evidence-based (or nontraditional) teaching methods . She serves as the College of Engineering liaison to ASEE and advises the Society of Women Engineers student chapter and leads the students in developing and implementing yearly outreach events for the K-8 female community. She is author of many peer-reviewed conference proceeding for the ASEE Annual Meetings and the FIE meetings.Prof. Brady J. Gibbons, Oregon State University Dr. Brady Gibbons is an Associate Professor of Materials Science in the School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering at Oregon State University. His research specializes in structure-process- property relationships in multifunctional thin film materials. His group focuses on
demonstrate how ahybrid approach to active learning can be accomplished. We will describe the coursestructure briefly, followed by insights derived from student writings and feedback, somediscussion of our lessons learned, and our overall recommendations for courses of thistype.II. Course structure – Elementary Classical Physics I and II (Honors)II.A. OverviewThe course we will be describing is a special section of our standard two-semestersequence of elementary classical physics. The Honors distinction implies it is forstudents in the university’s Honors Program, however we also permit other students toenroll. This distinction allows us to teach the course differently and apply differentperformance standards for the students than for those in the
-STEP is to build a community for STEP transferstudents on the CC campuses which would then be actualized on the UNL campus upon transfer.It was anticipated that the creation of this community would occur through various studentsupport activities such as the Summer Transfer Enrichment Program, Parent OrientationProgram, and a peer mentoring program. The UNL-STEP team has found it challenging tocreate a STEP identity and (subsequently) a STEP community at UNL which has resulted in aselection of student support activities becoming non-operational. It is not clear why students do not have an understanding of or a connection to STEPonce they transfer to UNL. However, it can be assumed that students who transfer to UNL viathe STEP pathway
minutes) in-class presentationlater in the week, and peer and self-evaluations by each student.The original project scoring was significantly weighted toward the team’s weekly memos as 60%of the project grade. This focus was intended to show students the value of making reasonableand timely progress toward project milestones. Test day performance (water quality of turbidityand chlorine, leaks, flow consistency, output volume, creativity) contributed 24% and thesubsequent presentation was 16% of the project grade. Further DevelopmentDevelopment has continued on this the project over the subsequent three years; these changeshave been summarized in Table 1 below. After receiving student feedback in Fall 2020 that thetimeline felt rushed, the
on AIliteracy in high school education. We explore how researchers have explored high school AIliteracy in their research and identify areas requiring further investigation. Kitchenham andCharters guiding principles [5] shown in Fig. 1, including phases for planning, conducting, andreporting, are what we used to develop this systematic literature review. Phase 1: Planning Phase 2: Conducting Phase 3: Reporting •Identify need •Search strategy •Extracted results •Specify RQs •Quality Assessment •Discussion •Develop reivew protocol •Data Analysis •Write report
programming instruction, and how to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) technology for peer-like knowledge construction.Junior Anthony Bennett, Purdue University I am a Graduate Research Assistant, and Lynn Fellow pursuing an Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Engineering Education majoring in Ecological Sciences and Engineering (ESE) at Purdue University, West Lafayette IN. I earned a Bachelor of Education in TVET Industrial Technology – Electrical from the University of Technology, Jamaica, and a Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering Systems from the Western Illinois University. I am a Certified Manufacturing Engineer with the Society for Manufacturing Engineers and have over a decade professional experience
instructor is changed from one whoseprincipal task is to give lectures to one who coordinates the delivery of course content, managesthe emporium activities, and responds to students’ questions. As such, a more consistentlearning experience is provided to the students in different sections of the same course asstudents work toward reaching the uniformly specified learning milestones. Another importantconsideration is that the emporium model can accommodate a larger number of students percourse section than the traditional approach because during the emporium sessions the instructoris assisted by a group of learning assistants (graduate teaching assistants or peer tutors) that helpprovide a timely response to the students’ questions.The major cost
