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Displaying results 4951 - 4980 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Research Methods I: Developing Research Tools and Methods
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Freddy Solis, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Alexandra Coso Strong, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington; David P. Crismond, City College of New York
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
of research.17In the next section, each author was asked to share the story of their experience with SOI in theirown words, with the aim of providing readers an opportunity to “‘experience’ a set of key ideaswhile also coming ‘into contact with...different languages, modes of communication, and forms ofinquiry”17 (p.51). The authors were provided with guidance for the structure of these accounts,specifically (1) authors should aim to write approximately 1500 words or less about their case, (2)accounts should be written in first person, (3) accounts should include a brief history of the projectand a basic description to provide readers with context, and (4) accounts should close with a briefdiscussion highlighting what the author found
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT) Technical Session 1: Robotics and Bio-Inspired Projects
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Jianfeng Ma, Saint Louis University; Lisa Bosman, Marquette University; Maged Mikhail, Purdue University Northwest; Khalid H. Tantawi, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Beshoy Morkos, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
, especially, the importance of communication and planning with my peers. The collaborationand participation among my group had to be structured, planned, and dynamic when we researched aboutbio-inspired professional reports. I learned the importance of proactive planning ahead of deadlines andconsistently communicating what my progress was on my research.”“Another skilled learned was teamwork. Teamwork in the project was needed to collaborate all of onesideas to make the best possible outcome. Overall this class taught us all the skills needed to perform bestas an engineer in the field.”“It helped me engage in critical thinking and learn more about how to effectively write summaries afterreading various articles. My approach to problems have changed
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division ASCE Liaison Committee - Supporting the Development of the Next Civil Engineers
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Audra Morse, Michigan Technological University; Patricia Clayton, Wake Forest University; Carolyn Rodak, State University of New York, Polytechnic Institute; Jacob Henschen, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Pinar Omur-Ozbek, Colorado State University; Charles Riley, Oregon Institute of Technology; David Saftner, University of Minnesota Duluth; Anthony Cioffi, American Society of Civil Engineers
Technology I conduct research in diverse areas of engineering education from professional skills, to writing, to gender and ethics. I also maintain a structures laboratory to conduct full-scale structural component testing and field investigations of highway bridges.David A Saftner (Associate Professor) Dr. David Saftner is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering. He earned a BS from the United States Military Academy and an MS and PhD from the University of Michigan. Prior to pursuing a career in academics, Dr. Saftner spent five years as an engineer officer in the US Army and serving in Missouri, Colorado, Kuwait, and Iraq. His areas of research include beneficial reuse of waste soil material
Conference Session
CIT Division Technical Session #7
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Verleger, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach; Richard Stansbury, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach; Mustafa Akbas, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach; Philip Craiger
ledger’s cryptographic hashing of the received data. Withsufficient cloud resources, the availability of the data can increase as more nodes can store thedata with its integrity assured. Confidentiality shall be maintained by using a private blockchain.The team selected and used the Ethereum General Purpose Blockchain [11]. For the edgeserver, the team implemented a client to write GPS telemetry received from the GCS to theblockchain, to retrieve data on the blockchain, or to append to current blockchain files. Theedge server writes the blockchain recorded data elements to the cloud via Web3J [12] and JSP[13] to an AWS cloud instance running Lambda [14]. The team successfully demonstrated thearchitecture transmitting UAS telemetry from a simulated
Conference Session
Committee on Effective Teaching Presents: Evaluation, Assessment, & Performance
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Aaron Wood, P.E., The Citadel; Stephanie Laughton, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
. • Write on 8.5 in.  11 in., gridded engineering paper. • Use a straight edge, compass, and/or protractor to draw figures. • Consider acquiring engineering tools:• Presentation • Include no more than one problem per page. • Number pages per problem if more than one page is needed. • Write on only one side of each sheet. • Each problem should have a neatly drawn figure(s). • Figures should be large enough to be easily read. • Variables should appear on figures. • Variables should be described using words and symbols. • Write legibly, in clear, easy-to-read print. • Completely erase any extraneous material. • No crossed-out material should appear on the solutions
Conference Session
Committee on Professional Practice Presents: Topics in the Academic-Industry Zone
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yufeng Hu, Western Michigan University; Elise DeCamp, Western Michigan University; Osama Abudayyeh, Western Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
