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Displaying results 7621 - 7650 of 8758 in total
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Cornucopia
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joshua Bourne Reed, Rowan University; Scott Duplicate Streiner, Rowan University; Daniel D. Burkey, University of Connecticut; Richard Tyler Cimino, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Jennifer Pascal, University of Connecticut; Michael F. Young, University of Connecticut
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
author of nine chapters on an ecological psychology approach to instructional design and has authored more than two dozen peer reviewed research papers. His work has appeared in many major journals including the Journal of Educational Computing Research, the Journal of the Learning Sciences, the Journal of Research on Science Teaching, Instructional Science, and Educational Technology Research and Development. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Paper ID #33866Mike’s research concerns how people think and learning, and specifically how technology can
Conference Session
TS3: Working with Students
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Denise Amanda Wetzel, Florida A&M University - Florida State University; Kelly Grove, Florida A&M University - Florida State University; Jake Adam Flaks, Florida State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
globalization. Standards are the reason that a plug fits into the wall, a firehose fits all fire hydrants, and why all USB’s work in different computers and more. A standardis a collectively agreed upon set of rules, regulations, requirements, measurements, or technicalspecifications that are published by an organization [1]. They are published by national standardbodies that provide the means for writing and disseminating new standards. Table 1 shows a listof frequently accessed standards organizations and their commonly used acronyms. Due to a lackof peer-reviewed articles on the subject on accessing standards, the authors felt that conducting asurvey of Association of Research Libraries (ARL) would prove useful to analyze standardsacquisitions and
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 7
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amanda Johnston, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Siddika Selcen Guzey, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
students direct their responses so that they were better able to focus on smallerpieces of the larger engineering challenge. Many of the instances of this code also served to prompt the students to think about theirideas in more depth or to explain their ideas more. For example, when students were writing thepros and cons of their different ideas in their notebooks, Mr. Reed told a team, “So, what do youmean it has the best results?”, asking them to expand further on their thoughts and justify theirideas more. As his were later listing the pros and cons of their solution, Mr. Smith said “So whatworks? Focus on the positive. What was good about your solution?” Many of the examples in this code group also served to prompt students to
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 11
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Thomas Neil Dempsey, Forestville Central School; M. Raymond Ng, Cathedral Preparatory School ; Zachary Rhodes; Jiawei Gong, Pennsylvania State University; Faisal Aqlan, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
education, simulation and automation, process improvement, ergonomics, supply chain, and cyberlearning. He has published more than 115 peer-reviewed research articles in reputed conferences and journals and received multiple best paper awards. Aqlan also holds 7 U.S. patents/patent applications and is the recipient of two NSF grants ($800K) and several internal and in-kind grants ($30M). He has received numerous awards and honors including the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence Award, Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Young Researcher Award, School of Engineering Distinguished Award for Excellence in Research, Council of Fellows Faculty Research Award, IBM Vice President Award for Innovation Excel
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Xinyue (Crystal) Liu, University of Toronto; Simo Pajovic, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cheuk Yin Larry Kei, University of Toronto; Yasaman Delaviz, York University; Scott D. Ramsay, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
c Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Use of a Low-Cost, Open Source Universal Mechanical Testing Machine in an Introductory Materials Science Course1. IntroductionIn recent decades, there has been a paradigm shift in engineering and science education frommore traditional passive learning (transmission of facts and knowledge from a lecturer to thestudents) to active learning (engaging with applications and learning through collaboration andcooperation with peers) [1]-[3]. Increasingly, instructors and employers are recognizing that athorough knowledge of engineering theory alone (natural sciences, mathematics, and design) isnot enough to prepare a student to be a fully competent engineer. Rolston and Cox
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 18
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Arif Sirinterlikci, Robert Morris University; John M. Mativo, University of Georgia; Johnny Thien Pham, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
