Paper ID #11792Teaching STEM Through an Indoor Skydiving Experience (Curriculum Ex-change)Dr. Philip S. Schmidt, University of Texas, Austin Philip Schmidt is the Donald J. Douglass Centennial Professor, Emeritus and University Distinguished Teaching Professor, Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, where he recently retired after 43 years on the faculty in Mechanical Engineering. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers and a registered professional engineer. Dr. Schmidt received a BS in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT and MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford, the
Paper ID #14160Transportation System Based Summer Academy for Teachers (RTP, Strand4)Dr. Shashi S. Nambisan P.E., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Shashi Nambisan is a Professor of Civil Engineering at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UT). Since 1989, he has led efforts on more than 165 research, education, and outreach projects that have addressed local, statewide, regional and national issues in transportation and infrastructure systems management related to policy, planning, operations, safety, and risk analysis. He has authored or co-authored more than 125 peer reviewed journal and conference publications. Along
applications and manufacturing processes. His research in- terest is in design and analysis of material processing technologies. He received his Ph. D. degree in mechanical engineering from Northwestern University.Monish S. Mamadapur, Alcon Research, Ltd. Monish S. Mamadapur received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering, Bangalore, under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India in 2005. He entered the Mechanical Engineering program at Texas A&M University in September 2005 and received his Master of Science degree in December 2007. He is currently working as a Senior FEA Engineer, R&D at Alcon Research, Ltd
Paper ID #11588Preparing Students for the Complexity of the Systems Medicine Field througha Research Experience For Undergraduates (REU)Mr. Nolan Alexander LaSota, University of Pittsburgh Nolan LaSota is currently a student at the University of Pittsburgh. He plans on majoring in chemical engineering.Prof. Robert S. Parker, University of PittsburghDr. Cheryl A Bodnar, University of Pittsburgh Cheryl A. Bodnar, PhD, CTDP is an Assistant Professor (Teaching Track) in the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. She obtained her certification as a
Paper ID #11314San Francisco’s New Start-Up is Reengineering Engineering EducationDr. Michael TamirDr. Ronald S Harichandran P.E., University of New Haven Ron Harichandran is Dean of the Tagliatela College of Engineering and is part of the leadership team for the launch of the Master of Science in Data Science in San Francisco in partnership with GalvanizeU.Mrs. Lueny Morell, InnovaHiEd Lueny Morell, MS, PE, is President of Lueny Morell & Associates and Director of InnovaHiEd, a world- class team of experts with extensive academic and industry experience offering services to help higher education leaders in
Paper ID #13165Sensor-based Hospital Staff Detection and Monitoring SystemDr. Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University, Addison Kulsoom Ahmed is pursuing a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering Technology at DeVry University, Addison, IL 60101. William Herner is pursuing a B.S. in Electronics Engineering Technology at DeVry University, Addison, IL 60101. Ryan Moser is pursuing a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering Technology at DeVry University, Addison, IL 60101. Christopher Olejiczak is pursuing a B.S in Electronics Engineering Technology at DeVry University, Addison, IL 60101. Andrezej Rybarski is pursuing a B.S in Biomedical
Paper ID #12019An Iterative Approach to Implementing Sponsored Design and Build ProjectsWendy S. Reffeor PhD, Grand Valley State University Wendy Reffeor is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing at Grand Valley State University. She earned her Bachelors from GMI Engineering & Management Institute, Masters from Purdue University and Doctorate from Michigan State University. Her industrial experience includes designing quality systems for Allison Engine Company in Indianapolis. Since joining GVSU, she has focused on introducing design and build projects in
the LEWAS into freshman- level courses at Virginia Western Community College and a senior level hydrology course at Virginia Tech.Mr. Daniel S Brogan, VIrginia Tech Daniel S. Brogan is a PhD student, advised by Dr. Lohani, in Engineering Education with BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering. He has completed several graduate courses in engineering education pertinent to this research. He is the key developer of the OWLS and leads the LEWAS lab development and implementation work. He has mentored two NSF/REU Site students in the LEWAS lab. He assisted in the development and implementation of curricula for introducing the LEWAS at VWCC including the development of pre-test and post-test assessment questions
the area of manufacturing systems. Contact: m.e.ssemakula@wayne.eduDr. Gene Yeau-Jian Liao, Wayne State University GENE LIAO is currently Director of the Electric Transportation Technology program and Professor at Wayne State University. He received a M.S. in mechanical engineering from Columbia University, and a doctor of engineering from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has 15 years of industrial practices in the automotive sector prior to becoming a faculty member. Dr. Liao has research and teaching interests in the areas of hybrid vehicle, energy storage, and advanced manufacturing.Prof. Shlomo S. Sawilowsky, Wayne State University Shlomo S. Sawilowsky is Professor of Educational Evaluation and Research
Paper ID #14162Building opportunities for College Completion in the U.S.: The Arizona StateUniversity and Starbucks PartnershipMr. Jeffrey S. Goss, Arizona State University Jeffrey Goss has served as the Executive Director for the Office of Global Outreach and Extended Education and Assistant Dean in the Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University for the past seven years. Mr. Goss has more than 18 years experience in professional and executive education collectively at University of Maryland, George Washington University, University of Michigan, and Arizona State University. At ASU’s Fulton
