YouTube videos followed by with quizquestions in the first offering; (2) adding Google Docs (or Google Forms) with embeddedYouTube Videos and quizzes in the next class session; and (3) including both Google Docs andinteractive videos in the third. End-of-Course Surveys consistently show that the studentsenjoyed the weekly hands-on labs. After the third class offering, an additional survey of studentexperience with the new technologies was conducted. The results reflected a positive studentexperience with the course delivery.During the third offering (2016 Fall Quarter), a survey was conducted with five students fromEE110 and four students from an Advanced Circuit Analysis course (EE 341) to assess theteaching effectiveness thus far. This
student.Each class began with the same two-stage reading quiz as was done in Fall 2014 semester(described above). The second activity, team development, required approximately five minutesand consisted of two questions for team discussion. The first question was an icebreaker,designed to be easy to answer and help the teams engage in conversation. The second questionwas designed to focus on team function and cause reflection on attributes of a team. A sample ofquestions used for each question type is provided in Table 1. After approximately four minutesof team discussion, the instructor asked a subset of the teams to quickly report to the class arepresentative answer to each question, and occasionally followed up with a brief discussion onthe
patrons submitted. Figure 11. Fusion F400-S.43The summer months also gave library staff time to reflect on the first semester and a half ofoffering the 3D printing service. After careful consideration, the library believed it could domore marketing and expand the different types of workshops offered. The marketing expansionwas planned to take place in two phases. The first phase, during the fall 2016 semester, wouldinclude developing, printing and posting flyers (see Appendix B) around campus and offeringadditional workshops on new topics. The second phase, which began in the spring 2017 semesterincluded using social media to promote the service, promoting the service by telling the personalstories behind patrons
awareness as well as major policy changes at the Government Level coupled with stricter application of RTI kind of mechanism – the future is for better. Diagram 8 below provides the comparison. Diagram- 8: Comparison of level of Ethics between Year 2015 & 2020 This optimistic view is also reflected in the CPI Ranking for the year 2016. The trend is in the direction of improvement and hence the optimism for year 2020 looks reasonable. Very Clean Highly Corrupt Countries Countries1,2,3,4 174,175,176
based on standardized nomenclature be developed to structurediscussions about and comparisons between higher education makerspaces. The classification systemwould succinctly indicate the purpose of the space and include indices that reflect the space’saccessibility, population, physical size, and levels of staffing. By establishing a makerspaceclassification system, similar spaces could be more easily compared. Also, the collective practices,standards and equipment within each category of space would produce meaningful metrics to compareeach space to the norm of a classification group.Identifying and Sharing Best Practices in Higher Education MakingUnderstanding the origins of making helps explain the adoption of this form of learning in
, across their entire life span; (2) A great deal of science learning takes place outside school in informal environments, including everyday activity, designed spaces (such as museums), and programs (such as our museum internships); (3) Learning science in informal environments involves developing science related attitudes, emotions, and identities. Informal environments can be particularly important in this endeavor (The exhibit chosen for app development is of interest to the team); (4) Learning experiences are shaped by their cultural-historical backgrounds. This reflects a diversity of perspectives that should be recognized in designing science learning experiences (The exhibit’s content has a personal connection); (5
, and so on. The negative emotional vocabularies included tired, fatigue,boring, confused, nervous, agitated, regretful, inanimate, monotonous, whiny, exhausted, anda waste-of-time, among others.Using descriptive indexes (frequency, percentage), the positive emotional words and negativeemotional words were analyzed. With the frequency as the ordinate, practice time as abscissa,emotion changing curves have been drawn.The interview method was adopted to deeply and thoroughly study the causes of students’emotional changes. After reading and analyzing all the emotional words, this paper arrangedthe interviews on the emotional fluctuations that were reflected by the curves and thedifference between the two teams; with one teacher from every practice
