will not be quickly forgotten and laid aside. Yes, Working Model is capable ofcontributing to great engineering. The author has chosen to introduce it through a smiling backgate of the playground where discovery learning, disguised as play, is actively encouraged.On Creativity In reflecting upon a Final Project design (singer.kettering.edu/current-design-project-102.htm) one freshman engineering student had this to say: “This also lets us use our own creativity to design something that we think will do goodin society, this is why some of us chose to actually be engineers. Many times people drop amajor, or a certain career that they want to do, is because the subject matter that they cover inclasses discourages them from going on
courseassignments, surveys, exit interviews, faculty reflection, etc. Many assessments have numericalresults that are related to green, yellow, and red flags. Green flags indicate that expectations arebeing met, while yellow flags indicate that correction may be needed. Red flags indicate that animmediate corrective action is needed. Other assessments are qualitative in nature. For example,the faculty meets at the end of each semester to discuss courses just completed. The resultingreflection can lead to improvement in individual courses or in a series of related courses.In this paper, we describe our curriculum (and its development) and our ABET assessmentsystem
own exponential drag rise expression to solve the problem. 101. All but 1 out of 39 turned in a Design Report. One was so late that the final grades had alreadybeen assigned, but his grade was changed to reflect his persistence.2. More than half met all the specifications, and most met the one about lettering size on graphs.By comparison, we spend more time convincing graduate students of the need for large lettering.3. The drawings were still widely non-uniform in technical quality, ranging from full AutoCADdrawings to color freehand sketches, but they were also dazzlingly original.4. Many designers had names and interesting sales-pitches for their “companies” and aircraft.5. The Design
engineering problems to be solved in industryare problems of resource management and allocation, timing constraints, and limitations inmemory and power for embedded systems, we want to bring new modules to our operatingsystems course to reflect these situations.We are beginning to integrate issues in embedded computing systems into the operatingsystems course by focusing on real-time systems. Since scheduling is the key for the design ofreal-time embedded systems, our undergraduate computer science and engineering studentsare being instructed in the mature results from research of real-time scheduling, includingalgorithms such as rate monotonic, earliest deadline first, and least-laxity first. In particular,they are being taught the concepts of
which employers might be able to providesupport in obtaining data.2.2 Planning and scheduling activities for implementation of the assessment programA schedule which reflects the planning and progress of the implementation plan provides a good foundation fordiscussions within the Assessment Coordination Committee and the COE. A formal schedule also represents anassessment tool for the implementation project. The COE schedule is used to set the agenda for the approximatelybiweekly meetings of the Assessment Coordination Committee and is reviewed at each meeting. The schedule forcontinuing assessment is a product of the implementation project and the current version will be presented in theABET evaluation report. There is an overlap between the
analyses at subsequent time points. For instance, if X students drop out orgraduate by the end of a semester, they will be removed from subsequent analyses, ensuring thatthe remaining students constitute the entire study cohort for subsequent persistence analyses.The study will acknowledge the dynamic nature of student enrollment, and robust measures willbe employed to handle attrition. The removal of students who exit the program will ensure thatanalyses reflect the evolving composition of the sample, contributing to the accuracy andrelevance of the findings.ConclusionIn conclusion, this study undertakes comprehensive exploration of the factors influencingengineering student persistence, with a particular focus on the impact of Calculus I. By
avariety of digital tools. Their choices reflect their degree of awareness and understanding ofavailable tools, showcasing whether they are acquainted with a diverse range of technologiesrelevant to the construction industry. On the other hand, assessing students' comfort levels inusing a specific digital tool provides insights into their confidence and self-perceivedcompetence. This subjective measure complements the objective evaluation of their toolselection, offering a holistic view of their digital skill awareness, confidence, and readiness toapply their knowledge.These scenarios were crafted to assess participants' knowledge of digital technologies and theirreadiness to apply them in practical construction scenarios. By presenting authentic
given discipline would have both UI and CD components, but their relative emphasis may varygreatly from one discipline to the next. In all cases, the training of students should becommensurate with the prospects of their career plans and expectations of their potentialemployers. Thus, for instance, within UI-dominated disciplines, there should be a greateremphasis on providing resources for establishing industrial connections.Lastly, the findings highlight the importance of refining academic course plans and institutionalsupport for effective doctoral training. The emphasis on incorporating problem-solving, dataanalytics, and writing skills into coursework reflects a commitment to aligning academic trainingwith the broader skills needed for
