new winDSK6 module, calledCommFSK, which includes the following features: • generation of phase continuous and phase discontinuous FSK with adjustable data rate; • control of the modulated signal’s amplitude, center frequency, and frequency deviation; • source data selection from a pattern of alternating 0’s and 1’s, several PN-sequences, random data, all 0’s, all 1’s, ASCII text messages from keyboard, or data from files; • optional built-in or user-defined asynchronous communications protocol; • user defined FIR-based filtering of the resulting FSK signal; and, • full integration into the winDSK6 program. Page
) A respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global Outcome 10 issues (ABET 2.j ) Outcome 11 A commitment to quality, timeliness and continuous improvement (ABET 2.k) The application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, associated software, Outcome 12 analog and digital electronics, and microcomputers to the building, testing, operation and maintenance of electrical/electronic(s) systems. (ABET 8.a) The application of physics or chemistry to electrical/electronic(s) circuits in a rigorous Outcome 13 mathematical environment at or above the level of algebra and trigonometry. (ABET 8.b
recognition seeing how thealtered ones deviate from the acceptable ones thus findingthe fault(s) in the pile. Figure 1: Threat vectors in additive manufacturing 2 Method of Attack Two data sets of g-code files wereprepared for the students to examine and find Figure 2. Tensile test specimenthe defected files within. The first dataset was composed of 180files, two of which were compromised. Thefiles were each rotated 1 degree from theoriginal starting point about the Y-axis. The Second dataset was composed
I ---- Session 1658 Multimedia Presentations in Civil Engineering Courses Using Mathcad D. M. Griffin, Jr. Louisiana Tech UniversityBackground I first began using Mathcad 2.0 in the mid to late 1980’s. In 1989 I used it as part of an experiment inteam teaching an introductory calculus course with a faculty member from the mathematics department
-Based and Hands-On Intensive CurriculaAbstractIt is desirable to educators, and important for students, that a sound outcomes assessmentmethodology be employed in technology-based and hands-on intensive courses to measure andensure that requisite competencies are obtained by students. It is expected that a workingknowledge of these important competencies can help a two-year college graduate moreeffectively demonstrate mastery of the necessary skills and knowledge, and therefore add morevalue to a potential employer‟s operations. While assessment of student learning can bestraightforward for general education courses, meaningful measurement of student learningwithin the context of technology-based and hands-on curricula
activitieswith foam and wire models. Pre- and post- MRT scores of 62% and 81% respectively showincreasing gain of spatial visualization skill after training. In addition, it was found that thehands-on activities increase the students’ interest and awareness in descriptive geometry.7. References[1] Onyancha, R. M., Derov, M., and Kinsey, B. (2009). “Improvements in spatial ability as a result of targeted training and computer-aided design software use: Analyses of object geometries and rotation types.” J. Eng. Educ., Apr., 157–167.[2] Kadam, K., & Iyer, S. (2014). Improvement of Problem Solving Skills in Engineering Drawing Using Blender Based Mental Rotation Training. In Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2014 IEEE 14th
26.336.2Expected outcomes and future workThe steering committee will incorporate the feedback gathered at this special session into thenext draft of the guidelines document, which will be available for community review.JustificationThe special session format will meet the dual goals of gathering knowledge from the computerengineering community and sharing the results of the steering committee's work in progress. It isimportant that IEEE-CS and ACM keep the curricular guidance documents current. Therefore,audience involvement for this presentation is essential and ASEE provides an optimal venue forthis important event.References[1] J. Impagliazzo, S. Conry, E. Durant, A. McGettrick, T. Wilson, and M. Thornton, “Special session: computer engineering
., & Iyer, S. (2014). Improvement of Problem Solving Skills in Engineering Drawing Using Blender Based Mental Rotation Training. In Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on (pp. 401-402). IEEE.[3] Piburn, M. D., Reynolds, S. J., McAuliffe, C., Leedy, D. E., Birk, J. P., & Johnson, J. K. (2005). The role of visualization in learning from computer‐based images. International Journal of Science Education, 27(5), 513-527.[4] Deno, J. A. (1995). The Relationship of Previous Experiences to Spatial Visualization Ability. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 59(3), 5-17.[5] Crown, S. W. (2001). Improving visualization skills of engineering graphics students using simple
“Department for Math, Natural Sciences and DataProcessing.” Deleted: s Deleted: ereThe UASDarmstadt began as an upgrade of an engineering school. In 1976 the Christian Deleted: have bothDemocrats asked the Social Democrat government several questions about the role of the social Deleted: is founded withand cultural sciences in the engineering curricula of the UAS in Hesse. These questions got