their individual course redesign efforts. It alsofunctioned as a platform for the participants to share their findings, outcomes, andrecommendations with their peers, with the goal of improving the teaching and learningexperience across the institution in a variety of ways. This learning community was instrumentalin leading to the development of the climate change learning module in CCE 1100.In Fall 2022, the instructor of CCE 1100 added the climate change module into the course. Themodule includes two lectures and the associated readings and homework assignments. The firstlecture mainly covers climate science and literacy, and the second lecture covers the relatedASCE policy statements on climate change, and civil engineers’ role in climate
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session: Student Success
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin Ahn, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; MacKenzie Reber, Grove City College
engineering research) from start to finish, pushing them out of their comfort zones whilelearning new professional skills and knowledge. When asked to reflect upon their summer researchexperience, students fondly described their experience. Their eyes opened up to the many diversebackgrounds of their peers and professionals. During the outreach project, many students feltuncomfortable interacting with strangers and networking. However, participating in this outreachproject served to encourage many students to continue pursuing their chosen career path. Thispaper describes the outreach project and its impact on REU students in more detail.The purposes of the paper are as follows:1. To provide detailed information on the integration of the outreach
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Chad E. Kennedy, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
branding strategy can achieve to promote thegrowth of the business.IP is considered an ‘asset’ of the organization and can have real value. The form of that valuevaries from the type of IP and the increase in freedom to operate that it affords. For patents,particularly in technology-driven companies, patents represent legitimacy to prospectiveinvestors. Like peer-reviewed papers, issued patents present to the world that an idea, indeeddoes have merit according to a separate panel of experts that do not have a vested interest in thecompany. This translates to many investors as a due diligence checkmark toward investability.Similarly, crowdfunding platforms that invest in consumer product-based companies may havean easier time raising capital than
Conference Session
Supporting the Capstone Experience
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Leslie R. Brunell, Stevens Institute of Technology; Alex Dubro, Stevens Institute of Technology; Viraj Vasudev Rokade, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
between Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to deliver outcomes that integrate sustainability in their results. In addition, the SSC builds community by holding social events, such as potlucks, incubation expos, and workshops. Collaborating with a peer, he assisted the school in achieving AASHE Gold by leveraging the SSC’s network to draft and disburse the Sus- tainability Literacy Assessment (SLA). He aspires to give instructors and students a deeper meaning of sustainable development: by using the principles of sustainability management, e.g. lifecycle assessment (LCA), the 3-P paradigm.Mr. Viraj Vasudev Rokade, Stevens Institute of Technology American c Society
Conference Session
Development Around Diversity
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Pamela K. Judge, Roger Williams University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
across a wide range of disciplines including two representatives from engineering (onebeing the author of this paper), and one from each of the following disciplines:anthropology/sociology, architecture/art, communication, creative writing, history, and legalwriting.3. Challenges to Modifying the Existing Engineering CurriculumPreliminary DIF meetings brought to light an important issue with regard to achieving the DIFprogram’s purpose of “social justice and inclusion in the classroom.” Specifically, it becameapparent during early discussions that the civil engineering representatives believed there wasconsiderably less room to adjust curriculum and teaching methods to include issues of diversityin the classroom and to teach in a manner that was
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 2: Special Topics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Erin Rowley, University at Buffalo
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
, even if those needs do not appear todirectly relate to the library.In 2018, UB was one of fourteen U.S. academic institutions that participated in the Ithaka S+R-led multi-site research study investigating the teaching practices of faculty providingundergraduate level instruction in business. The author was the sole researcher from UB andprovided de-identified interview transcripts to Ithaka S+R for their self-published report,“Teaching Business: Looking at the Support Needs of Instructors [3].” Findings specific to UBwere provided in the non-peer-reviewed report, “Examining the Undergraduate TeachingPractices of Faculty in the School of Management,” and made available on the UB institutionalrepository (UBIR).The study of UB business school
2021 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Conference
Kathryn Dimiduk, Cornell University; Hadas Ritz, Cornell University; Orlay Santa, Cornell University
Tagged Topics
