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Displaying results 1621 - 1650 of 22815 in total
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Engineering Alignment with Core Curriculum (Physics)
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pamalee A. Brady, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo; Jennifer H. Rushing, Central Coast New Tech High
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics, Pre-College Engineering Education Division
, motion and energy.  Teams were required to document their design and construction processes in an electronic engineering notebook. The notebooks were examined for evidence of student understanding and communication of the engineering design process, reflective learning, and kinematic principles as well as the level of participation of each individual in the team. Integrating engineering into math and science courses is new to many in­service teachers and research has documented that science teacher efforts focus more on engineering practices such as teamwork and communication rather than the application of the math and science concepts that are important to engineering problem solving. The research objective was to identify tools and practices
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa G. Huettel, Duke University; Michael R. Gustafson II, Duke University; Joseph C. Nadeau, Duke University; David Schaad, Duke University; Michael M Barger; Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia, Duke University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
learned from the hands-onactivities and reflect back on how this can inform their understanding of, and solutions to, theGrand Challenge (Stage 6).This paper begins with a description of the framework including its foundation in contextuallearning theory and the motivation for using the Grand Challenges. Subsequently, theimplementation of the framework in two engineering courses is described. Details of the learningmodules and activities corresponding to the six stages of the framework are presented for eachcourse. Similarities and differences in implementation are highlighted, illustrating how acommon framework can be applied to seemingly very different courses. Finally, the use of theframework is evaluated in terms of its impact on student
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Zheng, Jackson State University; Huiru Shih P.E., Jackson State University; Gordon W Skelton, Jackson State University; Jianjun Yin, Jackson State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
required performance to succeed in engineering. The reasonsresulting their failing or dropping out of engineering may include: (1) lack of motivation andinterest in learning engineering; (2) lack of good learning habits, strategies and efforts in theirstudies; and (3) lack of connection with other students and faculty members for seeking support.This paper presents a new instructional framework that integrates SRL process model into courseinstruction. The integrative instruction is to simulate four phases of SRL in series of self-directedfeedback cycles, and to prompt application of learning strategies and self-reflection at thedifferent phases of learning and problem-solving process. This is implemented throughintegrating self-assessment
Conference Session
Design Projects across the Curriculum
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimberly Warners, Western Michigan University; Britney Richmond, Western Michigan University; Adam Eaton, Western Michigan University; Andrew Kline, Western Michigan University; Betsy Aller, Western Michigan University; Edmund Tsang, Western Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
. With experiential education,young students have the opportunity to learn by doing in-class experiments. The goal of theWestern Michigan University (WMU) student team was to design and construct an apparatus tobe used in a K-12 classroom that properly displays the properties of light as they occur in nature.The reflection, refraction, transmittance and absorption properties of light are recurrently shownin textbooks as if they occur individually, while in reality they occur simultaneously. Based onthe expressed need of a local middle school teacher for such a device, the team drafted designs asan assignment in an entry-level freshman engineering course. After one design was decidedupon, the device itself was produced, and given to the teacher
Conference Session
Addressing the NGSS, Part 3 of 3: Supporting High School Science Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering-Science Connections
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rodney L Custer, Black Hills State University; Julia M. Ross, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Jenny Daugherty, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
professional development research. Cognitive science research indicates that conceptualunderstanding is necessary for situating information, content, and ideas into a particular context,for example engineering into science. Concepts provide learners with the components needed tocreate a connected web of knowledge, allowing learners to apply what they have learned to newsituations and learn related information3. From an instructional standpoint, concepts provide away to organize knowledge into meaningful instruction4. In addition, research indicates thatprofessional development should take into account teachers’ conceptions of teaching and of thelearning process and allow for active learning and reflective participation5, 6, 7. Engaging inactivities
Conference Session
Innovations in Design within BME Curricula
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Howard P. Davis, Washington State University; Denny C. Davis, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
