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Displaying results 6871 - 6900 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Energy Resources, Efficiency, and Conservation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarma Pisupati, Pennsylvania State University; Wendy Mahen, PennSylvania State University; Mark Deluca, Pennsylvania State University; Martin Gutowski, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
(Renkl, Stark, Gruber & Mandl, 1998). Some worked examples were in a text format,sometimes with an accompanying image (Figure 5). These worked out examples have aninfinite problem generator (using javascript) so that students can try on their own. If thestudents are not able to answer correctly, it will provide an explanation of the problemsolution and give the students another problem to solve.More complex worked examples were animated using software and tablet called“Belshazzar” (Miller, 2003) which enabled the instructor to write out the solutions toproblems while explaining them. Worked examples that utilize aural explanations resultin higher learning outcomes than those that use text (Atkinson, 2002). A screenshot of anexample of
Conference Session
Innovative IE Course Content
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Ann Layton, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Thomas Reed Willemain, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
age where largeamounts of data are being collected with a growing need for those that can make “data-drivendecisions” [3]. McKinsey Global Institute, a business and economic research firm, claims thatwith the growth of digital data, the United States is going to need an additional 140,000 to190,000 analysts and more than 1.5 million managers capable of performing data analysis [4].Additional calls have been made for more statisticians in the federal system, working in placessuch as the Bureau of Labor Statistics or the United States Census Bureau [5].These pleas are not new, however; even in the early 1980’s authors were writing about the needto make the field of statistics as a separate discipline [6] and recognizing the growing need
Conference Session
Communication and Engineering Careers: Motivating Our Students
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tristan T. Utschig, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jeffrey S. Bryan; Judith Shaul Norback, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
, using technology in the classroom, faculty development in instructional design, teaching diversity, and peer coaching. Dr. Utschig completed his PhD in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.Jeffrey S. Bryan Jeffrey S. Bryan is currently in his second-year of Georgia Tech’s M.S. program in digital media. He at- tended Southern Utah University as an undergraduate, and majored in English education. He worked for several years as a trainer for AT&T, teaching adult learners, and as an editor for an opinion research com- pany. He currently works as a Graduate Research Assistant in Georgia Tech’s Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), where he assists with assessment and data
Conference Session
Manufacturing Materials and Processes
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward E. Osakue, Texas Southern University; Derrick Smith, Texas Southern University
Tagged Divisions
. Therefore, workerswere requested to develop work procedures and checklists for their activities on a daily andweekly basis, where there were none. Similarly, supervisors were to develop weekly andmonthly checklists for their work centers, where none existed. Where complex work areasexisted, standard procedure for cleaning was required so as to ensure consistency. Theprocedures and checklists were reviewed by peers and 6S team members for safety issues.Corrections and changes were made where necessary and appropriate. Where appropriate, safetychecklists were also prepared. These documentations helped to provide information for thecontinued monitoring and improvement hoped for.Sustain PhaseSustaining and improving on the gains of 6S is a real
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul C. Lynch, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Joseph Wilck IV, East Carolina University; Cynthia Bober, Penn State University ; Jennifer Louise Mines, The Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
, she is writing her thesis in Engineering Education, specifically from a Learning Styles perspective. In the summer of 2013, Cyndy interned with the Walt Disney Company in the Workforce Management Department. As an intern, she was able to create a Variance Analysis Tool to monitor workload forecasting for the Walt Disney World resort.Miss Jennifer Louise Mines, The Pennsylvania State University Jennifer is a 2013 graduate of The Pennsylvania State University with a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering. Her Master’s thesis examined undergraduate student satisfaction regarding Industrial Engi- neering education. Jennifer received her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and certification in Secondary Education at
Conference Session
Methods, Techniques, and New Programs in Graduate Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Niaz Latif, Purdue University, Calumet ; Joy L Colwell, Purdue University, Calumet (Tech)
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
and an M.S. from South Dakota State University (SDSU); both degrees are in Agricultural Engineering. He holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Chittagong in Bangladesh. Dr. Latif has authored/co-authored numerous refereed journal articles and peer reviewed conference proceedings articles and has made national and interna- tional conference presentations. His publication record includes articles related to academic program development and assessment of academic programs. Dr. Latif was the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Engineering Technology.Prof. Joy L Colwell, Purdue University, Calumet (Tech) Joy L. Colwell is Director of Graduate Studies for Purdue University Calumet. She is a
Conference Session
Novel Methods of Construction Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Tingerthal, Northern Arizona University
Tagged Divisions
, Schweingruber HA. Discipline-based education research: Understanding andimproving learning in undergraduate science and engineering. Washington D.C. 2012. Page 23.202.1413. Ardizzone T, Breithaupt F, Gutjahr PC. Decoding the humanities. In: Pace D, Middendorf J, eds. New Directionsfor Teaching & Learning.Vol 2004. Wiley; 2004:45–56. Available at: Hund JL. Writing about music in large music appreciation classrooms using active learning, discipline-specificskills, and peer review. Journal of Music History Pedagogy. 2012;2(2):117–132.15. Burkholder JP. Decoding the discipline of music history for
Conference Session
The Role of Engineering in Integrated STEM--uh STEAM--uh Education!
