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Displaying results 2791 - 2820 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Innovative College-Industry Partnerships for the Future
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald J. Bennett, Univeristy of Saint Thomas; Elaine R. Millam, University of Saint Thomas
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
alumni of our graduate program who have developed new ways of thinking and acting through our leadership development process.Data on Engineers Moving into Management Figure 1. S&E bachelor‟s degree holders in management jobs by years since degree (NSF 2003)National Science Foundation SESTAT 20031 data (Figure 1) shows that increasing numbers ofengineering graduates leave the direct practice of engineering over time and move intomanagement. This NSF report also shows that there is a corresponding fewer number of Page 22.1546.2engineering graduates whose major work activity is R&D as they progress in their careers(Figure 2
Conference Session
Reviewing Emergent Topics and Theory in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rubaina Khan, University of Toronto; Adetoun Yeaman, Wake Forest University; Diana Bairaktarova, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
based learning environment. She was previously an engineering education postdoctoral fellow at Wake Forest University supporting curriculum development around ethics/character education.Dr. Diana Bairaktarova, Virginia Tech Dr. Diana Bairaktarova is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Through real-world engineering applications, Dr. Bairaktarovaˆa C™s experiential learning research spans from engineering to psychology to learning ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Empathy and mindfulness in design education: A literature review to explore a relationshipAbstractLearning to design in undergraduate
Conference Session
Diverse Pathways in Engineering Education: Exploring Experiences and Opportunities
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie M. Smith,; Jordan Williamson
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
included adoption of contextualculturally relevant teaching practices, recognizing indigenous worldviews, respecting communityand family, and supporting indigenous knowledge systems.MethodologyKhan et al. established a process for conducting a systematic literature review: [6] (1) frame thequestion, (2) identify relevant work, (3) assess study quality, (4) create a summary, and (5)interpret findings. We have framed the question in the previous section. Khan et al.’s final twosteps, summary and interpretation, are found in the Results and Discussion sections below.In addition to following the Khan et al. methodology, we also observed the guidelines found inthe PRISMA 2020 statement, [7] specifically the paper and abstract checklists. Figure 1 is
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer L. Leight, The Ohio State University; Larry Hurtubise; Tanya M. Nocera, The Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
learning outcomes. The authors are also interested in increasingthe sample size for faculty participants. As this program was designed in a virtual format, itshould be amenable to delivery across different disciplines and even different universities. Level 1 Level 2 Figure 1. Survey 1, assessing participants' perceptions of the course design program at Kirkpatrick’s Level 1: Reaction and Level 2: Learning. (n=11) Figure 2. Survey 2 assessing the impact of the course design program on Kirkpatrick’s Level 3: Behavior of the participants (n=6).References[1] R. S. Anderson and B. W. Speck, “‘Oh what a difference a team makes’: Why team teaching makes a difference,” Teach. Teach. Educ., vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 671
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris Barr, University of Michigan; Laura Hirshfield, University of Michigan; H. Scott Fogler, University of Michigan
plannedto be presented in a separate paper at the 2022 American Society of Engineering EducationNational Conference.Additional resources on SAFEChEWhile the majority of the SAFEChE initiative is built around the course specific industrialaccident focused modules, the SAFEChE team wants to have the website to be an additional hubfor other tools for processes safety to be used in other courses or possibly by studentorganizations. One core component of the chemical engineering curriculum that the websitedoes not have CSB modules for is the Chemical Engineering (or Unit Operations) Laboratorycourse(s). These labs tend to focus on more practical “soft” and less theory-based skills usingcalculations and equations taught in lecture classes. As a result
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Lee, University of California, Santa Cruz; Dustin Palea, University of California, Santa Cruz
that can support lightweight, scalable, and relationallearning experiences of many types. In some sense, what we are after is a relational form ofmicrolearning, where learners can engage in short personalized learning experiences, but inrelational interactions embedded in and influencing a larger social system.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to acknowledge our fellow authors across the ongoing projects mentioned: RyanAnderson, Nisha Charagulla, Ana Guo, Atira Nair, and Rhea Sharma. This research was fundedby the National Science Foundation (IUSE: EHR) under Grant No. 1807388.References[1] M. K. Eagan Jr, S. Hurtado, M. J. Chang, G. A. Garcia, F. A. Herrera, and J. C. Garibay, “Making a difference in science education: the impact of
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jia Lu, Valdosta State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
