should be serviced. Otherwise, the inputports are scanned again.The message function in our system is configured for peer-to-peer type, using local (i.e.,hardwire) connections (see Appendix A). There are two Read and two Write message functionsin the Master PLC program. Each message function requires fourteen (14) control words. Forexample, in the first Read message function we are reserving data files N7:40 thru N7:43 for thecontrol tasks.The message (MSG) dialog box for each message function should be completed in order to setup the proper data communication protocol. Figure 5 displays the message (MSG) dialog boxfor the first Read message function. Notice that the function is setup to read the data file N7:0from node #1, which is the SLC500
classroom as a blendedlearning model; where videos are viewed outside of scheduled class time and face-to-facemeetings are used for alternative strategies (e.g., instructor guided active learning, cooperativelearning, peer led team learning, etc.) to promote deeper learning. A 2015 survey of highereducation faculty indicates that 69.5% of respondents have flipped an activity, class, period, orcourse, and plan to implement the model again (Magna 2015).Video Creation by InstructorsFor instructor survey Q1, making of a video to support a course taught by the instructor, 43responses were received. Of the 43, 18 (42%) instructors indicated “yes” to having created avideo, while 25 (58%) indicated “no”.Use of Online Engineering Education VideosQ2 on the
evaluate solutions. Student teams prototype and testtheir solutions in the OEDK, a multidisciplinary design workshop at Rice University. Recentprojects have included modifying a wheelchair for a boy with arthrogryposis, building a medicalexamination bed for a clinic in Nicaragua, modifying a surrey bicycle for the facilities staff oncampus, and developing an elbow mannequin for physicians to practice reduction for pediatricpatients with nursemaid’s elbow. Written and oral communications are strongly emphasized inthis course. Student teams write weekly technical memos and give two oral presentations ontheir progress. Apprentice Leaders support freshman students in developing teamwork skills,providing feedback on written or oral reports, and
first of three primary assessments is a team project, segmented intoa project proposal, final team pitch, and final team report. Prior to beginning work on thisproject, students are given opportunities to work with a variety of peers during class activitiesand then given structured time during class to form a team of two or three total members. Thisproject provides students a framework for exploring problem spaces of which they share mutualcuriosity, developing multiple ideas to address this problem, discuss their ideas with experts,develop and deliver an inspiring pitch, and write a brief implementation plan and complete abusiness model outline.The second assessment is an active learning, peer teaching activity [7]. Students prepare a 15
to executethe TA Development Program, TFs create a teaching support network and through peer review,sharpen their teaching skills. TFs improve their presentation styles, use a variety of teaching 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings Page 1.171.1methods, and learn pedagogical theory. As Steffen Parratt, a former TF, mused, "I have probablylearned more from this program than any of its participants. The program threw me in with someexcellent teachers and forced me to work hard on my teaching skills.'' Experienced TFs are a resource for all TAs in the College of Engineering. Most TFs
study was to understand reported motivation and learning strategies forstudents enrolled in an introductory computer science course (n = 111). Comparisons were madebetween freshman (n = 57) and other undergraduates (n = 54) [sophomores (n = 24) and juniors(n = 30)]. A commonly used instrument called the Motivational Strategies for LearningQuestionnaire (MSLQ) was used to assess motivations (value, expectancy, and affective) andlearning strategies (cognitive/metacognitive and resource management strategies) of thesestudents. Results showed variations in both motivation and learning strategies between the twogroups with freshman reporting a greater task value in the course, while other undergraduatesreported a greater reliance on peer learning
deviceslike PDAs, laptops and phones.Some of the protocols employing WPAN include Zigbee, Bluetooth, Ultra-wideband, andinfrared Data Association (IrDA).Each of these is optimized for particular applications ordomains. ZigBee, with its sleepy, battery-powered end devices, is a perfect fit for wirelesssensors. IEEE 802.15.4 is a packet-based radio protocol. It addresses the communication needsof wireless applications that have low data rates and low power consumption requirements. It isthe foundation on which ZigBee is built. It supports star and peer-to-peer topologies. The ZigBeespecification not only supports star but also mesh and cluster tree kind of peer-to-peertopologies
university, and people in education seem to agree, that it is important to teach ourstudents: 1.To be trustworthy and responsible. 2. Not to be afraid to tackle problems on theirown 3. To communicate without ambiguity and to listen actively (empathic listening). 4. Howto find and select relevant material from what is often a bewildering pile of data andinformation 5. To read, speak and write English. 6. To work in teams. Students often becomefrustrated since they find it hard to understand how to make an original, worthwhile andpersonal contribution from reading all the relevant information found. However, M.Finneston provided in “Engineering our Future” H.S.M.O., London, 1980, a stimulus. Doingteamwork is more than ever a skill required to be able