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary McCormick, Tufts University; Morgan M. Hynes, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
engineering design is Page 25.549.4continually informing and informed by the engineer’s interaction with plans, designs, andartifacts (collectively, representations), as well as through communication with otherhuman beings16 such as clients and peer professionals. As such, Dym (1994) argues thatrepresentation is central to design, and that the “multiplicity or diversity ofrepresentations” enables reasoning and analysis about function, form, and intent16. As anengineer develops, interprets, and interacts with representations, the engineer mayrespond by retracing the problem objectives and constraints, deciding to revise orimprove parts or the whole design
Conference Session
FPD IV: Innovative Curriculum Elements of Successful First-year Courses
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregory Warren Bucks, Ohio Northern University; William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
 Holiday light display that powered LED’s which were synced to music Study monitoring system that used an image capture system to determine if the subject is at the study area and an accelerometer on the writing instrument to determine if they are writing Residence hall room security system that employed a card swipe system to identify a person with their university ID and provide access to items in the room such as the refrigerator, computer, phone, etc. An alarm system sounded if items were accessed Talking trash cans that provide audio feedback when things are thrown away including voices recordings and sound effects An electronic game of twister that used pressure sensors under the pads of the game and computer logic to monitor
Conference Session
Demonstration and Project Enhancements in Chemical Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen Yang, Cornell University; Kathryn Dimiduk, Cornell University; Susan Daniel, Cornell University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
to clearly illustratewhy chemical engineering is particularly suited to these kinds of problems and what our skill setoffers to biotechnological problem-solving that no other engineering discipline is whollyequipped to do. These skills include defining systems with multiple unit operations and complexinterconnections, writing and solving systems of equations based on chemical reactionstoichiometry and kinetics, and scale-down of a system from human-scale to “lab-on-a-chip”micro-scale using dimensionless numbers. Additionally, we wanted to create a project thatwould encourage teamwork and cooperation in developing problem-solving strategies and in theanalysis and evaluation of the results. Here students would learn about dividing
Conference Session
Educational Research & Methods Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Denise Grant; Julie Trenor
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
data (grounded).21 Charmaz, whileacknowledging the constructivist grounded theory research process is not linear, advocates sevensteps: (1) collecting rich data, (2) coding the data, (3) memo writing throughout the study, (4)theoretical sampling, saturation, and sorting, (5) reassessing what theory means, (6) writing adraft, and (7) reflecting on the process.21 This paper will discuss data collection and initialcoding. Page 15.1310.3   MethodsThe specific procedures and techniques for this study include developing and using ademographic
Conference Session
Special Session: Next Generation Problem-Solving
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamara Moore, University of Minnesota; Brian Self, California Polytechnic State University; Margret Hjalmarson, George Mason University; Judith Zawojewski, Illinois Institute of Technology; Barbara Olds, Colorado School of Mines; Ronald Miller, Colorado School of Mines; Heidi Diefes-Dux, Purdue University; Richard Lesh, Indiana University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
tools based on systematically collecteddata. Embedded in a system where students, teaching assistants and instructors use a common Page 15.1085.4rubric to generate iterations of peer assessment, TA feedback, and final evaluation for a grade.The rubric for every MEA addresses: (1) the appropriateness of the model generated, explainedor modified, (2) the generalizability of the model so it can be used in similar situations or readilyadapted to slightly different situations, and the (3) share-ability of the model so that itcommunicates readily with the intended client. By developing clear definitions of each of thesecharacteristics of a good
Conference Session
Engineering Across the K-12 Curriculum: Integration with the Arts, Social Studies, Sciences, and the Common Core
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leslie Wilkins, Maui Economic Development Board; Lesley Eva Bristol, Maui Economic Development Board; Graham R. DeVey, Maui Economic Development Board
