paradigm is not easy (Finelli, Daly, &Richardson, 2014). In order to train teachers for this new scenario, many institutions offeropportunities for teacher development through specialized courses. However, there is verylittle evidence of the effectiveness of these courses.In this scenario, active learning methodologies appear as a way to improve conceptualunderstanding and thinking skills of science and technology students for flexible use in thecurrent context. Although there is a clear evidence of the benefits of active learning,professors still use traditional teaching methods.Helping teachers moving towards a new conception of teaching and learning needs a way ofprofessional development that creates opportunities to reflect and rethink
Security.” He is a recent recipient of the NSF CAREER award (2012), as well as the ISU award for Early Achievement in Teaching (2012) and the ECpE department’s Warren B. Boast undergraduate teaching award (2009, 2011, 2016).Dr. Mani Mina, Iowa State University Mani Mina is with the department of Industrial Design and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching
multiple approaches to inquiry to research this particular wicked problem of ourtime. Our course incorporated documentary film, fiction, arts based inquiry, research, andmultiple modes of reflection to frame the design of creative solutions to complex problems.Engaging students in practices of attending to experience introduced them to artistic/creativereflective practices, design thinking, and aesthetic inquiry. Examining how artists interweaveart, science, technology, and math in imaginative artworks that blur boundaries between art,design, and STEM disciplines developed "thinking dispositions that are valued both within andbeyond the arts," (p. x, Hetland, Winner, Veenema, & Sheridan, 2013). In this paper we discuss how an art
capstone design project reports. However,the difference here is to have a structure to provide multiple formative feedbacks from theinstructor, the peers, and the student writing fellow (trained by the writing center) to helpstudents reflect on their weaknesses in writing through multiple interactions and assessment overa period of a semester. Furthermore, this vigorous writing-to-learn process is repeated in twosubsequent courses to ensure students proficiency in the process. In this format, the benefits ofusing writing-to-learn methodology have been expressed in many ways in the literature, such asimproved student writing, increased student learning and engagement, student-facultyinteraction, collaborative learning, and critical thinking to name
premotor cortex (known to be involved in themanagement of uncertainty, control of behavior, and self-reflection in decision making). Thenumber of solutions generated was also significant (p=0.032). Freshmen generated 5.6 solutionson average during the brainstorming activity while seniors developed 4.1. In many ways, thisinitial work serves as a proof of concept in using neuroimaging to study the processes involvedin engineering design. Through a better understanding of these processes, we can begin toexplore specific elements of the engineering curriculum that may contribute to student ability tomanage complexity inherent in engineering design problems. We hope this interdisciplinarystudy integrating engineering education and neuroscience
educational design study results in journals or presented ateducational conferences. The essence of the transformation faculty went through was the“reflection” they did [10], as they interacted with their colleagues at the conferences or duringthe peer-review phases of their manuscripts. The authors noted that the participating faculty’s iterative design efforts were the mostcritical [11]. In the second round implementing their instructional designs, the faculty were morelikely to fully engage in metacognitive and self-reflective thinking regarding their approaches toteaching and understanding of student learning. When university faculty actively engaged ineducational research and became the agents of transforming the culture of STEM
. This omission is especially troubling given that the impactof the work, and the resulting responsibility, is arguably larger in cutting-edge research than inthe routine practice of engineering. Yet reflection on the traits and skills necessary for a scientistor engineer to productively engage with the social impact of his or her work reveals anotherreason why relevant training is usually missing: the difficulty in specifying what such trainingmight look like, much less how to provide it.SRR at Notre Dame For these reasons, in 2013 the Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values at theUniversity of Notre Dame applied for and received an NSF EESE award to research, pilot andassess training in the Social Responsibilities of
facilitation of activities (before and while visiting K-12 students), writing skills used when preparing an outreach activity proposal (to includespecific instructions on how to adapt it to fit the needs of the community partners) and withwritten reflections of the experiences from the visits to the K-12 classrooms. The schedule of thecourse included four to six visits to the K-12 selected schools to nurture the development of atrusting learning environment. The EGR 299 S course was also a creative way to engage andimprove retention of CPP engineering students.E-Girl eventIn 2013, when funding was obtained to develop the “Hispanics in Engineering” program, the E-Girl event was created by two CPP female engineering students (Hadasa Reyes, a
