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Displaying results 6211 - 6240 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Mobile Robotics in Education
2004 Annual Conference
William Dillard
. Due to the complexity of the project, students work in teams of two. Grading consists oftwo major progress reports that are graded by the coordinator, a formal presentation of theirwork before their peers, lab journals graded periodically by the assistants and progresstowards completion, which is also graded by the assistants. Page 9.1071.2Robot Specification Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual conference & Exposition CopyrightÀ 2004, American Society for engineering Education At it inception, the robot was a mechanical platform kit with custom analog control basedon
Conference Session
Teaching Innovations in Architectural Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Gouranga Banik
decisions have on theproducts or projects they are working on, the customer who buys the product, the owner whofinances the project and their reputation as a designer/builder and as a person. AECs through theirimportant work have vast impact on the lives of many people through health and safety issues aswell as financial issues. Bibliography • American Association of Architects (AIA). • Banik, G.C. (2003) “Writing an Effective Case Study”. Proceedings: 39th Associated School of Construction (ASC) Annual Conference, Pp. 1-7, Clemson University, Clemson. • Construction Management Association of America (CMAA). • Dorsey, Robert (1999
Conference Session
Teamwork & Assessment in the Classroom
2003 Annual Conference
James Newell; Kevin Dahm
would be unlikely to argue that it is as significant of a learning objective as“drew meaningful and supportable conclusions.”Once the rubrics have been optimized, the next major task to be addressed is differentiating theperformance of individuals from the performance of the team. It is possible that a team couldhave one or more member who fully attains the desired learning outcomes, but whose teammatesfall substantially short of achieving these outcomes. Currently, the Chemical EngineeringDepartment at Rowan University uses a peer-assessment technique modeled after the processdescribed by Felder [26].Although this is a useful tool, it is somewhat over-reliant on student evaluation of their peers.Our experience indicates that reasonably
Conference Session
Developing Young MINDs
2003 Annual Conference
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri
from the low performing schools of the region. The students are chosen sothat there is a mix of both high and low performing students and racial diversity in thegroup. The program endeavors to provide a positive experience for the participants so asto inspire them to prepare for MSET related fields in college. Also, it is hoped that theparticipants themselves will act as messengers and advocates of the program and program Page 8.853.1objectives among their siblings and peers. Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering
Conference Session
Course Development and Services
2004 Annual Conference
C. Richard Helps; Stephen Renshaw
, organizations and society, including ethical, legal and policy issues; (g) Demonstrate an understanding of best practices and standards and their application; (h) Demonstrate independent critical thinking and problem solving skills; (i) Collaborate in teams to accomplish a common goal by integrating personal initiative and group cooperation; (j) Communicate effectively and efficiently with clients, users and peers both verbally and in writing, using appropriate terminology; (k) Recognize the need for continued learning throughout their career. This Committee has also defined the main topic and sub topics of the core curriculum. The main topics are as follows: Security, Social & Professional Issues, Information
Conference Session
Motivating Students to Achieve
2004 Annual Conference
David Socha; Valentin Razmov
from what they have done while in the game. A term-long project providesadditional experiential material, while weekly reflective writings help the students exercise theirreflective skills and discover what they have learned.Last spring, as we, instructors, were discussing the many (19 at the time) reflective techniquesthat we had used in our course6, we realized that each technique was working on one of threedifferent levels - individual, team, or project. We also realized that our course had moreindividual techniques than team techniques, and more team techniques than project techniques.This can be illustrated by the following pyramid structure: project
Conference Session
Creative Ways to Present Basic Materials
2004 Annual Conference
David Niebuhr; Heather Smith
. This informal conclusion comes following teaching the course a dozen or sotimes over the past 4 years, where the modified lab came into being 2 years ago. Thesesentiments were shared by my colleagues who had also taught the lab the old and new way.The quiz results are broken down into 4 dot plots shown in Figures 1 through 4. Figure 1illustrates the results of the statistics multiple choice questions, Figure 2 the results of thecorrosion multiple choice questions and Figure 3 is the design question results. Figure 4combines the total scores received on the quiz. In all four figures it is clear that the studentstaught using the new integrated lab scored higher than their peers performing the old lab. Table1 summarizes the numerical results of
Conference Session
Introduction to Engineering and More
2004 Annual Conference
Craig Gunn