morecourse specific. One use of technology was an online collaboration assessment. Students, insmall groups, were requested to use Google Docs, an online tool which allows students tointeractively respond to the evaluations. All students were able to view each other’s commentsand respond to the comments. Google Docs is familiar to many students and requires nosoftware purchase [13]. This study was successful with many students. Despite this successusing Google Docs, there remains questions of anonymity and the willingness of some studentsto share information when peers have visible access to their responses.Many studies [12] [14] recognize the importance of teaching center or facilitator intervention inthe mid-semester evaluative process. Diamond’s
Conference Session
ERM Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan Budny, University of Pittsburgh; Laura Lund, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
to write, submit and present aconference paper for the annual Freshman Sustainability Conference held at the end of the springsemester. The paper is graded by a member of the university’s writing center and counts for20% of their course grade. To incorporate the same writing component in the freshman honorsservice learning course, we have each team submit a paper to the same conference. The servicelearning papers include a summary of the community organization and the project, a review of anaspect of technology involved with the project, and reflection on their experience with thespecific project as well as the concept of service learning. The paper evolves in components andis also graded by the writing center. The first component is an
Conference Session
Graduate Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marissa A. Tsugawa-Nieves, University of Nevada, Reno; Heather Perkins, North Carolina State University; Blanca Miller, University of Nevada, Reno; Jessica Nicole Chestnut, North Carolina State University; Cheryl Cass, North Carolina State University; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
project themselves or their goals. An EDS who can seethemself as a tenured professor in the future has more distance, or a far future, than a studentwho can only project themself to the near future of graduation. Finally, ​connectedness​ is whetheran individual views the present and future as connected. A student may be able to set goals in thefuture but may not see how the tasks they are performing now (e.g., writing literature reviews)are connected to their future goals (e.g., starting up an engineering company). Perceived instrumentality (PI) can be further split into ​endogenous​ and ​exogenousperceived instrumentality​. Tasks are perceived as having endogenous PI if a participant seesthem as useful towards their emerging identity, or
Conference Session
Assessment of Student Learning and Motivation in BME
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Matthew Miller, University of Pittsburgh; Spandan Maiti, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh; Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
designedaround the problem of designing and evaluating a simplified hip prosthetic implant (AppendixA). Specific learning objectives that students should be able to accomplish while implementingthe activity were as follows:  Use solid mechanics equations to calculate strain and deformations resulting from beam bending and torsion  Identify appropriate situations in which beam bending, torsion, and strain mechanics equations can be applied  Design and evaluate a simplified hip implant that can withstand in vivo forces  Write a report that communicates the findings of the hip implant model  Sketch free body diagrams that illustrate the forces and moments acting on a solid body  Explain the applicability of solid
Conference Session
Construction 2: Teaching Using Projects, Case Studies, and Service Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin Earl Weidman, Brigham Young University ; Clifton B. Farnsworth, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
this assignment is issued is to write a concise project statement describing broadly the goals for the project. What kind of object is desired and how should it look? Don’t try and describe how it is made or define its characteristics in detail. (Isn’t that typical of owners?) You have no more than $5.00 to spend and need it completed in 5 weeks. This project statement must be typed and is due as Part 1 Project Team Assignment. The Owner needs to turn this in via email to the instructor and also needs to provide a copy to the Architect. 3. The second part of this group project begins one week from the date this assignment was handed out. The person chosen to be the architect in your group is assigned to
Conference Session
Perspectives and Evaluation of Engineering Design Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Radian G. Belu, Southern University and A&M College; Lucian Ionel Cioca, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu; Fred Lacy, Southern University and A&M College
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
writing, public speaking,communication, team work, and the other topics required by modern industries. Capstone designcourse or course sequences are offering a common way that the engineering programs meet thesecriteria, being key elements in engineering and engineering technology undergraduate programs.Students usually engage in these course subjects near the beginning of their senior year. Thesenior capstone design projects course has several objectives. One objective is to enable studentsto integrate theoretical and practical skills gained throughout their lecture and laboratory courses.Another objective requires that senior capstone design experiences build on knowledge gainedfrom earlier courses. The teamwork spirit and associated concepts
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 3: Diversity in Mathematics Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kathleen Marie Fick, Methodist University; Denise H. Bauer, Methodist University
Tagged Divisions
