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Displaying results 5971 - 6000 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
How Communities and Systems Influence Equity: Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division Technical Session 2
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matt Gordon, University of Denver; Scott Leutenegger
a two-credit course together, and various co-curricular activities. For thecourse, students read articles and watch videos curated by the instructors. Studentsthen engage in short writing exercises, small group discussions, and then full classpresentations. Other active learning models such as design exercises are beingutilized. Topics covered during the two quarters include racism/anti-racism, sexism/anti-sexism, social media, AI, robotics in policy, robotics in the military, privacy, geneticengineering, biomechanical augmentation, ethics, diversity in engineering and computerscience, and infusing JEDI into engineering/computer science education. Students areexploring how recent and new technology is codifying systemic oppression based
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Widmann, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; John Chen, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Jocelyn Gee; Melissa Melton; Nicholas Seah; Brian Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
, Belongingness, Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Connectedness. Members of this cluster may include students who do not identify with engineering as a profession or as an academic field of study. • Cluster 4: Without Feeling of Support from Faculty and Peers (n = 94). Cluster 4 has the fewest members and displays strongly negative values for several NCA factors that may predict lower student success. Members of this cluster scored lower than all other clusters for Engineering Identity, Instrumentality, Perceptions of the Future, Expectancy, Belongingness, Agreeableness, and Perceptions of Faculty Support.Data CollectionAt Cal Poly data collection began in the 2017-2018 academic year using the Scantron version
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Yang, National Science Foundation; Erin Steigerwalt, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE); Gary Lichtenstein, Arizona State University; Kelsey Watts, Clemson University
Kelsey Watts is a fifth-year graduate student at Clemson University. She is part of the Engineering Education Research Peer Review Training (EER PERT) team. She has also developed Systems Biology education modules to enhance computational thinking skills in high school students. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by Workshop Result: Feedback from the 2021 Engineering Research Center Planning Grant WorkshopAbstractASEE has partnered with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to host the EngineeringResearch Center (ERC) Planning Grant Workshops (PGW) since their inception in 2018. Theworkshop purposes are
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laila Guessous, Oakland University; Dan DelVescovo, Oakland University; Darlene Groomes, Oakland University
remotely each time), so they are not disadvantaged orexperience setbacks due to internet connection issues.Another challenge with simulation-based projects had to do with time lags and difficulties withengaging students while computer simulations were running remotely. In some cases,simulations would take hours or days to run. In a normal REU summer, students would get tointeract with their teammates or advisors during these downtimes, or would work on other taskssuch as report writing, documentation, etc. With the students working more independently fromtheir own homes and feeling at times “zoomed out,” they were less likely to interact with eachother, and in group meetings reported more frustration with their projects, particularly midwaythrough
Conference Session
ECE Division Technical Session 8: Effective Teaching and Learning in Post-Pandemic Classrooms and Other Curricular Innovations
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Martha Torres, University of Texas at El Paso; Hector Erives, University of Texas at El Paso; Virgilio Gonzalez, University of Texas at El Paso
learning strategies. (Active and Interactive Learning modes) 4- Lab report: The last activity for each lab is the final report, where each student writes their readings, analysis of the results, conclusions, and additional thoughts collected during the lab session. This section was given in asynchronous modality (Constructive learning modality).The most critical challenge in this laboratory during the COVID-19 crisis was getting specializedportable equipment (for use at home) to take measurements from the circuits implemented for thestudents and provide the electrical signal for the correct circuit function. Some availableinstruments used for the laboratory were Analog Discovery (from Digilent) andADALM2000/1000 (from Analog
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin Afflerbach, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Nafsaniath Fathema, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Anne Gillian-Daniel, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Wendy Crone, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Dane Morgan, University of Wisconsin - Madison
teams, thereby scaling up their impact from the typical engagement of just one or twostudents and allowing for extensive peer teaching. Throughout the program, professionaldevelopment activities are efficiently delivered through standardized materials to teach criticalresearch skills like record keeping, establishing group expectations and dynamics, and networking.These skills are also reinforced at workshop events hosted during the semester, which areeffectively delivered online and yield growing impact for modest effort as the community grows.The program has been successfully implemented as evidenced by the last two semesters’evaluation findings through interviews, focus groups, and pre-post surveys. The students reporteda positive attitude
