by the type of reinforcement selected,but also by the scheduling or frequency of reinforcement. One of the most difficult skills forteachers, or anyone, to master is to be consistent, immediate, and frequent in rewarding thedesired responses when they occur.” Mentor provided feedback would similarly need to becarefully structured to be effective.To summarize, SI programs, business literature, cognitive sciences, and behavioral teachingmodels provide options for mentor roles and practices. The SI model suggests that mentors caneffectively foster collaboration by guiding student teams, rather than being experts. Techniquessuch as reflecting questions back to the students are useful. Business literature defines severalrequirements for effective
majority males. The international experience, in combination withother interventions, proved to be a transformational factor for the participants.for Asentamientos Humanos (informal settlements) wasQualitative Evaluation Methodologydesigned with this learning technique. This engineeringIn order to evaluate the outcomes of the program, multiple sources of data were collected. Thesesources included quantitative data on student retention, annual student surveys, focus groups atthe end of the program, and student reflective essays. For this paper, summaries of the focusproject also showed students from Penn State thegroups and reflective essays are discussed. In addition, quantitative data on student retention andother outcomes are provided. The
conducting summer camps at places of tribal significance. This provides tribal youthwith an opportunity to learn about the relevance of STEM in their community by engaging themin the development of engineering solutions to local environmental problems.This case study focuses on the first half of the grant, specifically the curriculum development andimplementation for the first-year summer camp, and the post-camp reflections. The followingobjectives guided this study, specifically to describe: 1) how the CBPR methodology is appliedto develop and implement a culturally relevant STEM curriculum that emphasizes engineering,2) the impact of the summer camp experience on student's knowledge and attitudes about STEMcontent, and 3) how the CBPR methodology
Paper ID #8443Using a Community of Practice to Diffuse Instructional Improvements intothe ClassroomDr. Diane L Zemke, Independent Researcher Diane Zemke is an independent researcher and consultant. She holds a PhD in Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University. Her research interests include teamwork, small group dynamics, dissent, organiza- tional change, and reflective practice. Dr. Zemke has published in the International Journal of Engineering Education, the Journal of Religious Leadership, and various ASEE conference proceedings. She is the author of ”Being Smart about Congregational Change.”Dr. Steven C. Zemke
Service (LTS) is an umbrella term that encompasses service-learning (SL) andextracurricular activities such as Engineers Without Borders (EWB) that teach students valuableskills while also benefitting community partners. Although EWB is primarily an extra-curricularactivity for students, some projects are designed and structured to teach specific skills andinclude reflective writing assignments for student participants. Research has shown that LTSactivities can successfully meet a variety of learning outcomes for engineering students andprovide benefits to community partners.6,14 This paper will present a summary of LTS activitiesbased on a literature search and recent activities associated with the NSF-grant on EngineeringFaculty Engagement in
a function ofφ. Then, they will analyze the data and verify Malus’s law: I = I0 cos2φ. Finally, the studentswill verify that a wire grid can act as a polarizer or an analyzer for microwaves.(b) Standing waves. The setup of Fig.2 will be used. The transmitter sends a wave along the rail on which the various components are mounted. At the other end of the rail a reflector is placed with its plane perpendicular to the emitted wave. The emitted and reflected waves form
universities. The assessmentof the course sought to determine if these anticipated challenges occurred and then solicit studentsuggestions for improvement.AssessmentMethodsThe assessment of the initial course offering involved (i) administering mid-semester and end ofclass surveys to the students, and (ii) instructor reflections. The midterm and final surveys wereboth anonymous and similar (words were changed slightly to improve meaning of questions anda couple of additional questions were added to the final assessment survey). The open-endedquestions were: What went well in class? What contributed most to your learning? What could have been improved? How could this course be more effective to help you learn?Surveys also requested students to
]. Results from the case-study questions during the firsttwo years proved inconclusive and student comments reflected their confusion in trying torespond to the case studies, so this part of the survey was dropped in subsequent years. Resultsof the case study responses from 2020 and 2021 are not included in this discussion. This studypresents the results of the Likert scale questions, which were consistent across all four years ofthe study period. Values reported below are the averages for all responses, based on the 5-pointscale defined for each question.Results and DiscussionThe social justice focused instruction showed an effect on the first-year environmentalengineering students’ understanding of social justice, their perspectives on equity