results, rather it highlights the tools needed to reach them; 3)revision and assessment plans. The evaluation process can include self, peer, student tofaculty, and faculty to student assessments to ensure that the learning objectives are met; 4)promoting participation and involvement through proper social organization of the studentsgroups, faculty, and public community. The students’ groups and forums should bestructured to promote participation. The participation should provide structure for thenecessary roles and interaction needed for project completion, which may include mentoringroles of faculty, mentoring and/or advising from industry professionals and even studentsgroups.Ayas and Zeniuk [7] suggested two additional elements for PBL model
) Raymond C. Reese Research Prize. She is involved in a number of professional activities including serving as a mem- ber of the ACI 318 Structural Concrete Building Code Committee for which she chairs the subcommittee on Bond and Development. She is a past president of the MN-IA ACI Section and the MN Section of ASCE. Page 23.1312.1Ms. Heidi A Tremayne, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Heidi Tremayne is the outreach director for the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) with headquarters at UC Berkeley. PEER’s research is conducted in many fields including structural and
basis for comparisonof quality between accredited programs.One of the causes that triggered the writing of this paper was a conversation that one of theauthor’s had around the kitchen table with a niece who was in high school and consideringstudying engineering in college. There was nothing new or profound in the points discussed.Indeed what was remarkable was how straightforward and ordinary the questions were. It islikely that every engineering member of the academy has been asked the same questions.Questions asked included: what’s a good college for engineering? What do you mean when yousay that some colleges teach engineering differently than others? Is it better to study anengineering technology program? Does everybody not agree on the
about theassessment of these approaches with solutions involving students writing their own learninggoals, there being personal development goals alongside learning goals, and even the mentioningof emails from students a few years out of the program. These discussions revealed that characterformation can take many forms and that assessment of these interventions remains challenging atthe classroom and university-wide level. This workshop has led to a working group at NotreDame to rethink the approach to character formation for engineering students across the Collegeof Engineering. This is an ongoing project that has informed our approach at various stages andremains an active area of conversation and pedagogical development.Ethics at WorkDr
creative arts interventions (e.g.creative writing and drama), patient interviews, communication and interpersonal skills training,and experiential learning, with the latter three having the most pronounced impact on empathydevelopment [60], [61]. Integrating peer-support, structured self-reflection, and course-basedcommunity service has also been shown to prevent the empathy decline that typically occursduring medical training [62].An example of service-learning as a tool for teaching empathy is “Project for Sharing” whereinstudents work with stakeholders to create devices for underserved community members [56].Student projects included building an infant/child location detector for blind parents and asimple-to-use communication device for deaf
of non-STEM education standards English Language Arts (ELA) 22 (96%) Common Core ELA Speaking & Listening 19 (83%) Common Core ELA Reading 18 (78%) Common Core ELA Writing 18 (78%) Social Studies 7 (30%) Visual Arts 7 (30%)There were eight units at the K-5 level, twelve units at the 6-8 level, and three units at the 9-12level. All units targeted education standards from multiple
content of their work to others. Performance assessment is by nature aprocess that requires extended engagement by students in order to demonstrate their proficiencyin the selected subject. For these performances students will invest time and effort to prepareexperiments, write reports and scripts to communicate in a proficient way the content of theirlearning, and produce a final artifact that will accomplish the goal of the assignments that is, toeffectively communicate to the observer what they really learned. Although the exact nature ofthese tasks may differ in terms of (1) subject matter, (2) time for performance, (3) flexibility orchoice of topics, and (4) the amount of external support for the student, they share the commoncharacteristic
inequity in STEM, and indenying the existence of the challenges women in STEM are forced to navigate, men reifyexisting gender disparities [40] For example, in their study of over 700 participants in which30% of respondents were faculty, Handley et al. [40] found that men were less receptive toscholarship that examines gender bias in STEM than their women peers. The failure of the majority of men to acknowledge the well-documented issue of genderinequity in STEM makes men allies all the more important [40]. Although allies may not be ableto affect the beliefs of all men, they may be able to influence some colleagues – both women andmen. In the case of supporting women, the efforts of a man ally may support a woman’sretention in a STEM
