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Participation (IBP), the S-STEM Interdisciplinary Biochemistry Master Program (NC State University), and the HBCU-UP Im- plementation Project (Fayetteville State University). She is an active member of ASEE.Dr. Tonya Lynette Smith-Jackson, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Tonya Smith-Jackson, PhD, CPE: Tonya Smith-Jackson is Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at N.C. A&T State University. Her teaching-learning research focuses on inclusive pedagogies and methods to measure inclusion to support academic success. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Introducing Diverse Undergraduates to Computational ResearchThis paper
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how co-creationof educational experiences with students can be a learning experience as well as a productivedesign activity, resulting in increases in student motivation and student management of theirlearning processes, valuable course content creation and revision, and an enriching engagementfor everyone involved.References[1] NAE Grand Challenges Scholars Program. [Online]. Available: http://www.engineeringchallenges.org/GrandChallengeScholarsProgram.aspx. [Accessed 27 Jan 2020].[2] A. Wood, S. Arslan, J. Barrett, S. Brownell, A.M. Herbert, M. Marshall, K. Oates, D. Spanagel, J. Winebrake, Y. Zastavker. Work in Progress: Transformation through Liberal Arts-Focused Grand Challenges Scholars Programs. Proc
handicap parking space. Figure 1. Minimum Provisions for Accessible Parking (Department of Justice, 2010). The following are included in the basic minimum requirements, cited literally from the ADAParking Standard document (U.S. Department of Justice): • “Parking space shall be 96 inches wide minimum, marked to define the width, and maximum slope in all directions is 1:48.” • “Access aisle width is at least 60 inches, must be at the same level and the same length as the adjacent parking space(s) it serves.” • “Accessible parking spaces must be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible facility entrance.” • “The required number of accessible parking spaces must be calculated separately
Neutral Disagree1 I plan to go to college when I 25 2 4.93 finish high school.2 My parents/guardians are 23 4 4.85 encouraging me to go to college.3 My friends plan on going to 18 6 2 4.80 college.4 I enjoy school. 18 6 2 4.805 My teacher(s)/counselor(s) care if 23 2 1 4.85 I go to college.6 I am interested in a specific 14
program development. Recently, she co-developed the curriculum for the new Minor in Global Engineering offered by the CU Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Science starting in fall 2016. Dr. Sandekian earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aerospace Engineering Sciences at CU Boulder, a Spe- cialist in Education (Ed. S.) degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Northern Colorado, and her Ph.D. in Higher Education Student Affairs Leadership at the University of Northern Colorado in December 2017. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Finding the Rainbow Needles in the Engineering Haystack: Connecting with a Hard-to-Reach
s 3. Establish and evaluate the integral (or sum of integrals) we use to move a fixed object through a fixed distance such as building a tower, pumping water out of a tank, or lifting a chain over the side of a building. Z d Use the formula W = W (y)dy where W (yi ) y ⇡the work expended on the ith layer of the object over c the interval [c, d]. For these types of problem it is crucial to slice up the object parallel to the ground in question, compute the work for each slice, and then use the integral to “add them all up.” Before Class Student Reading: Students will read the given handout on work. In the text this
,collectingdataviaacomputerinterfaceanddescribingexperimentalresults.TheavailabilityandcostofmaterialsandinformationassociatedwithfuelcelldevelopmentmaketheMFCtechnologyandexcellentfitforstudentrelatedprojects.References1. UnitedNations,(2012).Waterforlifedecade. http://www.un.org/waterforlifedecade/africa.shtml2. Logan,B.,Hamelers,B.,Rozendal,R.,Schroder,U.,Keller,J.,Freguia,S.,Aelterman,P.,&3. Berman,J.,April2009.WHO:Waterbornediseaseisworld'sleadingkiller.Voiceof America.http://www.voanews.com/content/a-13-2005-03-17-voa34-67381152/ 274768.html4. Verstraete,W.(2006,July14).Microbialfuelcells:Methodologyandtechnology. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/es06050165. Paulson,L.(2012,August20).Microbialfuelcelllatrinepromisessanitation,power. http://www.rwlwater.com/microbial-fuel-cell-latrine-promises-sanitation-power/6. Davies,C.(2010,Aug23).Solarenergybringspowertoruralafrica.CNN,http:// www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/innovation/08/10
