efforts to create inclusive classrooms and programming.Dr. Melissa M. Bilec, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Bilec is an associate professor in the Swanson School of Engineeringˆa C™s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Bilecˆa C™s research program focuses on the built environment, life cycle assessment, sustainable healthcare, and energy im ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 A Collaborative Virtual Air Quality Learning Experience with Kakenya’s Dream (Resource Exchange, Diversity) The curriculum we developed for this collaborative project focused on introducing thestudents and instructors to the importance of air quality (AQ), its impacts on
EXCHANGE it w hDr. Rachelle Pedersen Texas A&M UniversityDr. Justin Wilkerson wilkerson@tamu.eduLESSON DESCRIPTIONThis lesson is a mix of demonstrations and inquiry experiences intended to guide students throughconcepts of energy transformations (e.g., kinetic, elastic) and engineering concepts of snap-throughtransitions in both the natural and engineered world. Students will develop foundational understandingsof energy conservation with a simple ball bouncing demonstration and build to more complex conceptsof spring/elastic energy using the classic 90’s rubber popper toys to investigate the energytransformations in the system. Depending on the age of the students, we will extend this lesson
Contact: What Can It Henry Debord: h-debord@onu.edu Do? Dr. Coffman-Wolph: CONTROL STUDENT s-coffman-wolph@onu.edu PROGRAMMED GAMES CONTROL DIGITAL TO Dr. Ammar: PHYSICAL DEVICES a-ammar@onu.edu PRACTICE SOLDERING
Paper ID #44407Lighting a Pathway to Energy Transitions: Collecting, Interpreting and SharingEngineering Designs and Research Data Across a School-based AgrivoltaicsCitizen Science Network (Pre-College Resource/Curriculum Exchange)Dr. Michelle Jordan, Arizona State University Michelle Jordan is as associate professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. She also serves as the Education Director for the QESST Engineering Research Center. Michelleˆa C™s program of research focuses on social interactMs. Katie Spreitzer, Arizona State UniversitySarah Bendok ©American Society for
Integrating Engineering Design and Microelectronics in a Range of Pre-College Courses Tamara J. Moore, S. Selcen Guzey, Greg J. Strimel, Morgan M. Hynes, Kerrie A. Douglas, Anne Leftwich, Molly Hathaway Goldstein, Aman Yadav, Imani N. Adams, Rachel E. Gehr, Emily M. Haluschak, Christine McDonnell, Azizi Penn, Breejha S. Quezada, Deana Lucas, Bruce E. Wellman, Victoria Constantine, JaKobi L. Burton, Mary K. Pilotte, Rena A. SterrettThe curriculum units can befound through
-developed by two graduate students and aprofessor/researcher in science education and in the Neag School of EducationCorsi-Rosenthal Box Learning Modules © 2023 by Aaron Richardson, Jannatul Anika, Todd Campbell is licensedunder CC BY-NC 4.0 Grade 5 Unit PlanUnit Author(s): Aaron Richardson, Jannatul Anika, Todd CampbellUnit Title: Corsi-Rosenthal Air Filtration BoxScience Area Focus: Engineering, Earth and Life Sciences STAGE 1: PLANNING FOR ENGAGEMENT WITH IMPORTANT SCIENCE IDEASPART A: Unpack the Standards. This is completed by reviewing the Framework for K-12Science Education to identify the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), DCI Progressions, andPerformance