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Well-matched quotation marks can be used to demarcate phrases, and the + and - operators can be used to require or exclude words respectively
Displaying results 10291 - 10320 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Laboratory Systems
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeid Moslehpour, University of Hartford; Racquel Brown, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
, byte count, load address and record type. The recordformat also has a 2-character suffix containing a checksum7.There are six types of records for the Intel 32-bit Hexadecimal Object file. The recordtypes are 00 Data Record, 01 End Record, 02 Extended Segment Address Record, 03Start Segment Address Record, 04 Extended Linear Address Record, and 05 Start LinearAddress Record. 1. Data Record The data record which is record type 00 is the record that holds all of the data of the file. This record begins with a colon “:” followed by the count of the byte, the first byte of the address and the type of record “00”. After the data record type “00”, the data bytes follow. The checksum follows the data bytes and is 2’s
Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ruiqing Jia, China University of Mining and Technology; Shanjun Xu, China University of Mining and Technology; Songyun Gao, China University of Mining and Technology; El-Sayed Aziz, Stevens Institute of Technology; Sven Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology; Constantin Chassapis, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
output data. Figure 2: Virtual wind tunnel laboratory with airfoilThe students are enabled to select the input parameters (angle of attack, area of airfoil), select thesystem of units and request the corresponding results by clicking the “Plot” button as shown inFigure 3. If the students want to get the outputs for a specific velocity, they can input it in theDefault Inputs block and then click the “Output the Results” button. For example, if the angle ofattack is 8°, the area of the airfoil is 5 m2 and the specified velocity is 222 m/s, the studentsobtain the outputs shown in Figure 4. Page 11.141.5
Conference Session
Recruiting and Retention
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary Crossman, Old Dominion University; Anthony Dean, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
by the dean in thelate 1990’s to help stem the fairly high attrition rate of the engineering programs. At the time,each of the engineering technology programs (civil, electrical, and mechanical) had their ownfreshman course of two credits and didn’t really want to change. This change would add anadditional two credits to the curriculum which, under university guidelines, would mean that twocredits would have to be dropped elsewhere in the curriculum. Additionally, while the Page 11.835.2undergraduate engineering programs were four-year programs, with ninety percent of theirstudents starting as new freshman, the four year engineering technology
Conference Session
Programming for Engineering Students
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ramzi Bualuan, University of Notre Dame
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
can be accessible to students, without any increase in complexity, leading to a veryeffective method to teach the programming fundamentals.Whereas the approach described above has been used on numerous occasions and inmany institutions, we believe that it has rarely been done in Matlab. Our experience with Page 11.1203.7using this method the past three years is very encouraging.References1. Brockman, J., Fuja, T. Batill, S., “A Multidisciplinary Course Sequence for First-Year EngineeringStudents,” 2002 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2002.2. McWilliams, L., Silliman, S., Pieronek, C. “Modifications to a Freshman
Conference Session
Teaching Topics in Aircraft Manufacturing
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sergey Dubikovsky, Purdue University; Ronald Sterkenburg, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
place to study, and AT308 is no exception to the rule. Upon completion of thiscourse, students have a much better grounding in the theoretical knowledge, which they first hearand see during lectures. They understand heat treatment and different tempers of aviation gradealuminum. They also realize the importance of following heat treatment processes to getconsistent properties of the materials. The well-equipped laboratory provides a place to apply thetheory and develop their skills. It becomes more than just paper knowledge - it is something theycan touch, make, assemble, and test. Experience is the best teacher. This is what studentsexperience during their "employment" in AT308, Inc.References1. Collicott, S. H., Increasing freshmen
Conference Session
Enhancing K-12 Mathematics Education with Engineering
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Pelletier, Northern Essex Community College; Paul Chanley, Northern Essex Community College
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Engineering Circuit Analysis, s-plane, 1 complex frequency Optics Snell's Law and Critical angle of reflection 1 Applications of radian measure Radian-degree conversions, Arc Length, Area 1 and degree equivalencies of a sector of a circle, Angular velocity and linear velocity, word problems. Logarithms and Natural Logs and Sound & Decibels, Time Constants, R-L and 1 Properties R-C electric circuits in the time domain. Statistics Data Interpretation, Statistical process control 1 Space Shuttle & NASA NASA Application
