responding to others verbal and nonverbalcommunication. These aspects were identified, by the author, through conversations withemployers, practicing engineers, and recent graduates. Although the key areas are easily agreedupon, how best to satisfy them during a conversation is open to some interpretation by theindividuals involved in the conversation. Therefore, the goal of the activities is to get students tothink and reflect on how they communicate, how others communicate, successfulcommunication, poor communication and goals of professional communication. Hopefully,through this thought and reflection, the students will become aware of their communicationstyles and can become better communicators
self-assessment of whether or notthey are confident in their ability to write and debug simple programs” [p. 125]. Self-concept is“a composite of self-perceptions that one can be a good programmer, which is formed throughexperience with and interpretations of one’s environment” [p. 125]. Interest is “the extent towhich an individual enjoys engaging with programming-related activities”[p. 124]. Anxiety isthe “self-reflected state of experiencing negative emotions, such as nervousness or helplessnesswhile writing and debugging programs” [p. 125]. The programming aptitude mindset represents“the strength of a learners’ belief in the notion of a fixed programming aptitude (e.g., aptitude isinherent and cannot change)” [p. 125].The implications of
shows that the program is creating value for their startup companies. Consequently, theprogram received an additional donation of $100,000.1. IntroductionExperiential learning enables students to engage in a substantial experience and reflect on thatexperience "until they can create abstract conceptualizations that link the experience to previousexperiences, which ultimately results in active experimentation when the student determines howthey will put the experience into future actions" [1]. Experiential learning thus is a very activemethod of learning, contrary to the typically passive classroom environment where students listento lectures and do not participate in reflective activities on the material presented. Experientiallearning commonly
independent organizations such as ABET. International coursecollaborations able to fulfill these goals are challenging under regular conditions, but the COVID-19pandemic and the migration to virtual learning in both Mexico and the United States presented anopportunity to test multinational collaboration during a regular course context. In the Fall 2021, wepiloted a month-long collaboration between two engineering courses at Rice University (US) andTecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico). This collaboration was designed to meet the two student outcomesstated above in the context of UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 using COIL. A series of activitieswere designed to promote student reflection on topics such as the cultural, social, and technical
was identified as “technologically challenged”, which may not always best reflectthe characteristics of upper-level engineering students.Given the challenges outlined above regarding online courses, and more specifically onlineengineering laboratory courses, the goal of this exploratory study was to assess the use of Gatherin creating an online environment conducive to peer learning and as-needed support.Additionally, students were asked to reflect on their perceived sense of community within thecourse and the contribution of Gather to this perception.MethodsThe Gather platform was introduced in an online, upper-level, bioengineering laboratory electivecourse on medical devices as the primary meeting “location” for laboratory work. The
,implementing and/or making operational the product. When considered in toto, having this (orany) marker for goodness provides a bridge between ethics and the actual business ofprofessionally-conducted engineering, and consequently the development of a competent,professional E/C professional.Competence, at some level is always our judgment on the values that we expect of the engineer,reflected through how they go about engineering. In essence they are a reflection on thegoodness of the engineer, yet these are always judged in the context of the state of the art,meaning the goodness of the engineering process applied. But it is in the choices of the engineersthemselves that the connection between the goodness of the engineering and the goodness of
both in and out of the classroom. In 2020, this activitywas conducted as a virtual webinar and student questions were asked in the Q&A feature whichwas monitored by the meeting host.After listening to the dean’s interview, students are asked to write a one-page reflection paper inwhich they are asked to describe what they learned from the interview: (1) what is needed to besuccessful in the engineering profession; (2) the expectations of, or norms for, engineeringstudents; and (3) the lessons learned from the examples provided regarding the differencebetween successful and unsuccessful engineering teams. These reflections play an important rolein helping students understand the importance of valuing diversity in engineering teams