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states “ASU is a comprehensivepublic research university, measured not by whom we exclude, but rather by whom we includeand how they succeed”. Postsecondary education faculty need to be aware of ASD students sincethey want the “same opportunity for success, not the right of success.”10Bibliography1. VanBergeijk, E., Klin, A., & Volkmar, F. (2008). Supporting more able students on the autism spectrum: college and beyond. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1359-1370.2. White, S. W., Ollendick, T. H., & Bray, B. C. (2011). College students on the autism spectrum. Autism, 15(6), 683-701.3. Adreon, D., & Durocher, J. S. (2007). Evaluating the college transition needs of individuals with high- functioning
• Mortality from breast cancer was cut by 31 percent1 • Implantable cardioverter defibrillators have shown a 20 to 30 percent reduction in mortality after more than 10 years of follow-up; 21 National Center for Health Statistics. “Health, United States, 2012: With Special Feature on Emergency Care.” Hyattsville, MD. 2013.2 S. Bevan et al., “Adding Value: The Economic and Societal Benefits of Medical Technology”, The Work Foundation – part of Lancaster University, November 2011 22 Med Tech Makes a DifferenceWe improve the efficiency of health care systems through earlier disease detectionand more
) Basic (6.1) l NSF: CEMMSS cross-agency initiative Source: DOD R-1 and historical data. Medical Research is boosted appropriated outside RDT&E title. © 2015 AAAS Agency Notes (Cont.) DOE Office of Science Budgetsl Defense S&T flat, including DARPA Budget Authority in millions of constant FY 2015 dollars l 8.3% cut to basic research $2,000 $1,800 $1,600 $1,400l Energy: Large increases, again, for $1,200 renewable and efficiency
Andrey Dobrynin FY12: $295 M DMR Budget S&T Ctrs Nano Ctrs 4 Education & FY14: $295.7 M 4.9 Workforce Education and 14 S&T Ctrs Workforce 9.7 7.2 Nano Ctrs Centers 50 0.77 Individual
The AIMS 2 Program S. K. Ramesh Dean College of Engineering and Computer Science04/17/12 EDI 2012_Ramesh 1 •Jacaranda Hall- Courtesy Prof. Steven Stepanek Outline • Overview of CSUN • What is the AIMS2 program? • Goals and Objectives • Project Activities • Work in progress04/17/12 EDI 2012_Ramesh 2• CAMPUS SIZE: 356 acres• FACILITIES: Over 100 buildings totaling nearly 4 million square feet• ENROLLMENT
Response Mean 1 s 5 4 High Performance Computing1 and Big Data 15 8 5 1 3 1 33 2.27 Usage of HPC Integration in2 Real World Applications 13 8 6 2 2 2 33 2.45 Usage of Information to Impact K-16 Educator in3 Addressing/Supporting the 10 8 7 3 1 4 33 2.82 Computing Industry Workforce ShortageQuestion 14: What is your overall perception of the workshop
concept(s)claimed. Unlike the real patent system, enforcement of patent claims was formally left to theinstructor. Typically, enforcement involved a quick meeting with the infringing team to find away to modify their idea so that it now fell into a useful gap in the other team’s patent claims.Teams who subsequently felt that their patent was being infringed upon were likewise brought infor a quick discussion to see how the other team’s idea fell into a gap in their claims. Having theclass patent system thus generated very effective discussions about what patent claims mean,how they work, and why they are written as they are. Class patent applications were submitted as a pdf file attached to an email to theinstructor. A sample patent
personological issues suggests thatgovernmental, industry, and educational stakeholders need to address the issue of a clearlystated, commonly used definition of AM to attract investors, recruit workforce participants, andguide effective educational opportunities.AcknowledgementThis work was supported, in part, by National Science Foundation award 1700581.References[1] B. Esmaeilian, S. Behdad, and B. Wang, "The evolution and future of manufacturing: A review," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 39, pp. 79–100, 2016.[2] P. Panchak, "The manufacturer's agenda: Why we need a better definition of 'advanced manufacturing'," Industry Week, November 14. [Online]. Available: https://www.industryweek.com/leadership/manufacturers
acomprehensive understanding of what is happening for learners.AcknowledgementsThis paper is based on research supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos.1433757, 1433645, & 1150384. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.ReferencesAtkinson, R.C. & Shiffrin, R.M. (1971). The control of short term memory. Scientific American, 225(2):82-90.Barzilai, S., & Zohar, A. (2016). Epistemic (meta) cognition: Ways of thinking about knowledge and knowing Handbook of epistemic cognition (pp. 409-424).Bendixen, L. (2002). A Process Model of Epistemic Belief Change. In Hofer, B
. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Renewable Resources: Theme with Broad Societal Impact for REU Students S. L. Burketta, S. Gersterb, T. J. Freeborna, E. R. Gianninic, R. M. Frazierd, D. M. McCallume, and G. QuennevilleeAbstractRenewable Resources, as our Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site theme, provides asocially relevant context and unifies the student cohort. In our nine-week program, ten students areimmersed each year in projects related to renewable resources. They also engage in professionaldevelopment seminars and a six-week entrepreneurship course (Crimson Startup). Each research projectinvolves investigating various