professional practice, the culture of the classroom must emulate the community ofpractice [4-7]. The instructional approach that has guided the evolution of the course has beenbased on the following principles: • Business Environment. Assignments and assessments should be grounded in and resemble business practice. • Assignment Timing. Assessments and student reflection exercises should be coordinated with the completion of a major challenge. • Cycle Iteration. Multiple cycles of both the business model and technical solution generation are necessary. • External Reviews. External input and review of the projects is sought at every stage of the process.Each of these principles is discussed in paragraphs that
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 29
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sakhi Aggrawal, Purdue University ; Lisa Bosman, Purdue University; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
teamwork in URPs, as well as the methods and processesthat students use to manage teamwork effectively.Methods: The study was conducted in a 10-week summer, full time, onsite REU program at alarge Midwestern University. Fourteen students from all over the US worked in teams on avariety of research projects in the fields of engineering and applied energy at the host university.At the end of the program, the students completed a guided reflection, and the collected data wasthematically analyzed to reveal perceptions about their experiences working as a team.Results: Students reported diverse strengths in teamwork, such as the importance of differingperspectives and experiences, positive mentorship dynamics, and the value of adaptability andeffective
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) - Research Investigations in the Context of Design Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Senay Purzer, Purdue University ; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University ; Wei Zakharov, Purdue University ; Joreen Arigye, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
University. She earned her B.S. in Software Engineering from Makerere University and her M.S. in Information Technology, with a focus on Software Engineering & Data Science, from Carnegie Mellon University. Her research focuses on reflective practices and outcomes in scaffolded computational modeling and simulation engineering projects, alongside the integration of data and ethical reasoning in engineering, and computing education within the African context. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Developing the Design Reasoning in Data Life-cycle Ethical Management FrameworkAbstractHuman-designed systems are increasingly leveraged by data-driven methods and
Conference Session
Open-Ended Problems and Student Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida; Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, University of Florida ; Zaria T. Malcolm, University of Florida; Nathan McNeill, University of Florida, Gainesville; David J. Therriault, University of Florida; Christine S. Lee, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
humanperceptions, understandings, and realities are based on the lived experiences of individuals(Cardellini, 2006; Crotty, 1998; Gordon, 2009; Kincheloe, 2005). Individuals create, interpret,and recognize knowledge in diverse and contextual ways (Windschitl, 2002). An individual isseen as an active knower and as a consequence personal reflections on experiences are integral tothe data collection process (Crotty, 1998; Fosnot, 2005; Schwandt, 2001). In the context of thethink aloud method discussed in this paper, students generated knowledge about their problem Page 22.1084.4solving strategies and approaches by reflecting actively and in real-time on
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education: Cross-cultural Awareness and Social Impacts
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas F. Schubert, University of San Diego; Frank G. Jacobitz, University of San Diego
Tagged Divisions
the home institution provide an overview ofstudent attitudes about the course. (2) Instructor observations and course grades are used toassess the efficacy of the delivery of technical material. These observations are compared tosimilar courses taught in a semester-long format at the home institution. (3) Students writeweekly reflection papers concerning their total experiences. Finally, (4) a survey instrument isused to assess the international experience of the students.In the following, each of the two engineering courses is described. Next, the assessmentmethods are described and assessment results are presented and discussed. Finally, conclusionsare drawn from the assessment results.II. Description of these two Compact International
Conference Session
FPD II: Increasing Engagement and Motivation of First-Year Students
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George Roesch Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Engineering Professional Development
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
included a summary of the author’s mainpoints, a discussion of the author’s sources and finally their critical reflection on the material. Preand Post surveys of each student’s view of their future role in science and engineering wereconducted to determine any change in perception or attitude. Further weekly emails sent by thestudents were collected to determine their growing awareness and confidence in theirunderstanding of each week’s reading and discussion. In response to the reading assignments onmedia and learning, a few students generated their own digital documentaries of student life. Thefindings from pre and post class surveys, along with the final anonymous student evaluations,indicated that most students found the class helped them
Conference Session
Community Engagement and Humanitarian Engineering: Creating Inclusive Engineers
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrick John Sours, The Ohio State University; xinquan Jiang, The Ohio State University
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division (COMMENG)
