sustainability, further studies with amore deliberate focus and a larger sample population are necessary.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the EdeX Teaching and Learning Grant atNanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. This work was approved by NTUInstitutional Review Board (reference number IRB-2021-483). Any opinions, findings,conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the EdeX program. We would like to acknowledge all theresearchers, data collectors, and students who participated in the study.ReferencesBailey, Thomas R. (1995). Learning to work: Employer involvement in school-to-work transition programs. Washington, D.C
students’ misconceptions. As anext phase, we are embarking on a systematic review of CIs in engineering. This endeavor seeksto uncover more patterns regarding their usage and assess the overall reliability and validity ofCIs in engineering field. Appendix A: List of Concept Inventories developed and used in Engineering education within the included studiesS/N Author(s) Name of CIs Measurement Focus Description1 Y. Ngothai, M.C. Chemical Chemical Engineering Assess understanding of Davis. (2012) Engineering Concept chemical engineering Inventory (CECI) concepts.2
interviews to understand the role classroom teachingpractices play in the academic success of engineering students with ADHD. Collectively, thisresearch allows us to explore students’ perceptions of how active learning and lecture-basedclasses influence their classroom experiences, academic adjustment, and sense of belonging.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to acknowledge Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP), the HigherEducation Research Institute (HERI), and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). This research is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (2043430). Any opinions,findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of
solving the pressing societal challenges ofthe Anthropocene.MethodsInstitutional context. Located in Rolla, Missouri, the Missouri University of Science andTechnology was founded in 1870 as the Missouri School of Mines. In 2023, a total of more than7,000 students (approximately 1,500 graduate and 5,500 undergraduate) are enrolled inapproximately 100 degree programs. Currently characterized as a Carnegie R2, a doctoraluniversity with high research activity, S&T is home to three colleges. Within the College ofEngineering and Computing, the Department of Civil, Architectural, and EnvironmentalEngineering (or CArE) is one of the largest and most research productive programs on campus.Course description. Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
, “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs.” ABET, pp. 5–6, 2019.[3] J. E. Froyd, P. C. Wankat, and K. A. Smith, “Five major shifts in 100 years of engineering education,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 100, no. SPL CONTENT, pp. 1344–1360, 2012.[4] J. W. Dally and G. M. Zhang, “A Freshman Engineering Design Course,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 83–91, Apr. 1993.[5] R. H. Todd, C. D. Sorensen, and S. P. Magleby, “Designing a Senior Capstone Course to Satisfy Industrial Customers,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 92–100, 1993.[6] S. Howe and J. Wilbarger, “2005 National Survey of Engineering Capstone Design Courses,” ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo. Conf. Proc., 2006.[7] S. Howe, S. L. Poulos, and L. M. Rosenbauer, “The 2015
Paper ID #44045Use of Game-Based Learning with ChatGPT to Improve Mathematical ModelingCompetences in First-Year Engineering StudentsDr. Gibr´an Sayeg-S´anchez, Tecnologico de Monterrey Dr. Gibr´an Sayeg-S´anchez is professor – consultant in the Science Department in Tecnologico de Monterrey, Puebla campus. He studied a PhD in Financial Science in EGADE Business School (2016), a MSc in Industrial Engineering in Tecnologico de Monterrey (2011), and a BEng in Industrial and Systems Engineering in Tecnologico de Monterrey (2006). Dr. Sayeg-S´anchez has more than 11 years of experience in teaching statistics, mathematics, and
theoretical framework that posited discrete stages of moral development. Further, hedeveloped, for the first time, an empirical means of assessing individual levels of moraldevelopment. This theory has inspired the most widely used and researched assessment tools formoral reasoning [19], such as the Defining Issues Test (DIT) by James Rest [20]. However,Kohlberg's theory has been criticized on several accounts, most notably by Carol Gilligan in the1980's as containing an implicit gender bias [21]. Emerging from Gilligan's work was theobservation that Kohlberg's theory was founded on the deontological (duty-based) philosophy of Page 22.1505.5Kant and
