students selecting engineering, discussed in the CAEE research, ismentor influence. This motivator was not as large a factor as the three previouslymentioned, but it was much more significant for females than males 8, 9. With this inmind, ECE female students were sought out to help. As a result, eight different femalestudents have volunteered to participate in female outreach and recruiting activities overthe last two years. The level of interest in ECE by females appears to have gone upsubstantially as a result. OU-ECE female enrollment trends will be analyzed in the futurein order to measure the effectiveness of this area of our program. Hopefully, it willcorrelate with other studies that show that actively engaging females, especially peers
instructors’ self-evaluation such that more direct assessment of students’ learning outcomes is obtained. A set of standards for instructor’s self-evaluation will be prepared by the faculty and the Board of Advisors and will be implemented with the annual assessment cycle. The main point of these standards is that the evaluation of students’ performance will based on samples of work in three categories of students: those in the upper 75 percentile, those in the 50 – 75 percentile and those below the 50 percentile populations. Thus the assessment results compiled are based on course performances and grades, exams, projects, presentations of students, and writings as required in some courses. Furthermore
understandingthat the university wanted to help the CCs with their recruitment and retention of pre-engineeringand computer science students and to assist their students with transfer only after they could gono further in their engineering studies at the CC.Representatives from ASU and MCCCD worked together for several months writing a grant forthe National Science Foundation. The primary objective of the project was to work together on aprogram to encourage more potential and actual CC students to consider engineering. The firstauthor had discovered through her research that of the engineering transfer students in Fulton,many of them had gone to a CC with no particular major in mind and had decided on engineeringor computer science after they had
AC 2010-774: APPLICATIONS AND CONFIDENCE INVENTORIES FORASSESSING CURRICULAR CHANGE IN INTRODUCTORY ENGINEERINGMATHEMATICS INSTRUCTIONLisa Schneider, Cornell University Lisa Schneider has been the Director of Engineering Learning Initiatives in Cornell University’s College of Engineering since December 2002. Learning Initiatives’ programs enhance the educational environment of the College by providing opportunities for collaborative learning, undergraduate research, teaching skill development, peer instruction, and leadership development. Schneider received her PhD in Sociology from Cornell in 1997. Before taking this position, she taught Sociology as an assistant professor at Hobart and
individuals, how they described themselves in the article, and how they were described in relation to men. • How was the relationship between women, men, and engineering work described? In particular, how did women describe their work as engineers, and how did men describe women’s engineering work? • How did the article’s author frame the import of the article? In other words, what is “of note” in this situation that the article was deemed worthy of writing and publication?For this project, data constituted both quotations from articles (including headlines, captions, andbody text of articles) and from images published alongside such articles. We collected text andimages of articles that helped us think through
Reseachers Figure 9. small, especially for advancedcourses, and so self-publishing seems appropriate. For 50 years or more teachers haveself-published text material. In one of the author’s experience in 1960 one of his professors didan entire undergraduate service course in engineering on “dittos”, with hand writing, typing andhand sketches. The advent of the Xerox machine in the 60’s made it possible to incorporate partsof printed text material, especially figures, graphs and tables, and university reproduction centerscould use offset printing to provide alternative text material. Now Modern computer-generateddocuments using a word
. That is, they typically need assistance with identifying the deliverables andpossible resources available for the project. Further, Blumenfeld, et al.4 describe that studentsmust have the competence to complete a project satisfactorily or they will try to simplify theproblem and potentially provide less effort, striving to meet only the minimum requirements.Each of these project characteristics influence the level of interested held by students’ in theproject and whether or not they will enjoy the experience or simply suffer through a list ofrequirements. Gehringer 5, writing on the subject of independent studies, states that wiselychosen projects play a large part in students’ development because they typically engagestudents at a higher
