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Displaying results 8011 - 8040 of 8758 in total
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin L Hess, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
engineers to reason through moral is- sues, and explores the effectiveness of using a pedagogical framework of scaffolded, integrated, reflexive analysis to deliver the material. He was the 2012-2013 Engineering Education Graduate Student Asso- ciation President, the Director of Technology and Events for Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) during 2012-2013, and will be the Education Director for ESW during 2013-2014. He is an acting assis- tant editor for Engineering Studies editor the J-PEER. Page 23.645.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Global
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamara J Moore, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Aran W Glancy, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Kristina Maruyama Tank, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Jennifer Anna Kersten, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Micah S Stohlmann, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Forster D. Ntow, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Karl A Smith, University of Minnesota & Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
using theframework, and the results of the coding from that iteration were compared and discussed. Tofacilitate the content analysis of the standards documents, a detailed coding protocol for eachiteration of the Framework was developed. This coding protocol was designed to guide theresearch team and to ensure the validity and reliability of the review process. The iterations ofthe framework were also evaluated through peer and expert review at key times within the designresearch cycles. These research cycles will be described in detail in each of the correspondingsections below.Presentation of the FrameworkWe begin by presenting the Framework for Quality K-12 Engineering Education in its final form.The Framework has 12 key indicators that
Conference Session
Liberal Education for 21st Century Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Heywood, Trinity College Dublin
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
in highperformance workplaces need. These were (1) Basic skills in reading writing, arithmeticand mathematics, speaking and listening. (2) Thinking skills – the ability to learn, toreason, to think creatively, to make decisions, and to solve problems. (3) Personalqualities - individual responsibility, self-esteem and self-management, sociability andintegrity. The committee argued that each subject of the school curriculum couldcontribute to the development of these competencies and presented matrices todemonstrate their point at any level K - 12. The problem with that approach is that thesubjects of the curriculum may lose their integrity. If they don’t the students may not beat a sufficient level of development (in Piagetian/Perry terms) to
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Capstone Design
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael P. Frank, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering; Kamal E. Amin, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Okenwa I. Okoli, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Sungmoon Jung Ph.D., FAMU-FSU College of Engineering; Robert A. Van Engelen, Florida State University; Chiang Shih, Florida A&M University/Florida State University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
department, who then assigns the student’s final overallcourse grade based on this information and other factors, such as peer review data and varioussmaller, department-specific assignments that may be associated with each individual course.Current Year’s Interdepartmental Projects Table 2 below lists the Senior Design projects this year that involve students (and facultycoordination/advising) contributed by multiple engineering departments at our College, out ofthe set: Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Electrical and Computer Engineering(ECE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), and Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (ME); theengineering departments that are currently involved in each project are indicated with an ‘X.’ The
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences with Signal Processing and Controls
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University (Tech.); Yalcin Ertekin, Drexel University (Tech.); Radian G. Belu, Drexel University (Tech.)
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
for all the BSET majors. The course focuses on planning, development, andimplementation of an engineering design project, which includes formal report writing, projectdocumentation, group presentations, and project demonstrations. The goal of these courses is todemonstrate the ability to manage a major project involving the design and implementation ofproducts with a mixture of electrical and mechanical elements as a member of a productinnovation and/or development team. In these project-based courses, the students are expected toeffectively manage their time and team efforts to produce a working prototype of a product inthree ten-week quarters. Progress and formal reports, and oral presentations constitute integralcomponents of this course
Conference Session
Activities and Assessment for “Awkward ABET Outcomes”
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Clifton B. Farnsworth, Brigham Young University; Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel; Michael J McGinnis, University of Texas at Tyler; Geoff Wright, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Texas at Tyler. Prior to joining academia, he worked for nearly five years as a project manager and structural analyst for Electric Boar Corporation. Dr. McGin- nis’ research interests include nondestructive evaluation of structures, response of structures to extreme events such as fire and earthquake, and improving undergraduate engineering education. He has published numerous articles concerning the application of digital image correlation, a non-contact photographic method of determining deformations, to study the behavior of unique structures under various loadings. In teaching and mentoring areas, Dr. McGinnis has been recognized by his peers as the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry J. Shuman, University of Pittsburgh; Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh; Karen M. Bursic, University of Pittsburgh; Natasa S. Vidic, University of Pittsburgh; Nora Siewiorek, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