prepare graduates well. Traditional“small stepping” lab and project classes serve a real purpose but can be limited and geared morefor workforce literacy (“Cubicle” engineers). Challenging projects give students freedom andownership while driving and amplifying their problem solving skills with some failure andcreative feedback solutions. Appropriate and inspiring big projects better prepare students foradvanced leadership by doing advanced engineering and “swimming with the Big Boys” innational competitions, peer reviewed publications, and selective job interviews.AdvantagesReal world and challenging experiences for students have many advantages: • improved student resume and career opportunities • are significant for attracting top students
underdevelopedarea of design research (Goldschmidt et al., 2014). Here, ‘coaching’ refer to the process ofadvice-giving in a design review, and coaches refer to the individuals participating in the advice-giving situation (e.g., teachers, experts, stakeholders, and peers). Goldschmidt et al. (2010) notethat the coaching that occurs during a design review is an understudied “black box” representinga coach’s personal style and accumulated wisdom. Much of the existing work is based onarchitecture design crits although recent work supported a global and cross-disciplinarycollaboration to “analyze design reviews across disciplines” (Adams & Siddiqui, 2016).1.1 Three aspects of design coaching - functions, contributions, and rolesFigure 1 summarizes prior
peers, to decreasingtheir mental health and making them less likely to complete their degrees. Coley et al. (2023) andMcGee, et al. (2019) similarly found that racialized experiences within STEM contributednegatively to the wellbeing of Black graduate students. Finally, Farra, et al., highlight theimportance to mental health of cultivating sense of belonging among women international studentsin STEM, and the negative impact on their well-being of not doing so.Despite the growing and rich body of literature addressing the mental health concerns of STEMgraduate students, including recent work focused specifically on the impact of systems ofoppression on both Women of Color and international students in STEM, less known about thespecific
- cation with specific emphasis on innovative pedagogical and curricular practices at the intersection with the issues of gender and diversity. With the goal of improving learning opportunities for all students and equipping faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to create such opportunities, Dr. Zastavker’s re- cent work involves questions pertaining to students’ motivational attitudes and their learning journeys in a variety of educational environments. One of the founding faculty at Olin College, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and implementation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from science to engineering and design to social sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and
40 peer-reviewed papers, co-author of Engineering and Sustainable Community Development (Morgan and Claypool, 2010), and editor of Sociotechnical Communication in Engineering (Routledge, 2014). In 2016, Dr. Leydens won the Exemplar in Engineering Ethics Education Award from the National Academy of Engineering, along with CSM colleagues Juan C. Lucena and Kathryn Johnson, for a cross-disciplinary suite of courses that enact macroethics by making social justice visible in engineering education. In 2017, he and two co-authors won the Best Paper Award in the Minorities in Engineering Division at the Amer- ican Society for Engineering Education annual conference. Dr. Leydens’ recent research, with co-author Juan C
held in different locations, bring together more than 1,000 middle school girls, parentsand teachers.Education Unlimited21 offers a variety of summer programs for students in grades 4-12. TheirA+ Summer Programs22 held at Stanford University builds proficiency in logic, critical thinkingand writing skills, dividing students into two sessions: a 12 day camp for 11th and 12th graders23,and a 9 day camp for 9th and 10th graders24, which focus on critical thinking skills in academicactivities: college level writing, research skills, logical thinking/argumentation, study skills, timemanagement, course/major selection, note taking, critical reading, and presentations. EducationalUnlimited21 and Sally Ride Science Camps25 sponsor a camp for girls for
University builds proficiency in logic, critical thinkingand writing skills, dividing students into two sessions: a 12 day camp for 11th and 12th graders23,and a 9 day camp for 9th and 10th graders24, which focus on critical thinking skills in academicactivities: college level writing, research skills, logical thinking/argumentation, study skills, time Page 15.874.11management, course/major selection, note taking, critical reading, and presentations. EducationalUnlimited21 and Sally Ride Science Camps25 sponsor a camp for girls for girls entering 6th to 9thgrades, are overnight 10-day camps held on college campuses designed to interest girls
and methods; MEMS synthesis and computer-aided design; artificial intelligence and decision and expert systems; and gender/ethnic equity. Dr. Agogino has authored over two hundred peer-reviewed publications in these subject areas. She is a member of AAAI, AAAS, ASEE, ASME, AWIS, NAE and SWE and served as Chair of the AAAS section on Engineering (2001-2002). She serves on the editorial board of three professional journals and has provided service on a number of governmental, professional, and industry advisory committees, including the NSF Advisory Committee for Engineering, Engineering Directorate, (1991-96, Chair 1996-97); Guidance Committee of the ”Removing Barriers to Collaborative Research” project of the