Conference Session
ASEE Southeast Section Conference
Colin J. Reagle P.E., George Mason University; Oscar Barton Jr, Morgan State University
Tagged Topics
Professional Engineering Education Papers
careeropportunities. This can leave them feeling as if they need to pursue multiple majors, minors oraccelerated programs that allow for both the completion of bachelor and master’s degrees.Students may also desire these additional credentials to set themselves apart from their peers in acompetitive job applicant pool. By allowing students choices in their curriculum, specifically inthe selection of their electives, our department believes that we reduce the need for additionalprograms and increase the impressions of readiness for the workforce. For those that still insiston pursuing an additional program, this change removes an additional hurdle to completing it.Reluctance to make this change was also voiced during our initial discussions. Some facultywere
Conference Session
NEE Technical Session - Assessment/Evaluation
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Altmann, Virginia Military Institute; Jon-michael Hardin, Virginia Military Institute
themechanical engineering department.AssessmentAt the time of writing this paper, the curriculum is in the first year of implementation. Due tothis being a work in progress no assessment has been conducted at this time. In addition, thecourse is only 0.5 credit hours for the student. Due to this low number of hours and the course,being conducted in the fashion of a laboratory course but with the deliverables being design andfabrication of components for the Baja SAE car no assignments and exams were administered.In the future, an increase in hours would allow for homework problems and/or exams to beconducted. Once this change in credit hours is made, a cross-sectional study of the students’work can be conducted. The cross-sectional study will compare
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alberto Esquinca, San Diego State University; Idalis Villanueva, University of Florida; Marialuisa Di Stefano, University of Massachusetts Amherst
experiences. It also means thattranslanguaging is understood to be a key tool for expression and identification.Translanguaging is defined as the full range of dynamic linguistic practices that bilingualsengage in [14]. These practices include, but are not limited to, code switching, mixing ormeshing, bilingual reading, linguistic borrowing, writing and conversing. Our project, based onCSP and translanguaging theory, questioned the strict separation of languages as well asassimilation into whiteness as the end goal of education [13]. Strict separation of languages,however, is one of the hallmarks of DLBE in which at least 50% of the instructional time isrecommended in the partner language (i.e., a language other than English). However,depending on
Conference Session
ERM: Persistence and Attrition in Engineering
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kanembe Shanachilubwa, Pennsylvania State University; Catherine Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University; Gabriella Sallai, Pennsylvania State University
mechanisms, metrics, policy, and amelioration; engineering writing and communication; and methodological development for nontraditional data. Her NSF CAREER award studies master’s-level departure from the engineering doctorate as a mechanism of attrition. Catherine earned her B.S. in Chemistry from The University of South Dakota, her M.S. in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Purdue University, and Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Purdue University.Gabriella M Sallai Gabriella Sallai is a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. Her work characterizes engineering graduate students’ experiences within graduate school. Gaby earned a Bachelor’s degree in
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division (TELPhE) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tatiana V. Goris, Pittsburg State University; Zeshan Ahmad Shah, Pittsburg State University
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Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division (TELPhE)
research” or “grant-writing activities” have been understoodunder very different angles based on cultural settings, communicational abilities, or even financialsources. Therefore, when working together, various misconceptions regarding proposed tasksrequired consistent clarifications among multicultural participants. This factor caught authors’attentions: the issue was broader than just limited English proficiency of the local Uzbek facultyor students. Even those who spoke English fluently, they thought very differently about goals andoutcomes of common team working. As an American faculty-member who works withinternational graduate students on a routine daily basis, multicultural communications became atopic of the author’s special interests
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Philip Appiah-Kubi, University of Dayton; Phil Doepker; James Brothers, University of Dayton
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED)
semester. In addition,students complete two peer reviews for each project they work on. Moreover, their writing andoral communication skills are assessed through weekly project updates and final presentations.Weekly reading quizzes are also developed from the biography of Steve Jobs (by WalterIsaacson), The Secret of Apollo (by Stephen B. Johnson), and Inviting Disaster: Learning fromthe edge of technology (by James R Chiles). The Biography of Steve Jobs provides a greatexample of the importance of collaboration in innovation and entrepreneurship. Students whojoin the program read this book during their first year in the program. Those students who areable and permitted to do a second year in the program read and take quizzes from Johnson’sbook