, after allplayers push the start button respectively, they can start to assemble. In the team-work mode, allthe players can synchronously see the work of other avatars from a first-person view. Anembedded clock is used to record the time that player(s) complete the assembly task. Researchersin the engineering education and the automotive fields will be invited to examine the validity ofthe application, and whether the quiz designed in the questionnaires can correctly reflectstudents’ knowledge gains in automotive assembly after students participate in the virtualassembly task.Data Collection All recruited students will be randomly assigned into 4-member teams and all the teamswill be evenly assigned into one of the two experimental
the problem, students movewithin and outside of the biotransport domain. We believe that on to the second step, analysis, that involves identifying andthis illustrative case study provides significant quantitative defining the system(s) being studied, and interactions thatevidence supporting the effectiveness of challenge-based occur between the system(s) and the environment.pedagogies for engineering courses. Conservation laws (i.e. mass, energy, momentum) frame the
will say that, in general, enrollment has gotten worse over the last five years.While little has been written about these declining enrollments at the community college level,there has been much ado made about the future of our country’s competitiveness in the globalmarketplace in terms of degrees awarded in the sciences and engineering (S&E) fields at thebachelor degree level. There have been many mainstream publications that have pointed out that Page 12.254.2the number of engineering degrees that countries like India and China award far exceed thoseawarded in the United States and that they will continue to increase at a faster rate than
statements in this part. Part 2 asks students to rate their opinionsregarding the importance of each phase and their enjoyment level of each phase, and part 3 asksstudents to rank the engineering design phases according to their importance and enjoymentlevel.Part 2’s questions are on 5-point scales with 1 being “Not Important At All” or “Not EnjoyableAt All” and 5 being “Extremely Important” or “Extremely Enjoyable”. Part 3’s questions askstudents to rank the stages of the engineering design process in order of importance from 1 to 4with 1 being “Most Important” and 4 being “Least Important” or 1 being “Most Enjoyable” and4 being “Least Enjoyable”. The instrument has evidence of face validity but has not been testedfurther.FindingsAnalysis MethodThe
students are making. These errorsin turn can be used as a starting point for identifying the interventions that are required. Moreinsight into the differences among the clusters and the types of interventions required to addressthem will be obtained through ongoing analysis of the cluster results and through the think-aloudportion of the study that is currently underway.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantEEC- 0550707. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
on Solidworks and calculated themass properties using the software. Representative graphs for the linear and angularaccelerations at the head are shown in Figure 3. 100 50 0 Accel (ft/s/s) -50 -100 x -150 y z -200
unit Fig. 2 (a) Description of BTS (b) students testing a simply-supported beam.Student GroupsThe two different sections of the mechanics of materials course taught by the first author in fall2007 offered a natural division of students into separate experimental and control groups. Basicstatistical analysis was used to compare the level of readiness in the two student populationsbased on their grades in the prerequisite course, Statics. Besides calculating the mean ( X ) andstandard deviation (S) values of the grades in the two groups, a t-test was also performed basedon a 95% confidence level7. The t-test helps to determine whether the difference between the twostudent groups (the mean values) is statistically significant. In a
introductory course in MATLAB, which features a verystrong alignment of curriculum objectives to assessment tasks; refer to Figure 3 where the arrowpointing from “objectives” to “assessment” implies the objectives of the course must beembedded in the assessment tasks. The proposal for this system is reported in the next section. Teacher S tu d e n t p e r s p e c t iv e p e r s p e c t iv e o b je c t iv e s assessm ent T e a c h in g L e a r n in g a c t iv it ie s a c t iv i tie s assessm ent o u tc o
survey questionsprovides some insight into student perceptions. M E3 5 0 C o urs e End S urv e y Que s t i o ns 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 E1. M E3 50 imp ro ved my ab ilit y to und ers t and , d et ermine, and wo rk wit h p hys ical and thermal p ro p ert ies . E2 . M E3 50 imp ro ved my ab ilit y t o ap p ly a s ys t emat ic t ho ug ht p ro ces s to s o lve eng ineering p ro b lems . E3 . M E3 50 imp ro ved my ab ilit y to analyze t hermal s ys t ems b y ap p lying co ns ervatio n o