engineering from day one of their studies. They have a solidbackground in design, data analysis, report writing, teamwork, the appropriate use of softwarepackages (EXCEL, MathCAD) and problem solving. They also have been exposed tofundamental engineering principles in the settings of statics, circuits and thermodynamics.Salient features of the integrated curriculum are the reliance on active/cooperative learning andthe emphasis of connections across disciplinary boundaries. A formal reflection of the emphasison cross-disciplinary work is the fact that the co-requisite engineering and mathematics classesare considered a “block”. Students that are in the same section of the mathematics class are alsoin the same section of the co-requisite engineering
publishing an Explore series especially for 9-12 year old readers, thefirst What Do You Want To Be? Explore Space Sciences includes 12 biographies ofcontemporary women scientist describing what she does, how she got there, and why she enjoysit. The next two books will focus on Earth Science and Health Sciences. The Sally Ride ScienceFestivals20 held in different locations, bring together more than 1,000 middle school girls, parentsand teachers.Education Unlimited21 offers a variety of summer programs for students in grades 4-12. TheirA+ Summer Programs22 held at Stanford University builds proficiency in logic, critical thinkingand writing skills, dividing students into two sessions: a 12 day camp for 11th and 12th graders23,and a 9 day camp for 9th
, as they may become overly reliant on the assistance provided by ChatGPT.Instructors should be mindful of this risk and take steps to promote independent thinking and creativityamong students, such as encouraging them to come up with their own solutions to problems and to thinkcritically about the responses generated by ChatGPT. There are several potential risks that instructors may face when using ChatGPT in educationalsettings. One risk is the possibility that students may use ChatGPT in an unethical manner. This alignswith the findings of [24]. For example, a student might use ChatGPT to generate answers to questions thatthey are not able to solve on their own, or to write papers or complete assignments without doing thenecessary
proposalfor an industry partnership to build a bulk antibody manufacturing capability in the UK (p299),Fourth, it sold the Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre to an American company (p299).Fifth, an onshore manufacturing capability for mRNA was not created. But the governmentdid sign a deal with Moderna to establish a research and manufacturing facility in the UK inJune 2022 (p 299)Related to these failures is an announcement in February 2023 that AstraZeneca propose tobuild a pharma ingredient plant at a cost of $369 million in Ireland rather than Englandbecause of corporate taxation and the NHS sales levy. It should be noted that Astra Zeneca isBritain’s largest provider of R & D [13].Finally Bingham and Hames write”“The ethos of the
lifelong learners [4], [5]. For astudent to be a self-regulated learner, they must develop an understanding and awareness oftheir learning and should be able to use that awareness to control their learning process [6].Self-regulation in students can be achieved through development of three metacognitivestrategies: Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluating [7].Instructors can use a variety of activities to promote students' metacognitive engagement,such as think-alouds, guided mastery, Socratic questioning, narratives (dialogue andstorytelling), concept mapping, and reflective writing. Including activities that provide anopportunity for reflection enhances students' self-regulation abilities [8]. Self-evaluation andreflection are two activities that
impacted by a problem more than others. • Engineers can use computational tools to frame a problem. • Scientists may consider one or more characteristics when defining “heatwave.” • A data visualization can be useful for summarizing a large dataset. • A computer has to be provided with an algorithm (a set of instructions) written by a human in order to produce a data visualization. • A human’s experiences and beliefs may influence algorithms that they write. (YES, 2023b, p. 7)As students work toward these educational goals, they learn ways that CT informs the details oftheir own technology and some of the broader ramifications of CT and engineering in society.Medicine Cooler Alarm: In this two-lesson module, students think
community [8].Early studies have indicated that co-curricular experiences contribute to engineeringundergraduates’ professional identity development [8, 25, 26]. For example, Eliot et al. [27]found that engineering students’ experience in internships, co-ops, and volunteer work helpedthem construct their professional identity. The researchers further suggested that students’professional identity formation was shaped by multiple factors, such as their interactions withtheir family, peers, faculty, and employers [27]. Similarly, Villanueva and Nadelson [9]demonstrated that professional identity development was influenced by their experiences,personal and professional knowledge, and professional interactions. Thus, it is important thatengineering