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Displaying results 6541 - 6570 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine C Tetrick, Washington State University; John B. Schneider, Washington State University; Charles Pezeshki, Washington State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
WSU STARS faculty and staff want to thank the University of Colorado Boulder’sAssociate Dean of Inclusive Excellence Jacquelyn Sullivan and GoldShirt Program DirectorTanya Ennis for their guidance and encouragement throughout the development of theWashington STARS in Engineering Program.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate 10K+STEP Grant under Grant No. 1317246 and 1317349.Any opinion, finding, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesAndrade, H. G. (2000). Using Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning. Educational Leadership, 57(5), 13-18.Arter, J. A. (2007
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Clark Hain, Mansfield Public Schools; Wendy Christine Turek; Arash Esmaili Zaghi P.E., University of Connecticut; Alexandra Hain, University of Connecticut
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
: • Heterogeneously grouped students excitedly discussing how to make an earthquake resistant building • s out of spaghetti and marshmallows. • A girl using persuasive rhetoric to convince group members that her idea for a landing pad is the best to keep an egg from breaking. • A boy who hardly rarely participates, drawing his plan for a second iteration of a design and explaining to his group the benefits of his plan.You can hear conversations with a purpose, focused on the task at hand.I lament the lack of time that the elementary curriculum allows to such practical, worthwhile,inquiry-based learning. Neurodiversity and ADHD exist in all classrooms. Elementary students,regardless of their exceptionalities, need to feel that they can
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Nicholas D. Fila, Purdue University; Austin Spencer Bohlin, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Science Foundation CAREER grantunder Grant No. 1150874. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References 1. Golish, B. L., Besterfield-Sacre, M. E., & Shuman, L. J. (2008). Comparing academic and corporate technology development processes. Journal of Product Innovation Mangagement, 25, 47–62. 2. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1999). 16 implications of a systems perspective for the study of creativity. Handbook of Creativity, 313. 3. Fila, N. D., Purzer, Ş., & Mathis, P. D. (2014). I’m not the creative type: Barriers to creativity in student engineering innovation projects
Conference Session
Workshop 1: Developing Team Research
2017 ERC
Gretchen Kiser
that create innovations and/or improvements in care, educational activities, and manuscript production. It will be the responsibility of the faculty member to solicit and submit to the Promotion and Tenure Committee letters documenting collaborative activity from colleagues, relevant division chief(s), and department chair(s) to support their promotion and tenure requests.”11 3/6/2017 What to train?12 3/6/201713 Borrowed from L. Michelle Bennett, 2015 3/6/2017 Building Teams and Fostering Trust • Identifying collaborators ‒ Traditional methods ‒ Commercial tools (Elsevier, Digital Sciences) ‒ Institutional Team
2012 ERC
William Heetderks
D ata: Assoc of Universi ty Technol ogy Manag er s (AUTM ) S urvey 2004 NIH supports institutions & people (Extramural Research) > 4,000 institutions > 300,000 scientists & research personnel ~ 85% of the NIH budget NIH Grant StatisticsFiscal Year 2010• 88,000 applications received (all mechanisms)• 240 Review Officers organized 1,600 meetings with 18,000 reviewers• Over 62,000 research grants reviewed … improving health by leading the development and accelerating the application of biomedical
2010 ERC
Anthony Boccanfuso
 mission of each  the mission of each partner ¾ Focus on fostering  appropriate, long term  pa t e s ps partnerships ¾ Seek to streamline  negotiations to ensure  ti ti t timely conduct of the  research and the  d l development of research  f h findings 5 How do you leverage these diverse activities???© 2009 Anthony Boccanfuso  Courtesy of Wayne Johnson  Michelin ‐ Networks