andearly high school students game development. A two-day game development workshop wasdesigned after two months of preparation and offered to twenty middle and high school studentsin two sections in the summer of 2019. Students were taught the basics of the Nintendo Switchdevelopment environment along with basics of virtual reality (VR), and asked to design a simpleVR game. Nintendo Labo VR kits were also utilized in the workshop. This paper illustrates thedesign of the workshop including the features of the Nintendo Switch development environmentin addition to the Nintendo Labo VR kits. The participants were given pre- and post-workshopsurveys and demonstrated their products to their peers at the conclusion of the workshops. Eachstudent was
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 10
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Katherine L Walters, University of Georgia ; John M Mativo, University of Georgia; Uduak Zenas George, San Diego State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
of fall 2018 had over 2000undergraduate students enrolled [8]. Although overall the university enrolls more undergraduatewomen [9], this is not true for the college of engineering. As reported in 2016 only 24% ofundergraduates and graduates seeking engineering degrees at this university were women [10]. A search of the literature was conducted using the ERIC database, and 89 peer reviewed,academic journal articles published in the last 15 years were found to be relevant to the currentstudy. To be included as a relevant study, the focus had to be on factors influencing women’sdecisions to major in engineering and/or gender differences in influences to choose anengineering or STEM major. Twenty-eight studies clearly met these criteria
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Cornucopia #1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kevin J. Lindsay, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Meg Harkins, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Rachael Ohu, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Sherman Mumford, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Linda A. Thurman, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
PFSlearning outcomes, please see: serves as indoctrination for new COE students to learn, understand, and establishpersonal connections to academic success and professional development strategies and campus-wide resources, networking opportunities, and organizations. The program structure is dividedinto two peer-led components: (1) transition, academic, and professional development coachingand (2) Supplemental Instruction (SI) for selected COE gateway courses. The coaching programhas evolved based on experiences and feedback from key stakeholders, leading to the continuousdevelopment of new strategies for improving participant satisfaction, academic and professionalsuccess, and retention. These enhancements have made a
Conference Session
Ethical Reasoning and Decision Making
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Natalie C.T. Van Tyne P.E., Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
, although Creswell labelsall quality-related methods as “validation.” [10]. We can demonstrate validation using thesemethods from Creswell and others:  Disclosure of researcher bias to demonstrate reflexivity [10], [11], and  Peer reviews of the study and its results to demonstrate effective communication for understanding and acceptance [10].While students should respond truthfully, response bias is possible [12]. Response bias couldarise from lack of understanding or lack of an appropriate level of engagement with theassignment.This study is limited by its time frame, institutional space, courses that the participants in thestudy sample are currently taking, and their frame of mind when they completed the assignment.There is
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 6 Technical Session 4
2021 CoNECD
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado Boulder
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
reaching analysis or higher level of Bloom’s taxonomy). It is unlikely thatthere is broad consensus on what a sufficient level of ESI education for engineering studentswould entail.Some of the survey-takers and faculty who were interviewed advocated for greater integration ofSJP into engineering education. For example, a write-in comment on the survey stated “I thinkmost of our students get a reasonable exposure to ethics related to professional code of conduct,engineering design, and disasters. I would like to see more exploration of ethics at theintersection of humanitarian engineering and social justice, and the conflicting tensions that arisefrom trying to do good and solve problems using technology.”Constraints to integrating ESI broadly and
2007 North Midwest Section Meeting
K. R. Haapala; M. J. Hutchins; J. L. Rivera; V. Kumar; A. R. Clarke; T. D. Eatmon; R. A. Harris; M. H. Durfee; J. R. Mihelcic; D. R. Shonnard; J. W. Sutherland
experiences are integral to professional development features of the SF IGERT.Professional DevelopmentDevelopment of professional skills and exposure to professional development topics such aspublic presentation, writing, ethics, and life as a professor prepares SF IGERT scholars to exceland succeed in their chosen careers. Professional development activities have been included as apart of the IGERT Annual Summit, Professional Development Week, Graduate ResearchColloquium, Brown Bag Seminar Series, and student publications and presentations.The IGERT Annual Summit alternates between the MTU and SUBR campuses. This meetingallows SF IGERT scholars and faculty to meet, interact, and evaluate research, education, andinstitutional issues. Professional
Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE PSW Section Conference, canceled
Wayne Pilkington, Cal Poly State University San Luis Obispo