Science Achievers, and ACS Project SEED. She’s been invited back do pharmaceutical engineering research with Research Experience for Teachers at NJIT every summer for the last 8 years now, with her Project SEED students. In 2008 one of her research students became a Science Talent Search Finalist. He also won best in category awards at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair two years in a row. In 2010 she was named a Society for Science and the Public Teacher Fellow, and served on the Advisory Council for Intel ISEF since 2012. Marie currently teaches three levels of engineering courses, that she designed, and coaches students doing science research projects for competitions.Dr. Howard S. Kimmel, New Jersey
Paper ID #12387Curriculum design for sustainability of globally integrated manufacturingDr. Bingbing Li, California State University Northridge Dr. Bingbing Li is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Manufacturing Systems Engineering & Management at California State University Northridge. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Manufacturing Systems Engineering. His research includes sustainable manufacturing, sustainability analysis of nanotechnologies, life cycle assessment, additive manufacturing (laser additive manufacturing, and FDM 3D printing), CNC machining and CAD/CAM.Dr. S. Jimmy Gandhi
Paper ID #15016Elementary Teachers’ Reflections on Design Failures and Use of Fail Wordsafter Teaching Engineering for Two Years (Fundamental)Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue Ph.D., Towson University Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Science Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at Towson University. She has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, worked briefly as a process engineer, and taught high school physics and pre-engineering. She has taught engineering and science to children in multiple informal settings. As a pre-service teacher educator, she includes
Molecular Biophysics at the University of Vermont under David Warshaw. His research interests include novel assessments of educational efficacy, the molecular basis of cell movement, and the mitigation of infectious diseases.Miss Anna S. Blazier, University of VirginiaAlyssa B. Becker, University of Virginia c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Work in Progress: The Effect of Immersive Design-Build Experiences on Knowledge of the Engineering Design ProcessKnowledge of the engineering design process is integral to all engineering fields. Explicitdidactic approaches exist for instilling students with this knowledge (see an excellent review byDym, et al. 1), and project-based
+ Making Outreach Programs,Instigating a Revolution of Additive Innovation:An Educational Ecosystem of Making and Risk Taking,andIncreasing Learning and Efficacy about Emerging Technologies through Transmedia Engagement by the Public in Science- in-Society Activities.He was also a participant in the NSF Innovation Corps for Learning 2015 cohort (Leveraging Maker Pathways to Scale Steam + Making Outreach Programs) and served as senior person- nel / instructional team on the 2014pilot for NSF’s Innovation Corps for Learning (I-Corps-L).Dr. Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He
Paper ID #15651Lessons from Senior Design and a Shifting Interpretation of AppropriateTechnologyDr. Greg S Mowry, University of St. Thomas Dr. Mowry was raised in Iowa and is currently resides in Minnesota. He earned a BS and MS in Met- allurgical Engineering from Iowa State University. While working Dr. Mowry continued his education through a non-thesis MSEE degree program at Stanford University that focused on analog electronics and micro-magnetics. Later, while leading the advanced recording head design teams at Seagate Technology, he earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Physics from the University of
Paper ID #14876Improved Student Engagement through Project-Based Learning in Fresh-man Engineering DesignDr. Mary S Carpenter Ed.D., CCD - Custom Curriculum Design With more than thirty years’ experience in the education profession, Dr. Carpenter has a track record of managing the development of high quality, revenue impacting, blended curriculum. A seasoned professor and corporate trainer, she has delivered valuable learning experiences to students who range in age and ability from Head Start preschoolers to doctoral candidates at one of America’s oldest universities. As a certified Instructional Designer, she has held
Paper ID #14543MAKER: Programmable Logic Control (PLC)-Based Automated System forWater-Level Control for Teaching Pneumatics and HydraulicsProf. Javaid S. Siddiqi, Lone Star College PROFESSOR AT LONE STAR COLLEGE. TEACHING AND RESEARCCH AT ENERGY AND MAN- UFACTURING INSTITUTE OF LONE STAR COLLEGE SYSTEMS. RESEARCH AND DEVELOP- MENT IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY.DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTED COURSES FOR THE STUDENTS.Dr. Sheng-Jen ”Tony” Hsieh, Texas A&M University Dr. Sheng-Jen (”Tony”) Hsieh is a Professor in the Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. He holds a joint appointment with the
Paper ID #17164Integrated (Private) Cloud Computing Environment for Access to SpecializedCampus-bound Software Applications - Pilot StudyDr. Emil H Salib, James Madison University Professor in the Integrated Science & Technology Department at James Madison University. Current Teaching - Networking & Security and Cyber Intelligence Security. Current Research - Private Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile IPv6 and Design for Motivation CurriculumIan Healey, ASIS InternationalMr. Alexander Ryan ChamberlainMrs. Livia S Griffith c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016
Associates. He received a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Utah State University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineer- ing from Stanford University. He is a registered Professional Engineer.Dr. Wendy S. Reffeor, Grand Valley State University Wendy Reffeor is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing at Grand Valley State University. She earned her Bachelors from GMI Engineering & Management Institute, Masters from Purdue University and Doctorate from Michigan State University. Her industrial experience includes designing quality systems for Allison Engine Company in Indianapolis. Since joining GVSU, she has focused on introducing design
