audience time only masked the significance of the usability data with an activity thatdid not reflect usability, but merely represented passive reception. All tasks were re-analyzed and certainprocedures were modified to focus on activities that indicated differences in usability. The testing timeoverall has been reduced from the initial design of several hours per user (four platforms, nine tests) toabout 20 minutes per platform or about 45 minutes for a complete single user experience (two platforms,three tests). It would have been difficult and expensive to recruit a statistically significant number ofusers to complete a set of tasks lasting several hours per user.One of the difficulties of measuring cross-platform occurs when the app
carriedout in order to obtain refined velocity profiles to confirm the flow quality in the contraction andtest section. Furthermore, velocity profiles should be measured in different locations through thesection length and with different water levels to verify the flow quality along the channel is asdesired. Subsequently, the flow quality can be improved by screen mesh density and correctionsin the diffuser. The end tank will be also modified to avoid any flow reflection from the end wall.Despite the students spent a lot of time and effort on this project and they were very committedto its completion, they were not able to finish the construction in time. It was originally expectedthat the project could not be finished in two semesters because it
terminology and the breadth of skills that may be included. A rigorous andstructured literature review is provided which identifies the range of terms used to describe thenon-technical skill set. Consistent with the practices of ASEE/LEES, and for the purposes of thispaper, the authors adopt the term professional skills as it is encompassing of a wide range ofcompetencies - but still has its weaknesses. The study uniquely used a structured review of the engineering education literature togather a first of its kind list of competencies not previously gathered. This list reflects theinconsistency in the terms used to describe the competencies. A content analysis of a sample ofengineering job advertisements did support that a large portion of the
administered at theend of the semester. Two of the statements in the course evaluation pertained specifically toprojects: • Exams, assignments, or projects accurately reflected course content. • Assignments or projects helped me learn the material.The mean course evaluation score from the Spring of 2016 and from the Spring of 2017 werecompared for these two statements to determine if implementation of the vein finder deviceproject had an effect on perceived student learning. A two-sided t-test was used to compare themean scores from the two years. Student feedback from the surveys was also valuable inevaluating student learning and potential areas of improvement. A few of the survey questionsare listed below: • What did
behavior.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNos. 1463873 and 1463809. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation."References Ahmed S. (2001). Understanding the use and reuse of experience in engineering design. PhD Thesis, Cambridge University, UK Ahmed, S, Wallace, K and Blessing L (2003). Understanding the differences between how novice and experienced designers approach design tasks, Research in Engineering Design14: 1–11 Atman, C.J., Kilgore, D., and McKenna, A. (2008). Characterizing Design Learning: A Mixed Methods Study of Engineering
students have reported the greatestgrowths and appreciations for the opportunity. A number of success stories, as recounted by thescholars themselves, are reflected below:The NSF S-STEM Scholarship has been an unfamiliar, yet amazing opportunity and experiencelast semester. I say unfamiliar because I never imagined being part of scholarship program atsome point in my college life. The many workshops provided like graduate school speeches andspeeches from New York City College of Technology alumni were very inspiring. These speakersprovided me with an abundance of information about graduate school and in a way encouragedme to make the most out of my undergraduate studies by taking the opportunities that areoffered. Mandatory meetings and advisement
designpractices in their civil engineering careers.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation (DUE Grant #1612405). Anyopinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References[1] F. S. Crofton, “Educating for sustainability: opportunities in undergraduate engineering,” J. Clean. Prod., vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 397–405, 2000.[2] American Society of Civil Engineers, Ed., Civil engineering body of knowledge for the 21st century: preparing the civil engineer for the future, 2nd ed. Reston, Va: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2008.[3] “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2018 – 2019 | ABET.” [Online]. Available:
risk of theft andvandalism of materials, and protect the materials from weather damage [2].The research presented herein takes the form of hands-on service-learning. The National Societyfor Experiential Education has defined service-learning as “any carefully monitored serviceexperience in which a student has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what he orshe is learning throughout the experience” [5]. Service based, hands-on research has proveneffective in university level construction programs. One particular study [6] describes thedevelopment of an undergraduate construction management course at California PolytechnicState University intended to incorporate service-learning goals and objectives into a hands-onconstruction