the seven principles ofgood feedback practice7. The quizzes 1) helped clarify what a good performance was, 2)facilitated the development of self-assessment (reflection) in learning, 3) delivered high qualityinformation to student about their learning, 4) encouraged teacher and peer dialogue aroundlearning, and 5) provided information that we could use to modify our teaching. The studioformat and flipped nature of the course were key to supporting these basic feedback principles.Experiment ResultsThe most significant effect of the latest method of flexible assessment was seen in its impact onthe final overall course grade and one of the final exams. Table 2 shows the lab and lecture finalexam averages from the previous (Spring & Fall 2018
Conference Session
Student Success & Development - Focus on Mentoring
2017 FYEE Conference
Mona Hemmati, Colorado State University; Alistair Cook, Colorado State University; Thomas J. Siller, Colorado State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, FYEE Division - Paper Submission
presentations. as a required part of the project for each group. This 3) They find the individual meetings with the GTF will more tightly connect the course objectives to be very helpful. This provided an opportunity related to these engineering tools and the project for them to get to know the GTF better and to goals. contact her during the process. In addition, they 4) It is better to allocate time in the labs regularly to have mentioned that this meeting had helped check their idea and help them to think creatively. them to continue the project more strictly, 5) In grading the part, having a group peer
Chemical Engineering Education
Steven Perri; M. Barclay Satterfield; Leah Burton
Physics; Industrial Design; Forest Biomaterials; Food, Bioprocessing, andresearch proposals in response, and the company reviews Nutrition Science; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Material Sciencethe proposals for ideas worthy of funding. Compared to and Engineering; Textile Engineering, Chemistry, and Science; Civil and Environmental Engineeringengaging only one department or selected faculty to write Strategic engagement outside of the master research agreement (not partproposals, this methodology produces two to five times
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Nelson Blue, University of Southern Maine
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Survey of StudentEngagement from 2006, many of the external obstacles facing NT students contribute to thedifficulty for them to develop peer relationships (study groups) at the university [14].Those students that are employed and seeking degree completion identified many professionalbarriers exhibited in the workplace including a lack of tuition reimbursement, competing timemanagement schedules, and/or lack of release time from work. Also institutional barriersinhibiting access to higher education included the high cost of tuition, and diminishedaffordability [4]. Furthermore, because adult learners (NTs) also face the barriers of simplycoping with previously outlined external factors add additional stress and/or anxiety arecompounded by the
Conference Session
Awareness, Expectations, and Recognition of Ethics
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel D. Burkey, University of Connecticut; Michael F. Young, University of Connecticut
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
areas of interest are chemical vapor deposition and engineering pedagogy.Prof. Michael F. Young, University of Connecticut Dr. Young ( received his PhD from Vanderbilt University in Cogni- tive Psychology and directs UConn’s 2 Summers in Learning Technology program. He is the author of nine chapters on an ecological psychology approach to instructional design and has authored more than two dozen peer reviewed research papers. His work has appeared in many major journals including the Journal of Educational Computing Research, the Journal of the Learning Sciences, the Journal of Research on Science Teaching, Instructional Science, and Educational Technology Research and Development
Conference Session
Technical Session 4a
2017 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
Yongping Zhang P.E., Cal Poly Pomona; Xudong Jia, Cal Poly Pomona; Jon Bumps, Caltrans, District 8; Du Lu, Caltrans, District 8
Tagged Topics
Pacific Southwest Section
average of 3.5 out of 4. In other words, overall the qualityof the student projects were between Proficient (Good Quality for Graduating Senior) andExemplary (Professional Level Quality).Starting in spring of 2009, as part of the senior project presentations, students were asked toindividually prepare a one-page document describing their contributions to the senior projectteam and describing their personal achievements during the project. A rubric was developed forevaluating these documents and a small group of faculty, including faculty from the Englishdepartment, conducted a normed assessment of the student performance. Writing was evaluatedin the following four areas: 1) Clarity and quality of technical content 2) Style 3) Exhibits
2017 ASEE Mid Atlantic Section Spring Conference
Eileen Haase PhD, Johns Hopkins University
newperspective, and a chance to interact with freshmen, peers and faculty in a relaxed setting.IntroductionAll freshmen college students face a range of decisions, including which academic discipline topursue, which social group to associate with, and which extracurricular activities to pursue, eachof which may have a profound impact on their future. Freshmen BME majors at Johns Hopkinsface additional decisions including which laboratory to work in and which focus area withinBME to pursue. Each student at Johns Hopkins must choose a focus area by the end of theirsophomore year, such as cell and tissue engineering, systems biology, imaging, instrumentation,or computational biology. At Johns Hopkins University, freshmen start their BME experiencewith a