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. Toearn credit as an implementer, each teacher must reflect on lessons learned in the classroom andshare with peers. Some teachers report that this is the most valuable step in learning to use IEI—taking the time for meaningful reflection, and developing conclusions from their own teachingthat represent value to other teachers pursuing inquiry learning techniques: “Overall, this course has become much more beneficial to me as a teaching practitionerover the past few days in reflection than I would have imagined. The workshop was hands-onand informative, the presentations and feedback sessions brought more “realness” to theapplication and the learning process of the inquiry activities, and the reflections especially, haveforced me to dig
Conference Session
Materials Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nitin Sukhija, Mississippi State University (Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems and Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering); Tomasz A. Haupt, Mississippi State University; Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
MATLAB17, VASP18, ABAQUS19, LAMMPS20, OVITO21, OpenGL22, Xmgrace23 and others5 Online model Discuss Intuitive user interface for using Calibration Models, such as the calibration Plasticity-Damage model24 , MultiStage Fatigue model25 , and tools Thermoplastic model26. Microstructure Image Analyzer for Material Charaterization8.6 Basic Discuss Basic Unix/Linux commands. Working with the PBSworks27 computation software job resource manager for submitting jobs to cluster environments skills (HPC systems). Compiling and writing shell scripts, Examples :interactive jobs, batch jobsIn the beginning of the module (see Table 2
Conference Session
K-12 Computer Science and Computational Thinking Initiatives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alfredo J. Perez, Northern New Mexico College; Ivan Lopez Hurtado, Northern New Mexico College; Jorge Crichigno, Northern New Mexico College; Raul R. Peralta, Northern New Mexico College; David Torres, Northern New Mexico College
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
October-November-December Substantive/Progressive Learning Tasks (SMART goals – Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) In this unit: Students will listen, read, and write about how their actions can help others by using grade level standards for writing. Students will apply Cornell three column note taking. Students will develop an understanding of S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) by using mathematics and technology. Students will apply creative computing and Scratch, through sample projects and hands-on experiences Students will explore the arts by creating projects that include elements of music, design, drawing
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Education Session 3
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Elizabeth C. Kisenwether, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University; Jacob Dean Wheadon, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
weekly instructor meetings, peer evaluations, pre-post skill evaluationsurveys, and university required course evaluations. Actual assessments used were not providedin description.A Model for a Biomedical Engineering Senior Design Capstone Course, with Assessment Toolsto Satisfy ABET “Soft Skills” – Stevens Institute of TechnologyHazelwood, Valdevit, & Ritter (2010) described a two semester course sequence at StevensInstitute of Technology that enabled students to work with a physician to address real worldclinical unmet needs and develop basic product development and project management skillswhile working in small teams of 3 or 4. Students were guided through exercises to assessclinical and market needs, technical feasibility, the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Seda Yilmaz, Iowa State University; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Colleen M. Seifert, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Paper ID #8959Design Heuristics: An Evidence-Based tool to improve innovationDr. Seda Yilmaz, Iowa State University Dr. Yilmaz is an Assistant Professor of Industrial Design who teaches design studios and lecture courses on developing creativity and research skills. For her research, she investigates design approaches and ideation, creative processes, and cross-disciplinary design team dynamics. She is the author of more than 20 peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. She also serves on review, advisory, and scientific boards of various journals and conferences. Her current research focuses on identifying
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Capstone Design
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
, construction management,and structures. This group of professional engineers has been donating their time and efforts to help in thecapstone design courses and help the program in aspects such as the response to the support survey for theProgram Educational Objectives. As well, this group of people serves for guidance and as evaluators forthe final work.The capstone design experience lasts a full year. The project commences with a meeting betweenstudents, practicing engineers and the instructors and a site visit. The project ends with a report and oralpresentation. This provides students with a proposal writing experience and clarifies the project for thestudent team and the client.Progress reports are due over the semester. These reports include