ability to group students together who are working on distinctyet related learning objectives (like EN and ET students in Strength of Materials) offers uniqueopportunities for cooperative learning. The studio format itself encourages collaboration, and thedepth of learning is enhanced by the diversity of background within the “studio.” By combiningEN and ET students in the same course, but with tailored learning objectives, a diverse,apprentice-like environment is created where students learn from the master (the professor),peers (students working on the same learning objective) and advanced peers (who have alreadymastered the learning objective in question). In addition advanced peers (and the master)broaden the context of their own mastered
a required first-year engineering course with enrollments of as many as 1700 students in agiven semester. The earliest MEA implementations had student teams write a single solution to aproblem in the form of a memo to the client and receive feedback from their TA. For researchpurposes, a simple static online submission form, a static feedback form, and a single databasetable were quickly developed. Over time, research revealed that students need multiple feedback,revision, and reflection points to address misconceptions and achieve high quality solutions. As aresult, the toolset has been expanded, patched, and re-patched multiple developers to increaseboth the functionality and the security of the system. Because the class is so large and
privilegedpeers. These innovations are varied and going through a selection of them provides an overviewof the shape a potentially less traditional but more inclusive learning environment might take.Active Learning Pedagogy in ComputingActive learning in computing provides opportunities for students to practice their skills andknowledge while learning rather than passively listening to a lesson. Two examples of suchactive learning include peer instruction and pair programming.Peer instruction, as explored by Greer et al [12], highlights student-centered instruction, andswaps typical lecturing by moving information transfer out of and information assimilation intothe classroom. When using peer instruction, students complete readings and practice
, Blackstudents face a higher attrition rate compared to their peers of other races [4]. Given these starkstatistics, the retention of the Black population in graduate and undergraduate engineeringprograms becomes imperative for establishing a diverse and robust workforce [8], [10].The systemic and cultural racial biases inherent within educational institutions contribute to themarked dearth of Black students in engineering doctoral programs. Even as research begins tounravel the experiences of Black Ph.D. students in engineering – from motivations and persistenceto encounters with racial microaggressions – the disparity remains, underscoring the need fordeeper exploration. This group has additional heterogeneity [11], particularly overlooking
undergraduate core curriculum. This allowed us to consider the characteristicsof the students who enrolled in a freshman-level CS course (N=31 students) to identify assetsthey bring from their diverse life experiences that we might build upon in teaching them. Wesought student perceptions of existing curricular modules, in terms of ownership and creativity.Students completed pre-course surveys about their CS interests, beliefs, prior knowledge andexperiences, along with demographics. They completed a brief survey to evaluate some of themodules. We examined descriptive statistics, then conducted tests of difference to identifystudents’ assets. We explored contrasts between 1) first-generation college students and theirtraditional peers; and 2) students
engineeringdynamics class8; Holdhusen talked about a flipped statics course9; Lee et al., flipped a mechanicsof materials course10; etc., while others have partially flipped one11-16. Most of these flippedclassroom models were related to student-centered learning theories, such as, active learning,peer-assisted learning, cooperative learning, collaborative learning, problem-based learning, peertutoring, etc.17-22. However, in general, most of them have not followed any specific theoreticalframework. This paper describes a flipped Solid Mechanics course that has been designed andtaught during the Spring 2015 semester at Arizona State University, following the Interactive,Constructive, Active, and Passive (ICAP) framework by Chi et al.23.According to Chi et al
questions to see what kinds of disabilities you want to include in your research. What populations of students do you want to investigate? What circumstances? 3. Disabled people are often asked to do work for less compensation than their able-bodied peers (e.g. there is a lower minimum wage for workers with disabilities [61]). Compensate your participants. If you don’t have funding to pay participants, what other ways can you engage in reciprocity with them? Can you help them change some institutional structures? Can you write them letters of recommendation? There are many ways to show participants you value their time and energy. 4. Many disabled students have negative experiences talking to faculty about