Spring forces, Hooke’s law Estimation of spring constantpromote inquiry and discussion. Students worked in groups of 4 (Figure 6) to think about thequestions they were being asked, carried out experiments to answer the questions, and thenshared what they learned with the class. In one of the Modules, for example, students were askedto record a slow motion video (using a phone app) of a falling tennis ball. Then, the groups wereasked to use data from the slow motion video to plot position vs time for the tennis ball in biggraphing posters placed on the walls around the room (Figure 6). After students had developedthe plots, we regrouped and started a reflective discussion. Students were posed with questionssuch as: can we determine if the
supported by the Engineering Information Foundation under Award No.EiF15.09. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paperare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Engineering InformationFoundation.Authors:Dr. Marietta Scanlon holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Tufts University, an SM inMetallurgy from MIT, and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from The Johns HopkinsUniversity. She is a Lecturer of Engineering in the Division of Engineering, Business andComputing at Penn State University, Berks Campus and serves as co-director of the FiERCEprogram. Her interests include 3D printing technologies as well as STEM education andoutreach and innovative teaching delivery
, - The a-k outcomes established by Accreditation All Engineering programs have shared Mathematics andBoard for Engineering and Technology (ABET) for Basic Sciences subjects such as: Differential Calculus,Engineering students in their self-assessment framework, Integral Calculus, Algebra, Vector Calculus, Differentialshould be reflected in the different subjects that taught to Equations, Electricity and Magnetism, Physics, Chemistrythe students of the first two years of the various and other courses of academic areas of humanities andengineering programs. On the other hand, in those first businesses.semesters, the vocation of the students
2000” Technical Communication Quarterly, 10(2), 2001, pp. 149-soft skill information would have been better served earlier their engineering coursework, and that they did not see a [12] Burrows, A. C., & Harkness, S. S. “Experiencing action evaluation’sreason for it so late in the graduation requirements. The first cyclic process: partnering conflict, reflection, andauthor was discouraged that the student group did not make action” Educational Action Research, 24(4), 2016, pp. 460-478.a connection with future engineering positions and projects
to the national“going rate” of 28 would have several implications, mostlywhich would have consequences for enrollment numbers.However, to reflect current issues of many students havingto repeat Calculus I in their second semester of theirfreshman year, because they received a D, F grade or theyvoluntarily withdrew (W) during their first semester, thisseems to be the first step in solving the problem. Conceptsof mathematics and engineering are not easy to comprehendand the standards of engineering professional societies donot bend based on which school the engineering studentgraduated from. It would be interesting to continue thisstudy after making such curriculum change and comparingthe before and after.The author would like to thank the
present their OME presentation only using the Biographyat North Carolina State University has been used to help the option and comparing those students' recall and awareness ofstudents improve the effectiveness of their study time. [7] engineers to that of a control group of students who wereStudents take an online assessment that is evaluated and gives assigned the OME presentation in its original format with alla score on four different learning scales, visual/verbal, four options. The authors found that there was an increase insequential/global, active/reflective, sensing/intuitive. Felder awareness of famous engineers, however the students had aincludes numerous practical suggestions for how to adjust
products for each session. In order to ensure apositive learning environment, STEM undergraduate and graduate students served as classroomassistants and mentors to program participants. In the summer, the mentors were on campus fortwo weeks before participants arrived, to learn how to use software tools and create a PowerPointdeck (with reflection questions) about black and Hispanic inventors. The mentors also learnedabout behavior characteristics of middle school boys and how to create a supportive interaction.They also received training from CARES Mentoring Movement, an organization dedicated tohealing African-American communities through mentoring.Academic Year ProgramDuring the academic year, activities were converted from semester-long to
, and data analysis of those focusgroups—and mixing results with the quantitative data—are ongoing. Thus far, early findingshave been disseminated at multiple conferences. 10,11,12,13,14AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1428502. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References1 Laanan, F. S., Starobin, S. S., & Eggleston, L. E. (2010). Adjustment of community college students at a four-year university: Role and relevance of transfer student capital for student retention. Journal of College Student Retention