," International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), vol. 3, pp. 147-156, 2009.12. D. A. Schön, "Designing as reflective conversation with the materials of a design situation," Knowledge-based systems, vol. 5, pp. 3-14, 1992.13. J. Jang and C. D. Schunn, "Physical design tools support and hinder innovative engineering design," Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 134, p. 041001, 2012.14. R. I. Campbell, D. J. D. Beer, L. J. Barnard, G. J. Booysen, M. Truscott, R. Cain, et al., "Design evolution through customer interaction with functional prototypes," Journal of Engineering Design, vol. 18, pp. 617-635, 2008.15. Y.-K. Lim, E. Stolterman, and J. Tenenberg, "The anatomy of prototypes: Prototypes as filters, prototypes
empathetic communication. A systematic review found that simulation-basedinterventions that are both immersive and experiential were the most effective method ofempathic education [32]. In a scoping review of empathy in nursing students, simulationincreased empathy levels and confidence, and is deemed beneficial for enhancing empathyawareness, sensitivity, and decreasing negative emotions [31].Empathy is central to the nursing role, fostering and promoting the therapeutic nurse-patientrelationship. Empathetic nursing care requires self-reflection, mindfulness, giving of oneself, andviewing the patient as a whole. Empathy allows patients to feel validated, understood, andrespected. Collaboration and communication between nursing and engineering is
and in identifying formal evaluation criteria that robustlycapture whether skills have been acquired. Of interest is whether tools can be developed thatprovide more robust formative assessment of a modeling activity. This contrasts with summativeassessment approaches which largely benefits the assessor in reducing grading times byevaluating the result but can miss important tendencies in a student designer that might need tobe corrected. For this to be feasible better metrics that reflect how a modeling activity isprogressing not just with respect to realizing a final shape goal, but also in capturing designintent and meeting best practices is needed. In this paper some of the challenges of evaluating 3DCAD modeling efficacy are explored
commitment to RT transformed into effective RT for communities 5 1.5 RT is not supported nor 2.5 Academic advisors can help students required by academic institutions circumvent institutional barriers to RTRT in Academic Research Program: Student Case Studies in HES @ MinesAs reported in our ASEE 2022 paper [1], graduate students’ journey to RT begins with an in-depth process of formation which includes a self-reflection of their perspectives as historical andsocial agents, extensive critical readings of the history of engineering, development, and the roleof engineers in development. Once they
efforts indiversity, equity, and inclusion were out of his scope. Initially, the researchers felt Omar’sresponses could have fit in broader systemic issues such as greenwashing or performativeallyship [34], [35], but in reflection following the interview process, the researchers felt Omarmight have been uncomfortable, or felt he was being assessed, leading him to look for the “right”answer. However, Omar perceived his work as separate from efforts in diversity or equity, the“science side of things.” Later in the interview, Omar also mentioned that he did not have a lot ofinvolvement with the Center outside of his lab, lab work, and advisor. Omar may not have beenexposed to the importance of inclusive or equitable practices in the way Zenith was
Discovery Channel and other news sources. Hammond is dedicated to diversity and equity, which is reflected in her publications, research, teaching, service, and mentoring. More at http://srl.tamu.edu and http://ieei.tamu.edu. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Emotionally Intelligent Machines in Education: Harnessing Generative AI for Authentic Human-Machine Synergy in the ClassroomAbstractThis paper delves into the realm of Generative AI (GenAI) infused with Artificial EmotionalIntelligence (AEI) to enhance cooperative and genuine human-machine interplay. It underscoresthe imperative of assimilating AEI in diverse sectors including education
is repeated until one victor emerges. After this, the instructor typicallypresents the true conclusion, which is always an entertaining time—especially if a team wascorrect but was not voted up to the next level.Students are asked to reflect on the experience together in a classroom-wide discussion. Themain takeaways typically regard:• The criticality of due process, the formality of investigations, and the correct handling/ interpretation of evidence.• The power of perception, and how remaining impartial is paramount when the stakes are so high.• The nuance and broadness of engineering as a profession and skillset. Equipment can be very sensitive to small elements, and a broad knowledge base is needed to not only understand the