that might not actually occur in the classroom. Younger students could talkto seniors, and the peer type encounters could lead to a wealth of information being imparted.The thought was also to allow more of a comfortable atmosphere than a structured semester labthat required students to simply mimic upper level activities. Students were informed that theyshould make every effort to use the opportunity to create friendships that would allow them togain both worthwhile and truthful information about their major.During the first class of the semester, the freshmen were provided with the 19 projects thatwould be investigated by the seniors. With scheduling concerns being most important, theychoose the groups in which they would interact. The
Conference Session
Recruiting, Retention & Advising
2004 Annual Conference
Tremayne Waller; Bevlee Watford
writing techniques for lab reports. The third class sessionis when the instructor divides the class into small groups in order to analyze each groupmember’s lab reports. Students are encouraged to rewrite their lab reports to meet theexpectation set by the department. It is during these last two class sessions, the professor willschedule one-on-one meetings with the students to discuss their progress in the class.MathInitially, the math course was designed to assist students who were not calculus ready to pass theMathematics Department’s Mathematics Readiness Test (MRT). The MRT exam was designedby the math department. So, the exam can be difficult to take if the students have not used orseen some of the formulas in while.Some of the information
Conference Session
Mathematics in Transition
2004 Annual Conference
Jule Scarborough; Conard White; Promod Vohra
Session Number Strategic Alliance Between Higher Education, Secondary Schools, and Community Business and Industry to Improve Secondary Mathematics, Science, Technology, and English Education: A National Science Foundation Project Jule Dee Scarborough, Ph.D. and Conard White, Ph.D. Presented by Promod Vohra, Dean College of Engineering and Engineering Education Northern Illinois UniversityNorthern Illinois University (NIU), Rock Valley College (RVC), and the Rockford [Illinois]Public Schools (RPS), as well as (a) Peer Master Teacher Leader(s) from Grayslake
Conference Session
Trends in Construction Engineering III
2004 Annual Conference
Hung Nguyen; Charles McIntyre
EducationCourse Grading and AssessmentDuring the 2001 and 2002 fall semesters, student evaluation and grading was done by solely theinstructor. Peer evaluation of group work was conducted using a paper-based form whichevaluated the contribution of other team members. Assessment included the standard NDSUStudent Rating of Instruction (SROI) form, as well as, an additional paper-based form, createdby the instructor which requested student feedback concerning the course delivery, perceivedstudent learning, and evaluation methods [3].During the 2003 Fall Semester, a different philosophy for student submissions was implemented.All student submissions (interim and final reports) would be conducted electronically throughthe use of student developed web pages
Conference Session
Manufacturing Laboratory Experience
2004 Annual Conference
Davis Charles; Tony Lin
. Reinforce learning through peer interactions and discussions2. Provide relational learning experience across disciplinary topics3. Create a real world experience of cross-disciplinary working teams for studentsIntegration Process and the RoadmapThe integration process is diagrammed in Figure 1 and outlined below.1. Begin with faculty and students who understand the need for cross-disciplinary education to interaction and collaboration, which is industry driven.2. Integrate cross-disciplinary courses such as AQA and Polymer Processing.3. Define common class project as injection-molding using DOE.4. Design/develop a product and process for production, i.e., design/develop injection-molding to manufacture tensile specimens.5. Build the
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in EM ET
2003 Annual Conference
C. Richard Helps
long-term, on-line archives.The Internet is also a source of shopping, news, entertainment and many other diversions andconsequently most incoming students today are proficient in accessing on-line information, butnot necessarily in a professional capacity. The plethora of information available could be, at theleast, a distraction and can make it very difficult to find needed documentation.A new problem with accessing technical information on-line is that of assuring the quality andvalidity of the information obtained. Many of the reliable external mechanisms used byprofessionals over many years, such as peer-review and editorial oversight, are rarely used withInternet data sources. Professionals and students need to develop new techniques to
Conference Session
Teaching Strategies in BME
2003 Annual Conference
Marcus Pandy; Anthony Petrosino; Ronald Barr
concerning a challenge; for example, through advanced computer-based simulations, students are able to vary parameters of a model and study the effects thatthese changes have on model performance; (5) Test Your Mettle provides a means of formativeassessment, allowing students to reflect on what they have learned thus far, and to identify anyweaknesses or misconceptions they still may have; and (6) Go Public encourages students toshare their thoughts and ideas with their peers and provides a summative assessment.HPL-inspired Course on Movement Biomechanics The senior author has previously developed and taught an undergraduate biomedicalengineering course titled “BME 342: Computational Biomechanics”. This course was designedto teach students
Conference Session
Curriculum and Laboratory Development
2002 Annual Conference
Bruce Upchurch; Chi Thai
objective. In additionto the virtual instrumentation (data acquisition), each workstation was equipped with a digitaloscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 210), dual power supply (Agilent E3620A), digital multimeter(Fluke Model 45) and 2 MHz function generator (Leader LG 1301). To provide an ergonomicworkstation, the instrumentation was mounted on shelves on each side of the monitor (Figure 2).This arrangement also met the guidelines for the American Disabilities Act.Engineering Software. Software packages available for engineering design are readilyavailable and very useful in strengthening lecture material. The basic software for report writing(‘Microsoft Office Suite’) and data analysis (‘MatLab’, ‘TKSolver’, ‘StatMost’) was installed oneach workstation
