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Displaying results 23281 - 23310 of 23331 in total
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Lumsdaine, Michigan Technological University; Josh Loukus, Michigan Technological University; Jason Dreyer, Michigan Technological University; Steve Chenoweth, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Monika Lumsdaine, E&M Lumsdaine Solar Consultants, Inc.
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Conference Session
Women Faculty Issues and NSF's ADVANCE program
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Pieronek, University of Notre Dame
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
looking beyond, for example, thenumbers of female faculty in a particular program, such as engineering, and looking beyondmere compensation figures. An over-representation of women in the lowest faculty ranks mayindicate some form of discrimination in the promotion and tenure process, or it may simplyreflect recently stepped-up efforts to increase the representation of women on an engineeringfaculty by hiring larger numbers of new Ph.D. recipients.37 Similarly, a salary differentialbetween male and female faculty members of apparently similar rank and responsibility mayresult from some form of discrimination in the compensation process, or it may reflect someother intangible factors not readily apparent from reviewing a salary spreadsheet.12,37
Conference Session
Design for Community and Environment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Green, LeTourneau University; Julie Linsey, University of Texas-Austin; Carolyn Conner Seepersad; Kathy Schmidt; Kristin Wood, University of Texas-Austin
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Conference Session
Achieving the Civil Engineering Body of Knowlegde
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald Welch, U.S. Military Academy; Allen Estes, U.S. Military Academy; Fred Meyer, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Page 11.236.4completing the entire curriculum became more of a judgment call. There may be ten courses thatcontribute to attainment of recognition and understanding is finally achieved through a Capstonedesign course. A numerical manipulation of averages was not helpful in making this assessment.After considerable discussion, the attainment of each BOK outcome was assessed from thecombined contribution of courses and other activities in the student’s four-year experience. Theresults are shown in Figure 2 where the ratings reflect, for example, that the USMA CE majorsupon graduation are fully able to attain recognition and understanding competency in the designof a system and are about 20% of the way to ability which entails being able to
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tejita Rajbhandari, Gannon University; Mark Blair, Gannon University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
disastrous results and stated that a small elite group of people with special intellectualabilities are the only ones that should be trusted with knowledge. “I do not, however, think the attempt to tell mankind of these matters a good thing except in the case of some few who are capable of discovering the truth for themselves with a little guidance. In the case of the rest to do so would excite in some in a thoroughly offensive fashion, in others certain lofty and vain hopes as if they had acquired some awesome lore.” Plato Letter VII, 341d- 342aPlato’s assertions here reflect the supercilious attitude as he seems to indicate that “the commonperson cannot assimilate sensational information without fear or being given to
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Programs
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward F. Crawley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Anette Hosoi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Gregory L. Long Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Timothy Kassis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; William Dickson, General Motors; Amitava 'Babi' Mitra, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Mental Frameworks
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Armando A. Rodriguez, Arizona State University; Nirangkush Das, Arizona State University; Brent Wallace, Arizona State University; Phil Blake McBride, Eastern Arizona College; Clark Vangilder, Central Arizona College; Tim S. Frank, Glendale Community College; John W. Griffith, Mesa Community College; Russell Cox, Mohave Community College; Eddie W. Ong, Phoenix College; Ernest Moulinet Villicana, Phoenix College Engineering; Celia . Jenkins, Cochise College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitch Cieminski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 10
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Greg J. Strimel, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Liesl Klein, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sydney Taylor Serban, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
sign test wasperformed. However, before this test was conducted, the 92 participant observations were refinedto those that had a non-zero delta between their pre- and post-survey responses. While a zerodelta reflects no change for that participant on that item, a non-zero delta indicates a change inthe participant’s response from pre- to post-survey. A sign test was then performed using thenon-zero delta observations to identify any statistically significant differences for each surveyquestion. The test results revealed that there was a statistically significant change in participants’consideration of a manufacturing career, belief of job availability, view of the education levelneeded for these jobs, and perception of cleanliness. The
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 4
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Weed Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University; Neeraj Sonalkar, Stanford University; Ilya Avdeev, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Brian D. Thompson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Mohamed M. Megahed, Pennsylvania State University; Pratik Subhash Pachpute, Pennsylvania State University,Great Valley
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
style: Sufficiency of Originality, Efficiency, and Rule/GroupConformity. These sub-factors are also normally distributed within the following theoreticalranges: SO (13–65), E (7–35), and R/G (12–60) [26, 27]. Sufficiency of Originality (SO)highlights differences between individuals in their preferred ways of generating and choosingideas. The more adaptive tend to generate more highly detailed ideas that remain more closelyconnected to the original constraints of a problem, while more innovative individuals tend togenerate ideas that challenge the problem definition and constraints. Efficiency (E) reflects anindividual’s preferred methods for managing and organizing ideas as they solve problems. Themore adaptive prefer to define problems and