programs. These numbers aresubject to change annually as institutions present new programs for accreditation upongraduation of their first students(s) or anytime thereafter, or, on the other side, as an institutiondoes not seek re-accreditation of a presently listed program or may in fact terminate the program.In this multidisciplinary engineering program analysis, the following five groups of accreditedmultidisciplinary engineering programs are identified from the ABET listing. As of the March 2,2010 date, there are 35 programs called Engineering and 2 programs called General Engineering.There are also 10 programs with the title Engineering Science or Engineering Sciences, and 19programs labeled Engineering Physics (including one labeled as
academic supervisor23. Such programs exist in the United States, Sweden,Denmark and the United Kingdom (U.K.)21, 23-28. More literature is available on the programs inthe U.K., thus is the focus of this section. Universities in the U.K. have been partnering withindustry for approximately twenty years with support from U.K.’s Engineering and PhysicalSciences Research Council (the U.K.’s equivalent to the National Science Foundation). Inaddition to technical coursework, students take courses in strategic management, finance andhuman resource management. Students completing the program earn a research basedengineering doctorate 25.Students in the United Kingdom’s program transition through four roles: consultant, researcher,innovator and entrepreneur
AC 2011-1884: A WEB-BASED LEARNING MODULE FOR TEACHINGGIS WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGSirjana Dahal, Missouri University of Science and TechnologyRichard H Hall, Missouri University of Science & TechnologyProf. Glenn Morrison, Missouri University of Science & TechnologySeth Paul Lamble, Missouri University of Science and Technology Currently a Masters student at Missouri S&T pursuing his degree in Environmental Engineering.Ronaldo Luna, Missouri University of Science & Technology Ronaldo Luna is a Professor and Assistant Chair for Civil Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Missouri. He received his PhD from the Georgia Institute of Tech- nology in 1995
(running) (Leader) 12 2012 LabVIH – Virtual labs with haptic interaction (running) (Team element)Table III shows for each project the involvements: academics (R), Students (S) andTechnicians (T). It is possible to identify teams multidisciplinarity. With budgets below5.000€ (usually around 3000€), it is clear that nothing would have been achieved withoutthe enthusiastic, committed and generous participation of many colleagues, students andtechnicians from several Faculties, Departments, Services, Laboratories, Institutes andResearch Centers. Table III – Projects in Table II and Teams 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mech. Eng. RS RS RS RS
modelis a model-of a situation that is familiar to the students. By a process of generalizing andformalizing, the model eventually becomes an entity on its own. It becomes possible to use it asa model-for mathematical reasoning.Finally, the RME guided reinvention principle is adopted and used as a part of methodology.According to RME instructional design theory, the teacher provides guidance, playing a‘proactive role’ within the classroom setting. This study allows every student to decide whetherand to what extent s/he needs guidance which in turn is provided in the specially designedguiding-reflecting journal.Participants and MethodsTen students from Vancouver Templeton Secondary School ranging in age from 17 to 18 years,5 males and 5 females
[30] Y. Zhang and D. Guo, “Design of Pure Electric Vehicle Training[16] H. Fechtner, E. Fechtner, B. Schmuelling, and K.-H. Saes, “A new Platform and Development of Fault Diagnosis System,” Architecture challenge for the training sector: Further education for working on Engineering and Science, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 148, Jul. 2022, doi: electric vehicles,” 2015, Accessed: Dec. 29, 2023. [Online]. Available: 10.32629/aes.v3i2.898. [31] K. Z. Tang, S. Tang, N. P. Kusumadi, and S. H. Chuan, “Development[17] G. Brusaglino, R. Gava, M. Leon, and F. Porcel, “TECMEHV-Training of a Remote Telemetry and Diagnostic System
own experiences after acquiring disabilities during college, Jamie delved into research on the challenges faced by students with disabilities entering higher education. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Slide 1 Cutting the Curb for Students with Disabilities Transitioning to Higher Education S eth Vuletich Br ianna Buljung Jam ie ReganBefore we begin, we want to acknowledge that accessibility is a broad and expansive field thatis constantly changing. Despite best efforts to learn about the field and support accessibleresources, we are not aware of all accessibility concerns but
laws to obtain the system model(i.e., ordinary differential equation) for one and two degree of freedom systems (this activity isidentical to initial HW assignments in previous offerings) and manually solve the system ofequations to determine the time response using Laplace transforms and partial fraction expansion(or the equivalent), for overdamped and underdamped cases/scenarios. Activity 2: Time Response/Experimental determination of transfer function/Model Verification(Chapter 4) Students will investigate the transient and equilibrium responses of the systems investigatedin Activity 1 using the final value theorem and system time constant(s) or damping ratio andnatural frequency values, similar to activities conducted in prior course