successful program.References[1] E. National Academies of Sciences, Building America’s Skilled Technical Workforce. 2017.Accessed: Apr. 18, 2023. [Online]. Available:[2] T. R. Craig and T. A. Wikle, “Perceptions and Practices: Employers, Educators, and Studentson GIS Internships,” Transactions in GIS, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 948–961, Apr. 2016, doi:[3] S. Ridha, E. Putri, P. A. Kamil, S. Utaya, S. Bachri, and B. Handoyo, “The importance ofdesigning GIS learning material based on spatial thinking,” IOP Conference Series: Earth andEnvironmental Science, vol. 485, no. 1, p. 012027, May 2020, doi:
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel Enrique Blair, Texas A&M University; Claire Crose; Julie Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology; Astrid Layton, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Paper ID #37422Board 398: The Effects of COVID-19 on Students’ Tool Usage in AcademicMakerspacesMr. Samuel Enrique Blair, Texas A&M University Samuel Blair is a Graduate student in Mechanical Engineering program at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX. His research interest include bio-inspired design of complex systems for human networks.Claire CroseDr. Julie Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Julie S. Linsey is a Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technological. Dr. Linsey received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University
2013 North Midwest Section Meeting
Navaratnam Leelaruban; G. Padmanabhan
unsteady flow (non-equilibrium) conditionwhich is very common in practical situation, the solution for the governing equation orapplicable differential equation for radial flow is a challenging task (Equation 1). 55 డమ௛ ଵ డ௛ ௌ డ௛ ൅ ൌ Eq.1 డ௥ మ ௥ డ௥ ் డ௧Where; h is head, r is radial distance to the observation well from the pumping well, S is thestorage coefficient, T is the transmissivity, and t is the time since beginning of pumping. 1.1 Theis equation The solution for the governing equation of unsteady flow (Equation 1) was
Conference Session
Experiences of Diverse Students
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida; Paul G. Richardson; Francesca Dupuy, University of Florida
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
currently working at a start-up andperceives the climate to be much more positive than P0’s previous employer (a largecompany). P0 attributes this difference to the fact that it is a smaller company, and thuspeople are more apt to rely on and get to know each other.The interviewees used a variety of approaches to deal with their situations. P0 “never feltconnected with the Black [company employees]” and eventually left that company for asmall start-up. P1 did not expect to feel connected when first hired. Instead, P1’s approachwas to focus on the technical aspects of the job and “when I want to see Black folks I justdrive home.” P5 has decided,that I’m not pushing the envelope, I’m just sitting there collecting my paycheck…The less I dothe more
2013 ERC
Van Stephen Blackwood
2Air Force 6.1 ≠ NSF Cyber Vision 2025 $35.75M AF Technology Horizons (Grand Challenges) $143.19M Energy Horizons $17.30M ASD (R&E) Six Disruptive Areas $67.85M 3 Basic Research StrategyGoals defined for Basic Research in AF S&T Strategic Plan : • Provide scientific leadership for the AF basic research enterprise • Attract the Nation’s/World’s best S&Es to contribute to and lead AF/DoD research • Ensure portfolio coherence and balance
2012 EDI
Michael Kassner
S Korea UK Degrees Awarded to US Citizens & Permanent Residents Current U.S. STEM degree PhD Natural Science & Engineering trends support increased Total: 12,636 NOTE: Natural sciences include physical, biological, investment in STEM to MS Natural Science & Engineering
Conference Session
College-Industry Partnerships Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raymond Edward Floyd, Northwest College
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
Paper ID #22103Industry and Academia: Together Spells SuccessDr. Raymond Edward Floyd, Northwest College c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Industry and Academia: Together Spells Success R. E. Floyd, Life Senior IEEEAbstract – Whether one looks at engineering or engineering technology curriculums, there is nooutstanding indication of the importance of the role Industry can play in the successfulcompletion of a student‟s preparation for the future. Whether looking at accredited or non-accredited programs, the importance of Industry‟s partnering with Academia cannot
2012 ERC
Kam Ng
Prototypes) 1-2 years Acquisition Enablers (FNCs, etc) ≈45% Quick Reaction & Other S&T ≈12% ≈30% ≈8% Time Frame NARROW NEAR MID LONG Dr. Kam 703.696.0812
2003 GSW
Mostafa Ghandehari; Samee Ullah Khan
L , L = {a c | c = composite} would also be a non-regular.Well how about an example of concatenation? The answer is yes, and we can proof it by usingthe Goldbach’s conjecture. But since the Goldbach’s conjecture3 has not been proven forsufficiently large numbers, we can use a related result to the Goldbach’ s conjecture by Chen4,5.The result says: Every "large" even number may be written as 2n = p + m where p is a primeand m is the product of two primes. So if we have two non-regular languages L1 and L2 such Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference The University of Texas at Arlington Copyright  2003, American Society for Engineering
Conference Session
Professional Practice and AEC Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Mwangi, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Craig Baltimore, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Brent Nuttall, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