IDIsoftware. These scores correlate to produce reports detailing individual and/or group results thatprovide insight into characteristics within each phase. These results were then assessed usingMicrosoft Excel’s statistical toolset to analyze the changes across the IDC continuum of theoverall group, subgroups, and individuals. Changes (+/-) 7 on the IDI scoring are consideredstatistically significant.Qualitative Data CollectionQualitative data were collected from a modified Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG)Survey, developed using the SALG assessment tool [20] with reflection activities guided by [21],and course artifacts including student assignments, focus groups, individual interviews, classdiscussions, reflection activities, and related
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) - Best in DEED
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Lawson-Bulten, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Samantha Lindgren, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Ann-Perry Witmer P.E., University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
experience. These are situations in which the designer(s) are most likely not to reflect anunderstanding or shared identity of end users’ needs and conditions. While the field ofengineering is diversifying, in the United States, nearly three-quarters of engineering positionsare still held by men, two-thirds of whom identify as white [12]. Until there is greaterrepresentation in the sciences and engineering fields, new pedagogical approaches are required toensure that engineering designs are inclusive and appropriate for the sociocultural contexts intowhich they are implemented.Many institutions develop DEI education as a separate, focused course to assist engineers inunderstanding place-based context. Social science courses may go some way in
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chasz Griego, Carnegie Mellon University; Cheng Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University; Wenchao Hu, Carnegie Mellon University; Ziyong Ma, Carnegie Mellon University; Andy Ouyang, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
. This course was designed to help students understand the motivation for theOpen Science movement and be most prepared to navigate these new standards, as they enter aresearch field. As a team of students and an instructor, we explored high-level concepts ofresearch linked to Open Science, and how modern tools facilitate reproducible research. Theobservations stated here are not considered comprehensive results from formal research, ratherthis paper provides reflections from a unique course that may inspire others to incorporate OpenScience practices into courses and research.Reproducibility along the research lifecycleThis course was centered around students understanding and creating reproducible research bydeveloping and assessing open
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) Technical Session - Professional Practice 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pinar Omur-Ozbek, Colorado State University; Rebecca A Atadero, Colorado State University; Amir Hedayati Mehdiabadi, University of New Mexico; Chika Winnifred Agha, Colorado State University; Carlotta Duenninger
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
contribute to the higher emphasis on ethics in design engineering firms compared to construction companies? How might these differences impact decision-making processes? Consider organizational culture, project timelines, and stakeholder expectations. 2. Reflecting on Cesar's concerns about working under pressure in a construction company, how do you think time constraints and financial pressures can potentially compromise ethical decision-making in engineering projects? What strategies can engineers employ to maintain ethical standards while meeting tight deadlines? How can project managers and team leaders support this balance? 3. In what ways might Cesar's worries about prioritizing time and money over
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Technical Session 4: Professional Preparation
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg Kremer, Ohio University; Timothy Cyders; Cody Petitt; Kouree Chesser, Ohio University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
intention is totransform the identity and mindset of the learners in our engineering programs from ‘student’ toengineer in training, or engineering apprentice.A key feature of pro-ops is that students take on professional roles in experiences intentionallydesigned to resemble a professional experience in all aspects, to differentiate them from justanother class project. We use immersion as a measure of the level of industry-like context, with ahigh level of immersion being required to qualify as a pro-op. The overarching goal of Pro-opeducation is to create a healthy professional culture (Pro-culture) within our engineeringprogram, where students engage in repeated professional experiences and tell stories about themthrough the reflective lens of
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 4: Engaging Authentic Engineering Practices
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Azizi Penn, Purdue University; Rachel E. Higbee, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Hillary E. Merzdorf, Texas A&M University; Siddika Selcen Guzey, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Morgan M Hynes, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Kerrie A Douglas, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Tamara J Moore, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
shown that learning activities that reinforce concepts help students understand thecontent they previously struggled to master [12]. This approach also improves theirunderstanding of concepts, the principles that link concepts, and the linking of concepts andprinciples to conditions and procedures for application [13]. It is critical to allow students torelate concepts to their application by providing realistic scenarios for students to solve usingtheir knowledge of STEM. Integrated STEM activities can foster self-regulated/self-directedlearning in several ways. One is by prompting students for explanations via guiding questions,which help students reflect upon and integrate the knowledge they require to solve the problem[14]. For the