Paper ID #16101What Do Young Makers Learn?Dr. Micah Lande, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus Micah Lande, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering pro- grams at The Polytechnic School in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University.Dr. Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He teaches context-centered electrical engineering and embedded systems design courses, and studies the use of context in
Paper ID #14744An Exploration into the Impacts of the National Society of Black Engineers(NSBE) on Student PersistenceMrs. Monique S. Ross, Purdue University, West Lafayette Monique Ross is a doctoral candidate in the Engineering Education department at Purdue University. Her research focuses are race, gender, and identity in the engineering workplace, specifically the experiences of Black women in engineering industry. She also has interest in preparing women and minorities for career advancement through engagement in strategies for navigating the workplace. She has a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering from
Paper ID #15129Prediction and Reflection Activities in a Chemical Engineering Course: Fun-damentals of Heat and Mass TransferDr. Heather C. S. Chenette, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Heather Chenette is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech- nology. Her professional interests include enhancing student learning in the classroom and creating op- portunities for students to learn about membrane materials and bioseparation processes through research experiences.Dr. Tony Ribera, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology c American Society for Engineering Education
Paper ID #19318A case study on gender gap in Massachusetts Maritime AcademyDr. Farzam S. Maleki P.E., Massachusetts Maritime Academy Dr. Farzam S. Maleki is an assistant professor of engineering in Massachusetts Maritime Academy. He is a professional engineer and has a Ph.D. in civil engineering - hydraulic engineering from Clemson University.Gail M Stephens P.E., Massachusetts Maritime Academy Gail M. Stephens, PE, is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Department at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA). Gail holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Naval Architecture from the United States Naval Academy and a
, Professor Ghani frequently gets involved in various professional IT consulting assign- ments as well. He is currently teaching MIS graduate courses at Robert-Morris University. Dr. Ghani holds MSEE from Illinois Institute of Technology, MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management and Doctorate from Northern Illinois University.Dr. Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University, Addison Dr. Ahmed S. Khan is a Senior Professor in the College of Engineering and Information Sciences at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. Dr. Khan has more than thirty-two years of experience in research, instruction, curricula design and development, program evaluation and accreditation, management and supervision. Dr. Khan received an MSEE from
Paper ID #22916Neuro-cognitive Differences Among Engineering Students when Using Un-structured, Partially Structured, and Structured Design Concept GenerationTechniquesMo Hu, Virginia Tech Mo Hu is a Ph.D. student in Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Virginia Tech. Her research interest is applying neuroscience methods in engineering to provide better solutions for sustain- ability.Dr. Tripp Shealy, Virginia Tech Tripp Shealy is an Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech.Dr. John S. Gero, University of North Carolina, Charlotte John Gero is Research Professor in Computer
Paper ID #26738An Analysis of Factors Impacting Design Self-Efficacy of Senior Design Stu-dentsDr. Joanna Tsenn, Texas A&M University Joanna Tsenn is an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University. She earned her B.S. from the University of Texas at Austin and her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. She coordinates the mechanical engineering senior capstone design projects and teaches senior design lectures and studios. Her research interests include engineering education and engineering design methodology.Mrs. Heather S. Lewis, Texas A
Paper ID #26486Applying Project-based Learning with an Emphasis on Engineering Commu-nication for First-Year StudentsDavid Alan Degenhardt, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign David Degenhardt is currently pursuing a master’s degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Illinois. His work focuses on improving introduction-level classes for aerospace students. In August 2018 he was awarded the Aerospace Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistant Fellowship by the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois, under the supervision of Dr. Brian Woodard.Dr. Brian S. Woodard, University of Illinois
working with Strategy Execution and Duke Corporate Education where he provides training for fortune 500 companies throughout the world.Mrs. Marie S. Call, Brigham Young University Marie Call graduated from Brigham Young University in 2013 with a BS in Chemical Engineering. She worked as a Transdermal Development Process Engineer with Actavis Pharmaceuticals from 2012-2013. Since then she has enjoyed balancing her primary occupation–raising her two (almost three) children– with research writing and collaboration with the Weidman Center for Global Leadership at Brigham Young University, focusing on Engineering and Technology student perceptions toward study abroad experiences. She currently resides in Houston, TX.Dr
approach. In J. C. Smart (Ed.), Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Volume V. (pp 289 – 322). New York: Agathon Press.[6] Weidman, J. C., DeAngelo, L., & Bethea, K. A. (2014). Understanding student identity from a socialization perspective. New Directions for Higher Education, 2014(166), 43 – 51.[7] Ashford, S. J., & Black, J. S. (1996). Proactivity during organizational entry: The role of desire for control. Journal of Applied psychology, 81(2), 199.[8] Ashforth, B. E., Sluss, D. M. & Saks, A. M. (2007). Socialization tactics, proactive behavior, and newcomer learning: Integrating socialization models. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 70(3), 447 – 462.[9] Nauta, M. M. (2007