engineering or relevant field, be California licensed structural engineer (S.E.) with at least ten years experience as a structural engineer.Currently in ARCE department, of the thirteen full time faculty members, (a) three have Ph.D.’s, (b) five have Ph.D.’s and are California licensed P.E.’s., (c) three have MS and are California licensed S.E.’s and (d) two have Ph.D.’s and are California licensed S.E.’s.This shows that, with seventy seven percent of the faculty licensed P.E.’s in California and thirtyeight percent licensed as California S.E.’s bring the environment of the consulting engineer tothe ARCE program. This human resource data is an envy of any structural engineeringconsulting company. The faculty in the
Conference Session
DEED Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Mwangi, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Craig Baltimore, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
graduation on designingthese types of projects.IntroductionMasonry construction dates back as early as man’s civilization when cut stone was used to buildpyramids. Burned clay bricks have been in use for a long time and use of grouted brick masonrydates in the U.S.A. as far back as in the 1860’s. Laws governing construction with masonry goesback to the 18th century with the Code of Hammurabi; “If a house collapses and kills the owner’sson, the son of the builder shall be put to death”. To date, design and construction requirementsfor masonry structures are specified in the International Building Code which references the Page 14.718.2MSJC.In
1996 Annual Conference
Somchai Osuwan; Raymond D. Daniels; John F. Scamehorn
the master degree level in petrochemical technology and inpolymer science. Students were admitted to the program and the first classes were offered in 1993. The firstgroup of students graduated in July 1995. The graduate programs as conceived and implemented are international in nature. Instruction is in theEnglish language and curriculum content and thesis requirements are typical of those required in engineeringgraduate programs at major U. S. universities. Course instructors for the first two years of the program havebeen faculty from the partnership U.S. universities. Eventually, a near fifly-fifly distribution of U. S. and Thaifaculty instruction is anticipated. Thesis research is conducted under U. S. and Thai faculty co-advisors
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul F. Penko P.E., Baldwin Wallace University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
kg ρ(air density) 1.2 kg/m3 Coefficient of Drag CD 0.5Mass of Propellant 0.0625 kg dm/dt 0.03676 kg/s Trust T (constant) 80.35 N 2 Agravity 9.8 m/s t(burn) 1.7 s Mass ratio 0.85 2 θ 0 Frontal area A 0.0034211 m Total Impulse 136.6 N-s Time step analysis Vi+1= Vi+[Ti-Di-Migcosθi](Δt/Mi
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacqueline F. Handley, University of Michigan; Elizabeth Birr Moje, University of Michigan; Jerome Peter Lynch, University of Michigan; Katherine A. Flanigan, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
thisprocess, students are bringing a variety of ideas of areas they are interested in studying, includingwater quality, air quality and walkability of their city. Using the refined ideas, the research teamadapts the sensors to the students’ question(s), and the student team(s) deploys the sensors. Theteams also simultaneously engage in qualitative data collection that provides more face-to-faceand in depth data about the identified community issue. Students then monitor and analyze datafrom the sensors to answer their question, and present their findings and potential solutions tocommunity members, parents and family members, other youth, and city officials. While also allowing the research team to evaluate CPS technology as a
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gordon D. Hoople, University of San Diego; Joel Alejandro Mejia, University of San Diego; Diana A. Chen, University of San Diego; Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
focuses on policy and regulatory issues related to developing efficient and low-carbon energy sources [21]–[24].Future WorkAs we move into Year 2 of the project, we plan to develop the learning objectives and coursematerials for the energy course to be offered in Spring 2020. We will explore opportunities forhands-on student engagement with data analysis techniques, innovative homework problems, andlab activities. We will conduct assessment and evaluation to determine the impact of CSPs andmake improvements for the next offering of the course in Spring 2021.References[1] G. D. Hoople, J. A. Mejia, D. A. Chen, and S. M. Lord, “Reimagining Energy: Deconstructing Traditional Engineering Silos Using Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas Lux, Montana State University; Brock J. LaMeres, Montana State University; Shannon D. Willoughby; Bryce E. Hughes, Montana State University; Barrett Frank
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
role," Psychological science, vol. 24, no. 9, p. 1831, 2013.[7] Y. Maeda, & Yoon, S. Y., "A meta-analysis on gender differences in mental rotation ability measured by the Purdue spatial visualization tests: Visualization of rotations (PSVT: R)," Educational Psychology Review, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 69-94, 2013.[8] C. L. Miller, Bertoline, G. R., "Spatial Visualization Research and Theories: Their Importance in the Development of an Engineering and Technical Design Graphics Curriculum Mode," Engineering Design Graphics Journal, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 5-14, 1991.[9] L. L. Thurstone, "Primary mental abilities," Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 108, no. 2813, p. 585, 1948.[10] E. Towle, J. Mann, B. Kinsey, E. J. O