Conference Session
Technical Session M5C
2022 First-Year Engineering Experience
William C. Oakes, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Srinivas Mohan Dustker, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Full Papers
be customized to align with EPICS. Anexample is that the reflection assignments in the new course built on the EPICS experiences. Forexample, critical and reflective thinking is an area assessed in EPICS but first-year students oftenstruggle. To help them, a weekly reflection was included in the common engineering course ontheir EPICS experience. Feedback was provided and this helped their work in the EPICS course.The common course also provided a means to address issues that may arise in EPICS. For example,the EPICS assessments are modelled after professional performance appraisals and requirestudents to identify their most significant accomplishments and document them for evaluation.This method is often foreign to students, but it was
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Pinar Omur-Ozbek
of ethics, discussing theresponsibilities of professionals to society, employers/clients, and colleagues. The use of casestudies brought up by the instructor as well as the ones the students research and find can fosterthe discussions on the topic (McGinn, 2003; Rabins, 1998).Any EJ coverage in class brings along SJ concerns, and it is best to cover both conceptssimultaneously. Therefore, starting with basic definitions, especially developed by the students isa great starting point. The students may start by reflecting on what these terms mean to them,then get in groups to discuss their definitions and perspectives with each other. Finally all classcomes together to share their definitions. Class discussions may continue around the case
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED): Best of Works in Progress
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Uri Feldman, Wentworth Institute; George D. Ricco, University of Indianapolis
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
maycapture and analyze one of their own physiological signals. Flash-labs are designed to takebetween 20-30 minutes in class, with about 60 minutes of follow up work to be completedoutside of class. Students execute the activities, then report on and discuss their findings withtheir classmates in small groups and through reports and reflective posts in their DSP-Portfolio.DSP-PortfolioOriginally, after completing each Flash-lab, students submitted their findings and observations asassignments onto the learning management system (LMS). However, this was limiting becauseonly the instructor got to review the assignments. To further enhance in-class collaboration andengagement, in the spring of 2022, DSP-portfolios were added for students to share their
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Renee Rigrish Pelan, Ohio State University; Renee M. Desing, Ohio State University; Rachel Louis Kajfez, Ohio State University; Amber Dyche, Ohio State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
, Energy.Theoretical FramingIn order to investigate the impact of the program on faculty identity and motivation, weemployed the Longitudinal Model of Motivation and Identity (LMMI) to frame our research [8].The LMMI combines Self-Determination Theory [9] and Possible Selves Theory [10] to studymotivation and identity development during an experience. This model gives us the capability toobserve how the program has made an impact on individual faculty members as well as seeingthe impact of the program holistically across the participants.The LMMI has previously been used to study graduate teaching assistants’ motivation andidentity development as teachers [8]. For that work, one data collection measure included havinggraduate teaching assistants reflect on
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kaitlin Mallouk, Rowan University; Alexandra Coso Strong, Florida International University; Courtney June Faber, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Darby Rose Riley, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Engineering Education Guilds: Understanding Their Vision for InnovationIntroductionThe major aim of this project is to understand how, and the extent to which, engineeringeducation guilds (e.g., the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE)and the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN)) foster propagation and adoption oftheir respective pedagogical innovations. Engineering education guilds like CPREE and KEENseek to work at the forefront of educational innovation by creating networks of instructor changeagents who design and implement a particular innovation in their own context to further theprofessional formation of
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Student Perceptions and Perspectives
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
George James Lamont, University of Waterloo; Stephanie Mutch, University of Waterloo; Chimdindu Ohaegbu, University of Waterloo ; Hamza Z. Butt, University of Waterloo; Kate Mercer, University of Waterloo; Kari D. Weaver, University of Waterloo
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
engineering research practices, information-literacy skills, andcritical evaluation of information. Students undertook an iterative writing process and submittedfinal projects, recording their resource-selection process. These were evaluated to determine theimpact of the asynchronous learning module on students' information-seeking behavior. Finally,the results of this pedagogical reflection were compared to similar data recorded the previousyear following in-person instruction of the same material [8]. Our results demonstrate that theasynchronous learning module significantly enhanced the students’ critical evaluation of sources.These results have dramatic implications for how we understand students’ information-seekingbehaviors, pedagogical design
Conference Session