response to themed exams, a short surveywas developed. The survey questions (Appendix A) generally focused on overall like/dislike ofthe exams along with some of the advantages and pitfalls. Of 71 surveys sent out, 52 werecompleted (73% response). Students were asked whether they liked exams with a theme/story ona 100-point slider where 0 was “Not at all,”50 was “Ambivalent,” and 100 was “VeryMuch.” With 50 responses, students ratedstory exams at 78 ± 21. Exams with astoryline have also held students’ attentionwith 46% reporting that they had toldsomeone outside of engineering about takinga themed exam.Nineteen students rated exams with a storyat 90 or above (eleven 100’s), indicating astrong positive response. The top threereasons students cited
Dayton, OH Edwards AFB, CA Arlington, VA Albuquerque, NM AF Office of Scientific Research Santiago, Chile Ft Walton Beach, FL Space Vehicles San Antonio, TXDirected Energy S&E Education
1 A c tiv a t io n L e v e l, tf 0 .5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 .1 P o s itio n x ( m ) 0 .0 5
, Harris, Harold, Facial Recognition System Screening Evaluation Methodology for Complexion Biases: Proceedings of the 2011 American Society for Engineering Education ASEE, Conference. Vancouver Canada, June 26-Jun30 2011 oChinchilla, Rigoberto, S. Guccione, J. Tillman, Wind Power Technologies in the United States: A Tech- nical Comparison between Vertical and Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines: Journal Of Industrial Technology Volume 27, Number 1 - January 2011 through March 2011 Dr. Chinchilla can be reached at Page 25.582.1 c American Society for Engineering Education
people who motivated you to engineering fields?Question 4-9 What do you think about the most effective assessment method(s) to verify student learning during the camp?Question 4-10 What do you think about the most effective team forming method(s)?Question 4-11 Can you state a unique YESTexas camp feature different than other usual summer camps? Page 15.154.5Improvements in camp application and participant selection. The application form wasimproved to comply with the requirements of the external funding agency and to enhance theselection process. Demographic, educational and career
for the greatly shortened version (C to G).At C, speed is vC (use VC for ease of entry into the spreadsheet).1. For each segment of the sled run, create a Free Body Diagram (FBD). Forces to be considered include weight (mg), normal force (n), friction force (fk = µkn), and resistive force (R (=0.5DρAv2)). The “segments” are CD, DE, EF, and FG. For CD, use an s, y coordinate system: s along the direction of motion and y perpendicularly up from the surface of the sled run. For the curved sections, use an s, r coordinate system, with s along the direction of motion and r radially outward from the center of curvature.2. Use the FBDs to derive – for each segment - algebraic expressions for n, fk, R, and centripetal acceleration; and an
limit choices ultimately determine the performance of thecontrol chart. In this paper, we will demonstrate how with some basic knowledge of geometric,normal, and chi-square random variables, a student can learn to construct X-bar and S controlcharts that will have specified properties in terms of performance. In evaluating control charts,one is usually concerned with the false alarm rate (how frequently does the chart erroneouslysignal if the monitored process is on target?) and the detection rate (how quickly does the chartsignal if the monitored process is not on target?). Using the simple tools proposed in this paper,the designer of a control chart can determine the sample size and control limits required toestablish a desired false alarm
Re ?/ u dt 8v dv C Re ?/ D v/g dt 8vEquation (12) subject to initial conditions below: x ( 0) ? 0 y ( 0) ? 0 (13) u(0) ? V0 cos s v (0) ? V0 sin sMake the system of non-linear, time dependent, ordinary differential equations, whichdescribes the flight of the golf ball. In equation (13) V0 is the launching speed
W orkshop Assessment by Participants Dem onstration Classes Labs 2,3,4: Practice Classes S-5: Learning O bjectives S-8: Interpersonal Rapport S-6: Organizing a Class Lab 1: O bjectives S-2: Priciples of Teaching Activity S-1: Learning to Teach S-7: Speaking & W riting S-4: Learning Styles S-10: Teaching with Technology S-9: Classroom Assessm ent S-8: Q uestioning S-3: Teaching Assessm ent Ice-Breaker Reception S-11
systems areas including the design andanalysis of such systems; (o) a knowledge of contemporary analytical, computational, andexperimental practices; (p) a competence in experimental design, data collection, and dataanalysis; (q) a competence in the use of computational tools; (r) a knowledge of chemistry; and(s) knowledge of calculus-based physics.Under the criteria (a-s), Mechanical Engineering Faculties at AAMU are being challenged torevise the course content, depth and perspectives of the engineering curriculum. To ensure thequality of the outcome based mechanical engineering program, faculties adopted a systemapproach, denoted by the acronym SEAARK for instruction and teaching. SEAARK stands forKnowledge, Repetition, Application, Analysis