Conference Session
Visualization tools and uses in graphics
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James A Wronecki, East Tennessee State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
discrete plurality of cycles within a given greater cyclic increment. Angle means a fraction of once cycle. Angle is therefore sub-cyclic- unity, while frequency plural unity. Angle is less than finite cyclic unity. Frequency is greater than finite cyclic unity.” 2Webster’s Greek term monad, stems Greek Ionian System: Alphabetical Enumerationfrom roots μένειν (menein), “to be μ ο ν ά ςstable”, from μονάς (monas), "unit" [m] [o] [n] [a] [s]from μόνος (monos), "alone".6 Mu Omicron Nu Alpha Sigma 40 70 50 1 200 ∑361Schneider (1994) writes: “In the
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen A. Harper, Ohio State University; Lisa Abrams, Ohio State University; Jonathan P. Ruffley
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Paper ID #9711A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of a First-Year Honors Engineering Pro-gramDr. Kathleen A Harper, The Ohio State University Kathleen A. Harper is a faculty lecturer in the Engineering Education Innovation Center at The Ohio State University. She received her M. S. in physics and B. S. in electrical engineering and applied physics from Case Western Reserve University, and her Ph. D. in physics from The Ohio State University. She has been on the staff of Ohio State’s University Center for the Advancement of Teaching, in addition to teaching in both the physics department and college of engineering. Her
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard M. Bennett, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; William Schleter, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Taimi Olsen, Tennessee Teaching and Learning Center; Stan Guffey, University of Tennessee Teaching and Learning Center; Wenshu Li
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
courses andquality of courses, have slightly less persistence as measured by a grit test, and are notparticipating as much in class. The goal of identifying the characteristics of students who do notdo homework is to enable appropriate intervention techniques to be developed. AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underEngineering Education Research Initiation Grant No. 1137013.References1. Bennett, R.M., Schleter, W.R., Olsen, T., and Guffey, S. (2011). “Effects of an early homework completion bonus.” Proceedings, ASEE Annual Convention, Paper AC 2012- 3724.2. Duckworth, A.L. and Quinn, P.D. (2009). “Development and validation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S),” Journal of
Conference Session
Instrumentation Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaojing Yuan, University of Houston (CoT); Xiaohui Yuan, University of North Texas; David Adam Harden; Yang Lu
Tagged Divisions
/Microsoft_Speech_API[6] S.W. Arms, C.P.Townsend, D.L. Churchill, J.H.Galbreath,S.W. Mundell. “Power Management forEnergy Harvesting Wireless Sensors,” SPIE Int’l Symposium on Smart Structures & Smart Materials, SanDiego, CA, March 2005, pp.1-9.[7] D. Rakhmatov and S. Vrudhula, Energy Management for Battery-Powered Embedded Systems, ACMTransactions on Embedded Computing systems, 2, August 2003[8] Philip Levis, David Gay, TinyOS Programming, Cambridge University Press, 2009.[9] Chris Merlin, “A Tutorial for Programming in TinyOS,” 2009, accessed on Dec. 20, 2012 via .[10] TinyOS community:
Conference Session
Building BIM into Construction Curricula
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hyunjoo Kim, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
: 1. Preparing a BIM in Autodesk MEP 2. Energy Modeling in Green Building Studio 3. Data analysis in classification, association, clustering, and regression 4. Identifying a noble pattern through data analysis Process Software/output Preparing a BIM for energy Autodesk MEP simulation Energy Simulation Green Building Studio Data Analysis Identifying pattern(s) • Classification Decision Tree • Clustering Factor Selection
Conference Session
"Modular" Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Priscilla J Hill, Mississippi State University; Carlen Henington, Mississippi State University ; Rebecca K. Toghiani, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
developed in the 1930’s and 1940’s3, 4, basic concepts of thermally coupledcolumns are not typically taught in undergraduate separations courses. Although they are taughtin some design courses, they are not included in the design courses at Mississippi StateUniversity. Due to the renewed interest in process intensification, a module on thermallycoupled columns is being added to an undergraduate separations course. Page 23.177.3ImplementationThe class is a junior level separations course that focuses on equilibrium staged operations,particularly distillation columns. This one semester course includes flash distillation, short-cutand rigorous
Conference Session
Program Delivery Methods & Technology
2003 Annual Conference
Sherion Jackson; Andrew Jackson