this program is a work in progress, only preliminary data from the first two cohorts areavailable for program evaluation. Current evaluation efforts were based on participantreflections, pre- and post-program Local Systemic Change (LSC)11 surveys, participation inacademic year follow-up activities, as well as data collection and reflection during the follow-upacademic year. These sources were aggregated to describe the impact of the participants’summer experiences for primary investigators leading the program, materials and manufacturingresearchers, in addition to the NSF funding agency. The evidence collected regarding the nineobjectives based on the three research topics are listed in Table 1 including progress andrecommendations for the
• Based on interests • Sense of belonging • Locally applicable • Growth mindset PERIODIC/ REOCCURRING Community Involvement Survey of Classroom • Local Community Organizations Climate (e.g. City Council)Figure 1. Framework for series of classroom interventions.Authentic Project (Relevancy)• On the first day of class, an authentic project is assigned to pique student interest and demonstrate the applicability of the course. Students are asked to reflect on their
creating betterinter-corporation collaborations.The common assignment was graded by both professors who taught the two foundationalcourses. The reason for doing it was to understand and eliminate potential bias that an instructorcould have towards his/her students. Results of our first round of this intradisciplinaryassessment are presented in the next section.ResultsStudents work of the common assignment was graded by both professors for all five of thecriteria (i.e., Curiosity, Initiative, Independence, Transfer and Reflection). Each student wasgraded on a scale of 1-4 on each of the five criteria.Figure 2 shows the average grades of all 24 students enrolled in the Database Fundamentalscourse. We see that professor who taught the course (i.e
of a single course. It’s a bit likeinvestigating dark matter; one can hypothesize without seeing it that it exists because of radiationsignals observed when particles collide, but not really understand what it’s composed of or howit holds galaxies in the universe together. Our goal in this project is to provide student writerswith a means to jumpstart their understanding of writing as compositional decision-making byequipping them with the means to quickly, and literally, “see” their composing decisions.To help students notice and reflect on composition decisions in their writing, our team of writingresearchers, educators, and statisticians is piloting use of a suite of computer-aided learning toolsfor corpus-based text analysis in core
be integrated into engineering and computer scienceclasses at all undergraduate levels. They consist of independent work done via online lessonsthat include video and readings, along with reflective exercises and quizzes.At the University of Cincinnati, we deployed the module on developing an elevator pitch in asenior capstone design course. The online module consists of four lessons. The first two lessonsintroduce the concepts of stakeholders and value propositions, while the latter two introducedeveloping a pitch and recovering from a failed pitch. We split the four lessons into two halves,two to be completed at the beginning of the semester and the remaining two at the end. Therationale for doing so is that students collect voice-of
comparing sample student budgetsfrom different institutions, be certain to consider the following factors: How many semesters or months are reflected in the sample budget? Does it cover school breaks and/or the summer months, or do I need to budget for those separately? Is the tuition rate reflected in the sample budget an accurate reflection of what I would pay, based on my residency and program level (Master’s, PhD, etc.)? Are there additional fees for students in the graduate program that I’m considering that are not included in the sample budget? Does the sample budget include expenses for a vehicle? Does the housing estimate in the sample budget accurately reflect the typical rents I can
in recognizing the importance of working with people with Average Ranking 4 complementary skillsets, specifically, outcomes m – q from 3 Table I. 2 In general, the survey results indicate the need to 1 include elements in the project that encourage students to reflect on scalability of their discoveries as well as to gain a 0
automates the dataprocessing and report generation, allowing the system to scale to larger numbers of users withminimal added effort.The core of the DEFT system is a weekly questionnaire which asks students to describe theirclass-related activities during the preceding week, to rate and comment on the performance oftheir peers, and to answer some questions intended to elicit reflection on their own approach tothe design process. Figure 1 shows an excerpt from the “beta version” of the student weeklyquestionnaire. The resulting data is used to construct an overview of the design processfollowed by each student; this overview can then be used as research data; as a reflective toolfor students; and as a class evaluation tool by instructors