2016 ERC
Douglas Friedman
in university chemistry research laboratories, particularly over the past two decades • Notable incidents • Dartmouth University – 1996 • UCLA – 2008 • Texas Tech University – 2010• Serious accidents in research labs are not limited to academia• These incidents have evoked a broad range of institutional responses• Deficient safety culture identified as a primary cause BOARD ON CHEMICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY The Study Team: Broad Community EngagementCommitteeH. Holden Thorp (Chair), Washington Andrew S. Imada, A. S. Imada & AssociatesUniversity in St. Louis Kimberly Begley
Conference Session
Capstone and Collaborations in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Glen F Koorey, ViaStrada Ltd.; Mark W. Milke P.E., University of Canterbury; Norb Delatte P.E., Cleveland State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
consequences from not following advice (e.g., relating to risks, safety etc.)”12And under competency profile 9, “Recognise the reasonably foreseeable social, cultural andenvironmental effects of professional engineering activities generally” the bullet points are:  “Considers long term issues and impact(s) of own engineering activities, such as use of materials, waste during fabrication/construction, energy efficiency during use, obsolescence and end-of-life issues.  Considers and takes into account possible social, cultural and environmental impacts and consults where appropriate  Considers Treaty of Waitangi implications and consults accordingly  Recognises impact and long-term effects of engineering activities on
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Denise Rutledge Simmons P.E., Virginia Tech; Cassandra J. Groen, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
persistence and retention in the engineering field. Acknowledgements The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation for supporting this work under grant EEC-1351156. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Also, the authors acknowledge the contributions of Amy Hermundstad Nave to the development and description of the BUILD model. References[1] Chubin, D. E., May, G. S., and Babco, E. L. (2005). Diversifying the engineering workforce. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 73–86. 9830.2005.tb00830.x[2
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University; Rocio C. Chavela Guerra, American Society for Engineering Education; Alexandra Longo, American Society for Engineering Education; Rossen Tsanov, American Society for Engineering Education
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
factors that promote student encounters with difference in first-year courses.," Review of Higher Education, vol. 33, pp. 391-414, 2010.[10] H. Smith, R. Parr, R. Woods, B. Bauer, and T. Abraham, "Five years after graduation:  Undergraduate cross-group friendships and multicultural curriculum predict current attitudes and activities," Journal of College Student Development, vol. 51, pp. 385-402, 2010.[11] P. Gurin, "Expert Report. "Gratz et al. v. Bollinger, et al." No. 97-75321 (E.D. Mich.); "Grutter, et al. v. Bollinger, et al." No. 97-75928 (E.D. Mich.)," Equity & Excellence in Education, vol. 32, pp. 36-62, 09/01/ 1999.[12] S. Hurtado, "Linking diversity and educational purpose: how diversity
2014 ERC
George Hazelrigg
CMMI Overview George A. Hazelrigg Acting Division Director forCivil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation Mary Toney Acting Deputy Division DirectorContext: NSF Strategic Plan, 2014-2018• Transform the Frontiers of S&E -- promotes the progress of science, creates opportunities for transformational advances.• Stimulate Innovation – emphasizes broader impacts to advance national health, prosperity, welfare, and to secure the national defense.• Excel as a Federal Science Agency --emphasizes the importance of NSF as an exemplar of an agency that expects to attain excellence in all operational aspects.