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Avinash Danda; Bruce L Tai; Vinayak Krishnamurthy; Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
provided the big picture status of the project.Over the course of this project, students were successful in characterizing the dynamic forces andvibrations experienced via a design of experiments (Figure 2(a)). These results along with thegraduate mentor’s numerical analysis have been documented as a peer-reviewed conferenceproceeding [1] and eventually as an archival journal publication [2]. Students also finalized thedesign of an actuator and manufactured a functional prototype (Figure 2 (b) and (c)) along withperforming psychophysical tests to understand human perception to the vibration and its changes(Figure 2(d)). The human perception study provided useful information to determine theessential aspects of force and vibration that needed to be
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vinitha Hannah Subburaj, West Texas A&M University; Anitha Sarah Subburaj, West Texas A&M University; Pamela Renee Lockwood-Cooke, West Texas A&M University; Audrey Meador, West Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
component to data science is extracting the data in various ways. A very common method of collecting this data is through web-scraping various web pages. This workshop introduced students to the concept of web scraping and writing python scripts to automate this collection method. • High Performance Computing Workshop: A mechanical engineering professor at WTAMU hosted a workshop about high performance computing and the utility it has in a variety of disciplines. The students who participated had the opportunity to actually SSH into the WTAMU HPC cluster and run various distributed systems scripts. Tentative 2- Day Hackathon schedule can be found in Figure 1. Day Time
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division (ETD) Technical Session 7
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Troy Curtis Tonner, Purdue University Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
, which iswhy learning communities or cohorts have shown success in a student’s first year [17] especiallyfor underrepresented, first generation, or low-income students. In a recent study [17], a learningcommunity was built along with a summer immersion program, a peer mentoring program, and afirst-year experience course. The summer immersion program linked science and social justiceissues with hands-on activities and built a sense of belonging. The results showed increasedsuccess in the first year and those that participated were more likely to graduate. The study notedthat this type of community may not be appropriate for commuter populations if studentintegration cannot be balanced with maintaining connections to their home communities.Overall
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Technical Session 7: Student Evaluation and Grading
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samantha Splendido, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Andrea Gregg, Pennsylvania State University; Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
in characterizing graduate-level attrition, persistence, and career trajectories; engineering writing and communication; and methodological development. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Work in Progress: Toward a Holistic Understanding of Engineering Student Success in Mechanical Engineering across Educational StagesAbstract: This WIP paper will present our results to date in conducting a multimethod single casestudy, which is appropriate for deeply understanding multiple stakeholder perspectives within abounded environment, in our case, the Department of Mechanical Engineering at PennsylvaniaState University. The in-progress goal of our team in Mechanical Engineering at
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yun Wang, Undergraduate at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Colin P. Lualdi, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Lawrence Angrave, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Guru Nanma Purushotam
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
usable low word errorrates, the generated text output is an incomplete representation of a multi-party conversation; Inshort, it solves the “what” but not the “who.” This creates barriers to our ideal of an inclusive andequitable learning community. Thus students who are deaf or hard of hearing are furthermarginalized and excluded from multi-party peer discussions with non-deaf participants becauseit is hard to visually follow who is speaking. To address these communication barriers, weutilized the Human Centered Engineering Design framework to identify a set of features thatovercomes the above barriers. This paper explores computerized diarization techniques thatutilize a wide set of algorithms and audio metrics to assist in speaker
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division Technical Session 5
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heidi Sherick, University of Michigan; Pauline Khan, University of Michigan; Tershia Pinder-Grover, University of Michigan; Deborah Covington, University of Michigan
racialmicroaggressions, practice bystander intervention strategies, and write their own scripts tointerrupt harm.CONCLUSIONIn order for progress to be made towards diversity and equity, we must be intentional throughpurposeful work that in itself is equitable and inclusive. Like most processes, an iterative flowbenefits the outcome by allowing for adjustments and input. The application of the SEDP allowsfor a scaffolding for the iterations, adjustments, inclusions, and intentionality of equitableendeavors. Our lessons learned are peppered throughout this paper because of the iterativeprocess of the socially engaged design model. Additional lessons learned include: theimportance of common language, having the upper administration go first, (modeling the way),and
