and educator come in. It is now necessary for us todevelop a
reflection from an ideal optical system with amirrorlike reflector, conventional optical rotation due to glucose solution should be cancelled11.However shining light travel through cornea/aqueous interface will create optical rotation mainlydue to glucose molecule. Optical glucose sensing techniques using the optical rotatory effect of glucosehave many advantages over currently existing invasive and noninvasive methods, sincethe method is based on shining a brief pulse of light into the front of the eye.Measurements in a living eye present many challenges because the tissues are morevariable than nonliving optical components. Our previous research has shown that we canisolate the lens/aqueous reflection and detect polarizational changes12
were guided by specific pedagogicalprinciples: small-group work with trained facilitators, group-worthy open-ended problems todevelop critical thinking and interest-based design projects to connect students to the material.Curricular development was supported by regular collaboration meetings with expert guidanceon pedagogy and incorporating social justice content. Altogether, more than 1500 students wereenrolled in the first-year program during the academic year. A student survey each term resultedin an average of over 900 survey responses across the three-course series. Reflections were alsocollected from participating faculty. This paper focuses on the adoption of promoted pedagogicalprinciples by the faculty, and the resulting outcomes and
prepare students to dedicate themselves todiversity that values the richness of human society as a divine gift and to pursue justice bymaking an action-oriented response to the needs of the world.[12]” Given the uniquely holisticaims of the LUM community, the practice of reflection laying at the core of the Jesuit traditioninvigorates all corners of the university to respond to nationwide calls for social, political, andeconomic justice.At present, LUM’s strategic plan places a strong emphasis on DEI through the recruitment ofstudents and faculty from underrepresented groups and the creation of more inclusive classroomsand curricula. The university’s stated diversity aims include “awareness of the structural sources,consequences, and
Success," to improve advisingpractices for chemical engineering faculty and provide guidance for the successful mentoring ofgraduate students. The workshops aim to elicit reflections and encourage discussions amongfaculty to identify their beliefs about mentoring, explore how they align their mentoring practiceswith their research agenda, and how they define success for their students. This paper describesthe development and implementation of the first workshop in the series “Facilitating EngineeringFaculty Advising Success: Effective Strategies for Mentoring Graduate Students,” which wasoffered during the Fall 2022 semester. Emergent themes from participant contributions duringthis workshop highlighted collective difficulties in navigating and
thepostdoc program is to create well-rounded scholars versed in research, teaching, and service.Using artifacts and postdoc reflections, this study aims to explore the experiences of the firstcohort of LEGACY postdoc scholars to understand how a newly created intersectionalmentorship model facilitates scholars’ progression toward faculty positions while curating aninclusive community and culture for scholars. The intersectional mentorship model framing this postdoc program is based on researchconducted by Dr. Cox, with some adaptations from Walker et al.’s (2009) The Formation ofScholars, which presents a multiple apprenticeship framework that offers a holistic approach tomentoring for scholars. The three mentor types in the program are primary
printing to teach these topics in an integrated manner within the time constraints ofa three-credit-hour course. Couplings between CAD and CAE tools (motion simulation andanalysis) and 3D printing were leveraged to reinforce student learnings on topics frommachine elements and mechanics, and provide opportunities through project-basedassessments to reflect on their design choices and use economically-available designperformance results to introduce design refinements.The course was very well-received by the students who reported that they found itmotivating and stimulating, and that it enhanced their knowledge, skills and confidence. Thepaper presents an overview of the course and summarises experiences, challenges, lessons,recommendations and
techniques for ships and thereported potential of each technique. It clearly shows the need for alternative fuels forshipping to achieve the goals set. However, although research into the energy transition hasdominated the output since then, it is still very uncertain, which fuel or fuels will replace thedominance of fossil fuels in shipping. Already for 2022 alone 136 papers appear in a Scopussearch on “fuel AND alternative AND maritime" and this only covers one aspect of theenergy transition. As a result, the landscape of the ship designer has and continues to change.Something that should be reflected in its education as well.Similar to the energy transition, the term fourth industrial revolution was first used in apublication of the world
after completing the module, to provide the instructors with insight on studentattitudes and opinions concerning the roles and responsibilities of engineers with respect tocomputing ethics. The post-module survey contained additional questions to capture students’understanding of computing ethics and cultural/social implications of computing.Course structure and lesson plan overviewPrior work [7], piloted in Fall 2020, presented a module consisting of three consecutive80-minute lecture periods. Students watched the 45-minute episode of Doctor Who titled Oxygen[14] and answered guided questions prior to attending the first lecture. However, when thisapproach was repeated in Spring 2021, some assignments reflected a misunderstanding of eventsin
afterschool and summer context at a community organization serving predominatelyLatina/o/x neighborhood (referenced as “the Community Center”), establishing trust with youthover time. At the end of each iteration of the program, I interviewed all participating youth viafocus groups and engaged in “walking interviews” with youth during our design work. In bothinterview contexts, youth were asked to reflect on a breadth of topics, including whatexperiences in the program felt successful and unsuccessful, what goals they had for our worktogether, how they would describe the work we did together, and how that compared to otherengineering work they may have done previously. Seven focal youth were selected for the studybased on their participation in two
studentsand faculty; this data is being analyzed qualitatively in a separate study.A constant comparative approach was used in where the quantitative data was compared againstthe qualitatively coded responses. This approach allowed the researchers to better understandhow students’ definition reflected one or more of the six assumptions statements (see Table 1).The qualitative item was coded using a combination of open and axial coding leading to fourthemes [31].For integration of the qualitative and quantitative data to meet mixed-methods research criteria[12], [27], the authors first recognized that HCA was a unidimensional measure as establishedthrough the validation process [12], [21]. Thus, a composite score for HCA was calculated. Acomposite