the Southwest embarked on a study of how the introduction ofmetacognition and strategies on “learning how to learn” to engineering students could impacttheir performance in class. Our preliminary data indicates that 75% of freshmen, 50% ofsophomores, and 35% of juniors do not routinely adopt effective study strategies. Our NSF-funded research project focuses on freshman students enrolled in Engineering 100, Introductionto Engineering, which is part of the innovative First-year “Engineering Experience” program.Along with improving instruments to assess metacognitive thinking, we are developingminimally-intrusive interventions including a workshop, handouts, and reflective writingdesigned to improve students’ metacognitive awareness (their
Three- Exploring Prisms Exploring Exploring Translations, Transformations Exploring Rotations Dimensional Pyramids Cylinders, Cones, Reflections, and on the Number Transformations Shapes Students develop a and Spheres Rotations Line
with high-levelreflection/qualitative questions and low-level reflection/quantitative questions. The second phasewill be a narrative analysis of individuals’ stories derived through semi-structured interviewsusing a protocol constructed from the analyses of the survey data. The survey was built usingMcAlpine and colleagues’ identity-trajectory framework3-5, which accounts for theinterconnectivity of the intellectual, institutional, and networking influences on a student’sidentity. The findings from these two phases will be used to describe the diversity of identities ofstudents studying EngEd in Canada, and to ascertain challenges and opportunities that exist forthem in this developing and unfettered field1.As a function of the overall study
students (Edstrom et al., 2007; Prince & Felder,2006). The goal is for students to apply, integrate, and/or synthesize their knowledge, includingknowledge from previous coursework, in completing the project, which reflects the complexityencountered in an engineering environment (Sheppard et al., 2009; Prince & Felder, 2006;Edstrom et al., 2007). An inductive approach tends to drive or motivate the need for the contentor theory, which may be difficult or otherwise seem of minimal use until students beginstruggling with a real challenge (Prince & Felder, 2007). Project based learning (PBL) is a keypedagogical model that can address and improve transfer of knowledge from one context toanother, retention of information, and student
reflections. The GallupStrengthsFinder Inventory has been previously implemented in engineering classrooms[6], [7], [8]. However, this study is the first to look at students’ perceptions of how thistool impacts their teamwork. Also, this paper addresses how students’ perceptions andattitudes concerning teamwork change as a result of working on a semester-long projectwith the same team.ContextThe activities described in this paper were implemented during one semester of anIntroduction to Engineering course at Elizabethtown College. The department offersABET-accredited BS degrees in engineering and computer engineering. Both majors arerequired to take Introduction to Engineering. The course was comprised of 46 studentsin two sections, 22 in Section A
reflection and evaluation data. Our analysis andrecommendations focus on inclusivity, which is the ability of students of all backgrounds toengage meaningfully with the course. Since the goal of such courses is to attract students with arange of experiences and backgrounds, inclusivity in every course component is critical.I. IntroductionIt is well documented that today’s engineering students, faculty, and practitioners in the U.S. donot represent the demographic profile of the national population [6]. While a strong argument infavor of diversity based on social and demographic group membership can be made on thegrounds of fairness, there is another, perhaps more compelling argument to be made. William A.Wulf captures that argument when he states
the specific characteristics of each of Gee’s four categoriesof identity. Participant reflection statements were coded using the same approach. Onceparticipant drawings and reflection statements were coded, we examined the codes andcategories to identify emergent themes.Keywords: arts-based research, sketching, first-year engineering, spatial visualization, identity,qualitative methods, exploratoryIntroductionSketching as a practice can be applied in various ways. The practice itself changes based on itsintended purpose or application. For this paper, we borrow the definition for the term sketchingfrom Song and Agogino, who describe it “broadly to include all early-stage forms of graphicalrepresentations of design, including rough freehand
by doing” constuctionist pedagogies (Papert & Harel,1991) and reflective formative assessment strategies that emphasized process in addition to finalartifact products; and 4) on-going discussion of diverse purposes for making, including directapplication of content standards and connections, personally meaningful creation and expression,and creative experimentation and problem-solving.The course focused on the integration of makerspace themes into a variety of K-12 educationalsettings and included scaffolded activities covering non-digital and digital techniques for thefollowing topics: subtractive manufacturing, textiles, additive manufacturing, and simpleelectronics. The majority of the activities took place in the classroom makerspace