Conference Session
Methodological & Theoretical Contributions to Engineering Education 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington; Brook Sattler, University of Washington; Ken Yasuhara, Center for Engineering Learning & Teaching (CELT); Jim L. Borgford-Parnell, University of Washington; Cynthia J. Atman, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
integrated in various ways: reflection journals, portfolio reflection, endof course meta-learning, peer assisted learning session, online reflections, and team reflections.While the authors note the dedication to reflective activities, they also note opportunities to moresystematically incorporate reflection into undergraduate engineering education.In earlier work on reflection in engineering, Turns, Newstetter, Allen, and Mistree report on thedesign of the “Reflective Learner”: an electronic system to support students in the writing oflearning essays.35 They argued that “learning essays can help students expand and enhancelessons that they are learning from design experiences” (p. 1).35 The learning essays aredescribed as short and structured with
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Seda Yilmaz, Iowa State University; Kathryn Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Eli M. Silk, University of Michigan; Meisha Nicole Berg, Iowa State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Paper ID #8808Investigating impacts on the ideation flexibility of engineersDr. Seda Yilmaz, Iowa State University is an Assistant Professor of Industrial Design who teaches design studios and lecture courses on devel- oping creativity and research skills. For her research, she investigates design approaches and ideation, ethnography in design, foundations of innovation, creative processes, and cross-disciplinary design team dynamics. She is the author of more than 20 peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. She also serves on review, advisory, and scientific boards of various journals and conferences. Her
Conference Session
Assessment & Quality; Accreditation in Engineering Education
2005 Annual Conference
David Anthony; C. Richard Helps; Barry Lunt
criteria are phrased in terms of Intents andStandards as expressed in the self-study questionnaire. There is, at this time of this writing, noapproved self-study questionnaire for IT but the self- study questionnaires for CS5, IS and CE allreflect the same structure. Intents and standards bear considerable similarity to objectives andcriteria but the standards reflect more of a model curriculum approach. The intents and standardsapproach will probably continue to evolve as CAC continues to adapt. In the meanwhileprograms need to look at both as they prepare for accreditation.2.2 Model CurriculumAnother significant input to the process, which is specific to computing accreditation, is themodel curriculum6 mentioned earlier. Although this document
Conference Session
Understanding Engineering Design
2005 Annual Conference
Monica Cardella; Cynthia Atman
“Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning”focused on proof-writing during the second quarter of the capstone project. Most of the studentsalso commented that their engineering courses also contained mathematics material, and twostudents also reported learning some mathematics in their physics courses.Data Analysis This study yielded data in the forms of interview and observation notes, audiorecordings of the interviews and observations, and copies of students’ work. We approached dataanalysis using a methodology similar to Chi’s Verbal Analysis” 23. A key distinction between theerbal Protocol Analysis and Verbal Analysis methodologies is that the data for verbal protocolanalysis consists of “think-aloud” protocols and the data for verbal analysis
Conference Session
BME Education
2004 Annual Conference
Paul King; Joan Walker
third map focused on the same question atthe end of the spring semester, a time coinciding with their presentation of their designproject and the composition of a final paper. At this time, we asked students to reflect onand summarize, in writing, how their final map compared to their initial map.Data analyses and results for studentsAnalyses are identical to those described for expert mappings. Two raters counted thenumber of concepts and lines, and calculated a density ratio (i.e., number of lines pernode). Raters were blind to the identity of the map author and the time point at which themap was constructed. Inter-rater reliability on these metrics was acceptable (r = .83,range = 0-1). Table 2 summarizes descriptive statistics for these
Conference Session
Capstone Design
2005 Annual Conference
H. Jung; Anthony de Sam Lazaro; Amanie Abdelmessih
, whereapplicable, operating and maintenance documentation.B. Course OutcomesAt the end of the year, the engineering student should be able to demonstrate proficiency in: a. Design and prototyping of a complex mechanical artifact, involving both mechanical and thermal stems. b. The application of scientific and mathematical concepts to their design. c. Their knowledge and application of socio-economic and ethical issues relative to their design task. d. Functioning as a member and/or a leader of an engineering design team. e. Communicating with fellow-engineers, peers and ‘customers’ both orally and in writing.C. Course AssessmentsOver the last six years we have and are improving the forms we