, develop, and use cognitive tools in authentic domain activity” (p.39);that is, using tools increases cognitive activity and ability. Salomon writes of his disagreementwith Brown (above), and argues that the interaction between a human being and an intelligenttool (computer) results in a favorable “cognitive residue” (p.5) that does not result from theinteraction between a tool user and a non-intelligent tool (“situated”).7 The “cognitive residue”that results in these situations is that the use of intelligent tools may result in thinking skills beingtransferred to other dissimilar, or at least similar, situations (but the author notes that too littleresearch has been done in this area).Vygotsky’s notion that understanding is social in origin,8
to real-world expertise and mentoring from professionals in academia andindustry. HSE teams write business plans, solve real-world problems, perform testing andanalyses, build prototypes, manufacture parts, operate within budgets, and manage their projects.Each spring, HSE teams showcase their work alongside college students at the University’sUndergraduate Expo. At the conclusion of their HSE experiences, it is expected that the studentswill demonstrate proficiency in applied workforce skills, they will be more disposed to enterSTEM careers, and they will be prepared to undertake the training and education needed to enterthose careers.HSE is modeled after Michigan Technological University’s highly successful and nationallyacclaimed
results. Competitions should be "against nature" rather than against peers. Finally,for middle school students beginning design projects with a clearly outlined prototype design Page 15.371.3rather than with a "blank slate" improves engagement. Similar considerations are brieflydiscussed in project selection in a college freshman design course8.For capstone design courses (typically taken by college students in their senior year) a number ofpapers have mentioned aspects of successful design projects as part of a summary of theeffectiveness of capstone courses. The factors reported as leading to a successful project include"being viewed as
. During the almost weekly discussionsof the case study, both the regular (technical) course instructor and the liberal arts (nontechnical)instructors met with students in class to coach them through the process of writing a case studyas well as to elicit feedback on the case-study module process. A timeline of the case-studymodule activities is summarized in Table 1. The weeks without content in this timeline coveredtechnical course material. As the timeline indicates, elements of the case-study module spannedmost of the semester, allowing students the opportunity to revisit these concepts throughout thecourse. Page 15.26.5Table 1. Case-Study
Education Forum (WEEF) – Cartagena, Colombia) 2013 UMET-Puerto Workshop: Writing for Dr. Kevin Omland, Dr. Rico Publication Renetta Tull, Nandadevi Cortes (UMBC) 2014 UMBC Panel: Global Pathways to Representatives from The Careers Fulbright Program, the U.S. Department of State, and Instituto Tecnológico y de
of potential variables to study. It aims to highlight the step in the diagrammodeling the “real” situation or pseudo-concrete (Text of the exercise) to a graph / qualitativerepresentation of the evolution of the amount of interest.Part II: Idenitification of the Mix Mathematical Model in its analytical representation (DE).Through the writing of the activity, the students are guided in the theoretical explanation of thetank model (chart-> DE). What is mainly discussed is the way in which the concentrationchanges over time according to the law of conservation of matter. In this step, based on themodeling diagram, the student goes from the Pseudo Concrete Model (statement) to the physicalmodel (diagram tank) and / or the "virtual physical
questionnaires, student performance with oral and writtencommunication, and peer review of course materials and grading policies. Page 10.447.10 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education (Excerpt from "ECEBot Assembly Guide"…) Soldering Step 1: Attach the 32-pin Socket (Back of Board) First, hold the board with the front side up and oriented so that you can read the printed silk screen labels from top to bottom, like in the next figure. Now turn the board over
of experience in teachingFreshman courses lamented the inability of many current students to manipulate even simplealgebraic expressions, such as Ohm’s Law (V = IR), or the Ideal Gas Law (PV = nRT), andrelated how this lack of ability has hindered teaching the conceptual ideas represented by theseequations.The question became one of whether the University should make an effort to write a “new andimproved” Q-course Readiness test with questions aimed at evaluating students’ abilities inquantitative reasoning. The Committee immediately realized this process would be fraught withdifficulties. What would be the areas of coverage of the new exam? How would the test beconstructed and delivered? How would it be graded, and by what standard would it