formats for use with a variety of computer More Axes platforms. 9) Reflection and Symmetry Video how-to instructions. Additional videos 10) Cross-Sections of Solids provide step-by-step instruction for difficult concepts for several exercises, including the first isometric sketch, which can be daunting for students with weak spatial skills. Engagement tracking. Instructors can login and determine how much time students spend on each activity. This data will inform optimal design of the materials available to students. iPad sketching exercises. iPad touch-screen capability enables the development of sketching exercises that can be completed with
critical to outreach in the large surrounding school districts whoseminority populations averages 72.5%, and 64.8% of students are considered to be economicallydisadvantaged. Our scholarship program will strengthen its role in increasing the number of well-educated and skilled engineers from diverse and underserved backgrounds.AcknowledgmentThe project is sponsored by the National Science Foundation grant #1457880. Their support isgreatly appreciated.References 1. Packard, B.: Mentoring and Retention in College Science: Reflections on the Sophomore Year. Journal College Student Retention 6(3), 289-300 (2004) 2. Wilson, Z., Holmes, L., de Gravelles, K., Sylvain, M., Batiste, L., Johnson, M., McGuire, S., Pang, S., Warner, I
other demographics and characteristics such as religion,sexuality, and social economic status; we intend to do so in the full iteration of the review. ResultsThe results from this work-in-progress literature review are organized below by researchquestion. Although not all of the reviewed articles are directly referenced in this section, they areall included in the References section of this paper. Note that we used the terms Latinxs,Latina/o, and Hispanic throughout this section to reflect the terminology used in the papersreviewed.Diversity in Latinx The first research question we addressed was “How is the diversity within Latinxdescribed in the engineering education literature?” While our
:00 Active Learning Modules Clear Security Active Learning Modules19:00 Dinner Dinner Flight College of Engineering20:00 Dinner Show Reflections Active Learning Modules Fireworks21:00 Speeches
creating awareness about Industrial Distribution and related STEM fields among the public.Ms. Soo Jeoung Han, Texas A&M University Soo Jeoung (Crystal) Han is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Educational Administration & Human Resource at Texas A&M University. She worked in business and academic institutions in South Korea for more than five years. Her research interests reflect her diverse work experiences including the field of virtual team collaboration, cross-cultural team diversity, shared leadership development of teams, and global/women leadership. Currently, she has published journals and book chapters in the field of collaborative learning, team leadership, and e-learning.Prof. Michael
, and found that intensivecourses result in higher grades than traditional 16-week semester length course and that thesehigher grades reflect a real increase in knowledge, with the improvement benefit peaking atabout 4 weeks.12 In still other cases, no difference in performance was observed. For instance,Anastasi reported that academic performance was similar in summer and full-semester lengthofferings of three psychology courses.13 In addition, Shaw et al. found no statistical difference instudent achievement or engagement between six online psychology courses with half beingtaught in a 16-week semester while the other half were delivered in an 8-week term.14Figure 2 provides plots of the probability density functions (pdfs) for EEE 460 based
EngineeringDynamics.” Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. Laws, P., D. Sokoloff, and R. Thornton, Promoting active learning using the results of physics education research. UniServe Science News 1999. 13.2. Prince, M. and M. Vigeant, Using Inquiry-Based Activities to Promote Understanding of Critical Engineering Concepts, in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2006.3. Self, B. Increasing Conceptual Understanding and Student Motivation in Undergraduate Dynamics Inquiry- Based Learning Activities. Tech. ASEE, 2016.4. Self, B.P., J. Widmann, M. Prince, and J. Georgette
in the program,the high rate of female participation, along with the data reflecting attitudes and attendant shiftthrough program participation, indicates that participation in STEM outreach programs can helpfemale students who already are oriented toward STEM studies and careers identify ways toachieve personal and family pride through education and careers in technical professions. Thisfinding is meaningful in an environment in which high-paying police and military careers formales compete directly with recruitment of males for university STEM studies.This data also presents new questions about how males could be enticed to take up STEM studiesand careers, especially considering the requirements for offshore or industrial work that