Disability Black Rachel Master’s Services Joy 8 F Coral 11 F Product White Cori Bachelor’s Marketing Charlie 7 MData SourceThe data source for this study were videos from each family engaged with the kits, as well asshorter clips where families described and/or reflected on their progress, prototype, andexperience. Each family self-recorded and shared videos with the research team
collected from undergraduate engineering students assigned to groups in thecomparison and treatment conditions from Fall 2019 to Fall 2022. Data was collectedelectronically through the CATME teammate evaluations and project reflections(treatment, n = 137; comparison, n = 112). CATME uses a series of questions assessed on a5-point Likert scale. Quantitative analysis using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Covariance(ANCOVA) showed that engineering students in the treatment group expected more quality,were more satisfied, and had more task commitment than engineering students working withintheir discipline. However, no statistically significant differences were observed for teamworkeffectiveness categories such as contribution to the team’s work
; and the integration of reflection to develop self-directed learners. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Indicators of Change in Mechanical Engineering Instructors’ Teaching Practices Across Five YearsAbstractCurrent best practices in teaching and learning are often not implemented in engineering courses,including those of mechanical engineering. The low rate of the adoption of best practices inteaching and learning can be attributed to the variation in training among individual educatorsand a lack of time to learn about and implement new teaching strategies. A significant disruptionto higher education in 2020 created an opportunity for instructors to change their
solicitation of the College of Engineering in 2020 and a three-yearredesign was undertaken and completed in Fall 2023 with its third iteration.This paper assesses how the redesign achieved the initial goals and how its delivery reflects thedesired characteristics. Four course outcomes were adopted: 1) Develop creative solutions byapplying engineering design, math, science, and data analysis, 2) Construct an effectiveprototype or model using technology and tools, 3) Demonstrate improved power skills(communication, teamwork, information literacy, professionalism), and 4) Employ NSPE Codeof Ethics to examine case studies and extrapolate for other situations. In terms of the courseoutcomes, this paper describes how students self-assessed their achievement
participant identity, allresponses were collected anonymously to encourage free sharing without repercussions [17].Moreover, respondents indicated who could read their story by answering the question, “Whowould you share this story with?” and they had the option of answering: 1) Everyone 2)Researchers Only, or 3) No one [17]. Participants who chose options 1 and 2 were used to completedata analysis and reported responses to this question were filtered by option 1.SenseMakerData collection was accomplished through the platform SenseMaker. Sensemaking is a researchapproach used to understand complex and ambiguous data such as narratives [18]. This tool usesmixed methods analysis to allow participants to use quantitative responses to reflect on their
Ethics Narrative Game [Research Paper] Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. -Theodore RooseveltFostering ethical decision-making skills in undergraduate engineering students is central toABET accreditation and crucial to student engineers’ success in future careers [1]. This ongoingresearch focuses on the development of a narrative game called Mars: An Ethical Expedition(Mars) [2]. The game draws on the contemporary learning theory of situated cognition to providestudents with a situated, contextualized, and playful platform for using and reflecting on theirethical reasoning abilities [3, 4]. The game aims to be an engaging and
, thelearning becomes significantly more powerful. By engaging in formal, guided, authentic, real-world experiences, individuals: deepen their knowledge through repeatedly acting and then reflecting on this action, develop skills through practice and reflection, support the construction of new understandings when placed in novel situations, and extend their learning as they bring their learning back to the classroom.Also according to Kolb, 1984 [3] the experiential learning process includes the integration of: knowledge—the concepts, facts, and information acquired through formal learning and past experience; activity—the application of knowledge to a “real world” setting; and reflection—the analysis and
thinking and reflection on their work's impact. This study emphasizes the needfor comprehensive education and training tailored to scientists and engineers to address complexsocietal challenges effectively and responsibly in their professional roles.Keywords: social responsibility, engineering ethics, engineering formation, undergraduateresearch, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)1. IntroductionSociety is facing challenging problems that threaten both the present and future of justice, peace,sustainability, and the overall well-being of humanity. Given that the responsibility of scientistsand engineers implies a duty to address those challenges for society [1], how could research-intensive universities prioritize transformative