motivate theengineering students to actively learn and develop their well-needed self-reflection and self-judgment skills. This approach will help maximize the effectiveness of the homeworkcomponent and empower the students to learn from their own mistakes. In this model, students’grades are based on their ability to clearly identify their misconceptions, make corrections, andprovide a clear justification for how they graded their homework problems. In addition, thismodel is sought to not only discourage plagiarism but also to provide an accurate indicator of theperformance of every student in class. To validate our findings, we conducted both quantitativeand qualitative assessments taking into consideration all the pertinent parameters involved
(ELT) has been suggested in The Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching Teachingby Exploring the Biology of Learning7. With respect to the brain’s structure and the learningcycles, Concrete Experiences (CE) comes through the sensory cortex located at the back of thebrain, Reflective Observation (RO) involves the temporal integration cortex at the bottom of thebrain, Abstract Conceptualization (AC) happens in the frontal integrative cortex of the brain, andActive Experimentation (AE) takes place in the motor portion of the brain. An illustration of alearning cycle and their correlation to regions of the cerebral cortex is shown in Figure 1. Thefour phases of the learning cycle are not necessarily sequential as shown. The learning cycle maybegin in
reviewTeams were asked to identify aspects of their draft that were better than those they read, as wellas describe modifications that they would make to their report based upon what they saw fromtheir classmates. The complete instructions of the team portion of the exercise are Part 2 of theassignment in the appendix. The reflection was turned in, along with the feedback they providedto their classmates. Credit for both parts of the assignment was essentially effort-based. Teamsthen received the peer feedback and began working on the subsequent first-half draft of thereport. This draft included the two sections that were the subject of the peer review, plus a few
industrial engineering and engineering education have helped him develop innovative ways to deliver engineering curriculum for freshman engineers and talented high school students interested in engineering. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Extended Exam Wrappers: A Comparison of Approaches in a Learning Strategies CourseAbstractThis Complete Evidence-Based Practice paper explores the use of exam wrappers in alearning strategies course designed for first-year engineering students in the General EngineeringLearning Community (GELC) at Clemson University. Exam wrappers are most commonly usedas tools to facilitate the process of self-evaluation as students reflect on
Optimization Students use complete PLP A C Compiler for PLP Add to the C Compiler for platform in embedded using GNU tools. PLP; perform multi-pass system applications optimizations.Figure 1: Courses that can use PLP. Ample course materials are available for a sophomore/juniorcourse on microprocessors, and for a computer architecture course. Materials are being developed for theother courses.On the hardware side, PLP is a System on a Chip design written in Verilog that can besynthesized on contemporary FPGA boards, with accompanying tools reflecting a contemporaryCPU architecture. All hardware components of PLP are
ENGINEERINGIntroductionThe research reported in this paper reflects an effort to enhance student self-awareness and toself-regulate their learning in a Special Topics Course taught during the fall semester at JacksonState University. The students were introduced to the concepts of software engineering,systems engineering and problem solving in support of a semester level project based upon smallteam dynamics. Emphasis was placed on monitoring the students’ feedback on a number ofissues related to self-regulated learning concepts of motivation, study techniques, self awarenessand metacognition. The primary purpose of the research was to attempt to understand andmentor junior and senior level students in computer engineering in regard to their learning andstudy
Creating an environment for learning Helping students become autonomous, self-regulated learners Reflecting on and evaluating their teaching5.With these strategies in mind, ELVIS was employed during lectures for real-time demonstrationsof circuit performance in a second electronics class, EE 338K (a junior/senior level elective with20 students) in the College of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin in the summer2003 term. The experienced faculty member (JP) was aware of the perplexing nature of thetopics for many students and he wanted to integrate ELVIS into his lectures in order to helpstudents visualize concepts that are more traditionally taught using only mathematical formulasand to give them a context for theoretical
engagement indicators, student retention, and percentage of alumni who are active incommunity engagement, and (3) discuss major lessons learned during the course of 15 years as acommunity engaged faculty member.IntroductionService-learning is defined as “a credit-bearing, educational experience in which studentsparticipate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs and reflect onthe service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broaderappreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.” (Bringle andHatcher, 1995). Service-learning in higher education was pioneered by Ernest Boyer (1990,1996) and by a number of others (Harkavay, 2004; Eyler and Giles, 1999