discourse of these courses takes place in a lab/studio setting, andalways with reference to system being designed. Such an approach bridges the gap that existsbetween classroom practices and workplace practices. This unified approach is meant to bringabout students with career-bound knowledge that is essential for the industry.I. IntroductionIn the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET) department of PurdueUniversity Northwest, the faculty by choice have taken upon themselves to make theaforementioned changes in their curricula, the essence of which is reflected in this paper. We thefaculty here are revisiting the subject matter after a 15-year time span. We have kept up with thechanges in technology during this timeframe and have
primarily for STEM students atcommunity and technical colleges. The responses from Honors students reflected afavorable experience toward history classes taken in secondary school and in the Honorsseminar. Several learners had AP history courses in high school, while one hadcompleted only an eighth grade world history class.The lone political science major was the most enthusiastic about studying history citingan “interest in colonization and how government originated…how political partiesoriginated and other areas such as finance policies, interest groups, and court cases.” Helisted a number of AP classes he took in high school in addition to history and politicalscience courses taken since he matriculated at TU.On the other hand, another student
there were occasions when the forms did notwork as predicted due to some setting issues. The recommendations to use Google forms wouldbe to set up the forms so that the students can enter appropriate style of answers such as multiplechoice/short answer/paragraph or more. Also, the settings should reflect the ability of the studentto edit their answers and view the responses. If the correct format of the answer is not chosen,then the Google form will show not work as seen in Figure 6 below. Here the question shouldhave been set up as a multiple choice with specific options instead it was set up as short answerquestion. Here you can see that some of the responses although correct were not consideredcorrect due to the misalignment of the spaces
textual and verbal descriptions in favor of examples tocomplete problem assignments [8].Amongst instructors, there was a distribution of responses related to content with an emphasis onthe effectiveness of the video content and interacting with the viewer. These responsespotentially reflect the importance instructors place on retaining the attention of the learnerthroughout the video. There were no responses related to creating content that providesderivations or explanations of theory.Instructor PresenceWith 20 total responses (6 student 14 instructor responses), instructor presence was consideredthe third most important feature based on overall responses. Responses related to the instructorpresence category were subcategorized as shown in Table
-efficacy (reflected in themarginal means), and also shows how the increase in Course 1’s women’s self-efficacy comesprimarily from those women who were neutral at the beginning of the course feeling moresuccessful at the end of the class.IntimidationVisually inspecting the survey results for intimidation by programming in Figs. 3, 5b, and 6b, wesee that overall women are more intimidated by programming in both courses, although thisdifference is statistically significant only for Course 2. Therefore, we cannot reject the nullhypothesis for Hypothesis 2. Interestingly, we see that men at the start of Course 2 are, onaverage, about the same as where the left off at the end of Course 1, but women are on averagemore intimidated (not statistically
participants, the text of onlinediscussions of these students, and interviews with 19 of the participants. The survey wasconducted in the beginning of semester, followed up with nine weeks of online discussion onthree ethical scenarios. In the first week of discussion on each scenario, students were asked torespond to the questions of the scenario. In the second week, they were asked to respond to twoof their peers’ postings. In the third week, the students reflected on their responses in the firstweek. Finally, the interviews were conducted at the end of the semester to further scrutinize theresponses of the students to the three scenarios. The interviews were recorded and transcribed The ethical scenarios involved different issues in computer
exit these models (p<0.001). Similarly,these students were over 70% less likely to exit the red classification (p<0.001). Studentsin soft applied fields were also less likely to exit the yellow classification (p<0.05), whileundeclared students were less likely to exit the red classification. The linear and non-linear predictors were significant for the yellow and red exit models, and like the yellowentry model, the coefficients suggest that the risk of exiting either model increases until amid-term point, tapers off, and then increases again towards the end of the semester. Thisfinding is likely explained by the weight of assignments during these periods of thesemester (midterm and final examinations), and thus, may simply reflect the