program at theUniversity of Michigan. The lesson introduced students to one macroethics topic, orbital debris,that directly connects to the “technical” topics of the course. We believe this socio-technicalintegration stressed to students that engineering cannot be separated from its societal impact.This paper reviews previous macroethics work, context about the course, the content andstructure of the lesson, a distributed post-lesson survey and its results, and author reflections ofthe lesson.Previous workHekert offers a formal definition of macroethics after reviewing and combining severalengineering ethics frameworks: “‘macroethics’ applies to the collective social responsibility ofthe [engineering] profession and to social decisions about
annual conference. The Engineering and Humanities Special Interest Group(SIG) is one of approximately twelve SIGs operating as communities of practice within CEEA-ACÉG that bring together individuals working and researching within a particular area. TheEngineering and Humanities SIG in particular aims to create space for those who study theintersections of engineering and humanities, those who teach at these intersections, and non-engineers who bring their perspectives to engineering environments. As in most large academicorganizations, the SIG’s membership and engagement is not necessarily representative of thewider landscape of Canadian engineering education. While our SIG aims to reflect the work ofscholars, teachers and practitioners at the
engagement on a scale that I have not achieved before, andalso rewards other kinds of learning and metacognition that enhance the context of the corecontent. Sure, some students still arrive unprepared and do not adequately participate (in whichcase a penalty or direct failure can occur), but on the whole, no one can hide from me, the tutors,or their teammates, and this level of engagement drives attention to task, which appears to driveimproved performance. All of this is to say that the new grade weighting is merited.As a final reflection, I find the class is more enjoyable to conduct, I feel that I am getting toknow the students much better, and I can do deeper grading but in less total quantity. Rather thangrading 100’s of test questions per
of 53 first-year students during the fallsemester of 2020. Virtual teaching and learning environments were required across this institutionto comply with the social distancing and lockdown requirements enacted by the federalgovernment in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. . As part of the coaching platform, students inthese two classes had access to an online mentoring community of 32 members from academiaand industry. The professional development workshops were also provided in a virtual format yetsynchronous format to support engagement with the facilitators and among peers. Students wereasked to complete an online pre-semester survey, develop feedback essays, and respond to self-reflecting open-ended questions to gather substantial data
interviews were conducted via Zoom, each lasting approximately an hour. Thesemi-structured style interviews were designed to gauge the students' reflection on theirexperiences inside and outside the classroom and how those experiences influenced theirprofessional development. The interviews were recorded with participants’ consent, transcribed,and deidentified through the use of participant pseudonyms. Data AnalysisAn initial base of familiarity was established with the transcripts of interviews through theprocess of memoing [23]. An inductive analysis approach was used while writing these memos,emphasizing how students spoke about their involvement and what factors influenced their initialinvolvement, persistence, and benefits. There were
the lack of diversity within the engineering profession; female students and students of colorremain underrepresented in STEM majors and STEM careers [2]. The population of studentswho major in the STEM fields and who enter STEM careers do not reflect current demographicsof the United States population. Despite progress in gender and racial equity in STEM careers,STEM fields have historically been and continue to be dominated by white men, particularly inengineering, computer sciences, and physics [2]. For example, although women and men receiveundergraduate degrees at about the same rate, women account for only 30% of all STEM degreeholders and have particularly low representation in engineering [3], holding just 12 percent ofengineering
? Figure 1. Requirements as the Pivot Point Between Problem Framing and Solving in DesignFrameworkWe agree with Dorst [4] that engineering design is a concurrent and iterative process of bothframing and solving problems. Problem framing, especially early in design problems, oftenrequires translating between qualitative and quantitative frames. This move from qualitative toquantitative representations is reflected in the descriptions of the design process found innumerous design texts [5]–[8] and in the research literature on designing [1], [9]–[11]. Intranslating from qualitative to quantitative representations, the ability to develop and setrequirements is essential to the framing of problems.Further, we contend that the technically-focused work