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth M. Hill, University of Minnesota - Duluth
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Setting Student Safety Knowledge to PracticeAbstractIn a senior-year unit operations laboratory, students study the fundamental principles andpractical applications of Chemical Engineering through hands-on experiences. The injection ofsafety issues at multiple formative and summative evaluation points has been established topromote meaningful hands-on experiences with safety topics and is presented as a teachingtechnique for others to leverage. This paper describes how resources from the Chemical SafetyBoard (CSB), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE) and the University’sEH&S program are interwoven into classroom discussions at the onset of the semester
Conference Session
Project-based Learning in ET Programs
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cyril B Okhio, Kennesaw State University; Florian Misoc, Kennesaw State University; Austin B. Asgill, Southern Polytechnic College of Engr and Engr Tech
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
scientists and engineersfor the coming generations. Page 26.945.3IntroductionBentley and Kyvik, 2012 found in their studies that faculty members spend more than 50hours of their time every week on the job, out of which only 20 hours are spent doing theactual teaching. Depending on the faculty status, either Tenure-Track or Tenured, or even asa function of the nature of the institution in which one find himself/herself, research orientedor purely teaching institutions as the case may be, these hours can be much higher (Bentley,P.J., and S. Kyvik, S.).It would be needed to inculcate time-efficient teaching practices into these new courses fromhere-on in order to give the students the best and facilitate their learning in
Conference Session
Idea Generation and Creativity in Design
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keelin Siomha Leahy, University of Limerick; Seda Yilmaz, Iowa State University; Colleen M. Seifert, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanical Engineering
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia Campbell, Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc; Eann Patterson, Michigan State University; Ilene Busch-Vishniac, McMaster University; Tom Kibler, Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
AC 2008-499: INTEGRATING APPLICATIONS IN THE TEACHING OFFUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTSPatricia Campbell, Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc Patricia B. Campbell, President of Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc, has been involved in educational research and evaluation with a focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and issues of race/ethnicity, gender and disability since the mid 1970's. Dr. Campbell, formerly a professor of research, measurement and statistics at Georgia State University, has authored more than 100 publications.Eann Patterson, Michigan State University Eann Patterson taught Mechanics of Solids for twenty years at the University of Sheffield
Conference Session
CEIII Wrapup
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Austin Bates Talley, University of Texas, Austin; Richard H. Crawford, University of Texas, Austin; Christina Kay White, University of Texas, Austin
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
W AY RA RT CHA PON LAKE s Rue Esplanade s
Conference Session
ETD Poster Session
2004 Annual Conference
Chun Ling Huang; Jiecai Luo; Asad Yousuf
organized as follows: Section 2 describes the Simulink modelselection. Section 3 sets up Simulink model. Simulink results will be provided in section4. Some discussions will be given in the section 5.Simulink Model SelectionThere are many systems, which their dynamical behaviors can be describedapproximately by linear second differential equations, four typical examples are shownbelow. (a) Electrical Systems5: Consider an inductance L, a resistance R and a capacitance C serial connection circuit. If the input voltage source to the network is ei (t ) , then the output voltage across the capacitance C, eo (t ) is satisfied the equation: E (s) 1 In frequency domain: o
Conference Session
Industry Participation and Ethics in BME
2002 Annual Conference
Thomas J. Webster; Karen Haberstroh
hypoxic conditions on kidneycell functions,” (In Preparation).Elsamra S., Record R., and Badylak S., “Laminin in porcine derived extracellular matrix Page 7.11.3scaffolds induces PC-12 differentiation,” (In Preparation). “Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ã 2002, American Society for Engineering Education”Elias K. L., Price R.L., and Webster T.J., “Enhanced functions of osteoblasts on carbonnanofiber compacts,” submitted to Biomaterials (2001).Kay S., Thapa A., Haberstroh K. M., and Webster T.J., “Nanostructured polymer:nanophaseceramic
2001 Annual Conference
smallcombined linear and nonlinear loads are applied to the system. Figure 10 depicts the harmonicspectrum of the distorted ac signal at the output of the inverter. As can be seen, the total harmonicdistortion caused by the small nonlinear loads is in the range of 30%. A major problem of hybridpower generation systems is their sensitivity to nonlinear loads. Figure 11 depicts a major loadchange situation. This figure is battery voltage when a large load of 8 A is connected at 5 s and aload of 9 A is connected at 54 s. The battery takes almost 30 s to recover from the voltage sagcaused by the large load changes. Figure 12 depicts the major voltage sags at the input of theinverter during repeated switching of the 8 A load. These data vividly illustrate