with the students, but without dictatingtheir activities.In addition to the 2.5 hours described above, students can optionally visit the Wind Tunnel in adifferent room for 30 minutes, which is outside the scope of this paper.Tutors were trained with video footage from previous years and then met with the module leaderfor guidance. A summary of the training follows: Guidance for tutors • Reflect on the purpose of the activity and how students experience it • Students have written guidance and can complete the activity independently • Avoid telling students things directly or giving them instructions • Listen to students, understand their point of view first and use that as a starting point • Be positive and
completed the survey near the end of each school term, with the Winter termsurveys completed in March 2023, and the Spring term surveys completed in June 2023. TheMECH-431 courses were complete by the time the survey was taken by enrolled students, so theywere able to reflect on the course as a whole at the time of completing the surveys.4.1 HypothesisResults are determined in this study by inductive reasoning. Based on the results of the literaturereview, it is clear that some dynamics systems and controls undergraduate laboratory courses atother institutions have effectively employed hands-on laboratory exercises at low cost. Therefore,a reasonable resulting hypothesis is that low cost physical laboratory experiments can beemployed effectively in
both undergraduate and graduateeducation should reflect that change [1], [2], [3]. This commitment to a shift in the educationalapproach within MSE departments is highlighted in the strategic plan of the National Scienceand Technology Council’s Materials Genome Initiative, which posits that the next generation ofthe MSE workforce will need to master three competencies: experimentation, data management,and computation [4].MSE educators have worked to construct educational offerings that develop competencies in theareas identified by the Materials Genome Initiative. Several departments have developedcomputational courses or add-on computational modules for existing courses [5], [6], [7], [8],[9], [10]. However, while inroads have been made in
–student interaction data, where the frequency of online interactions proved to betterindicate student persistence and success than did the length of interactions. And the study by Aguiaret al. (2014) [14] predicted persistence using first‐year engineering students' electronic portfolios,extracting information about their course engagement through their reflections about engineeringadvising, project updates, and engineering exploration throughout the course. Using attributesrelated to student activities such as assignment skips, assessment performance, and video skips andlags to predict student dropout in online courses, while the study by Halawa et al. (2014) [15] wasable to successfully flag 40%–50% of students who dropped out of the course
summarizedmemos. A guiding research question prompted participants to reflect on how they felt others sawthem as engineers. This question was derived from previous work that quantitatively exploredundergraduate engineering identity and recognition beliefs [11] and specifically uses thephrasing “see you as an engineer” to keep questions in the participants’ language [37]. The open-ended nature of the focus groups allowed for follow-up questions and permitted researchers togather rich details about participants’ experiences to go beyond whether they do or do notbelieve others saw them as an engineer and to better explore the qualities of experiences that ledto these beliefs. Questions relevant to this study are presented in Table 1.Table 1: Focus
participants noted that engineering faculty do not havethat knowledge and said, “if you’re gonna teach and assess these things (professional skills)you’re reaching a lot more into social sciences.”LimitationsThis research's findings cannot be generalized to any engineering programs at differentuniversities. Nonetheless, the research process of engaging with faculty can offer valuableinsights into areas for enhancement and collaboration and raise awareness of curricularinitiatives.The study solely reflects faculty perspectives, given their role as gatekeepers determiningsyllabus content and classroom focus. However, it's crucial to incorporate industry and studentperspectives into discussions on professional skill development. Integrating these
similarity. In this design, students are encouraged toexpress their initial perspective on a situation before engaging in modeling, reflecting, anddiscussing their views. These approaches aim to improve their understanding of a givensituation. As for the second aspect, action-based embodied design aims to establish afoundation for mathematical concepts by utilizing students’ natural abilities, with a specificfocus on their adaptable sensorimotor skills. In this design, students utilize technologyinterventions to manipulate objects to reach a specific goal state. We identified three studiesincluded in this systematic review ([18], [20], [41]) that implemented both aspects ofembodied design frameworks.These three studies incorporate game-based play
+ or - .05) for eight items. Two of the positive items were statistically significant pre-to-post: “Create design posters using technology” and “Program w/computer software.” End School Year Student QuestionnaireStudents were also asked to complete a survey at the end of their spring Expo experiences. Theywere asked to reflect on their experiences over the previous year. Here are a few of thehighlights:I. Career Intentions:At the end of their first year in HSE, 70% (32 of 46 surveyed) of Cadre I and 61% (34 of 56surveyed) of Cadre II students indicated that they are considering STEM careers. Longitudinaldata will continue to be collected for these students so we can learn if attitudes about careerintentions in STEM are