required the team to ad-dress a particular decision situation, develop a model for solving their identified problem, applythe model to the specific case, and write a memo to a “client” that detailed the team’s results andrecommended decision for the case. The group parts were assigned on a Thursday and due inclass the following Tuesday. Students worked in the same three person group for all three E-MEAs which were a required part of the student’s course grade. These were graded by the in-structor. The comparison group was only assigned traditional homework assignments and somein class group problems (text book style) related to the course concepts.Grading rubrics were developed for each to ensure consistency and to verify that students metthe key
Conference Session
Progress in Manufacturing Education III
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hugh Jack P.Eng., Grand Valley State University
Tagged Divisions
was on how the employee handles what they DON'T already know. That's more important than the shopping list of today's hot techniques. • Remember that specific tools come and go. Good engineers need a strong foundation in basic science, math/stat, communications/writing and engineering fundamentals. From this basis, specific techniques are applications of the fundamental knowledge. • Innovation, collaboration • It would have been helpful to have the option to select more items from the list. Selecting two or three topics is not an indication of what I want to see as essential topics. • Important Sectors: Biomedical, Automotive, Aviation, Electronics, Energy, Space • Essential Study Topics
Conference Session
Empowering the User Learning Experience: Evolution in Library Design
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Honora N. Eskridge, North Carolina State University; Kim Duckett, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
, which begins with knowing your users’ behaviors and aspirations. As a result, librariansare increasingly adopting methods for learning about and understanding our users. A growingnumber of libraries are undertaking projects to study users’ behaviors by leveraging qualitativemethodologies, ethnographic strategies, and participatory design processes such as thosedescribed in the University of Rochester Libraries’ studies of researchers and students. Theirwork to understand faculty’s research practices and behaviors 1 and “what students really dowhen they write their research papers” 2 have inspired many other libraries to employ ananthropological approach to learning more about library users. Some of these projects arenoteworthy for their size
Conference Session
Innovative Pedagogical Strategies II
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ilya Y. Grinberg, SUNY Buffalo State University; Jill Singer; Jikai Du, SUNY Buffalo State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
communicate designs and processes Writes clearly and concisely using correct SO-3, PI 1 SO-3, PI 1 grammar, spelling, syntax, and sentence structure Shows ability to approach problems from different SO-2, PI 3 SO-2, PI 3 perspectivesCreativity Effectively connects multiple ideas/approaches SO-2, PI 3 SO-2, PI 3 Demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge and SO-1, PI 2 SO-7, PI 1 skills in new and innovative ways Demonstrates the ability to apply skills in new and SO1, PI 2 SO-7, PI1Entrepreneurship innovative ways to
Conference Session
Fostering Student Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Emelina Coso, Georgia Institute of Technology; Reid Bailey, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
to the nature of qualitativeresearch. For the focus group data analysis, inter-rater reliability was established, but only oneresearcher examined the interviewer data, using peer de-briefing as the only method to decreaseresearch bias. Finally, the data was collected over several months. Thus it is possible for astudent‟s perceptions to have changed over that time. The choice of a semi-structured interviewas the second data collection method was made in attempts to mitigate this limitation bycapturing any changes in perceptions. By recognizing the existence of these limitations andattempting to mitigate them throughout the research design, the results of this study still providean important contribution to the examination of students
Conference Session
ELOS Best Paper Nominations
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Loren Limberis, East Carolina University; Jason Yao, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Simulation Wheatstone Bridge Circuit Derive output voltage expression of the op Linearize the circuit to meet deisign amp-based Wheatsone bridge circuit with specification. Use Matlab as a design tool to respect to the thermistor and resistor network. assist in achieving the design goals. Analyze Write Matlab script to simulate the op amp circuit linearity of the design. Build the circuit. output voltage as s function of temperature. Week 3 – Voltage Comparing and Alarm Week 4 – System Integration and Design Circuits Design Characterization Design comparing circuit to cmpare voltage
Conference Session
FPD 3: Research on First-year Programs and Students, Part I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Brett D. Jones, Virginia Tech; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech; Jacob Preston Moore, Virginia Tech; Deirdre-Annaliese Nicole Hunter, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