are necessary for assessing educationaloutcomes across engineering problem contexts. We are in the process of updating and refiningthe rubric’s content and structure to reflect current practices and ensure its applicability acrossdisciplines. A systematic literature review of sustainability and sustainable design in engineeringcurricula and practice confirmed most criteria in the rubric but also indicated several gaps. Somegaps were expected because the original rubric was directed towards civil and environmentalengineering projects, but most of the themes were confirmed in other disciplines. Examples ofpotential gap areas included ethics, affordability and equity, and innovation. While these areasare reflected in the SD Rubric 1.0, the
are learning about how the brain works, we will assign weeklyreflection papers so that students express how the lecture, the classic experiment, and the smallgroup discussion have influenced the way they view learning through provided prompts. Theprompts will probe students on the following experiential processes: self-reevaluation, socialliberation, dramatic relief, and environmental reevaluations.In addition to weekly reflection papers, we will assign reading and watching assignments forhomework. For example, students will read book excerpts and watch videos of TED Talksrelated to how the brain works. These readings and videos will be accompanied by short writtenassignments called reaction papers. These reaction papers will have prompts
the projects: EIE-Surveyor3, ELLEIC4 andSALEIE5.1. EIE-Surveyor3 was an ERASMUS thematic network project funded by the European Commission (project no: 225997-CP-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-TNPP). EIE-Surveyor took place for a three-year period, from October 2005 to September 2008. The aims of the project were to reflect and make concrete propositions for the problem of mobility of students, readability of contents, and recognition of diplomas. The project was organized as four main tasks: • Reflection on generic competences and subject-specific competences in Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) • Implementation of quality assessment methodologies on some educational resources available in EIE • Reflection and
participants about an activitythey enjoyed and how they learned in the settings outside the classroom for that activity.Students were then asked to reflect on how the learning in both the settings (ie. inside theclassroom and outside) were different or similar.For interviews at PriU we asked: “Tell me something you enjoy doing. How did you go about learning how to do that? (examples might be an instrument, sport, language, game, cooking, or other craft) How is learning for this activity the same as and different than learning in academic classes? What makes it different?”For interviews at PubU, we asked: “Tell me something you enjoy doing. How did you go about learning how to do that? (examples might be an
thetwo courses in Spring 2016, including increased integration of readings, reading reflections, anddiscussion in Design Lab, and hands-on projects and introduction of tools that could be used toweigh trade-offs in Seminar. As one student expressed in a focus group, “Well, I got to say, it's alot more design in seminar and a lot more seminar in design.” Although some students indicatedsome sense of ambivalence regarding this change, all students in the other group agreed with onestudent’s explanation: It kind of feels like they've blurred the lines between our design lab and seminar. It's actually kind of nice because it makes it harder to differentiate between the two. I kind of liked the classes have somewhat blurred together
done along with a weekly log and journal that describes the activities.Students also complete a student survey to reflect on their experience and are graded by theirwork supervisors. The new course will also include the minimum hours requirement, weeklyjournals and logs along with the PPT Presentation. The main difference will be that the studentsare required to produce scholarly works including conference papers and trade journal articles.Scholarly works of appropriate quality may also be submitted to scientific journals. Thecompletion and submission of these works will be the requirement, not the acceptance.The course will draw its students from internal and collaborative research projects at theinstitution along with students conducting
multiple ways.The initial framing and resulting ideas that a designer generates to solve a design problem maybe influenced by that individual’s cognitive style. Cognitive style is a stable attitude or way ofthinking that reflects how a given individual prefers to interpret and respond to information.7Kirton’s Adaption–Innovation (A–I) theory posits that some individuals are more adaptive andprefer more structure, while others are more innovative and prefer less structure. Althoughindividuals may have a preferred problem solving approach, there are always different problemsituations or different times within a problem in which there could be a benefit to approachingthat problem in a non-preferred way. A person who is able to ideate along a spectrum