concern, because the method oftransmission was over the phone line via an FTP connection. Once the audio files were recorded,the authors individually evaluated them before placing the files into a dedicated directory structureand transmitting them to ODU for post-processing. This batch processing methodology createdsignificant delays in the module review process and continuity was difficult to maintain due to thesequence of editing events. For example, audio files submitted during “week one” may not bereturned to the author for review until three to five weeks later. This delay caused problems inmaintaining course continuity and quality control, because it was difficult for the author(s) toremember the flow and thought processes used to create
Conference Session
Topics in Civil ET
2003 Annual Conference
Daphene Koch
Copyright 2003, American Society of Engineering Education” Session # 2549References1. Cullen, A. (1999, March). Practising t heory. Adult Learning 10(7). 18-21. Retrieved August 27, 2001 fromhttp://data.inspire.net2. Holmes, G. & Abington-Cooper, M. (2000). Pedagogy vs. andragogy: A false dichotomy?. The Journal ofTechnology Studies 26(2). A refereed publication of Epsilon Pi Tau.3. http://www.andragogy.net5. http://www.ed.gov6. Imel, S. (1994). Guidelines for working with adult learners. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED377313) Retrieved on August 27, 2001 from
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Joni Spurlin; Mehmet Ozturk; Hatice Ozturk
, did not give us anypositive feedback on group cohesion and performance when compared with randomly formedgroups. The extensive use of psychological type in work setting, education and career counseling [2]gave us the idea of applying personality profiles while forming our problem laboratory groups.Jung’s comprehensive theory that relates to psychological type is the belief that everyone usesfour basic processes or functions which are called sensing(S), intuition (N), thinking (T) andfeeling (F). These four processes are used with the attitudes of introversion (I) and extraversion(E) and the orientations to the outside world as judgment (J) and perception (P).Isabel Myers developed the following work expectations for the eight preferences [2
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lin Li, Prairie View A&M University; Yongpeng Zhang, Prairie View A&M University; Lei Huang, Prairie View A&M University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Allen, I. E.; Seaman J., “Class Difference: Online Education in the United States, 2010”, Sloan Consortium of Individual, Institution and Organizations Committed to Quality Online Education, http://www.sloan-, 20102. Bell, J. T.; Fogler, H. S., “Virtual Reality Laboratory Accidents”, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 20013. Valera, A.; Diez, J. L.; Valles, M.; Albertos, P., “Virtual and Remote Control Laboratory Development”, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, pp. 35- 39, February 2005.4. Chen, X.; Song, G.; and
Conference Session
Exploration of Trends in Engineering Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anil Saigal, Tufts University; Arun K. Saigal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
engineering disciplines. Currently thereis not enough research data available to substantially validate this claim. In addition there is a‘myth’ that PhDs are not hired at the institutions where they received their PhD. This paperattempts to quantify the hiring pattern in the field of Mechanical Engineering at the top 10Mechanical Engineering research programs in the United States.This is important as people who have trained at great length and expense to be researchersconfront a swindling number of academic jobs4. In 1974, fewer than 30% of all science andengineering (S&E) Ph.D.s were working in industry, and more than 45% were in tenure-trackfaculty positions. By 1999, the trend had reversed with nearly 38% S&E Ph.D.s who had received their
Conference Session
Graduate Education and Undergraduate Research-related Issues
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sidi Berri, New York City College of Technology; Andy Zhang, New York City College of Technology; Gaffar Barakat Gailani, New York City College of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
AC 2012-5131: IMPORTANCE OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH INENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMSDr. Sidi Berri, New York City College of Technology Sidi Berri is a professor and the Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department of New York City College of Technology.Dr. Andy Zhang, New York City College of Technology Andy S. Zhang earned his master’s in mechanical engineering from the City College of New York in 1987 and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 1995. Zhang’s research areas include materials testing, composite materials, CAD/CAE, engineering animation, and mechatronics design.Dr. Gaffar Barakat Gailani, New York City College of Technology
Conference Session
Methods, Cases, and Directions
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pil-Won On, University of Missouri, Columbia; Luis Occena, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