differentiates the course from the traditionally taught MAT 1130Precalculus I course. The main differences include the added lab hour for the brief review of thefoundational and fundamental College Algebra concepts and the implementation of activities asboth group work and/or board work. These activities had students up, moving, conversing, andworking together to complete tasks within the classroom and lab. Figure 2 provides an exampleof the simple additional reading/writing questions attached to particular content quiz questions. Table 2: Pedagogical Differences of MAT 1130 Precalculus I and the newly created MAT 1125 Integrated Precalculus IMAT 1130: Precalculus MAT 1125: (NEW COURSE
Conference Session
Hybrid and Online Teaching of Mechanics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Serge Raymond Maalouf, University of Maine; Olivier Putzeys P.E., University of Maine
Tagged Divisions
new material. In the activity sessions, students work on hands-onexperiments, computer simulations, and/or problems with support from the instructor andteaching assistant. The new aspects of this statics course are: (1) the blended format; (2) thedevelopment of novel activities for the classroom and laboratory; (3) the use of a “lightboard”, inwhich the instructor writes on a glass board while facing the video camera, to record the mini-lecture videos; (4) the flexibility for the instructor to “flip” any desired percentage of thesemester’s lectures; (5) the collections of videos and activities are available for instructors acrossmultiple campuses. Direct assessments and student surveys indicate that the blended format wasgenerally effective
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Campbell R Bego P.E., University of Louisville; Patricia A. Ralston, University of Louisville; Angela Thompson P.E., University of Louisville; Adrienne Parsons, University of Louisville; Gale J. Crush, University of Louisville, Speed Scientific School
Tagged Divisions
skills were assessed with in-class quizzes and exams. The material was divided into 7units, and each unit was covered in roughly two weeks. A unit quiz was given one week, and a unit exam the nextweek, so that there was a quiz or exam every week. Each of the seven units had 8-11 unit objectives and 15-20homework problems. Homework was collected each week on the day of the quiz or exam.Classes were held in a large auditorium, and DyKnow was used to deliver the basic course notes to students.DyKnow is an interactive classroom management software. In DyKnow, instructors can share content with students(sharing prepared slides and/or writing on tablets during class), and the notes are projected both to the front of theroom as well as onto students
Conference Session
Teaming & Collaborative Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hadas Ritz, Cornell University, College of Engineering; Lisa Schneider-Bentley, Cornell University, College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell in 2008.Dr. Lisa Schneider-Bentley, Cornell University, College of Engineering Lisa Schneider-Bentley has been the Director of Engineering Learning Initiatives in Cornell University’s College of Engineering since 2002. Learning Initiatives’ programs enhance the educational environment of the College by facilitating opportunities for collaborative learning, undergraduate research, teaching skill development, peer instruction, and leadership development. Schneider-Bentley received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Cornell in 1997. Before taking her current position, she taught Sociology as an as- sistant professor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, and then served as Senior
Conference Session
Investigating Instructional Strategies
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ricardo Zaurin P.E., University of Central Florida
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
. Figure 3. IDEAS StagesAfter the proposal is approved, the groups start working in a literature review to develop a betterunderstanding about their research topic. The students then produce an abstract (Figure 3 b),which is submitted online by the deadline, to be peer reviewed by the course’s teachingassistants. The groups prepare their physical model(s) and experimental set-up (Figure 3 c) to betested according to their experiment design (Figure 3d). Once the laboratory results, handcalculations, and simulations are completed, the groups write and submit a paper according to theprovided template and guidelines (Figure 3f). The students also create a poster (examples areprovided) which is presented at the showcase along with the model(s), video(s
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Retaining and Developing Women Faculty
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Dell, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Margaret B. Bailey P.E., Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Maureen S. Valentine, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Sharon Patricia Mason, Rochester Institute of Technology; Carol Elizabeth Marchetti, Rochester Institute of Technology (COS); DeLois Kijana Crawford, Rochester Institute of Technology; Wendy A. Dannels, Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID)
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity, Engineering Deans Council
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy, Women in Engineering
Career Hiring Process Satisfaction Navigation Integration Leadership Scholarship Recognition (WLI) Grant writing (F) Promoting Mid-Tenure Grant Climate Your Work
Conference Session
Case and Scenario in Engineering Ethics Instruction
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University; John R Luchini
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
Paper ID #15197What is the Length of a Toilet Paper Tube? A Hands-On, Team-Based Lessonin the Ethics of Data CollectionDr. Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University Katy Luchini-Colbry is the Director for Graduate Initiatives at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University, where she completed degrees in political theory and computer science. A recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, she earned Ph.D. and M.S.E. in computer science and engi- neering from the University of Michigan. She has published more than two dozen peer-reviewed works related to her interests in educational technology and