the other teams and the class discussed the merits and drawbacks of each. The majority of theresponsibility for analyzing the designs rested with the students in an effort to develop autonomy.As described in the SKI framework, autonomous learning was facilitated by having the studentsserve as social supports for each other through sharing design ideas, providing feedback, andcritiquing each other’s designs2.Self-reflection was also achieved through the sharing of designs and ideas. Since the activity wasstructured in a collaborative learning environment, individual student self-reflection becamevoiced through the group discourse. Therefore, the students’ thinking became ‘visible’throughout the class demonstrations and discussions. As
experience. To assess student perceptions of thenew curriculum intervention, reflections were collected and qualitatively analyzed resulting in 3overarching themes, including creativity in user-centered design, time management, andcommunication/collaboration. These themes demonstrate that students felt they acquired orexpanded skills that are considered vital in a work environment. Therefore, applying this projectexperience on a larger scale can alleviate some of the unpreparedness that engineering studentsfeel as they leave school and enter the workforce. The intervention details will be provided toencourage other engineering instructors to implement similar real-world learning strategies in thehigher education classroom.IntroductionMany
activity–has been identified as an essential component forinstructional effectiveness [5]-[7] with highlights to the experience of mastery and socialpersuasion [7],[8]. This suggests that effective support for faculty should consist of learningcommunities that build supportive relationships between members, encourage critical reflection,and include opportunities for research partnerships [9].Faculty Communities of PracticesIn work focusing on educational and leadership development, Drago-Steverson [10] shares thateffective faculty development experiences allow faculty to experience conditions that supportadult learners through meaningful shared activities. Such activities enable faculty to experiencetransformational learning–learning that grows
receivedendorsements through OSU’s Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning to create and sustaineducational environments that intentionally value inclusive excellence and advance equity.A key goal is to improve the negative climate culture that is often linked to the STEM fields andthe lack of representation. Through instruction design and culturally responsive pedagogy, ourteam creates learning environments that value diverse viewpoints and representation to teachingstudents to approach problem solving in a collaborative and culturally relevant way.At the Institutional level, OSU’s Shared Values speak to our mission as a community-engagedland grant university. Many initiatives reflect the commitment to justice, equity, diversity, andinclusion. Notable and
information. Page 22.1021.5 Figure 5, Tags sensitivity testTag Performance Analysis The performance of the ALN-9640 was analyzed to determine its sensitivity under twooperating conditions. The sensitivity test was repeated with the ALN-9640 located at differentdistances from the reader antenna. Figure 6 shows the degradation of the sensitivity when the tagwas placed further away from the reader antenna, which is a typical propagation characteristic ofRF signal. Figure 7 shows the degradation of the tag sensitivity when it was placed in anenvironment cluttered with RF signal reflecting metal cabinets and equipment (RF
paths.2 Ourresults provide an initial qualitative description of how teachers promote constructivist, inclusivepractices such as knowledge building and collaboration during instruction and how the use ofthese teaching techniques – such as activating student prior knowledge, engaging students inlearning activities, and promoting reflection – might relate to students use of learning strategiesand perceptions of a future career path.Theoretical FrameworkIn the fall of 2009 we began an evaluation of a professional development program at a largesouthwestern university in the United States designed to promote constructivist teachingpractices in freshman engineering classrooms. This program had the expressed purpose ofimproving engineering education
vocabulary and reflective framework consistent with Maslow.Through reflection, students will anticipate and recognize how the achievement of specific goalssatisfies deeper objectives in their overall intellectual growth and self-actualization. Byparticipating in self-reflection, students will be able to carry associated self-regulated learninghabits into later courses and achieve a more active role in their learning experiences. While atfirst being an expected behavior that is prompted by the educational setting, motivated learningshould ultimately become an internalized life-habit. This approach prepares students to embarkon careers that require the practice of lifelong learning. This effort to address the motivationfactor should not disturb but