reflect the population as a whole. [1].The report continues to state that: While continuing to pursue increased knowledge and higher standards of excellence in teaching, research and innovation, two- and four-year colleges in Texas will need to consider more explicitly the primary reason most students attend college: to get a better job and achieve a better life. [1]A primary outcome of the 60x30TX initiative relevant to our discussion is the following: By 2030, all graduates from Texas public institutions of higher education will have completed programs with identified marketable skills: The marketable skills goal emphasizes the value of higher education in the workforce. Students need to
large design projects. Experience with the course has suggested thatgiving students more agency in their team selection has resulted in more ownership in the team’ssuccess/failure as reflected in student evaluations. Since teams were formed in the same way inboth groups, team formation does not play a role in the differences found in the results betweenthe groups that will be discussed in later sections.Research MethodThe goal of this research is to understand if the intervention of cohering Introduction toEngineering and Small Group Communication has resulted in better team dynamics. Theexperimental group involved in this study includes two sections of the cohered courses with 37and 20 students each. The control group consists of four sections
in a post-typographic world (pp. 283-301).[15] Maxwell, Joseph A. (2013). Qualitative research design: An interpretative approach (3rd ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.[16] Emerson, Robert M, Fretz, Rachel I, & Shaw, Linda L. (2011). Writing ethnographic fieldnotes: University of Chicago Press.[17] Walther, Joachim, Sochacka, Nicola W, & Kellam, Nadia N. (2013). Quality in interpretive engineering education research: Reflections on an example study. Journal of Engineering Education, 102(4), 626-659.[18] Stevens, Reed, O'connor, Kevin, Garrison, Lari, Jocuns, Andrew, & Amos, Daniel M. (2008). Becoming an engineer: Toward a three dimensional view of engineering learning. Journal of
that should be measured and identify where previously developedconstructs can be leveraged; or where new constructs must be developed and tested forvalidity and reliability. Critical evaluation of construct development is necessary as themost commonly used entrepreneurship scales have been developed in the context ofbusiness creation among business students. As engineering entrepreneurship educationcontinues to evolve into its own unique field and encompass a wider scope beyond newventure creation, it is critical to reflect on this evolution in research and assessmentdevelopment.As the research community collaborates to formalize a common definition of EM, weadvocate that this should not stop practitioners from assessing student-learning
example the “watershedmodeling” and “food processing” courses,), but in many of the courses, the computation softwareis still insufficient [26], [27], [28]. This fact has been reflected in the survey results of this study.This may result in some alumni engineers having to learn the software in post-graduationopportunities or internships. This underutilization of computer skills in some of the BAE courseshave challenged the students with class examples and homework problems that require the use ofthe software practice based on today job market needs [29], [30]. Therefore, the need to invest inand investigate this knowledge gap is a critical issue that has been highlighted in this study.The evaluation of results also indicates that many instructors
outcomes would reflect the evolution of civil engineering practice in theten years since the CEBOK2 was developed.The first section of the survey asked individuals to consider each of the 24 outcomes in theCEBOK2 (2008) in turn. A link to the rubric and the full CEBOK2 was provided. The surveythen asked individuals to rate the importance of the outcome using a 5‐point Likert-type scale of:1 = not important; 2 = minor importance; 3 = neutral; 4 = moderately important; 5 = veryimportant. Then the survey asked individuals to rate the quality of the rubric and description ofthe outcome using a 5‐point scale of: 1 = poorly described; 2 = not well described; 3 = neutral; 4= well described; 5 = very well described. Any ratings of 2 or below resulted in
machineFigure 4 – Skills deficiency and need for improvementThe following question probed the respondents’ opinion on which concepts/technologies willbecome mainstream over the next decade, and which might run their course and become obsoletewithin the same timeframe. Respondents were asked to qualify their answers on a Likert scaleranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The answers to the statements are shownhereunder and reflected in Table 1 below: • On the first statement: “Most cutting-edge technology available today will be mainstream in the next 10 to 20 years”, the responses were predominantly in agreement with a total of 84.38% ranking it between somewhat agree and strongly agree. The unsure or general