2014 ERC
Kei Koizumi
’14-’15 estimate budget Change ($ mil.) ($ mil.) (%) DOD “S&T” (6.1–6.3) 12,009 11,515 -4.1% DHS R&D 1,032 876 -15.1% DOD DARPA 2,779 2,915 +4.9%•  The Budget invests in defense-related S&T across a diverse portfolio, including advanced manufacturing, energy, cybersecurity, robotics, a safe and secure nuclear arsenal, explosives detection, and biodefense.•  The Budget sustains support for Department of Homeland Security (DHS) S&T programs and provides funds to complete construction of the National Bio
2014 ERC
Mary Galvin
Mathematical Chemistry Sciences (CHE) (DMS) Jacquelyn Gervay-Haque Michael Vogelius FY11: $287 M DMR Budget S&T Ctrs Education 13.3Nano Ctrs 6.7 4.9 Nano S&T Ctrs, 4 Education Ctrs, 4.9 and Centers Workforce, 57
2013 ERC
Lynn Preston
Name, Lead University Name Barriers Testbed(s) Systems Research QoLT 3-plane chart Requirements Testbed(s) Stakeholders Systems Research Testbed(s) Products & Outcomes
Conference Session
Technical Session VI
2018 FYEE Conference
Sheila Erin Youngblood, Cameron University
Tagged Topics
FYEE Conference Sessions
allengineering science courses during the spring of 2018 are satisfied with this change. The data from courseevaluations in May 2018 support this change.Preliminary data supports the used of the Engineering Science Learning Laboratory as scores on examsare higher for those that use this laboratory versus those that do not. These methods have been assessed intwo student cohorts and the data to be presented is preliminary with a sample size of approximately 15 percohort.REFERENCES[1] Oklahoma Employment Security Commission Economic Research and Analysis Division, STEMOccupations and Employment: A Brief Review for Oklahoma, 2012.[2] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M. PatWenderoth, “Active Learning Increases
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Okan Caglayan; Sreedevi Ande P.E.; Erik Coronado; Max Martinez; Samuel Handowski
of 15 students that showed interest and applied to the program. However, we had 11 Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference The University of Texas at Austin April 4-6, 2018 References [6] MathWorks,[1] Carbonaro, M., Rex, M., and Chambers, J., Using [7] Weaver, G. C., Haghighi, K., Cook, D. D., Foster, C. J.,LEGO Robotics in a Project-Based Learning Environment. Moon, S. M., Phegley, P. J., Tormoehlen, R. L., AttractingInteractive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer
Conference Session
Development of Undergraduate Distance Education Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Frank Fisher, Stevens Institute of Technology; Hamid Hadim, Stevens Institute of Technology; Sven Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology; Robert Ubell, Stevens Institute of Technology; Constantin Chassapis, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
engineering SCHOOL DEGREE TITLE(S) MAIN FEATURES • Accredited by NCA Higher Learning Colorado Technical Commission Software Engineering University 6 • Online academic library • Courses taught in multimedia format • Offered mainly to industrial partners Michigan Technical • Course delivery includes videotaped Engineering
Conference Session
Design Projects
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Frederick Berry, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Patricia Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; William Eccles, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Bruce Ferguson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Daniel Moore, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Mihaela Radu, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Terry Schumacher, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; David Voltmer, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Mark Yoder, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Edward Wheeler, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
theypropose, undertake, and complete projects for a variety of clients. The tenor of the sequence focuses on theunderlying principle that engineering is a profession in which services for clients are rendered in an equitable,economical and ethical manner. This paper describes the learning objectives, evolution, current status, andassessment of the four-course sequence. This paper details the content, implementation, activities, teaching loads,assessment, and student reactions to the design sequence.Index Terms – Creativity, Teamwork, Design, Project, Professional.Introduction“. . . the proper study of mankind is the science of design . . .”, Herbert A. Simon1In the mid-90’s, the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Rose-Hulman Institute
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Svetlana Avramov-Zamurovic, U.S. Department of Defense; Kevin Liu, USNA; Bryan Waltrip, NIST; Andrew Koffman, NIST
Tagged Divisions