Copyright ø 2004, American Society for Engineering Educationin groups to tackle an engineering topic relating to daily life. Each group chooses an engineeringtopic related to daily life, defines its domain, and solves problems that may have multiplesolutions. After choosing a topic, the students in a group hold brainstorming sessions, define thedomain of the topic, work on the most optimal solution and its design, refine the design, presentthe results in class, and evaluate each group member’s contribution by peer evaluation. Mostgroup activities go beyond the in-class meeting hours. The following photos are snapshots takenin the study lounge. Students are actively engaged in their projects. Figure 1. Snapshots of Group Activities in the 24-hour
because they had developed many curiosities over the course of theunit. Many students designed their own projectiles with fins of all different shapes and sizes;two groups tried to test the precision of the system; and one student worked on trying to apply aformula to predicting the length of the launch.At the Campus School on the second to last day, I mixed the students up into groups of four withstudents from different research groups. The goal that the students had was to look at their dataand graphs and write down a hypothesis for each of the variables to help them with their Page 10.873.7consequential task. This activity was very
because they had developed many curiosities over the course of theunit. Many students designed their own projectiles with fins of all different shapes and sizes;two groups tried to test the precision of the system; and one student worked on trying to apply aformula to predicting the length of the launch.At the Campus School on the second to last day, I mixed the students up into groups of four withstudents from different research groups. The goal that the students had was to look at their dataand graphs and write down a hypothesis for each of the variables to help them with their Page 10.874.7consequential task. This activity was very
. Palmer M., Bell J: Teaching Writing Skills in a First-Year Engineering Course, Liberal Education Division, ASEE Conference 1996 Page 7.218.11 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2002, American Society for Engineering Education14. Flemings M. C., Sadoway D. R.: Frontiers of Materials Education; MRS Proceedings v66, ©1985.15. Linden B., Vanasuppa L., Heidersbach R.: The Structure of Materials Engineering: A New Model for Materials Engineering Curricula; TMS Annual Meeting, Education Symposium (1996).16
. Much coaching was needed to guide the team, as mentioned above, andthese students, in particular.The mid-project review, called the System Level Design Report (SLDR) presentation to theindustry participants, was a success, as reported to us by the industry participants themselves,and by representatives of LMCO, in particular. Another point worth mentioning is that before theformal SLDR presentation, the team had to go through a practice presentation before facultycoaches and other IPPD students, and to receive critiques about their presentation. Such apractice (or peer-review) session instilled a sense of competition among the teams, and helpedthis team to improve their own presentation.Most other IPPD projects funded by LMCO had physical
encourage “To encourage “To remember” with two remember” with one analogy examples analogy exampleFor the above “block on circular ramp with attached spring” problem solving task, a self-assessment rubric for a class-student was formulated with the following deliverables, afterreceiving full problem solving credit with the help of a learning assistant in the case of at-riskstudents or the help of a student-peer in the case of average students. They are (1) Described thedifficulty of assigning the arithmetic operations, (2) Classified the difficulty as absent-mindedness related mistake or a misconception in a pre-requisite topics, and (3) Described the“To remember
same design efficacy of interest to this research studyand will serve as a foundation to the data collection.The other tool used is coding responses to open questions. This method asks participants torespond to open or close-ended questions verbally or through written responses. The responsesare then classified into pre-determined categories based on the participants’ descriptions.Hutchison-Green et al. conducted semi-structured interviews and analyzed the responses in thismanner23. They investigated the self-efficacy, expectancy, values, and career plans of first-yearengineering students. Through their 12 interviews they found that their first-year students weresusceptible to basing their self-efficacy on comparisons to their peers rather
. Page 24.1044.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Northeastern ADVANCE Research Leadership Development Initiative: A Program to Strengthen the Leadership Skills of Mid-Career FacultyAbstractAs part of the ADVANCE program, Northeastern University launched the Research LeadershipDevelopment Initiative (ReDI) in the fall of 2012 as a leadership program for associate and earlyfull professors. The goal is to prepare these rising research scholars to lead collaborativeresearch teams of peers in activities to create or grow centers, institutes, and/or multi-institutional collaborations. Through participation in the different program components