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bartlett Michael Sheinberg, Houston Community Collelge; Amanda Smith Hackler, STEM Evaluations and Educational Consulting Services, LLC
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Remarks d. Forward Work and Evaluator Conclusions 4. Conclusion 5. References 6. Appendix 1 Listing of Student Research Abstracts 7. Appendix 2 Program Evaluation Survey InstrumentsThe West Houston Science and Engineering Center The West Houston Center for Science & Engineering (WHC) is part of the HoustonCommunity College District (HCC), a designated Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), with anannual enrolment of 114,000, across a 630 square mile district service area [1]. For fall 2016,58% of the students were female, and the racial and ethnic demographics reflected 15% Asian,30% Black, 37% Hispanic and 14% White. In general, about 10% of the semester credit hourstudent population is
Conference Session
The Best in DEED
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaryn Studer, Iowa State University; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Jaclyn Kuspiel Murray, University of Michigan; Seda McKilligan, Iowa State University; Colleen M. Seifert, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 8
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth A. Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Dianna Newman, University at Albany-SUNY; Kathy Ann Gullie Ph.D., Gullie Consultant Services; Robin L. Getz, Analog Devices, Inc.; Douglas A. Mercer, Analog Devices Inc.; John D. Kelly, North Carolina A&T State University; Craig J. Scott, Morgan State University; Mohamed F. Chouikha, Howard University; Yacob Astatke, Morgan State University; Abdelnasser A. Eldek, Jackson State University; Petru Andrei, Florida A&M University, Florida State University; Otsebele E. Nare, Hampton University; Mandoye Ndoye, Tuskegee University; Demetris Geddis, Hampton University; Shujun Yang, Alabama A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Conference Session
Technical Session 13: Digital Learning
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hieu-Trung Le, George Mason University; Aditya Johri, George Mason University; Aqdas Malik, George Mason University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Conference Session
Engineering Librarians: Impacting the Past, Present, and Future
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J White, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
Paper ID #14486The History of the Engineering Libraries Division, Part 1 - 1893 to 1960Mr. Michael J White, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 The History of the Engineering Libraries Division of the American Society for Engineering Education, Part 1: 1893-19601. IntroductionThe Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) of the American Society for Engineering Education(ASEE) will mark its fiftieth anniversary as a division in 2017. This important milestone is anappropriate time to reflect on the role and impact of librarians within ASEE and in engineeringeducation
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Evaluation: Impact of Curriculum for PreK-12 Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph E. Michaelis, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Mitchell Nathan, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division: Faculty and Gender Issues
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Canan Bilen-Green, North Dakota State University; Jenna P. Carpenter, Louisiana Tech University; Stacy Doore, University of Maine; Roger A. Green, North Dakota State University; Karen J. Horton P.E., University of Maine; Kristen L. Jellison, Lehigh University; Sharon Melissa Latimer, West Virginia University; Marci J. Levine, Lehigh University; D. Patrick O'Neal, Louisiana Tech University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
quarter for theAdvocates and Allies group, targeting male faculty) may impact the latter, however. Meetingonce a quarter is beneficial in that it provides time to reflect on issues between meetings, but itmeans that participants will be exposed to new material at a slower pace (particularly given thatthe related workshops and distinguished lectures will likely cease with the end of this academicyear with the expiration of the grant). It is anticipated that project leaders will have to providemore assistance to the Advocates and Allies group until they develop a stronger understanding ofissues, resources, and potential projects.A mixture of quantitative and qualitative measures have been used to assess and evaluate theprogram, including an annual
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan E. Walden, University of Oklahoma; Cindy E. Foor, University of Oklahoma; Rui Pan, University of Oklahoma; Randa L. Shehab, University of Oklahoma; Deborah A. Trytten, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara Jansen Perry, Baylor University; Emily M Hunter, Baylor University; Steven C. Currall, University of California, Davis; Ed Frauenheim, The Great Place to Work Institute
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
also a driver of innovation13.As Bower and colleagues have suggested, strategy is often decided in a bottom-up fashion,reflected in the ways lower-level managers choose to allocate resources13. It is imperative that Page 26.1211.10managers at all levels are willing to make resource investments in technologies that develop intothe next disruptive discovery, staying true to the strategic goals of the research organization. As we have shown, several key themes have emerged over the years as scholars havesought to better understand innovation management. In the next section we describe OrganizedInnovation in detail as an overarching
Conference Session
Student Teams, Groups, and Collaborations
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Penny Kinnear, University of Toronto; Patricia Kristine Sheridan, University of Toronto; Greg Evans, University of Toronto; Doug Reeve, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
participate reflected the demographic of the Faculty, a purelyserendipitous occurrence. Of the 22 participants there were five students who were not visibleminorities in engineering, nine students who appeared to be English dominant and seven whowere female. None of the teams investigated in this paper consist of all monolingual Englishspeakers, and only one team, Team 4, consisted of all domestic students. The language diversityof the teams was representative of the University’s (and in particular the Faculty’s) linguisticdiversity. Given the demographics of the teams and the student population in this course, theprobability of having teams volunteer that did not have similar diversity to the student body wasminimal. The students’ motivations for