todefense/reversal, minimization, acceptance, and adaptation.11 Other studies have employed theMiville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale—Short form (MGUDS-S), which uses affective,behavioral, and cognitive subscales to measure an individual’s openness to and appreciation ofcultural diversity.12 This paper, on the other hand, opens up a new line of research by exploringwhether Cultural Intelligence (CQ) may serve as yet another useful instrument for assessingvarious aspects of cross-cultural competence among engineering students and professionals.Cultural IntelligenceResearch based on the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) framework has proliferated in recent years.13However, it has attracted relatively little attention in the engineering education
elements are present in a sample. Page 25.1061.4 Figure 3. Schematic illustrating SEM operation. An additional spectroscopic measurement in the bottom-up fabrication lab includes UV-VIS spectroscopy. In these measurements, a spectrophotometer (Figure 4) sends electromagneticradiation in the visible spectrum through a sample (I0)11. This radiation passes through thesample (IT) reaching a detector that generates a signal indicating the wavelength(s) of lightabsorbed by the sample or the percent of light transmitted through the sample11
& Exposition Copyright , American Society for Engineering Educationthen the equations of motion become d 2w i (∆x )4 = [ w i −2 − 4 w i −1 + 6 w i − 4 w i +1 + w i+2 ] + f (x i , τ) (13) dτ2 EINow define velocities as vi = dwi/dτ and the column vectors w = [w1 w2 . . .w8]T andv = [v1 v2 . . . v8]T so the resulting state variable matrix form is d w 0 I w ( ∆x ) 2 0 = + dτ v - S 0 v EI f
) Golf Club Lab 0 .2 d e v ice channe ls s am p le s s a m pl ing ra te 1 2 :3 4 0 9 6 .0 0 1 0 2 4 .0 0 0 .1 windo w l o w cuto ff hig h cuto ff filte r ty p e N o ne L o wp a 1 0 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 0 .0 lo g / line a r di s pla y unit F ilte
Appendix B (Planning the Construction Plan - IPRs)Figure 4. Table of Contents of the Final Manual Page 3.5.4 4 P la n n in g P ro c e s s F a c ilita tin g P ro c e s s e s Q u a lity P la n n in g Q u a lity M a n a g e m e n t P la n C h e c k lis ts O rg a n iz a tio n a l P la n n in g R e s p o n s ib ilitie s (A c c o u n ta b ility M
science calculations and design considerations. We hypothesize that theprocess of reflection and iteration inherent to hackathon competitions will strengthen theparticipant groups’ perceived EJ skills. Finally, engineering leadership (EL) skills relate to theleadership style(s) used by individuals to lead groups of engineers to achieve a common goal. Aneffective leader exercises influence at interpersonal, team, and organizational levels, whilesimultaneously building strong relationships. We hypothesize that in the absence of a well-structured project, the need to delegate tasks among team members and develop solutionsquickly will increase the perceived EL abilities of participant groups.To frame this study, we will use the Buck Institute of
sponsor; Team behavior and tools (D&S 4.2-4.5, 4.8) 2 • Syllabus, Engr. Notebooks, Report Format, Presentation Guidelines; Background, Literature Review, Personnel, References; Allocate mfg. positions 3 • Engineering Design (D&S 1.1, 1.2, 1.4) Training • Problem Introduction by sponsors begins • Gathering Information (D&S 5.1, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9) 4 • Problem Statement – Brainstorm (Instructor/Students) • Concept Generation (D&S 6.5-6.7) 5 • Team Assignments; Description of Design, Simulation, Design Methodology, Schedule • Decision Making and Concept Selection (D&S 7.3, 7.5, 7.6) 6 • Feasibility Study, Optimization
gas and electricity later. Page 23.948.3Table 1: Measured parameters (time, Amperage, and power) at every 5C water temperatureincreaseTemperature Readings (°C ) Time Elapsed (s) Cumulative Time (s) Amperage (A) Power (W) 30 0 0 43 9331 40 1190 1190 41.5 9005.5 45 194 1384 42 9114
understand the reasons/rules 6. Disagree behind my* suggestion 7. Strongly disagree. *the tutor’s *the tutor’s 2. To what extent do you agree to the following statements 7-level scale: about student(s) interest in your* suggestions about: 1. Strongly agree a) Grammar 2. Agree b) Style 3. Somewhat agree c) Content 4. Neither agree nor disagree d) Format 5. Somewhat disagree e) Citations
/25016.[4] National Research Council, U.S. Fostering Flexibility in the Engineering Workforce. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 1990. doi:[5] National Academy of Engineering, U. S. The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2004. doi:[6] Y. H. Ahn, R. P. Annie, and H. Kwon, “Key competencies for US construction graduates: Industry perspective,” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, vol. 138, no. 2, pp. 123-130, 2012. doi: 5541.0000089.[7] J. McMcMasters and L. Matsch, “Desired attributes of an
response receivedRECONNECTDELAY = 0 # Reconnect delay# Tank Fill Simulation ConstantsWATER_HEIGHT_ADDR = 0x0000PUMP_SPEED_ADDR = 0x0001SET_POINT_ADDR = 0x0002TANK_DIAMETER = 0.25 # Diameter of tank (m)TANK_HEIGHT = 0.3 # Height of tank (m)TAU = 25 # Time constant of out flow of tank (s)MAX_IN_FLOW = 0.5 # Maximum input flow rate to tank (kg/s)TIME_STEP = 0.1 # Simulation time step (s)PLC_MAX_PUMP_SPEED = 10000 # Maximum pump speed (PLC)PLC_MAX_WATER_HEIGHT = 10000 # Maximum water height (PLC)class App(tk.Tk):def __init__(self):tk.Tk.__init__(self)# Attributesself.adapter = Noneself.client = Noneself.t = None# App Windowself.title(’Tank Fill Modbus’)self.exiting = Falseself.log = tk.Text(self, state=’disabled’, width=80, height=24, wrap=’char