, evaluating hypotheses, and revoicing ideasamong team members.14Because facilitation is a time-intensive process it can easily become a constraint in the properimplementation of PBL.15 Researchers are examining the most effective ways to trainfacilitators16 and are even examining alternative ways to provide facilitation, such as web-basedsystems, designed to support student learning in many of the same ways a PBL facilitator wouldincluding question prompts, peer review, expert modeling, and self-reflection.17 Such systemsare not yet easy to create. Moreover, because little is known about the motivation effects offacilitators, researchers cannot yet predict how these web-based systems would affect studentengagement in learning.Although the words and
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Crawley, MIT; Robert Niewoehner, United States Naval Academy; Jean Koster, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
groups and group size, initial organization, and ongoing management) 4.3. Assessment 4.3.1. Criteria (e.g., to judge the quality of student products, processes, or performances relative to the learning outcomes and activities) Page 15.267.15 4.3.2. Methods and materials (e.g., rubrics for oral/written reflection methods, peer/team self-evaluation, assignments, lab reports, and standard quizzes embedded in the learning activities)4.4. Resources 4.4.1. Budget (e.g., recurring and non-recurring expenses) 4.4.2. Equipment and tools 4.4.3. Materials and supplies (e.g., reusable and
Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Exchange Programs, and Student Engagements
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven L. Shumway, Brigham Young University; SClaudina Vargas, Complex Systems Optimization Lab; Geoff Wright, Brigham Young University; Ron Terry, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
highsatisfaction with the instructions and MACILE in general, they were still able to find areas forpossible improvements. In robotics, for example, the students showed high satisfaction with theclass, but at the same time, about 50% of them suggested more homework, projects, and morecontent as ways to improve the class. Another example deals with student selection. Moststudents find MACILE excellent as a program, but some suggest that the admission processneeds improvement. They suggest that only “students that want to learn” be admitted, indicatingthat they notice the behavior of their peers. Page 22.108.8In summary, the results are still tentative, but
2022 CIEC
Marilyn Dyrud
, other practical constraints) 4. Develop list of options (be imaginative; try to avoid “yes/no” dilemma; focus on who to go to, what to say) 5. Test options, using the following: • Harm: Does this option do less harm than any alternative? • Publicity: Would I want my choice of this option published in the newspaper? • Defensibility: Could I defend my choice of this option before a Congressional committee or committee of my peers? • Reversibility: Would I still think the choice of this option good if I were one of those adversely affected by it? • Colleague: What do my colleagues say when I describe my problem and suggest this? • Professional: What might my profession’s governing
Conference Session
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin L. Hess, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Andrew Katz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Isil Anakok, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Brent K. Jesiek, Cornell University; Andrew Whitehead; Sowmya Panuganti, Purdue Engineering Education
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
has become more explicitin recent years, the preamble to the National Society of Professional Engineers’ (NSPE) [14]code of ethics has stated for decades, “The services provided by engineers require honesty,impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, 1safety, and welfare” (emphasis added). Likewise, ASCE has recently integrated a specific focuson equity with/for peers into their code of ethics [15]. Non-discrimination and anti-discrimination (each of which are ostensibly DEI-related) were recently introduced into the IEEEcode of ethics [16] and NSPE code of ethics [17], respectively. These
Conference Session
Action on Diversity - Supporting Students at Multiple Levels
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly Louie, University of Colorado, Boulder; Beth A Myers, University of Colorado Boulder; Janet Y Tsai, University of Colorado Boulder; Tanya D Ennis, University of Colorado Boulder
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
and assumptions about the GS students received fromthe mainstream community instead reinforced their visible differences and outsider status,isolated from conventional curricular pathways. Changes to key aspects of the GS Program hasled to more student success and growth in the program. These changes included providing moreflexibility in course selection, peer mentoring and tutoring, a diverse set of internship andresearch opportunities, and employment in engineering departments in the College.Background: Asset vs. Deficit MindsetIndividual mindset development: Yeager and Dweck (2012) studied the negative consequencesfrom placing community college students in pre-college, or remedial, math classes. Up to twothirds of such students did not
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Programs
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward F. Crawley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Anette Hosoi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Gregory L. Long Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Timothy Kassis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; William Dickson, General Motors; Amitava 'Babi' Mitra, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
we have recently received grant funding to create a digital projectenvironment for this generation of digital native students in NEET.3.5 External outreachNEET is already being acknowledged in academic and professional forums as an initiative that is worthwatching. Two articles titled “Following the Thread” and “NEET --- New Approach to EngineeringEducation” were published in the Fall 2018 issue of Spectrum5. A peer-reviewed paper on NEET waspresented at the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah in June 20183. Anop-ed piece authored by NEET leadership has been published in a 2018 edition of MechanicalEngineering magazine6. NEET had commissioned an independent consultant to conduct a globalundergraduate education