a spreadsheet(static data), and 2 times communication of data (peer review of writing and oral reports).Laboratories 4, 9 and 10 were changed from 2007 to 2008.Table 1. Laboratory activities to reinforce Kolb step 3, practice under constrained conditions.Week Topic Activity Activity Mode1 Summary Statistics and Box 1970 Draft Lottery Data Data presented in Excel Plots Analysis18,192 Sampling and Probability Distributions of Coin Flips and Active: students flip coins and 20 Distributions Response Time
-inducing activitiessuch as meeting peers and introduction to course content are completed before “day one” of thecourse.A major objective of a pre-course session is the instructor’s opportunity to frame why a course isnecessary and how the knowledge is to be acquired. This vision can be challenging to highlighteffectively in the ‘day one’ excitement and angst, or after the lesson flow of the course hasbegun. The framing focus can motivate students and help them connect the course objectives toachieving their goals. Providing a framing structure in the course will help students take that firststep, or next step, on their career path.The pre-course session may also provide scaffolding and pre-teaching content to better preparestudents for the course
ACCESS leadership team in virtual communicationand how to interact with a professional. Scholars practiced writing emails and learned moreabout the structure of the program during onboarding. Program ambassadors were introduced tocross-age mentoring strategies and engaged with Cultivate ACCESS leadership through weeklyexperiential learning class sessions. One month into the onboarding phase ambassadors werepaired with scholars. Ambassadors completed one face-to-face peer mentoring session withscholars and connected weekly to assist scholars in learning how to navigate virtualcommunication channels.Mentors were recruited and trained during onboarding. The onboarding phase allowed CultivateACCESS leadership the opportunity to learn more about
projects, and projects for design competitions. A systematicmethodology, based on the students’ rankings of all the projects for assigning students to theirpreferred choice of projects, is also presented. Whereas the data presented shows that studentsgenerally read carefully the project description, the majority of students prefer the project clientsto make short presentations. To analyze the impact of project choice on team performance, fourcategories, based on the student project choice, were proposed. Teams whose majority did notget their first choice of project, showed the largest drop between the mid-semester peer ratingscompared to end-of-semester peer ratings. This study was performed at two universities.1. Introduction The teaching of
curriculum.2-5 Ingeneral, women and underrepresented minority students are less likely to persist in engineering.6Reports also indicate that the persistence of women and underrepresented minority students inengineering may be adversely affected to a greater degree by their experiences within theengineering climate than their majority male counterparts. Here “climate” indicates perceptions ofstudent belonging and interpersonal interactions between student peers, students and faculty (bothin and out of the classroom), and individual compatibility with pedagogical styles in theirclasses.2,7 An undesirable climate also has the greatest impact on student retention in the first yearsof engineering study.8 Most students who leave engineering do so within
numerous interventions and programs is reported in the literature onengineering education and higher education more generally. Outside-the-classroom interactionswith faculty members, meaningful interactions with peers, and on-campus living-learningcommunity involvement have been shown to positively affect student persistence in college.2Astin indicates that student-faculty interaction has a positive correlation with a large number ofareas related to personal growth, intellectual growth, and behavioral outcomes includingintellectual self-esteem, leadership, and an orientation towards helping other students ortutoring.3 Vogt studied the effects of approachability and accessibility of faculty on students inthe areas related to academic self-efficacy
Paper ID #26448Examining How Skill-building Workshops Affect Women’s Confidence overTimeMs. Megan Keogh, University of Colorado, Boulder Megan Keogh is an undergraduate student studying environmental engineering and environmental policy at the University of Colorado Boulder. Megan has been involved in education outreach and mentorship for much of her college career. She completed a STEM education class in which she shadowed a local 5th grade teacher and taught three of her own STEM lessons. Megan has also been a new-student mentor through her department’s peer mentoring program. Now, Megan is interested in researching
learned, according to the students, was research methods, design research,teamwork, and communication. Finally, three peer-reviewed papers primarily written by studentspresented at international conferences demonstrate the program was successful in producingpublishable results.Keywords design education, design research, undergraduate research1. Design Education for Undergraduate Students Engineers increasingly work in new interdisciplinary fields of endeavor that addressorganizational challenges and societal issues related to public policy, sustainability, and economicdevelopment [1]. Although the challenges will change over time, engineers who can applyessential design skills can help people solve problems even as new technologies replace the