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II - Courses II
2017 ASEE International Forum
Kevin Kochersberger, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Ashley R Taylor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Christopher Kappes, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
milestonesduring the Fall include a concept review with the client (advisor or industry liaison), midtermpresentation and report, preliminary design review, and the final presentation and report. TheSpring semester does not have a lecture component, allowing students to spend the first sevenweeks finalizing the design, fabricating parts, writing code and assembling the product. Adedicated 3,100 ft2 machine shop and fabrication space is available to the seniors for this phase ofwork. The second half of the semester is the evaluation and testing phase where performancemetrics are compared to target specifications written during the Fall semester. Milestones duringthe Spring include the critical design review, midterm “rollout” presentation, a final
2017 ASEE International Forum
Vasiliy Grigoryevich Ivanov, KAZAN NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY; Mansur Galikhanov, Kazan National Research Technological University; Farida Tagirovna Shageeva, Kazan National Research Technological University
was founded at KNRTU with an accredited European Engineering Educator program. He was the key driver of the 42d IGIP International Conference ”Global Challenges in Engineering Education” held in Kazan in 2013. Vasily Ivanov has published over 400 research and methodology works, including 20 monographs, 38 textbooks and study guides, 92 papers in the leading peer-reviewed journals, 35 papers in international journals.Prof. Mansur Galikhanov, Kazan National Research Technological University Dr. Mansur Galikhanov is vice-director of the Institute of Additional Professional Education at Kazan National Research Technological University in Kazan, Russia. Born in born in Kazan in 1972, he received the specialist
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session I - Curriculum I
2017 ASEE International Forum
N. Krishnamurthy, (Self-employed)
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
by international students (Asian or otherwise), the causecould be traced to language issues, particularly in understanding the teacher and the material, andin expressing descriptive passages and abstract concepts in the English language. Singaporehaving been under British rule until after World War II and continuing to be under the influenceof Britain-trained policy makers, its lingua-franca is English, more British than American. In Group-A, by the time the student reached my course (Junior-Senior level), the foreignstudents had caught up with local idiom (– playfully referred to as 'Singlish') and the presentationskills of their peers sufficiently to hold their own in class and do well in assessments. Languagemistakes might be hidden in
Conference Session
Academe/Industry Collaboration
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aparajit Koshal; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Michael D. Johnson, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
assess impact of good supply chain practices such as coordinated decision making in stochastic supply chains, handling supply chains during times of crisis and optimizing global supply chains on the financial health of a company. She has published her research in Journal of Business Logistics, International Jour- nal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management and peer-reviewed proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.Dr. Michael D. Johnson, Texas A&M University Dr. Michael D. Johnson is an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and In- dustrial Distribution at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the faculty at Texas A&M, he was a senior product
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wen Huang, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
are expected to serve as a practical reference for engineering faculties toapply new technologies in their instruction. Conversely, a well-designed learning activity willmotivate students to learn with higher interest and better master both engineering andprofessional skills. Lastly, an equal engineering class environment will contribute to the solutionof students’ retention in the engineering disciplines and promote a diversity of work force in theengineering field of the United States [8].Literature ReviewCollaborative learning “Collaborative learning” is an umbrella term for a variety of educational approaches (e.g.,discussion groups, peer teaching, learning community), which emphasize the joint effort of teammembers for a mutual
2019 CIEC
Sophia Armstrong; Te-Shun Chou; John ones
Session ETD 475verification. When data is supplied to the blockchain, it becomes almost impossible to tamperwith because the transactions are monitored by the members of the blockchain network andeveryone has a copy of the recorded transactions. Furthermore, a blockchain can “be defined as aconsensus oriented secured distributed public/private ledger which stored data over a peer to peernetwork” [2], reiterating the point that a blockchain is a type of distributed ledger.A distributed ledger can be intuitively thought of as a data structure, much like the commonlyused linked list, where the “blocks” are in a chain, and each block refers to the block prior tothem, functioning much like a reversed linked list. The blockchain is a type of