Conference Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Niranjan Hemant Desai, Purdue University Northwest; George Stefanek, Purdue University Northwest
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. Additionally, it was found thatstudents did not want an easy course; they were aware of the challenges that lay ahead them asengineers. However, they did enjoy the excitement that the course added to their curriculum,while preparing them for their future career. The feedback reflected student’s interest in thecourse and reinforced the strong and positive elements of the course’s structure.Improving math skills, Providing community-based support system: Weatherton et al.30 tried toincrease retention by providing freshman students with academic support services in calculus andbasic mathematics. They studied the retention and performance of incoming freshmen that wereinvolved in one of four freshman interest groups (FIG), called FORCES (Focus on
Conference Session
Communication in Pre-College Engineering Education
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine M. Cunningham, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Gregory John Kelly, Pennsylvania State University ; Natacha Meyer
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
Conference Session
COED: Mechanical Engineering-related Topics
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter L. Schmidt PE, University of Evansville; Philip Andrew Lax, University Of Evansville
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
15 10 5 0 Excel PYTHON MATLAB Excel and MATLAB Figure 7. Student submittal typesExample student realizations / spread sheet formThe students were instructed to keep the standard notation for four bar linkages shown in thelecture notes. Figure 8 shows the numbering conventions for a typical linkage, shown in the openposition [12]. A crossed or closed configuration would be realized with all links remaining at thesame lengths shown in Figure 6, with link 4 reflected across the horizontal axis with link 3 stillconnecting the ends of links 2 and 4. Figure 8. Link, angle
Conference Session
Outstanding Contributions to ME Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Turns, Pennsylvania State University; Laura L. Pauley, Pennsylvania State University; Sarah Zappe, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Conference Session
Global Engineering in an Interconnected World
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexis Powe, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
was always marked for grammatical errors, though grammar factored intogrades differently for each assignment. Students were graded for content and mechanics in paper1, whereas paper 2 was graded for content, persuasiveness, and a group’s ability to express itsideas clearly. In this way, Practical English departed from GE 3513, in which students’ gradesalways reflect their documents’ content, grammar, mechanics, and style.Minimizing grammar instruction was always my intent for Practical English. Students takingPractical English (similarly to those taking GE 3513) were expected to enter the class with basicgrammar and mechanics mastered; the purpose of this class was to teach students to applypreviously learned writing and grammar skills to
Conference Session
The Impact of Curriculum on the Retention of Women Students
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Romkey, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
is surprisingly great – boys expressed a much higherexpectation of success, and girls continued to express uncertainty in their abilities, even afterscoring high on a test. Karp and Shakeshaft32 (1997) found that males dominate classroomconversation and are generally more confident in the classroom setting. This issue ofconfidence is a serious one, as confidence is often found to be precursor to achievement.The second theme that emerged from the interview results reflects issues of confidence andprogram choice. The interview subjects made interesting comments about why females arechoosing not to pursue engineering:“I was really worried about it in high school. I was good in english…I had good marks in
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students III
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Bayles, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Claudia Morrell, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Anne Spence, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
program were accepted and from which new studentswere accepted to participate in the program based on the same criteria used for the originalselection of participants.Internship OpportunityThis program provides a paid internship experience for 48 students following the completion ofthirty credit hours in a STEM related field. Internships were provided in companies not currentlyhiring interns from UMBC to increase internship support and encourage the involvement of morebusinesses with UMBC and CCBC. UMBC’s Shriver Center provided leadership for this portionof the project.Assessment and EvaluationThe outcomes for Objective 2 are reflected in student retention in STEM majors, grades, andcommitment to careers in STEM. Attitudes toward STEM were
Conference Session Design
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Wilson-Lopez, Utah State University - Teacher Education and Leadership; Emma R. Smith, Utah State University; Daniel L Householder, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Conference Session
Engineering Education and Comparative Studies at Universities throughout Asia, Far East
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel Ratnajeevan Herbert Hoole P.E., Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Conference Session
FPD 8: Teaching Design in the First Year
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wallace Martindell Catanach III, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Mary Lynn Brannon, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Christopher Stephen Smith, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
were reading thechallenge to design a rake for a one-handed person, they were going through the needs of theuser and the process intuitively. However, this was difficult because they had to keep remindingthemselves that the rake was for one hand. “You have to put yourself in the mindset…one hand,one hand.” A female student shared that she experienced doing a project in high school thatinvolved using the engineering process and a male student agreed. However, they did not knowthey were actually using the engineering design process until they reflected upon this in this firstyear college course.Regarding how this project was most helpful to your learning, the project and the class in generalgave the students more confidence. “I learned how to