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I
2003 Annual Conference
Fabio Carrera; David DiBiasio; Natalie Mello
Session 2160 Undergraduate Engineers Get Credit for Saving Venice Fabio Carrera1, David DiBiasio2, and Natalie A. Mello1 1 Interdiscipilinary and Global Studies Division 2 Department of Chemical Engineering Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609IntroductionEngineering students, like their peers in other areas of study, enter college today with an openmind. They have hopes and dreams, fears and priorities . . . and when students begin theiruniversity career, their goals include
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I
2003 Annual Conference
David Holger; James Melsa; Loren Zachary
, teach each other, and learn from one another. It also has a social thread because thestudents have fun together and develop a commitment to the success of the community. An upperdivision student provides mentorship, leadership, and team building to the learning community.The version of this model implemented by Iowa State University and Monterrey Technical Institute(Mexico) involves a group of six to eight students from Monterrey Tech who study for a semester atIowa State with a group of six to eight Iowa State students. The entire group then moves toMonterrey Tech for the second semester.The experience to date has shown that students in leaning communities have an easieracclimation to a foreign culture. Peer acknowledgement, support, and
Conference Session
Abroad Educational Opportunities in Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Jeffrey Giesey
CIES, the OhioUniversity Fulbright Contact Person, and the Fulbrighters on campus were good sources forinformation, advice and critical review.The first review of the application is performed by a multidisciplinary peer review committee fromthe U.S. Criteria used to judge application include professional qualification, match of expertisewith needs of host institution, research design and methodology, and the ability to serve as acultural ambassador. In January the applications that were approved are sent to the bi-nationalcommission in the host county. This committee decides which of the approved applications will befunded. In my case there were four approved applications (three for the University of Namibia andmine for the Polytechnic) with
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Gerald Burnham; Don Millard
students were introduced to the modules, the first realintegration of the ILMs came in the fall of 2000. Students were asked to evaluate the modules andrespond to a survey (developed by the Evaluation Consortium of the University at Albany) in thefall of 2000, spring of 2001 and fall of 2001 sections. In addition, students were asked to write areport critiquing the modules and to offer suggestions for future development. The following is abrief description of how a number of the modules were used in the circuits classes at Rensselaerand UT-Dallas: Simple Resistive Circuits Lecture - The students were shown several examples using themodule to illustrate the principles of combining resistances in series and parallel. Students werethen given
2001 Annual Conference
Walter Banzhaf
of I vs. V and P vs. V are then constructed (by hand!).Experiment 5 - Electricity on Campus – A Walking Tour of Watt’s UpObjective: To become familiar with electrical distribution systems. Equipment: Feet (1 or 2), eyes,pencil or pen, pad or clipboard to write on, a curious mind. Description: The path taken by electrical Page 6.159.5energy, from the point where 3-phase power at 23 kV enters the campus, is then stepped down to 4.8 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2001, American Society for Engineering EducationkV by a 5,000 kVA
2001 Annual Conference
Melinda Gallagher; Jenny Golder; Lawrence Genalo
; Exposition Copyright  2001, American Society for Engineering Educationclassroom, counting black tape markings along the way, dropping a “bomb” on a targetbelow the seventh mark, and returning to the beginning of the rope. Other challengingprojects, too numerous to list, are being used in this class. All of them have a similarbasis in creative problem solving applied to a physical device that is computer-controlled.The students in this course are required to write lesson plans for K-12 classes, journaltheir activities in the class, participate in the filed experiences with K-12 students andteachers, and, design and build robotic devices that meet the challenges laid before them.ConstructivismThe partnership among the Engineering College, the
2000 Annual Conference
John Duffy; Edmund Tsang; Susan M. Lord
, interpersonal development, community and college connections.Students reported working harder, being more curious, connecting learning to personalexperience, and demonstrated deeper understanding of subject matter. The quality ofplacements in the community and the degree of structured reflection were found to be importantin enhancing these positive effects, significantly so for critical thinking increases. They summedup effective service-learning principles in five C's: connection (students, peers, community,faculty; experience and analysis); continuity (all four years; reflection before, during, afterservice); context (messiness of community setting is integral to learning); challenge (to currentperspectives; not overwhelming); and coaching
2000 Annual Conference
Mark R. Rajai; Keith V. Johnson