first-year course) is simulated via the windmill system. Students arethen tasked with critically reflecting on theoretical power values versus Arduino-measuredvalues. Figure 5. Visual representation of AC motor mount design challenge.Preliminary Course FeedbackAt the conclusion of the semester(s), students were tasked with answering survey questionscreated by course administrators as an assessment tool for course-related aspects. Twoquantitative queries, presented using a Likert scale, related to the teamwork experience in thecourse were “ENGR 111 has enhanced my ability to work effectively in a team” and “ENGR 111 has enhanced my understanding of the significance of effective teamwork”.The Likert scale was
University, North Carolina University, Michigan State University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Illinois Collected Data Points: Prerequisites to the course, main topics covered, subtopics included, referenced materials, programs utilized, assessment standardsSince Data Science courses offered on online platforms reflect the current expectations of theindustry, we’ve included a small sample of Data Science courses offered by Coursera Our approach for gathering data from these courses was the same as our approachtowards universities to keep our data consistent.The data points mentioned above were then used to create a
/instructorsupport) that encourages students to identifyways they could utilize the product they dissect in their redesign by asking them to identifyapplication opportunities. Following the dissection activity, students are given 10 minutes tocome up with additional ideas for the design prompt. As a final step, the students are led througha 20-minute discussion activity led through the PowerPoint presentation that focuses on theusefulness of the product dissected for the activity, the impact of the complexity of the productdissection on design outcomes, and the reuse of features from the product dissected in the designideas. The module is culminated in a student-reflection which captures their understanding of thedissection lesson.Case Study of Module
-going professional mentoringprovides crucial advice and moral support to help the students persist and succeed in thefield. Together, these activities not only help students develop better self-confidenceand persist in cybersecurity but also provide them with educational experiences thatleverage them into cybersecurity related fields in college.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis material is based upon work supported by Google CS4HS and NCWIT. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Google or NCWIT.REFERENCES[1] Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, “Occupational Outlook Handbook, Information Security Analysts.” 2018. [Online
world demands and deadlines. These contextualelements could make STEM elements more obvious. This could be in one of three ways. First, theM2 approach places making in a context that is culturally and socially situated to the students’ ownexperience. Second, it exposes students to the facets of the production pipeline, leading them tothe potential to develop novel and useful products for society. Third, M2 creates a scenario thatplaces students in long-term production as Makers fully engaging in STEM. Altogether, thisapproach could give students a holistic view as to their developed making skills may be transferred.This reflects Grovetants’ identity formation specifically as to how the M2 holds implications onteamwork, leadership, critical
, an alumnus who had beenCEO of several companies, for the purpose of helping them improve their team dynamics andoverall pitch quality. It is important to note that this alumnus also participated in earlier coachingdirected by the faculty and local mentors. Individual Leadership DevelopmentThe program was established to help engineering undergraduate students develop leadershipcapabilities in an experiential framework of a capstone effort. The engineering students wereassessed and graded on numerous activities showing the progress of their project and inindividual leadership reflections and essays. This placed an additional level of accountability forthe engineering students not entirely matched by the business students and scholars from
engineeringdesign, additive manufacturing, energy management, building automation and IoT technologiesshould produce a number of projects that will include the IoT House. Each of these modules willbe tested and refined and shared with the participants. The goal will be to use the IoT House tosupport a number of student projects during the fall 2019 and spring 2020 semesters.AcknowledgementThis material is supported by the National Science Foundation under DRL Grant Numbers1615019 and 1614496. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented arethose of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] Strobel, J., Wang, J., Weber, N. R., and Dyehouse, M., 2013, "The Role of Authenticity
as part of the formal program, and as such, student confidence in theirabilities there showed significant increases. Confidence in written skills improved, thoughperhaps not as much, which likely more broadly reflects individual project mentors requirementsfor written work - there were no formal written report requirements for the REU as a whole, andso different students had different experiences here. The Communications Skills summary datais presented in Figure 7.Figure 7: Pre-Post Confidence Changes for Communication Skills. n = 14.Limitations of this Study:There are a number of limitations to this study that the authors would like to disclose. The first isthat this is a relatively small sample size (n=14). However, qualitative studies