Conference Session
Engineering Without Borders: Programs Involving Students
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Belle Wei, San Jose State University; Jacob Tsao, San Jose State University
Tagged Divisions
students couldstudy and reflect on their role as a citizen of the increasingly interconnected world.The expanded themes of global economy, sustainable development, and responsible globalcitizenships guided the lesson plans for the 2005 and 2006 GTI Study Programs. In addition,studies on the cultural, political, and economic issues that deepen students’ understanding ofChina and Taiwan were included in the study program.2.2. Study Program Student SelectionIn selecting student participants, preference was given to student leaders with strong academicrecords, with the expectation that these students would more readily disseminate what they hadlearned from the study program and, consequently, influence their peers. As for the class ofparticipants
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Chell Roberts, Arizona State University; Senay Purzer; Darryl Morrell; Mark Henderson, Arizona State University; Scott Danielson, Arizona State University; Nancy Cooke, Arizona State University
comparison of our findings withthe findings of Atman et al.1 showed that the student team’s approaches to the design problemwere different than the Atman data (see Figure 2b). Our data indicate that students working inteams spend more time gathering information than students working individually. Although theseare preliminary findings, it appears, in fact, that novices act more like experts in terms ofinformation gathering20 when they work in teams. This finding is supported by research oncollaborative learning situations where group interactions and peer argumentation result in bettersolutions compared to individual problem solving21. It is also an observation comparing ourstudent team profiles to those from the Atman data representing freshmen
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Eduaction - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ramzi Bualuan, University of Notre Dame; David LeDonne, University of Notre Dame; Steven Kurtz, University of Notre Dame; Joseph Blakely, University of Notre Dame; Constance Slaboch, University of Notre Dame; Andrew Carter, University of Notre Dame; Elizabeth Barron, University of Notre Dame; Patrick Essien, University of Notre Dame; Megan Wysocki, University of Notre Dame; Elizabeth Ferro, University of Notre Dame
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
college life, alook at career opportunities, and a chance to meet professional engineers as well asengineering faculty. Students work on several projects, attend lectures, write reports,code programs, give presentations, and do problem solving and design. The IEPcounselors assist the students in their projects during the sessions in the EngineeringLearning Center, and help enforce the rules in the residence halls.Seven of the nine IEP counselors were engineering students at Notre Dame (the other twowere a pre-med student and a business student), and eight of them had either previouslyattended the camp back when they were in high school, or had worked as IEP counselors
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Haley Haywood, Oklahoma State University; Forrest Austin, Oklahoma State University; Seth Williams, Oklahoma State University; Cameron Musgrove, Oklahoma State University; Charles Bunting, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
help help help help1. Class activities for each week Page 12.1043.132. How parts of the classwork, labs, reading, orassignments related to each other 123. The grading system for the class A little Moderate Much Very muchH. Individual support as a learner NA No help help help help help1. The quality of contact with the teacher2. The quality of contact with the TAs3. Working with peers outside of
Conference Session
Experiences in Teaching Energy Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Skvarenina, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
automatically created when the students login with their clickers. If desired, points can be assigned for attendance and sent to a CSV file thatcan be read by a spreadsheet.Review QuestionsOne of the strongest uses of the clickers in my opinion is for review questions during lectures.By asking questions and viewing the results, the instructor can gauge how well the students areunderstanding a concept. Just as importantly, students can see how well they are doing withrespect to their peers, because if the instructor desires, the CPS software will display bar charts ofthe results after the question has been completed. Figure 3 shows a series of questions that wereasked of students during the next class period after complex power was covered. The bar
Conference Session
Undergraduate Spacecraft Design I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael McGrath, University of Colorado at Boulder
Tagged Divisions
graduatecurriculum. The class is intended primarily for aerospace engineering students, but mechanicaland electrical engineers along with engineering physics majors have taken the class. The oneprerequisite for the class is senior standing. Students are graded on the quality of their Phase Aspacecraft proposal, along with their formal presentation of the design at the end of the semester.The student’s individual grade comprises their individual contribution to the proposal, the overallquality of the completed proposal itself, and peer evaluations from their team. Ten years agothere was a homework component to the class, and each lecture had an assignment pertaining tothe lecture, but not related to the proposal effort. That homework has been removed in