Conference Session
They need more than technical skills!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Prewitt Penno P.E., University of Dayton; Roger J. Crum, University of Dayton; Eddy M. Rojas, University of Dayton
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
performs the role of challenging the group’s assumptions and conclusions. • a problem solver who works to arrive at both technical and interpersonal solutions. • an outreach communicator who is tasked with being the liaison to the other groups.On campus, before the program begins, students read Bruce Tuckman’s description ofteambuilding 8 to aid in developing highly effective team dynamic upon their arrival in Florence.Once in Florence, two peer reviews are performed to help students evaluate how effectively theirgroups are performing as cohesive research unitsAll groups are initially given the task of viewing Florence in light of six major elements of acity’s infrastructure: • water • transportation
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emmabeth Parrish Vaughn, Austin Peay State University; Lily Skau, Austin Peay State University; Bobette Dawn Bouton, Austin Peay State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Deweyan Pragmatist who focuses on student-centered teaching and reflection. She also is working toward making higher education a more socially just and safe space for all and uses writing, speaking, and research to address each of these important aspects of her academic career. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Research Initiation in Engineering Formation: Literature Review and Research Plan for an Engineering Specific Empathy ScaleAbstract Engineers are societal caregivers, solving problems for the betterment of society.However, both practitioners and students of engineering struggle to make concrete connectionsbetween empathy and their role as engineers. While
Conference Session
Engineering Futures: Navigating the Pathways of Education, Inclusion, and Professional Growth
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rajita Singh, University of Oklahoma; Javeed Kittur, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
Paper ID #42024Inclusive Teaching Practices in Engineering: A Systematic Review of Articlesfrom 2018 to 2023Rajita Singh, University of Oklahoma Rajita Singh is a junior at the University of Oklahoma, where they are pursuing an English major with a minor in Psychology. Passionate about the improvement of education in all fields, they are involved in multiple projects centered on researching pedagogy. Their most recent involvement has been in engineering pedagogy, where they bring their writing skills and synthesis abilities.Dr. Javeed Kittur, University of Oklahoma Dr. Kittur is an Assistant Professor in the Gallogly
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rodney Boehm, Texas A&M University College of Engineering; Michael Beyerlein, Texas A&M University; Kiersten Potter, Student Engineers' Council; Jiacheng Lu; Lori L. Moore, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
demand they interact with faculty and peers about substantive matters; typically over extended periods of time. 3. Increase the likelihood that students will experience diversity through contact with people who are different than themselves. 4. Allow students to get frequent feedback about their performance. 5. Provide opportunities for students to see how what they are learning works in different settings. 6. Help students gain a better understanding of self in relation to others. pp. 14-17.One of the teaching and learning practices Kuh (2008) identified as a high-impact experience isinternships.Internships place students in work experiences in which they have little or no control over thesequences or difficulty of
Conference Session
Pre-College: Evaluation
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah A. Lange, Carnegie Mellon University; Donna M, Beck, Carnegie Mellon University; Judith R. Hallinen, Carnegie Mellon University; Susan Finger, Carnegie Mellon University; Annette M. Jacobson, Carnegie Mellon University; Alicia Angemeer, Carnegie Mellon University; G. Lynn Berard, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
observation, experimentation, data collection, analysis,and iteration to improve their designs. This approach is aligned with the Framework forImplementing Quality K-12 Engineering which notes, “Engineers use a variety of techniques,skills, processes, and tools in their work. Students studying engineering at the K-12 level need tobecome familiar and proficient with some of these techniques, skills, processes, and tools.2” Thekits are designed to be used in different contexts, from short term demonstration experiences toactivities which involve students in partial design challenges that require them to collaboratewith their peers to solve a problem or answer a question. Recognizing that engineering hasconnections to science, mathematics and technology
Conference Session
Innovative Techniques in Structural Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew W. Roberts, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Angela Marie Jones, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Michael K. Thompson, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. Angela Marie Jones, University of Wisconsin–Platteville Angela Jones teaches First-Year English Composition / Rhetoric and Research Writing at UW–Platteville and adds Screenwriting to the above courses at the University of Dubuque. She has worked as a Tech- nical Writer & Editor at ENGEO, a geotechnical engineering company in San Ramon, CA. She takes special care to uphold brevity in most writing instances, and has led a writing workshop for engineers and geologists that tackles wordiness and related style issues.Dr. Michael K Thompson, University of Wisconsin, Platteville Keith Thompson is an associate professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin
Conference Session
Design Tools & Methodology I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill Crockford P.E., Sam Houston State University; Bruce Hamby, The Hamby Law Firm
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
method of addressing the issue of variance reduction due to group evaluation inthis type of projects course is well treated by Earle and Wood12. To determine individual gradesfrom group efforts, they use a nomograph in conjunction with (a) student assigned values ofpercent contribution for each member of their own group, and (b) an overall team grade assignedby the instructor. This assumes, of course, that the students provide an honest assessment oftheir peers, and on the whole this would seem to be a reasonable assumption if it is done “in theblind”. To evaluate the initial project proposals, we used a similar concept but did not use thesame approach. We had the students rank the project proposal presentations and the instructorprovided his
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Fundamental; K-12 Students & Engineering Division: Fundamental; K-12 Students & Engineering Design Practices: Best Paper Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue Ph.D., Towson University; Elizabeth A. Parry, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
engineering in her elementary and early childhood science methods courses, and has developed engineering education courses for middle school pre-service teachers and practicing ele- mentary teachers. She has provided science and engineering professional development to multiple schools and school systems in Maryland, and has significantly contributed to the writing of many integrated STEM units of instruction used by teachers and school systems. Her research has examined factors that support and those that hinder elementary teachers as they learn to teach engineering, and currently focuses on how children and teachers learn to engineer and in the process, learn to fail and productively persist. She is the Director of the
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 2: Solar Track
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tessa Veurink, University of Pittsburgh; Bradley G. Fox, University of Pittsburgh; Sabrina R. Helbig, University of Pittsburgh; Duncan Penizotto, University of Pittsburgh; Robert J. Kerestes, University of Pittsburgh; Brandon M. Grainger, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
/ambitiousness, (2) completion of checkoff goals, (3) individualwork, and (4) clarity of explanation. Teams were then required to present their midterm progressin front of an audience of peers and instructors. These presentations were graded on a team basisfor time management, clarity, style, content, and organization. This was followed by two morecheckoffs that used the same grading criteria as the first one as well as a final presentation whichused the same criteria as the midterm presentation. Finally, each group was required to submit afinal report which was graded on presentation, grammar, and a heavy focus on technical content.In most groups, the grades for individual team members were very similar unless there was ateam member who was not
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 4: Interdisciplinary Graduate Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Webb, Virginia Tech ; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
, to university structures and national research agencies; they can also‬ ‭include relationships with peers, faculty, and other significant actors in their academic‬ ‭environment as well as the expectations of the roles these students and others take on when in‬ ‭these spaces‬‭[50]‬‭. At the heart of the EST model for‬‭human development is the developing‬ ‭person, along with their attributes, interests, and goals, as well as previous experiences, meaning‬ ‭that students are not blank slates when they enter school and are rather agents of change with an‬ ‭entire life history. However, EST also proposes that developing individuals are embedded in‬ ‭multiple nested environmental systems, ranging
Conference Session
Poster Sessions for Unit Operations Lab Bazaar and Tenure-Track Faculty
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael E. Prudich, Ohio University; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University; Robert Y. Ofoli, Michigan State University; Robert B. Barat, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Norman W. Loney, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ali Pilehvari, P.E., Texas A&M University, Kingsville; Michael J. Elsass, University of Dayton; Robert J. Wilkens, University of Dayton; Danilo Pozzo, University of Washington; Jim Pfaendtner, University of Washington; William B. Baratuci, University of Washington; Jim Henry, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga; Bridget R. Rogers, Vanderbilt University; John F. Sandell, Michigan Technological University; Adrienne R. Minerick, Michigan Technological University; Jason M. Keith, Michigan Technological University; Horacio Adrian Duarte, Texas A&M University, Kingsville; David W. Caspary, Michigan Technological University; Charles Nuttelman, University of Colorado, Boulder; Pablo LaValle, University of Michigan; Naoko Ellis, University of British Columbia; Sergio Mendez, California State University, Long Beach; Arne Biermans, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
lose it” prevailed.The faculty responded to this situation by re-designing our undergraduate unit operations courseto include both statistics content and its direct application in the planning of laboratoryexperiments and analysis of data.The original junior-level three-credit course was comprised of two hours of lab (two 2 ½-hoursessions per week) and one hour of lecture. The course included a good blend of traditional andmodern experiments and lecture topics on lab safety, writing skills, professionalism and ethics,and a token discussion of statistics and experimental design. When a one-credit junior seminarcourse, “Chemical Engineering as a Profession,” was introduced in our curriculum, studentslearned about many of the professional topics