connectionbetween students and the department. As a result of these activities, students indicates thatadministrators, faculty, and staff appeared more down to earth and more approachable thaninitially perceived.Students were charged with selecting several services, organizations, and facilities on campus toinvestigate. The students then interviewed someone in each area and prepared a report, whichwas later presented in class. The objectives of this assignment included:(1) Familiarizing themselves with university facilities, services, and organizations, (2) gettingacquainted with fellow students, (3) enhancing information management and writing skills, and(4) gaining self-awareness, self acceptance, and self-growth. The objectives were intended toconnect
2000 Annual Conference
Maarij M. Syed; Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley
solution in the presence of friction then modified theproblem. The friction model used could also be changed to show the effects of drag forcemore clearly. Students could then be asked to check their results against simulations providedby WM. This approach of relating simple problems to harder ones by using graphs andsimulations help illustrate the general principles that are at work. Students tend to think oftopics as more connected instead of compartmentalizing their physics knowledge in terms ofchapters in their text.One of the authors (MMS) encouraged the students in his class to submit a proposal for anexperiment of their own. The idea is that the students have to write a detailed report wherethey start out by explaining the principle they
2000 Annual Conference
Samuel Homsy; Wayne Whiteman
learning methods, along with actual techniques and procedures. Performance Criteria: Conduct annual workshops and provide other opportunities that arefocused on 2nd year and more senior faculty members. Data Collection Method: Document workshops and opportunities, conduct after actionreviews, peer assessments. Goal 4: Promote an evolving curriculum development process that enhances achievingthe curriculum development portion of the Teaching and Learning Initiative vision. Objective: Learn more about curriculum design. Integrate and sequence curriculumdesign with the faculty development process. Performance Criteria: Conduct curriculum design workshops to educate faculty members.Maximize opportunities to improve
Conference Session
Issues in Physics and Engineering
2002 Annual Conference
David Probst
focuses oncommunications issues such as writing styles, written and oral communication within the groupand to others outside the group. Group organization and project management are also coveredduring this week. The next two weeks focus on small case studies in order to emphasizeproblem-solving strategies, group dynamics, and to practice written and oral communication. Page 7.96.5 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationOf course, students should bring many of these skills to the course, but
Conference Session
ET Capstone Courses
2002 Annual Conference
Jay Porter; Behbood Zoghi; Joseph Morgan
students identify competing design project opportunities. Asthe individual students interact, design teams are formed and the teams generate white papers to insurethey fully understand the objectives and constraints of the potential project sponsor. A formal technicalproposal is then generated which contains the detailed planning the team has done in preparation for theproject. Finally, the teams create a web presence for their project so that access to pertinentinformation is available to all stakeholders. The third major objective is to expose the students toimportant areas of information that are not possible to include in the other technically-orientedcoursework. Topics such as business etiquette, resume writing, and compensation packages
Conference Session
Teaching Green Engineering
2002 Annual Conference
Charles Turner
an ever lighter human footprint onthe earth."Writing in The New York Times, Jay Parini endowed Orr, chair of theEnvironmental Studies Program, with the apt appellation "environmental guru."Orr led more than 250 students, faculty, and town residents in discussions withnational ecological designers during the building's initial design phase three yearsago. He also raised most of the funds for the project.For Oberlin, that knowledge has resulted in a 14,000-square-foot, $6.6 million,self-sustaining structure of classrooms, laboratories, and surrounding gardens.More than a building where teaching takes place, the Lewis Center is a place thatteaches. By virtue of the building's design concepts, students learn ecologicalcompetence and mindfulness
2001 Annual Conference
Basavapatna Sridhara
required writing a computer program or using a software package to solveproblems and performing a cost analysis were posted in this section. The Send E-mail and Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2001, American Society for Engineering EducationStudent Roster tools under Communication were very useful. The author could send e-mail to allstudents with a click of a button reminding them of guest lectures or ensuing tests. Many of ourmajors work full time and attend classes only in the evening and they found these remindershelpful. Also, we wanted full attendance for our guest speakers particularly when one of themwas enrolled in Fluid Power. This
2001 Annual Conference
Leyla Newton; Shawna L. Fletcher; Dana Newell; Mary Anderson-Rowland
stated that getting to know the campus and eachother was very helpful, as well as the math and science course reviews. When asked whatadditional services they would like to see in the future, the respondents suggested even moretime to interact with each other socially, a full campus tour, time management training, and morespecific information on individual majors and courses. The participants did not list any programitems that should be eliminated.WISE Services:In the section of the survey pertaining to the WISE services provided for entering studentsoutside of the Summer Bridge, all of the students reported having used at least one of thefollowing services: seminar series, peer advising, meeting space, computer labs, or mentoringprogramming