(1), 26-39. 3. Rugarcia, A., Felder, R. M., Woods, D. R., & Stice, J. E. (2000). The Future of Engineering Education: I. A Vision for a New Century. Chem. Engr. Education, 34(1), 16-25. Page 25.787.74. Wang, S. C. (2009). In K. Jusoff, S. S. Mahmoud, & R. Sivakumar (Eds.) University Instructor Perceptions of the Benefit of Technology Use in E-Learning. International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (pp. 580-585). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society. Page 25.787.8
Conference Session
Spatial Visualization
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yaomin Dong, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
remediation in spatial visualization by PSVT:R Pre-Test for all engineering and sciencefreshman students. Based on the Pre-Test results, all students who scored lower than 60% will berequired to take a spatial visualization course. After the training course, all those students whofailed the Pre-Test have passed the Post-Test. It is recommended that even earlier detection andremediation would be more helpful. Testing incoming engineering students and offeringintervention before they arrive on campus and begin their foundational first year course wouldfurther increase student success.8. References[1] Sorby, S., "Educational research in developing 3-D spatial skills for engineering students”, International Journal of Science Education, Vol. 31
Conference Session
ETD Design II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nikunja Swain, South Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
the root of an equation f x   0 are 1. Evaluate f x  symbolically 2. Use an initial guess of the root, xi , to estimate the new value of the root, xi 1 , as f xi  xi 1 = xi  f xi  3. Find the absolute relative approximate error a as xi 1  xi a =  100 xi 1Compare the absolute relative approximate error with the pre-specified relative error tolerance,s . If a > s , then go to Step 2, else stop the algorithm. Also, check if the number ofiterations has exceeded the maximum number of iterations allowed. If so, one needs to terminatethe algorithm and notify
Conference Session
Software and Web-based Learning in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart M. Wentworth, Auburn University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
launched. That is, after a certain amount oftime, the input wave is turned off. This is an extremely useful case to examine as it isfundamental to radar systems. We would expect reflections to occur at both the leading and thetrailing edges of the pulse. A much more significant programming challenge would be to allowthe load impedance to be complex. While it is easy to handle complex loads in a steady statetime-harmonic situation, it is much more difficult to handle them for non-steady state conditions.Code described in this paper and other examples presented at the conference will be madeavailable on the author’s website: MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.2. S. Wentworth
Conference Session
CoED General Technical Session II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yaomin Dong Ph.D., Kettering University; Arnaldo Mazzei, Kettering University; Raghu Echempati, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
“marker” at the CM of the linkand plotting its velocity for a motion cycle. Here the specifications are that the driving jointimposes a constant angular velocity of 70 rpm (high crank speed) to the link driving themechanism. Students would be asked to confirm the value of the velocity at, for example, 1s byusing hand calculations. These can be obtained by calculating the velocity of the connectionsbetween the driving crank and the link (329.87 mm/s at 150.37 degrees) and between the linkand the lever (262.83 mm/s at 171.06 degrees – perpendicular to the lever). Then the angularvelocity of the link can be found (0.4161 clockwise) and the velocity of the CM can becalculated (magnitude: 291.53 mm/s). For the kinematic example (Figure 3) students
Conference Session
Industry Sponsored Research and Project Initiatives in Industrial Technology & Industrial Engineering Technology
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University; Akshay Parthasarathy, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
they will encounter as they enter the workforce.Bibliography1. S. Datar, C.C. Jordan, S. Kekre, S. Rajiv, and K. Srinivasan, "The Advantages of Time-Based New Product Development in a Fast-Cycle Industry," Journal of Marketing Research 34 (1), 36-49 (1997).2. G. Kalyanaram and G.L. Urban, "Dynamic Effects of the Order of Entry on Market Share, Trial Penetration, and Repeat Purchases for Frequently Purchased Consumer Goods," Marketing Science 11 (3), 235-250 (1992).3. D. Hall and J. Jackson, "Speeding Up New Product Development," Management Accounting 74 (4), 32-36 (1992).4. M.A. Cohen, J. Eliashberg, and H. Teck-Hua, "New Product Development: The Performance and Time-to- Market Tradeoff," Management Science 42 (2), 173
Conference Session
Teacher and Counselor Professional Development
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen O'Brien, The College of New Jersey
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