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Henry Lester, University of Dayton; Kellie Schneider, University of Dayton; Corinne Mowrey, University of Dayton; Raymond Smith, East Carolina University
education and community-based operations research.Sarah Miller As the University of Dayton Research Services Librarian, Sarah provides advanced research services for faculty and graduate students in all disciplines including assistance with scholarly profiles, research data management, and literature notifications. She coordinates programming for the Scholars Commons, a semi-private workspace for faculty and doctoral students to read, meet with colleagues or write without distraction away from their offices. Sarah is the instruction and collections liaison for the School of Engineering and the Physical Sciences including the Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Math, and Physics departments.Raymond Smith Raymond L
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy - Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sayyad Zahid Qamar, Sultan Qaboos University; Nasr Al-Hinai, Sultan Qaboos University; Sayyad Qamar, Texas A&M University
operations research, product design and development, project management, and analysis of bio-composites development processes. He has published several research papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings.Sayyad Basim Qamar (PhD Student) © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by ASEE 2022 Annual Conference & Exposition, 26-29-Jun-2022, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Assessment of Critical Thinking Skills in Engineering EducationAbstractThe main task of engineers is designing and manufacturing of useful products. Rapid progress inscience and technology is creating more innovative
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jared Ashcroft, Pasadena City College; Billie Copley, Micro Nano Technology Education Center; Peter Kazarinoff, Portland Community College; Neda Habibi, University of North Texas; Mel Cossette, Edmonds College
college, immigrant, single parent, veteran. Each podcast has been converted into an .mp4 video file and can be viewed on MNT-EC’s YouTube channel as well. 4. The Journal of Advanced Technological Education (J ATE) launches January 31, 2022 and is a place for Community College faculty to publish peer-reviewed research papers and articles on their work in technician education. The team collaboratively worked on and finalized preparing the journal guidelines including instructions, ethical and publication policies. A major accomplishment was preparing author guidelines, instructions and templates specific to the J ATE. A submission website has also been created for the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Cheville, Bucknell University; Sarah Appelhans, University at Albany-SUNY; Rebecca Thomas, Bucknell University; Stewart Thomas, Bucknell University; Robert Nickel; Stu Thompson, Bucknell University
member at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. Since the fall of 2007 he is a faculty member of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. During the 2010/2011 academic year he was a Marie Curie Incoming International Fellow at the Institute of Communication Acoustics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. Prof. Nickel is author/co-author of over 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles, mainly in the areas of speech signal processing, natural language processing, and machine learning.Stu Thompson (Dr.) Stu is an associate professor and chair of the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Bucknell University, in Lewisburg, PA
2022 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Heather L. Walker; W. Kent McAllister; Michael W. Mourot; J. Robert Dean; Greg Nesmith; Edgar C. Clausen
indicating very or somewhatsatisfied. As in the Fall 2021 survey, the mentors thought that the students needed help withtheir communication skills. Students and mentors felt that the number of mentoring sessions wasabout right, the topics that were discussed were helpful, they would recommend the program totheir peers and were happy that they participated. The students said they were a bit less likely toparticipate in the program again, largely because they were unsure of how the program woulddiffer if they participated a second year.In critiquing the program, the mentors and students would have preferred more one-on-one timein their circles, more targeted topics for seniors and more structure in the mentoring events. Thestudents would also have
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Chad S. Korach, University of Mount Union; Margo Miller, University of Mount Union
engineering and art designpractices. Others have reported and discussed the challenges inherent with teachinginterdisciplinary design.5,6 Though instructors who primarily teach in general education coursesmay be familiar with these challenges, the inclusion of co-teaching with an instructor out ofone’s discipline makes this a unique course design to provide general background to non-engineering and art students while continuing to emphasize the art and engineering designintersection.The general education capstone course is a culminating course, which requires students to workin an interdisciplinary theme on a project. Reflection, writing, and presentations are requiredlearning objective areas in the general education capstone course, though each
Conference Session