computerscience while attending the Academic Success class as undergraduates with a CSEMS or SSTEMscholarship. This paper will briefly describe the program and assignments required in theASAP class. About half of the students in the class have scholarships from a National ScienceFoundation S-STEM or STEP grant and are required to take the class each semester they have thescholarship. Class challenges include varying the assignments for students who repeat the classseveral times and to differentiate the undergraduate and graduate student assignments. The paperwill describe the graduate student activities of the last year. These activities suggest innovativeways that graduate students can have their education enhanced and, at the same time, how theycan
of taking the early morning section. Page 24.1407.10Identifying the instructors’ teaching styles and other characteristics that may decrease theconsequences of early morning sections is another way to continue this research. These teachingstyles and characteristics can be shared/promoted among faculty members (e.g., via professionaldevelopment workshops).Bibliography1. Barker, M. S. An Investigation of the Relationship between Selected Demographic Variables and Dual Enrollment Participation on Postsecondary Success for First Time Freshmen. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Tel: 800-521
-first-year engineering programs," in ASEE Southeastern Section Conference, Fairfax, VA, Mar. 2023.[2] R. E. Barr, T. J. Krueger and T. Aanstoos, "Addressing program outcomes in a freshman introduction to engineering course," in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR, June 2005.[3] R. Rojas-Oviedo, "Improving retention of undergraduate students in engineering through freshman courses," in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2002.[4] S. Edington, C. G. Cameratti-Baeza, R. Knudsen and F. J. Marsik, "Choose your own adventure: Introducing student choice into a first year experience course," in ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, online, June 2020.[5] O. Pierrakos, M. Alley and
an opportunity to create computer based art. Assessment of learning was through pre- and post-testquestions . A total of eight students were involved in this study; four from middle school (grades 6, 7 and 8)and four from high school (grades 9 to 12).Assembly VLEsTen students interacted with the Assembly VLEs (5 middle school s, 5 high school). Among the middle schoolparticipants, 3 students were able to understand the target assembly concepts in the first round of learninginteractions; two of the students needed an additional round of learning interactions for learning the sameconcepts. Among the high school students, four students were able to demonstrate an understanding of allconcepts after one round of interactive sessions with the VLEs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2011, p. 22.684.1-22.684.21. Accessed: May 07, 2023. [Online]. Available: metaphors-structuring-diversity-oriented-engineering-education-research-agendas[4] S. M. Lord, M. W. Ohland, R. A. Layton, and M. M. Camacho, “Beyond pipeline and pathways: Ecosystem metrics,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 32– 56, 2019, doi: 10.1002/jee.20250.[5] S. Lancaster, Connect! Blink Publishing, 2022.[6] A. L. Pawley, “Universalized Narratives: Patterns in How Faculty Members Define ‘Engineering,’” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 309–319, 2009, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2009.tb01029.x
credit in the modifiedproblems (Understand, Analyze, and Evaluate). * represents a significant difference at 95%confidence (p < 0.05).ExamThe final exam was comprehensive, consisting of problems on various topics covered over theduration of the semester, including viscous flow in pipes. Since the final exam was scheduled ona different day for each section, the exam problems (all at the Apply level) were different butdesigned to be at a similar difficulty level. The average score of the problem(s) covering thefocused topic was compared and has been shown in Figure 4. There is no significant differencebetween the exam scores of the two student sections. This finding is consistent with the result ofthe formative assessment (Figure 3A). Both
. Frieske, T. Yu, D. Su, Y. Xu, E. Ishii, Y. J. Bang, A. Madotto, and P. Fung, “Survey of hallucination in natural language generation,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 1–38, 2023. [2] H. Alkaissi and S. I. McFarlane, “Artificial hallucinations in chatgpt: implications in scientific writing,” Cureus, vol. 15, no. 2, 2023. [3] B. McMurtrie, “Teaching: Will chatgpt change the way you teach,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2023. [4] J. Rudolph, S. Tan, and S. Tan, “Chatgpt: Bullshit spewer or the end of traditional assessments in higher education?” Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching, vol. 6, no. 1, 2023. [5] B. S. Bloom, M. D. Engelhart, E. Furst, W. H. Hill, and D. R. Krathwohl, “Handbook i: cognitive domain,” New