2008, Henderson et al [4] developed the four categories of change strategiesmodel to classify strategies that have been used to conceptualize or to create change inundergraduate STEM education. The similarity of these categories to those developed through anindependent review of an overlapping literature base [5] suggests that the four categories arerobust and meaningful. Following are the four categories: ● Disseminating Curriculum and Pedagogy: This category is based on the phenomena of tell/teach individuals about new teaching conceptions and/or practices and encourage their use. ● Developing Reflective Teachers: Encourage/Support individuals to develop new teaching conceptions and/or practices ● Enacting Policy: Enact new
problemformat that was less constrained also offered the student a more genuine and creative engineeringexperience.The workshop leverages the LLP methodology to provide the students with an experientialengineering design learning experience. The LLP process forces the participants to formalize aseries of hypotheses [7] that are tested and refined based on feedback provided by possiblestakeholders and customers. Students test their ideas and modify their designs to reflect theirnewly gained knowledge. In this regard failure is an option. Failure of the student’s hypothesishappens on a routine basis and requires the student to go back to the drawing board, figurativelyand literally. These ‘failures’ are used as learning opportunities where the student’s
undergraduate materials engineering students, as well as any other studentsallowed by their programs to take unrestricted engineering electives. I selected the history ofmaterials because it was a topic that has always been of interest to me, and because it tied wellwith the long history of the places where we would be traveling. The course has now beenoffered three times (May 2012, 2015, 2016) with the course content being continuously revised.There is a particular focus throughout on metals and metals processing, which reflects both mypersonal background and an area of emphasis at my university. Although there is some emphasison German (and European) history, the content is generally global in scope.Course DescriptionThe primary text for the course
estimates of college-educated Americans who identify as LGBTQ (2.8%, [15]), but reflects trends where a largerproportion of young adults identifies as LGBTQ than in previous generations. 35% of thesample identifies as women, 64% as men, and around 1% as gender non-binary. We includegender non-binary respondents in the LGBTQ indicator but because of concerns aboutidentifiability of this small proportion, we do not include gender non-binary as a dichotomousindicator in the models nor provide the precise percent of the gender non-binary population inTable 1. As such, the category “woman” (which includes those who identify as cis-gender andtransgender women) is compared to both the categories of men (which includes cis-gender andtransgender men) and
reflected their enthusiasm for science andengineering (Intrinsic Psychological). For example, students commented: ‘My motivation for studying [BE] is that I have always had a passion for the biomedical side of science. I hope to do research in viruses and diseases to help better society.’ ‘I really like the idea of working with living systems using engineering, biology (my favorite science subject), and mathematics. I also like the thought of me in the future helping out the community by doing something I enjoy.’However, many students focused solely on their potential to positively impact the world. Thesesentiments
level. Though it is oftenPrograms in engineering technology grant students a technical base education. However, it doesnot completely prepare students to handle the breadth of the material instructed in engineeringcourses. A Master’s degree offered in the engineering technology department will have to betailored to match qualifications the undergraduates while also meeting the changing demands ofand the progress of the industry .ConclusionThe researchers examined students’ responses and found that they reflect an overall positiveattitude toward their own education in the construction engineering technology program atFAMU. The student responses derived a reasonable assessment of overall student sentiment.The results indicated that the students
gender as a predictor of the level-1 intercepts andslopes.MeasuresStudents participated in five online surveys throughout the fall semester. The first survey usedcomplete scales for all measures. The second, third, and fourth surveys contained short versionsof each scale. The fifth survey was comprised of short scales for the mindset measures and acomplete scale for engineering identity. Only the means of the short scales were used in theseanalyses.To measure engineering identity, items from Chemers’ science identity survey were adapted toengineers (Chemers et. al., 2010; Estrada et. al., 2011). The engineering identity measurecontained items such as, “Being an engineer is an important reflection of who I am.” Responsesranged from a scale of 1