organizations (in the country they chose to address a problem) to analyzeand propose solutions for challenges in that country.Activities are organized during the entire semester following project management techniques.They include an early presentation of the proposal, a scheduled progress report presentation, aposter, and a final presentation. Foreign partners are asked to provide their reflections on theexperience. All classmates review and peer grade every deliverable from other teams. Studentsevaluate their teammates’ performance and provide a self-assessment of their individualexperience at the end of the course. A ChE Global Day was held at the end of the semester todisplay the posters and presentations to a broad audience with the support of
some cases a fourthcomponent, self-awareness.Black Student STEM IdentityBlack student STEM identity (BSSI) is situated within the context of the external and internalenvironments where Black STEM students perceive their reflective identity (how they viewthemselves), their competence and ability, their values and interests, and their assimilation intoSTEM culture. These four perception components are influenced by Black students’ gender-based racial identity.SignificanceDrawing from existing literature, we seek to identify overlapping elements in ET, EI, and BSSI.We are developing a culturally relevant theory of Black Student Thriving in Engineering(BSTiE, pronounced “bestie”) situated at the cross-section of the aforementioned theories. In
the female gender being mostly inclined to including it intheir training plan, but not so the male gender.Complementary findings were revealed when analysing the interviews, reflecting indecisionwhether to include it as an elective or a compulsory course. ID profiles 1, 2, 3 and 4 agreethat it should be voluntary, while profile ID5 mentions the theme should be present across theboard within the same subjects: "Little things immersed within the classes themselves" (ID5)Complementing the above, when consulting on whether to include gender issues in classassignments as such, the survey findings come up with information summarized in Table 3. Table 3. Dimension 1: Gender on the curriculum
provide motivation for student learning (Djonko-Moore et al., 2018;Kelley & Knowles, 2016).Students are expected to develop solutions to these real-world engineering problems by engagingin practices and 21st century skills used by STEM professionals. The development of designsolutions relies on students using and developing an understanding of content from multipledisciplines (e.g., Thibaut et al., 2018). Further, students must engage in engineering practices(Berland & Steingut, 2016; NAE and NRC, 2014). Throughout the iterative design process,students are expected to assess and reflect upon how well their design addresses and responds tothe problem at hand. This includes reflecting on meeting criteria and constraints, but it also
Appendix A for researcher positionality statements). We provide an overview of theresults in the same order as our three research questions.RQ 1. Mentor’s Retrospective Reflection on Key Factors for Engineering StudentMotivation Given her rich experience working closely with engineering students, we were interestedin which factors the mentor found most important for students to maintain motivation throughoutcollege. During the interview, the mentor identified three factors aligned with the MDPs:competence, relevance, and belonging. She recalled that students had an increased sense ofcompetence when they were able to see others similar to them succeed in the field, “that if hecould do it, I could do it, or if she could do it, I could do it
-engaged learning, a sub-set of experientiallearning [6,7,8]. Also called service-learning, community engagement seeks to combine effortsto meet community needs, connection to academic material, reciprocal relationships and mutuallearning between all stakeholders, and intentional reflection [9]. Within engineering, this canoften be described by the Model of Project-Based Community Engagement [10]. While thiseducational approach has made great strides in recent decades, further scholarship can help itovercome remaining resistance and more fully reach its potential. There is a particular need tofill gaps in the literature related to how such programs are implemented at scale in an integratedmanner [11]. Incorporating additional voices of program
researcher parsedrecommendations into segments (phrases or sentences). Each segment was coded independentlyby two researchers using the SPR codes. Interrater reliability (IRR) was calculated as the numberof segments that reflected agreement between the two raters divided by total segments. Althoughsome 200-word responses included the same code more than once, any one code was onlycounted once per response. IRR between the two coders was 70%. Although no standards existfor inter-rater reliability for qualitative data, a reliability rating of r= 0.70 on open-coding ofphenomenological data can be considered an acceptable cut-point [18], [19].Data AnalysisAfter IRR was determined, analyses were conducted only on segments upon which both codersagreed
features in the product, as well as a storyline of the development process withsome enabling and challenging factors. The cases were all similar in length, roughly three pageslong, and included pictures from the project and of the product.2.2 Data collection and analysisThe data used in this study was collected from 115 student responses to an assignment wherethey were given an individual task to “reflect on three out of the six PESTEL dimensions'' oftheir chosen case. The students had been given the task after being introduced to the PESTELdimentions in class. They were requested to make at least two justified connections perdimension. Students could freely choose which three dimensions they wished to reflect on.Table 1. An example of the
could alsocause stress when it came to interactions.Qualifying Exams. Theme: Milestones: Preparing for and completing the qualifying exam was amajor stressor for participants; students in later stages of their programs also reflected on theirstressful experiences with qualifying exams. Oral exams were generally described as moreacutely stressful compared with written exams. Preparing for the exam led to conflicts withresearch progress or course deadlines, while the risk of consequences of failure (such as beingremoved from the program) led to stress due to the high stakes nature of the exams. A fewparticipants failed initial attempts at their qualifying exams and described very high stress interms of repeating preparations for the exam
incomecan meaningfully engage youth in STEM learning. However, understanding how to design,implement, and evaluate these programs can inform future innovative ways to engage youth intechnology-rich learning and motivate them to pursue technical career pathways [2,13,21,31].Furthermore, it is important to understand how youth experience these programs and reflect ontheir own learning. Research has long recognized the educational value of technology-richmaking activities, such as 3D modeling and printing, physical computing, hobbyist robotics,among others, for engaging youth and adults in self-directed STEM learning activities[4,9,23,26]. Many aspects of making echo key principles in engineering education as recentlyarticulated in the Framework for P