, coupled with high anxiety and low self-efficacy can lead to low teachereffectiveness and lack of interest from the K-5 students. At our institution, The College ofNew Jersey (TCNJ), it was felt that the Department of Technological Studies, housed withinthe School of Engineering, was well positioned to provide a unique K-5 academic major bycombining the T&E with the M&S components of STEM, resulting in a program breadth thatmatches well the breadth of skills needed by a highly skilled K-5 teacher.Such a program was established at TCNJ in 1998 and is formally referred to as the Math-Science-Technology or MST program. The program has substantial requirements in allSTEM areas, and takes a truly integrated-STEM approach. To the authors
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Economy
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Hartman, University of Florida; Jennifer Smith, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
is also to be collected with respect to instructor time for delivery;instructor experience; student experience; and student interaction in groups. Results will bepresented at the conference.Bibliography1. Grassman, S., “Teaching Engineering Economics via Distance Education,” Proceedings of the ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, 2002.2. Ibrahim, W. and R. Morsi, “Online Engineering Education: A Comprehensive Review,” Proceedings of theASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2005.3. Kolowich, S., “Going for Distance,” Inside Higher Education,, August 31, 2009.4. Kolowich, S., “Learning from Online,” Inside Higher Education,, December 7, 2009.5. Thiagarajan, G. and C. Jacobs, “Teaching
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Gehringer, North Carolina State University; Abhishek Gummadi, North Carolina State University; Reejesh Kadanjoth, North Carolina State University; Yvonne Marie Andrés, Global
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
. Reputation systemsA reputation system is a way of measuring the reliability of ratings. Scores assigned byreviewers and metareviewers can be factored into a student's reputation. Several algorithms[4, 5, 6] have also been published for determining reviewer reliability, based only on thescores assigned by reviewers. These algorithms consider (i) consistency of scores assignedby this reviewer with scores assigned by others to the same work, and (ii) spread, how muchthe highest score the reviewer assigned differs from the lowest score (s)he assigned. Somealgorithms also consider (iii) leniency, the tendency of a reviewer to give scores that arehigher than other reviewers. Research [6] demonstrates that these algorithms provideeffective quality control
Conference Session
Retention Strategies in Action Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Surendra Gupta, Rochester Institute of Technology; Daniel Johnson, Rochester Institute of Technology; John Morelli, Rochester Institute of Technology; Michael Eastman, Rochester Institute of Technology; Vincent Amuso, Rochester Institute of Technology; James Moon, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
experience to enter the high technology workforce upon completion of BS degree; and5. Perform a regular and thorough assessment of the ET2 program that will be used for the contract reporting purposes and also will be an integral part of our standard program review process.In August 2008, NSF awarded us a four-year grant from its S-STEM program to support the ET2Transfer Scholars1. In support of this project, the university will contribute $50,000 to ensurethat continuing ET2 scholars have financial support after the grant expires and help themgraduate on time. This support indicates the university’s enthusiasm, a firm commitment ofservice to our EET students, and an endorsement of the goals and objectives of the ET2 program.For AY 2008-9, the
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Nuno Delfino; Calvin Cutshaw; Brian McGee; R. Mark Nelms
Saddle River, NJ, 2003.2. F. G. Martin, Robotic Explorations: A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River,NJ, 2001. Page 10.349.7 “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for engineering Education”3. J. W. Dally and S. J. Reeves, Introduction to Engineering Design, Book 7: Projects, Skills and LEGO Challenges,College House Enterprises, Knoxville, TN, 2001.4. B. S. Heck, N. S. Clements, and A. A. Ferri, “A LEGO Experiment for Embedded Control System Design,” IEEEControl Systems
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashley Banaszek, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Hong Sheng, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Richard Hall, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Ronaldo Luna, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Ghulam Bham, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
about and can effectively use this system,researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology, supported by the NationalScience Foundation, have set out to explore creative and effective means of teaching this systemto students. There are many segments of GIS, but for the purpose of this study we will beevaluating the transportation module created by Missouri S&T scientists and engineers tocomplement the Geographic Information System learning tool.The transportation module itself is a web-based help system that contains categories to explainhow to use many of the transportation-related capabilities of Geographic Information Systems.This module is to act as an aid to learning the application of GIS. The purpose of this study isto