Cross-cultural Sensitivity, Moral Imagination, and Diversity in Engineering Ethics Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yousef Jalali, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Christian Matheis, Guilford College; Marc Edwards, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
enhance the curriculum of a graduate-level engineering ethics course, Engineering Ethics and the Public, at Virginia Tech, a large land-grant, Research 1 university. The course is a three-credit elective course offered annually to engineering students. The overall course itself was originally co-conceived and co-developed by an engineer, one of the authors of this paper, and a medical ethnographer, with the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF) [1]. The learning objectives, topics, and assignments are presented in Table 1. The course aims to address relationships between engineering, science, and society by incorporating listening exercises, personal reflections, individual
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Andrea Turcatti; Terrell Bennett
projectStarting in the Spring 2019 semester, a pre and post reflection survey has been given to the studentsto measure their confidence on working on real-world problems and their familiarity with thedesign process before and after the course. The pre-reflection survey is given during the first weekof class, and the post-reflection survey is given in the last 2 weeks of the semester. For Spring2019 we had 77 and 62 responses to the pre and post surveys respectively. We had 67 and 61 forthe pre and post surveys respectively for Fall 2019. The pre-reflection survey had an ~86%response rate and the post-reflection survey had an ~74% response rate over the two semesters.Using a Likert Scale (5 very prepared, 1 not prepared at all) we ask the following
Conference Session
CoNECD Session: Day 3 - Slot 3 -- Technical Session 4
2021 CoNECD
Brandi P. Jones, University of Southern California; Helen Choi, University of Southern California; Cheyenne Gaima
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
and opportunities to reflect inpreparation for teaching others, Student Trainers strive to enhance their feelings ofpurpose, agency, and community with others. They learn that their roles in these jobshave great purpose and value, and that as peer educators - they can reach others ina way that instructors cannot. And they learn that their willingness to take risks and bevulnerable can have powerful consequences in building connections with others.For these first-year students, who are receiving this storytelling module as part of theirintroduction to engineering curriculum, learning outcomes include exercising listeningskills, participating in short storytelling activities through which they can begin toexamine their values and identities
2017 FYEE Conference
James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Lisa K Davids, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach
the instruction to discuss the goals of the course and identifyencourage both reflection and shared-vision of any feedback for which they are specifically looking. Theinstruction that can lead to lasting institutional change colleague will then attend the class, taking notes throughout,within the cohort and the adoption of evidence-based and then meeting afterwards to review the notes. A primaryinstructional practices. This workshop illustrates the use limitation to this approach is that issues or recommendationsof a video-annotated peer review (VAPR) process that made can be vague or misunderstood due to a lack ofcan help facilitate any faculty cohort to implement the
Conference Session
Student Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erdogan Kaya, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Anna Danielle Newley, Sonoran Schools; Hasan Deniz, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Ezgi Yesilyurt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Tagged Divisions
influence over knowledge. PSTs’ were enrolled in an elementary science teaching held informed NOE views increased at the end of the engineering unit.professional development programs and modification of existing science the perceptions of their students; and although they have a powerful methods course offered at a university located in the southwestern United According to the reflections, all PSTs
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen D. Alfrey, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
skills bycomparing planned weekly schedules to actual time spent on those activities and reflecting onhow to plan accordingly. Academic Reflections give Scholars an opportunity to reflect on theirmost recent semester as they are about to enter a new semester and to analyze what went well,what went less well, and what they might do differently going forward. It also gives moreadvanced students in the cohort a chance to mentor younger students in the same degreeprogram, which both helps younger Scholars succeed academically and strengthens the socialbonds of the cohort. Scholars consistently rate these opportunities to get to know and learn fromone another as among their favorite aspects of CLEAR Scholars. Month
Conference Session
Technical Session II
2018 FYEE Conference
Tiago R Forin, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
processby comparing engineering design to the design methods used by non-engineering fields. Thiswill allow students to see how design is used across the world and how it can enable cross-disciplinary work. The final assignment involves students exploring ethical, moral, and socialissues in engineering through the use of movies that highlight actual events in engineering. Theuse of visual media to reflect issues in engineering can help engage more visual and reflectivestudents and allows all students to observe the direct implications of ethics to engineering andhow it affects society. This paper can be used to stimulate the development and elaboration ofother assignments that have similar qualities and objectives.Introduction At Rowan