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Technical Session 11
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward James Diehl P.E., University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
forewarned by their peers about thedifficulty of the courses and the drudgery they’re about to endure. Another objective inintroducing cartoons was to lighten the classroom mood. Described later when discussing thecharacter creation, Sir Isaac Newton is purposefully drawn to appear friendly and a little goofy tomake him more relatable than the stuffy portrait with a powered wig seen in Figure 2. Wettedand Vapes are characters who act as somewhat mischievous and silly mascots for the class. Apotential hazard here is to come off as childish and thereby turn off some students who mightfeel the cartoons were beneath them.In addition to the mnemonic nudge for breaking a Socratic question stalemate, students areencouraged to question the cartoons, even
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
A. Richard Vannozzi; Leonard Anderson
peers to bea valuable experience. Title: A Student Centered, Active Learning Approach to the Delivery of a Visiting Professional Lecture SeriesBackground:The Wentworth Capstone Experience consists of a two semester eight (8) credit multi-disciplinary project-based curriculum. The Wentworth Institute of Technology employs acooperative education model that includes two required co-op experiences. One during theSpring semester of their Junior year and one during the Fall semester of their Senior year. To“make-up” for these two required co-ops during traditional Spring/Fall semesters, Juniors andSeniors attend classes full-time in the Summers of their Junior and
2020 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Kathryn Dimiduk; Orlay Santa; Hadas Ritz; Lesa Carter
the comments. Google Docs is familiar to many students and requires nosoftware purchase [13]. This study was successful with many students. Despite this successusing Google Docs, there remains questions of anonymity and the willingness of some studentsto share information when peers have visible access to their responses.Many studies [12] [14] recognize the importance of teaching center or facilitator intervention inthe mid-semester evaluative process. Diamond’s study [15], for example, used a longitudinalstudy with SGIDs, where facilitators were central to the mid-semester evaluation process. Theyasked key standardized open-ended questions: “1) What aspects of this course/instructionenhance your learning? 2) What aspects of this course
Conference Session
Re-Imagining the Higher Ed Classroom -- Tablet PCs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dewey Spangler, Virginia Western Community College; Kimberly Filer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
technology, the Tablet PC incorporates the portability of the laptopwith the flexibility of writing. In conventional notebook mode, the Tablet PC offeres a keyboardfor typing. When the screen is rotated it transforms into a tablet, and using a stylus students canmake handwritten notes and drawings.Due to the Tablet PC initiative, in fall 2007 sophomore students with the declared major ofmechanical engineering (approximately 300 to 350 total) have Tablet PCs. In an attempt toutilize this emerging technology, a pilot study was conducted by the Mechanical Engineeringdepartment to integrate Tablet PC functionality with course material in two sections of ME 2024– Engineering Design and Economics. With the special capabilities of the Tablet PC, it
Conference Session
Integrating Engineering & Liberal Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dominic M. Halsmer PE, Oral Roberts University; Peter Wesley Odom, Oral Roberts University; Jessica Fitzgerald, Oral Roberts University; Taylor Gipson Tryon, Oral Roberts University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
information pathways and observed the resulting performance. In assessing theoverall achievement and results of the study, the reviewers concluded that “the mechanism usedin Escherichia coli to combat heat shock is just what a well trained control engineer woulddesign, given the signals and the functions available.”35One can easily see that these kinds of conclusions naturally lead to interesting discussions abouthow such exquisite engineering can emerge by accident. Nevertheless, researchers continue toapply reverse engineering techniques to natural systems simply because it works. Biologist E. O.Wilson writes, “The surest way to grasp complexity in the brain, as in any other biologicalsystem, is to think of it as an engineering problem…Researchers
Conference Session
Laboratory Exercises for Energy, Power, and Industrial Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zeit T. Cai, Princeton University; Jeremy John Worm P.E., Michigan Technological University; Drew Dosson Brennan, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Page 25.613.4tasks. Students will write a report which summarizes their results.Lectures and Background InformationAs indicated previously, the assignment begins with lecture material that focuses on the sourcesof drag and rolling resistance. This includes tires, drivetrain components, body geometry andunderbody aerodynamic effects. The students see where the losses originate and how to estimatetheir impact. Lecture material also covers the coastdown experimental procedures and the datareduction process required to determine drag and rolling resistance from the experimental data.Through this process students become familiar with the functional form of the expressiondescribing the vehicle velocity as a function of time3 as shown in Equation 1