this independence is that work progressed slowly and many codingideas were explored, found to be inadequate, and discarded. The end result of this project wasthat a well-planned and detailed LabView driver was successfully created, but integration intothe rest of the system was not achieved because of lack of time. References:[1] S. Avramov-Zamurovic, B. Waltrip, K. Stricklett, and A. Koffman, "A Balancing Algorithm for system with correlated injections" IEEE IMTC Proc., Vail, Colorado, 2003.[2] B. Waltrip, A. Koffman, S. Avramov-Zamurovic: "The Design and Self-Calibration of Inductive Voltage Dividers for an Automated Impedance Scaling Bridge", IEEE IMTC Proc. Anchorage, Alaska, 2002.[3] B. C. Waltrip S
Conference Session
Trends in Construction Engineering Education II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gabriel Alungbe, Morehead State University; Jaby Mohammed, Morehead State University; Yuqiu You, Morehead State University
Tagged Divisions
engineering economy course had fullenrollment in spite of the fact that it was being offered by the department for the first time andduring a four-week period in the summer.Some of the writers who previously underwent Quality Matters training contributed experiencesgained from the training to the development of this online course. Quality Matters is a peer-reviewed program of “inter-institutional quality assurance in online learning”.5 A publication byGary S. Moore and others was a good source for information on online learning.6 The followingis a discussion of what was done to successfully offer engineering economy course to students inthe construction management program online.1. Introduction and Course OverviewWe used this section to introduce
2021 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Meeting
Otily Toutsop, Morgan State University; Paige Janae Harvey, Morgan State University; Kevin Kornegay, Morgan State University; Edmund Himmie Smith, Morgan State University ; Marcial Tienteu; Vinton Amsley Morris, Morgan State University; Dennis Ndati, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute; Aaron A Mcclenton; Andre Latte Dean Jr., Morgan State University School of Engineering
realm of the IoT and create a smart home ecosystem that can be monitored and managedusing a single application or device [3, 23]. While this intelligent home ecosystem aids in theefficiency of everyday life, the security risks involved in implementing these IoT devices arestill under investigation [24]. Authors in [4] examined the security vulnerabilities of IoTdevices present in consumers' homes in an experimental environment.Furthermore, most IoT devices present cybersecurity risk(s) associated with the devicesaffecting several IoT platforms in the market. In this work, students focused on the Arm PelionIoT platform throughout this research because it offers comprehensive and accessible onlinedocumentation for beginners. Students used the
2008 GSW
Richard Bannerot
fall 2006 1. Stating definitions from a posted list of terms from Thermodynamics I 2. Reading the Steam Table 3. Using Enthalpy Departure Calculations 4. Determining by-pass ratios for regenerated Rankine cycles 5. Drawing T-s diagrams for “real” air power cycles 6. Using p-h diagrams to solve “real” vapor compression refrigeration cycles 7. Reading the Psychrometric chart 8. Calculating thermal loads and mass transfers with psychrometric charts 9. Calculating molar and mass air-fuel ratios for complete combustion 10. Calculating molar and mass air-fuel ratios for incomplete combustionTopics for Closed Book Quizzes for fall 2007 1. Stating definitions and units conversion factors from a posted list of terms from
Conference Session
The Best of Design in Engineering Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Renee Rogge, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Kay C Dee, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Glen Livesay, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
effort into the design project, will not be proud of the results of the project.As shown in the correlation analysis, this will also result in a lower perceived quality of learningin senior design, which is independent of the efforts of the instructor!Table 1. Evaluation items correlated with “Taking this course is helping me make thetransition from being a student to being a professional.”Evaluation Items Quarter Correlation Coefficient(s)*Rate the quality of your learning in this course Fall 0.572Rate the instructor’s overall performance in this Fall
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Aman Yadav, Purdue University; Gregory Shaver, Purdue University; Peter Meckl, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
paper did notexamine actual measure of student learning and only reported their perception of learning. Futureresearch needs to specifically examine measures of student learning by using “methodologicallysophisticated, qualitative methods such as, interviews, journals entries, observations, and casestudies of particular students as alternatives to standardized objective tests or constructed caseanalysis tests” 8. Page 14.344.7References:1. Williams, S. M. "Putting Case-Based Instruction into Context: Examples from Legal and Medical Education." The Journal of Learning Sciences 2, no. 4 (1992): 367-427.2. Mayo, J. A. "Case-Based Instruction
1996 Annual Conference
James D. van Putten Jr.