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship, Design, and PBL
2005 Annual Conference
Ken Ports
from emulating being part of a start-up to actuallystarting up a company to take its senior design “product” to market? Florida Tech is prepared tosupport this type of activity, and as of this writing, seven current projects are in some stage ofbeing productized for commercialization. Available to support this aspect of senior design isFlorida TechStart, the university business accelerator for high tech ventures.Florida TechStart was opened in October, 2003, as a joint venture of the College of Engineeringand the School of Management, and is housed in the engineering building. Student teamsinterested in an entrepreneurial path work directly with Florida TechStart staff to make thenecessary connections to help make their dreams a reality.An
Conference Session
Unique Laboratory Experiments & Programs
2004 Annual Conference
Hyun Kim
exchangers, and refrigeration system. Each team reviewed their previousexperimental results, studied the experimental set-up, and found possible causes of the problems.Then, they proposed a new experiment, modified the system, conducted a new experiment,analyzed the data for much better results, and presented their findings to their peers orally andalso in written reports to the instructor. A brief description of each project and summary of thefindings are presented.1. Heat ConductionThis experiment uses Scott Thermal Conduction Systems, Model 9051, to determine the thermalconductivity of copper, steel, aluminum, and magnesium using the Fourier’s law. qx = -k A (dT/dx) where the rate of heat transfer, qx, is evaluated by (dm/dt) cp (To –Ti
Conference Session
Minorities in Research
2004 Annual Conference
Gbekeloluwa Oguntimein
. • Each student is required to participate in the research symposium once a week prior to the end of the program. • Students not living in close proximity to the University must live on campus. On campus housing will not be provided for students living close to the University, unless there are extenuating circumstances 5 . The program is divided into two phases is shown in Table 3. The first phase, which lasts 1-2 weeks, includes a series of lectures on research methodology, technical writing (e.g. proposals, reports and papers), keeping research records in journals and effective communications. Each student presents a proposal of his/her research project
Conference Session
Portable/Embedded Computing I
2004 Annual Conference
Joanne DeGroat; Jeffery Radigan; Jeff McCune; Andrew O'Brien; James Beams; Matt Gates; Craig Morin; John Demel; Richard Freuler
mathematics of theprevious academic quarters. Working in teams of three or four, the students are required todemonstrate and present the results of their efforts by submitting progress reports, participatingin performance reviews, writing a formal project report, and making an oral presentation abouttheir project. Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Page 9.589.2 Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering EducationThe controller currently used for this robot design project is the Handy Board controllerdeveloped at the MIT Media Lab by Fred G. Martin
Conference Session
Outreach: Future Women in Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Sasha Pasulka; Sandhya Pillalamarri; Milica Milovancevic; Michael Wagner; Meena Nimmagadda; James Adams; Anjali Gupta; Mary Anderson-Rowland
science teachers treat girls andboys differently in the classroom, including making more eye contact with the boys, paying moreattention to the boys, and challenging boys to find the right answer, while girls get sympathy 1.Astin and Astin found, as have other studies, that boys tend to operate the equipment while thegirls record data and write reports. They saw that a loss in self-confidence from differentialtreatment appears to begin around the seventh grade and continue through high school 1. Themost striking differences between boys and girls are not in achievement or opportunities to learn,but in their attitudes toward science and mathematics 2. Research has continually shown thatwomen are significantly less confident than men in their math
Conference Session
Teaching Strategies in Graphics
2004 Annual Conference
Theodore Branoff; Nathan Hartman
detail.Cultural-Historical TheoryMost key ideas within cultural-historical learning theory have been attributed to Lev Vygotsky.His writings are evidence that he was deeply concerned about the relationship between the socialexperiences of children and how they learn 2. Cultural-historical theory is concerned about howone’s individual developmental history interacts with political and social relations. Theseinteractions with social environments influence both how we think as well as the development ofour language. As one develops more complex cognitive structures, one is able to express thoughtsas cognitive wholes. As one moves toward mastery, higher order structures are created andreplace previous structures. These higher order structures allow