in fall 2015, all engineering students taking the UW-Stout course Impacts ofEngineering have participated in a pre- and post-survey, examining their values and ethical beliefsregarding professional responsibilities and humanitarian service learning work. This courseintroduces students to the engineering design process, explores “past and present impacts onpeople, society, and the environment,” and examines “contemporary and emerging issues relatedto engineering.” Survey questions measure attitudes and competencies surrounding ethics,sustainability, the need to include social and environmental factors in designs, and attitudestowards including pro-bono and international work in careers. Text response questions askedstudents to reflect on the
of user-centereddesign (UCD) and human-computer interaction (HCI) during the mid to late 1990s. Unlikesimple descriptions of real people, personas are fictional, “hypothetical archetypes” [1]constructed from purposeful research about product users. Personas help to communicate thegoals, values, needs, and actions of targeted users and to develop empathy and interest for usersduring early stage design. Scenarios are narrative descriptions (i.e., “stories”) of “typical andsignificant” user activities that help designers define specific product features that reflect a userfocus [2]. Today, use of both personas and scenarios are widely recognized; designers mayimplement personas and/or scenarios in the context of product usage models that enable
indicators.IntroductionPreparing Future Faculty (PFF) Programs were established in 1993, in partnership with theCouncil of Graduate Schools (CGS) and the Association of American Colleges and Universities(AAC&U) [1], with the basic premise that participation in program initiatives would produceassistant professors who are better prepared for their faculty roles than their non-participatorycounterparts. Specifically, as with many future faculty development programs, it sought “threetransformative outcomes: (a) [to improve] the quality of undergraduate education by enhancingthe pedagogical skills of program participants; (b) [to provide] training to doctoral students thatbetter reflect[ed] the full range of faculty responsibilities; and (c) [to change] the culture
notion of ‘the public’.Application of Nursing Theory to Engineering Education Emphasizing Two CoursesTo explore the apparent disconnect among the ‘practice’ of engineering and the ‘practice’or nursing as reflected in the professional codes focused upon ‘every person’ ascompared to ‘the public’ for nursing and engineering, respectively, Nightingale’senvironmental theory was used as a starting point for interdisciplinary discussion amongengineering students and nursing students who participated side-by-side in a series ofeducational offerings over a period of approximately ten years. As described in Table 1,six seminal events – including instruction in two separate courses – over a period ofapproximately one decade were instrumental in the
such, departments must find creative and effective ways to providing properadvising and mentoring on these topics.One solution, which by itself provides such a high-impact learning experience, is a student-centered / student-led program to aid the department in providing services to students. Ourdepartment developed a student ambassador program to meet these needs. The main objective ofthe student ambassador program is to provide information about the department, major disciplineand university from a student’s perspective.This paper describes the student ambassador and program in more detail, provides preliminaryassessment of its effectiveness through analysis of the ambassador reflection pieces, and offersguidance on developing and
teachers normally do when they have high expectations for a student. In effort-based schools, it is standard practice with all students. (Retrieved from work at Mines is intentionally designed to increase student discourse and active learningopportunities in the classroom and thus socialize intelligence.We built our tool to target observable practices that relate to active learning and socializingintelligence. We cannot observe what thoughts students are thinking, nor can one observer hearwhat students are discussing in small groups. Our tool, consequenctly, focuses on what actionsand behaviors reflect high levels of engagement and cognitive demand. For
and opportunity to participate in reflective practice. Implementing a flippedapproach requires a change in and re-envisioning of the traditional classroom; faculty arechallenged not only in their approaches to teaching, but also in the time it takes to deliver aflipped classroom (i.e., developing out-of-class content and substantive in-class activities).Developing sustainable Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) may be one effective approach toaddressing these challenges. In higher education, FLCs have recently received attention as a wayto increase faculty support and increase collaboration and cohesiveness within disciplines (Ward& Selvester, 2012). FLCs can be defined as a small group of faculty (and professional staff) whoengage in a