Calgary report no link between their laboratories and coursecontent or future career development. Therefore the goal of this research endeavour is to identifyactions that can be taken to improve the students’ learning experience in undergraduateengineering laboratories.Critically reflective surveys were developed using Ash and Clayton’s Describe, Examine,Articulate Learning (DEAL) model and the revised Bloom’s taxonomy and released to currentengineering students in a third-year materials science course at the University of Calgary’sMechanical and Manufacturing Engineering program. The purpose of these surveys was toevaluate where students feel their laboratories do not connect to their classes or careers, and whatsteps can be taken to improve
Table 1. The course is intended toadvance student proficiency level beyond their starting state; because students come to theclass with a variety of starting skill levels, each assignment has been written to accommodatefor this. To provide context for how different proficiency levels are accommodated in thehomework, an example homework assignment utilizing the laser cutter has been included inAppendix C. Apprenticeship is again mirrored in the grading schema, which is proficiency-based. Thismeans that grades reflect the overall knowledge gained by students throughout course activitiesrather than points earned for correct answers [8]. Each assignment is rubric is mapped to athree-tiered proficiency scale. Key characteristics of work
have toldme in the past that it is hard for them to listen to a woman because ... ‘it’s like ... in my mind it’sstill set that I know what I’m doing because I’m the guy ...’” [10, p. 281]. While she successfullygraduated with a mechanical engineering degree, Sandra reflected, “I can understand where theyare coming from ‘cause maybe that’s the culture in his family and where he’s from” [10, p. 281].Put simply, Sandra’s friend had deeply held beliefs that women were less knowledgeable thanmen; nevertheless, her male friend’s beliefs were his issues alone and not a reflection of her orwomen as engineers. The idea that to belong in engineering is to be male is embedded in the fielddue to the historical traditions of being a masculine-oriented
of failure, we relied on interviews and surveys from variedstakeholders (e.g., graduate students, their mentors, graduate program directors, representativesfrom grant-giving organizations, and faculty on hiring committees) to identify these barriers. Wealso shared our personal reflections on the challenges associated with this effort. We examinedthese barriers using the Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram to determine root causes of the challengesassociated with scaling an immersive professional development experience.We found that barriers to participation included time spent away from support systems, potentialdelays in graduation, lack of understanding of the value of professional development, andfunding for participating in these opportunities
process, to support team collaboration, to aid in theconstruction and testing of functional prototypes and, ultimately, to host an online final designshowcase for the 45 teams. Other top challenges involved pivoting the teaching and learning ofphysical computing technologies (i.e., Arduino, circuits and coding) through interactivesynchronous studio sessions in lieu of hands-on, in-person studio sessions. Elements of coursere-design efforts presented in this paper illustrate the course transition from in-person toemergency remote format. Mixed-method data collection included pre/post Engineering DesignSelf-Efficacy (EDSE) student survey (Carberry et al., 2010), mid-quarter anonymous studentfeedback and an end of quarter student reflection. Mid
evidence. By applying story, youcan support both your engineer’s logical thinking and their need for empathetic and socialengagement with the team… Stories unfold logically: beginning, middle, and end; cause andeffect. Stories will help your engineers focus on the connections between information. So,sharing a short story that reflects those patterns serves to reinforce logical, patterned thinking.”[5]“As Neil Postman describes a concept first introduced by Northrup Frye, a story is able to comealive in a listener or culture when it achieves resonance, which is the right combination ofcontext and connection so as to ‘acquire a universal significance.’ In other words, regardless ofthe setting, the listener of a story with resonance is able to hear
in men’sresponses, expectancy was a more prominent theme for women. Thematic differences were alsoapparent in the instrumentality of the activity, with women more likely to record goals ofexciting students about engineering and men more likely to articulate goals of teaching content.Work In Progress (WIP): A Systematic Review of Outreach Impact 4 Bigelow [14] also used a VIE-informed reflection paper to investigate undergraduateengineering students’ motivation towards outreach after participating in a biomedicalengineering course in which an outreach activity was included. Using an inductive codingprocess, Bigelow identified 12 themes within the reflections, but these focused on lessonslearned