Using Technology to Support Learning in Mechanics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ning Fang, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
documented aswell [12] [13] [14] [15]. The most significant scientific contribution that the present study makesis the development of an unconventional method of implementing clickers in the classroom. Inthis method, clicker technology is employed in class for multiple times to detect and assessstudent understanding of the same learning topic until student misunderstanding is corrected.To the best of our knowledge, this unconventional method has not been reported in existingclicker-related literature.In the present study, clickers were used as a tool to collect real-time data, as computers are usedas a tool to write papers and essays or pianos are used to play music. Through the use ofclickers, the present study reveals that many engineering
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 1: Mechanical and CAD Track
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Robert J. Kerestes, University of Pittsburgh; Anthony M. Popovski, University of Pittsburgh; Feng Xiong, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
problems • Work in groups, effectively communicate with peers, and produce periodic status reports • Construct their design using COMSOL and simulate this design using multiple different materials and boundary conditions • Write a report on this design detailing; (1) a statement of the design problem and its constraints, (2) the behavior of the design for different materials used and different boundary conditions, (3) economic analysis of design in comparison with other design options, (4) global and ethical considerations in gathering materials in comparison with other design options • Present their design to the rest of the classImplementation of COMSOL
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jacqueline Gartner Ph.D., Campbell University; Michele Miller, Campbell University; Anastasia Marie Rynearson, Campbell University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
thoroughly enjoyed the mentoring aspect of the program. . . my mentor for the last year . . . helped me in more ways than I could imagine.”In year 3 we continued with virtual professional development sessions, peer and facultymentoring, and one social event each semester. It is challenging to navigate communitybuilding during a pandemic, but we have found ways to get together. In fall 2020 we hadan outside bonfire and served dinner. In spring 2021, we had a star gazing party withbonfire and dinner. Mentoring sessions have continued either virtually or online (at thediscretion of the mentoring pair) and we look forward to reporting from Spring 2021.Finally, we ordered shirts for everyone with a design inspired by a
Conference Session
Perspectives on Engineering Education During COVID-19
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ahmed Dallal, University of Pittsburgh; Mohamed A. S. Zaghloul, University of Pittsburgh; Amr Hassan, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
other hand,"feeling connected" was the main reason for being in-person in a hybrid setup.For synchronous online meetings, the frequently reported problems were related to technology,internet connection, and getting everyone to participate. However, when interviewed, instructorsindicated that they would continue to pursue remote meetings until everyone is vaccinated. On theother hand, the need to wear a mask and teach for the entire class period was inconvenient for theinstructors who opted for in-person hybrid mode. Also, coordinating between students attendingonline and their peers attending in-person was a little bit tricky and time-consuming. All instructorstaught in a hybrid setup indicated that they would consider a remote online format
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emily Bongiovanni, Colorado School of Mines; Brianna B. Buljung, Colorado School of Mines; Alexander Luis Odicino, Colorado School of Mines; Allyce Horan, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
this movement meant encouraging faculty on a large scaleto adopt, adapt, and create OER. Peter Reed noted in his 2012 study, “Awareness, Attitudes andParticipation of Teaching Staff towards the Open Content Movement in One University,” thatteaching faculty are open to sharing their work, but “they are not doing so to any large-scaledegree, that is, through specific OER repositories and open licensing.” 1 The challenge ofencouraging faculty to understand and incorporate OER can often derive from their unfamiliaritywith terms and policies related to copyright. 2 3 These concerns are compounded by facultyquestions regarding OER content quality and the peer review process. 3 However, these issues canbe mitigated by informational courses offered by
Conference Session
Motivation, Goal Orientation, Identity, and Career Aspirations
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Heather Perkins, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Brianna Benedict McIntyre, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Herman Ronald Clements III, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, and her storymay be similar to other students who do not make it through the gauntlet of engineering, andinstead find fulfillment outside of engineering.Additionally, an extensive body of research shows that students’ personal epistemologies–howthey think about the nature of knowledge and knowing – affect how they approach learning inscience, mathematics, and engineering [14-19]. A disconnect between how students perceiveknowledge and engineering pedagogy fosters a lack of belonging in engineering. For example, inone study, “Michael,” a student who valued sense-making over memorization, felt different andisolated from his peers and community [11]. His approach to solving engineering problemsresulted in a deeper understanding, more creative