frameworks in education. Section 3 describes the conceptual model used tointegrate the framework. Section 4 discusses the proposed framework. Section 5 describes theframework validation process. Finally section 6 concludes with a summary of the researchfindings and future work.2. Literature ReviewCurrent trends in higher education make more complex the learning process for the learners andinstructors. This complexity demands the commitment of the learners in a dynamic role in theknowledge acquisition process. Every learner is motivated to enter in proactive participationexperience through a variety of processes, alternating from self-directed learning to groupdiscussion, to peer teaching, to teacher guidance4. A useful way to understand and
Paper ID #33359Examining In-Person and Asynchronous Information-Seeking BehaviorInstruction Among First-Year Engineering StudentsDr. George James Lamont, University of Waterloo George Lamont is a member of the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Waterloo. George is one of many instructors who teach first-year communications courses to engineers and sciences, in addition to courses in writing and rhetoric.Ms. Stephanie Mutch, University of Waterloo Stephanie Mutch works in Information Services and Resources at the University of Waterloo Library. Stephanie holds an MA in Criminology and
social benefit interest – feeling like your work has apositive impact on society – is an important factor of persistence and overall job satisfaction[32][33]. Social benefit interest has been studied in terms of gender: women place moreimportance on altruistic values at work [34]; are more likely to explain their interest inengineering based on societal contribution [12], [35]; are more likely to specialize in “sociallyconscious” engineering disciplines [36]; and rate impact-driven work as important more oftenthan their peers [24]. High social benefit interest is often studied in relation to public sector work[32], [37], but has also been investigated in engineering [38]. Although there has been a lot ofrecent research into ethical AI use [39
reflectivepractices, as demonstrated by the curation of artifacts and writing of personal reflections. Webelieve that by allowing students to explore and discover how their competencies are developingthrough their course assignments, they may also discover how classroom learning goals connectto professional learning goals drawn from the ABET quality assurance framework.2) Encouraging peer and instructor assessmentEvaluation of the ePortfolios included peer grading to help build a community of practice [26].This study paper evaluates whether peer grading increases transparency, improves learning,provides more valid and reliable assessment, increases student engagement, and/or increasescoherence in learning outcomes. The study included scaffolded mini projects
Educational Research Methods Division of ASEE.Julie Martin Julie P. Martin is a Fellow of ASEE and an associate professor of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University. Julie’s professional mission is to create environments that elevate and expand the research community. She is the editor- in-chief of Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, where her vision is to create a culture of constructive peer review in academic publishing. Julie is a former NSF program director for engineering education and frequently works with faculty to help them write proposals and navigate the proposal preparation and grant management processes. She was a 2009 NSF CAREER awardee for her work operationalizing social
work effectively in teams. Indeed, Kamp [6] writes that personalattributes like autonomy, organizational sensitivity, and empathy are increasingly important injob applications. Developing such a skillset requires that students master the ability to make emotionalconnections among theoretical concepts [7]. This means that engineering educators need toinvolve students at cognitive and emotional levels in authentic, meaningful, and immersivelearning experiences amidst a full curriculum. This study, which uses mixed methods to comparedata from two semesters (one face to face, one online only) of the same Design forManufacturability course, seeks to address this need by investigating the following broadresearch question: How might
and resources that enable them to succeed. Thisincludes time and task management, assistance with planning an academic roadmap as well asinformation on co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that could develop one’s portfolio as achemical engineer, such as research, internships, co-ops, study abroad and (chemical)engineering clubs. Finally, the curriculum does not typically provide early information on thesteps necessary to prepare for one’s career. Failure to understand the answers to such questionscan result in students dropping the major, struggling academically, failing to make a connectionwith peers and resources, and facing challenges when applying for jobs due to inadequate careerpreparation.To address this gap in the curriculum