educator with a long history as a teaching professor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. My expertise is in teaching and learning in STEM, peer education, international programs, assessment, and building networks and collaborations.Dr. Lisa Schneider-Bentley, Cornell University Lisa Schneider-Bentley has been the Director of Engineering Learning Initiatives in Cornell Univer- sityˆ C™s College of Engineering since 2002. Learning Initiativesˆ C™ programs enhance the educa- a a tional environment of the College by facilitating opportunitie ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Disaggregating data from peer-led
Exercise: An evaluation of the effectiveness of information assurance education. The Journal of Information Security 1(2).6. Anisetti, M., Bellandi, V., Colombo, A., Cremonini, M., Damiani, E., Frati, F., Hounsou, J. T. and Rebeccani, D. (2007). Learning Computer Networking on Open Paravirtual Laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Education 50(4), 302-311.7. Bhosale, Y. S. and Livingston L M, J. (2014). V-Lab: A Mobile Virtual Lab for Network Security Studies. International Journal of Computer Applications 93(20), 35-38.8. Briner Jr, J. V., Roberts, J. E. and Worthy, F. (2005). Teaching Computer Science at a Small University. Association of Small Computer Users in Education (ASCUE).9. Bullers, W. I., Burd, S. and
Item 4 5a. The teacher provides opportunities for from multiple STEM Cognitive Engagement in The teacher requires students to integrate content students to learn S/T/E/M concepts. disciplines to complete an from multiple disciplines. STEM activity. 5b. The teacher integrates content from
’s (Lorenz 1963; Baker and Gollub 1996; Flake 2001). The dictionary meaning of the word “chaos” is complete disorder or confusion. Chaosin science and engineering refers to an apparent lack of order in a system thatnevertheless obeys certain laws and rules. This understanding of chaos is the same as thatof dynamical instability. Deterministic system can produce results which are chaotic andappear to be random. But these are not technically random because the events can bemodeled by a nonlinear procedure/formula. The pseudo-random number generator in acomputer is an example of such a system. A system which is stable, linear or non-chaoticunder certain conditions may degenerate into randomness or unpredictability (may bepartial) under other
some period of time, until the protégés are capable of making expertise-relatedchoices autonomously.There are many cases where the duration of the mentoring relationship is just a few hours,typically at an outreach, i.e., recruiting-type event, with contact between mentor and protégé ofshort duration, often less than eight hours [9]. In many cases, the mentor vis-à-vis role model andprotégé(s) will most likely never meet again, so first impressions often become ONLYimpressions. The member volunteers who interact during these “one and done” events withstudents and the adults who accompany them are defined as “role models” for this study.Overview of studySince 2010, in collaboration with Exxon Mobil, Design Squad, and the Girl Scouts of the
meeting that we video recorded. In this meeting, Team2 spent the majority of their time planning their final presentation. This was the next coursedeliverable following the meeting, and Team 2 focused heavily on creating a presentation that fitthe course requirements but was also memorable. This clip presents the first decision the teammade around their presentation structure and medium – What medium(s) should the team use toconvey their design? Seated from left to right around the table at the start of the clip shown inFigure 5-3 are: Yin, Meghan, Jing, Analyn, Zoya, and Wu.Figure 5-3
-building outcomes.Together, prior findings that suggest support programs enhance students’ social capital and socialcapital’s relevance for persistence in CS motivate our study into whether students acquired socialcapital from CSSI, how CSSI’s design and environment influenced students’ access to socialcapital, and whether participants’ outgoing social capital impacted their persistence in CS. ● RQ1: What form(s) of social capital in CS did students acquire from CSSI? ● RQ2: What were features of CSSI that influenced students’ access to social capital in CS? ● RQ3: How did access to social capital from CSSI impact students’ persistence in CS?MethodsHosted by Google and first launched in 2008 [51], CSSI’s name recognition and maturityenabled
, or stretch, assignments are critical levers of mobility [1].Organizations and managers curate and allocate these types of assignments informally, usingthem as a means to develop leadership skills, identify people ready for promotion and the “fasttrack”, and build succession plans [2], [3]. Software engineering managers in Tobias Neely etal.’s [1] case flagged that stretch assignments need to have an element of building new skills andcapacities (stretches were routinely described as “getting out of your comfort zone”) and anelement of visibility in the organization and to managers and leaders. Career advancement forthese engineers, in other words, revolved around proving competence in novel areas that hadstrategic importance to the business