tenured faculty and four part-time facultyalong with one faculty jointly appointed with the Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartment. The BS in Systems Engineering was ABET accredited in 2012. Both theundergraduate and graduate programs are also accredited by SACS (Southern Association ofColleges and Schools). In addition, the online program is certified by the USDLA (United StatesDistance Learning Association). The program has been growing by about 15-20 students per yearmainly due to growth in the undergraduate program since 2008 and due to the introduction of theonline MS in Engineering Management in 2009. To support this growth the program is recruitingtwo tenure-tracks and several part-time faculty at the time of this writing. SEEM has
Paper ID #6188STEM inSight: Developing a Research Skills Course for First- and Second-Year StudentsDr. Dirk Colbry, Michigan State UniversityDr. Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University Katy Luchini-Colbry is the Director for Graduate Recruiting at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University, where she completed degrees in political theory and computer science. A recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, she received her Ph.D. and M.S.E. in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan. She has published nearly two dozen peer-reviewed works related to her interests in educational
Makes An Authentic Research Why Do I Have to Know This?Program for Girls Work?Awareness of College Scholarships Robotics Supports STEMUsing the Legacy Cycle to Challenge Leadership, Persistence, Mindset andStudents in STEM STEMEngaging Girls In STEM Beyond The Finding Your Passion – Presenting theClassroom Possibilities with STEMClues to becoming a STEM Major: How the Write Less, Think MoreSAT Questionnaire and AP exam takingpatterns & performance can predict STEMmajorsFlowers, Food, and Farms: An Edible Expanding STEM Options ThroughGarden STEAM Project Online ClassesThe Innovation Portal and the
ability to control. Consequently, they intend to share their knowledge with other students. However, Tohidinia and Mosakhani [8] contend that knowledge sharing involves both knowledge collection and donation. Entering students seem more willing to collect knowledge from their peers than donate to it. This situation represents a potential opportunity to target learning activities towards building knowledge sharing skills and confidence. Survey of the motivational design of the assignments themselves. Keller [9-12] contends that effective instruction employs a motivational design that (1) attracts and maintains student attention; (2) demonstrates the relevance of what students learn to important personal goals
development and operations teams to improvecollaboration, automate processes, and accelerate delivery. DevOps practices, such as continuousintegration and continuous deployment, enhance efficiency and reliability. [29]1.3.4 Test and Behavior-Driven ModelsTest-Driven Development (TDD) Test-Driven Development (TDD) involves writing tests before implementing code,ensuring that the system meets specified requirements. TDD promotes high-quality code andreduces the likelihood of defects. [30]Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) extends TDD by focusing on the behavior of thesystem from the user's perspective. BDD promotes collaboration between developers, testers,and stakeholders to ensure that the system meets
value of tinkering, upcycling, and fixing objects using the resources in their surroundings. She graduated top of her class in a school with a predominantly Latine population. The story is different in college where she is often the only Latine student in her classes. There, she hides the competencies learned in her community as they do not look as cutting edge as the robotics and design examples in the models of engineering portfolios. Her ideas are powerful yet frequently misunderstood by her peers, most of whom grew up in affluent communities. During her last engineering design project, her team dismissed her ideas about how to design a low- cost but durable automatic seed plotter – despite her
aptitude forgraduate study. To establish that a good undergraduate institution confers an unwarrantedadvantage, one would have to show that, once admitted to graduate school, students fromselective undergraduate institutions perform below expectations relative to their peers fromlower-ranked schools. And there does not seem to be any research addressing that question.2.1 The issue of costCost figures into the impact of the GRE in two separate ways. First, some students might bediscouraged from applying because they can’t afford the $205 fee—or because they can’t affordto to take it multiple times in an effort to improve their score. The American PsychologicalAssociation reported that as schools dropped their GRE requirements, their applications