” arrangementswith tradition engineering colleges. At Hope College this began before World War II. Many of itsphysics majors transferred to engineering colleges after their junior year. Upon graduating from theengineering college, the student received two baccalaureate degrees: one from the engineering collegeand one from Hope College. The primary component of the curriculum taught at the Hope Collegewas the general education component including science and mathematics courses. The physics majors,who elected to complete their education at Hope College, enrolled directly into graduate programs forthe most part. In the early 1970’s we began noticing that some of our 3-2 students. were returning to Hope Collegeto complete .... their degree after
1996 Annual Conference
Scott R. Short
/ . IReferences1. Materials Science and Engineering for the 1990’s: Maintaining Competitiveness in the Age of Materials,National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D. C., 1989.2. Short, S. R., Characterization of Interlaminar Shear Failures of Graphite/Epoxy Composite Materials,Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, 1990.3. Short, S. R., “Characterization of Interlaminar Shear Failures of Graphite/Epoxy Composite Materials,”Composites, Vol. 26, 1995, pp. 431-449.SCOTT R. SHORTScott R. Short obtained his Ph.D. in Engineering from The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio in 1990.Prior to attending graduate school, Dr. Short was employed as a metallurgist with ARMCO, Inc. Dr. Shortcurrently is an Assistant Professor in the
1996 Annual Conference
Karl D. Stephan
improvements came only when Uncle Sam,in Ihe form of the U. S. Railroad Administration, tapped the railroads on the shoulder during the first WorldWar and said in effect, ‘You WILL build according to these standards.’”2 At this point I began to wonder how a woman, even of Mary Pennington’s evident energy and talent,was able to attain such a position of responsibility and authority. So I asked her, “At that time you were withthe U. S. Department of Agriculture. What was your title at the USDA, and how did you get the job?” Page 1.312.2 ...~., .:4 } 1996 ASEE
1996 Annual Conference
Fahmida R. Masoom; Abulkhair M. Masoom; Mir Atiqullah
Accreditation Commission, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. 1994-1995.2. Lindenlamb, John G., “Computers in the Engineering Classrooms”, ASEE National Conference Proceedings, 1989, Vol. 1, pp. 170-173.3. Bringelson, Liwana S. and Gupta, Tarun “ Computer Instruction in ABET-Accredited Industrial Engineering Curricula : Survey Results,” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 1993, pp. 1215- 1218.Biography ABULKHAIR MASOOM is an Associate Professor in the College of Engineering, Mathematics andScience at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. He graduated from Bangladesh University of Engineering& Technology with a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering in 1977. He completed his Masters in
1996 Annual Conference
Karl P. Trout; Charles A. Gaston
), pivot point location (l), and hot wire location (WX,WY), such that the vine hits the string barrier (S), is then cut by the hot wire (W), and Tarzan projects through the cave safely. Comments: This level has a string barrier (dowel rod) that provides a new “pivot point” when the string hits it. Some solutions are better than others - optimization.Level 9: Student Obiective: To determine Tarzan’s vine length (v), release height (h), pivot point location (l), hot wire location (WX,WY), and string barrier location (S,,S,), such that the vine hits the string barrier, is then cut by the hot wire (W), and Tarzan projects safely through the cave and into a basket. Comments: This level is most
Conference Session
Progress on Raising the Bar
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Thomas Lenox; Stuart G. Walesh S.G., Walesh Consulting; Richard O. Anderson; Gerald E. Galloway, University of Maryland-College Park; Craig Musselman; Wayne R. Bergstrom; James K. Nelson, University of Texas-Tyler; James O'Brien
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Accomplishments:• The Accreditation Committee continued its internal communications activities with bi- weekly telephone conferences.• The committee updated its membership in 2005 to maintain a roster that includes a key member(s) from each of the following groups: o CAP^3 o ABET Board of Directors o Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) o Committee on Curricula & Accreditation (CC&A) of ASCE’s Educational Activities Committee (EdAC) o Department Heads Council Executive Committee (DHCEC) of ASCE’s EdAC. o Body of Knowledge Committee of CAP^3 o Curricula Committee of CAP^3 Page